CC MINS 19950207M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 1995 The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Mayor Lee Byrd at the Hesse Park Community Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard, and immediately recessed to a closed session per the closed session agenda checklist. The meeting was reconvened at 7:00 P.M. by the Mayor and following the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: LYON, BROOKS, McTAGGART & MAYOR BYRD ABSENT: NONE Also present were City Manager Paul Bussey, Assistant City Manager Pamela Antil, Planning & Building Director Bret Bernard, Public Works Director Trent Pulliam, Finance Director Brent Mattingly, City Clerk Jo Purcell, Senior Administrative Analyst Veronica Dolleschel and City Attorney Carol Lynch, APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilwoman Brooks moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. CITIZEN RECOGNITION AWARD: (304) Mayor Byrd presented a Certificate of Recognition to Ronald Martin, a member of the Sheriff's Department Volunteer Public Safety Program, in appreciation for his assistance to station personnel during the January 4 storm. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: Erica Stuart, 80 Narcissa Drive, representing Rancho Palos Verdes Resorts (RPVR), said that she wished to clarify her remarks of January 17: that it was not the suggestion of RPVR to close the site to the public, but rather she was referring to such an option stated in the staff report of that date. She said it was RPVR' s experience that when the gate was closed it got vandalized; it was her opinion that a City sign prohibiting access would be less likely to be vandalized. Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine spoke to several items on the consent calendar: the need for recycling containers at Sacred Cove, certain expenditures on the register of demands and the proposed traffic engineering contract with Willdan Associates. City Clerk Purcell announced that at the request of Councilwoman Lyon the minutes and Ordinance No. 307 were removed from the consent calendar to be discussed later in the meeting. Councilwoman Brooks then moved, seconded by Councilwoman Lyon to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: WAIVER OF FULL READING Adopted a motion to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all councilmembers after the reading of the title. SO. BAY CITIES JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (307 $ 1101) APPROVED MODIFICATIONS TO CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE "SOUTH BAY CITIES COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS" THEREBY RATIFYING THE CHANGES AND RE- ADOPTING THE FORMATION OF THE JPA AS AMENDED. RESOL. NO. 95 -11 - STOP SIGNS ON IRONWOOD & DIVERSEY DR. AT BIRCHFIELD AVE. (1204 X 1502) ADOPTED RESOL, NO. 95 -11 ESTABLISHING STOP REGULATIONS AT TWO INTERSECTIONS IN THE VICINITY OF SILVER SPUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT CONTRACT - BERRYMAN HENIGAR (1204 X 1404) (1) AWARDED A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT TO BERRYMAN HENIGAR & ASSOCIATES FOR PREPARATION OF THE UPDATE OF THE PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR A NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $11,080 AND AUTHORIZED STAFF TO SPEND UP TO AN ADDITIONAL $1620 FOR A TOTAL AUTHORIZATION OF $12,7004, ( 2 ) AUTHORIZED THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH BERRYMAN HENIGAR & ASSOCS. RESOL. N09 95 -12 - PARK RECYCLING CONTAINERS (1204 X 1201 x 1301) (1) AMENDED THE FY 1994 -95 ANNUAL BUDGET TO INCLUDE $15,000 FOR THE PURCHASE OF PARK RECYCLING CONTAINERS AT LOCATIONS LISTED ON EXHIBIT "A." (2) ADOPTED RESOL. NO. 95 -12 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 94 -47, THE BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994 -95, FOR A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TO THE SOLID WASTE FUND, FISCAL YEAR 1995 -96 ENGINEERS REPORT FOR CITYWIDE LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING DISTRICT (901 X 1204) (1) AWARDED A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT TO BERRYMAN & HENIGAR, INC. FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE ANNUAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR THE CITYWIDE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 FOR A NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $9,500. (2) AUTHORIZED BERRYMAN & HENIGAR TO INCORPORATE CITYWIDE STREET LIGHTING INTO THE CURRENT CITYWIDE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT FOR A FEE NOT TO EXCEED $6,600, IF COUNCIL PROCEEDS IN ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL BENEFIT ZONE TO ESTABLISH THE BENEFIT METHODOLOGY FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENTS. (3) AUTHORIZED THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH BERRYMAN & HENIGAR, INC. FOR PREPARATION OF THE ABOVE WORK. MIDDLECREST CULVERT & SEACOVE STORM DRAIN - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR SUPERIOR GUNITE (1204 X 1405) (1) ACCEPTED THE WORK AS COMPLETE. (2) AUTHORIZED THE CITY CLERK TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND, UPON THE POSTING OF ACCEPTABLE SECURITY, NOTIFY THE SURETY COMPANY TO EXONERATE THE PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BONDS 35 DAYS AFTER THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION HAD BEEN RECORDED BY THE COUNTY RECORDER. (3) AUTHORIZED THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO RELEASE THE RETENTION IF NO CLAIMS ARE FILED AGAINST THE CONTRACTOR WITHIN 35 DAYS AFTER THE NOTICE HAS BEEN RECORDED. RESOL. NO. 95 -13 - PLANNING COMMISSION - ATTENDANCE AT PLANNERS INSTITUTE (1203) ADOPTED RESOL. NO. 95 -13 AMENDING RESOL. NO. 94 -47, THE CITY BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994 -95, THEREBY APPROVING AN APPROPRIATION INCREASE OF $2,595 TO PROVIDE FOR THE ATTENDANCE OF THREE ADDITIONAL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS AT THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL PLANNERS INSTITUTE IN MONTEREY. WILLDAN ASSOCIATES - TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES (1204 X 1503) (1) AWARDED A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT CONTRACT TO WILLDAN ASSOCIATES FOR CONTRACT TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE BALANCE OF FISCAL YEAR 1994 -95, AND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1995 -96 FOR NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNTS OF $7,260 AND $14,520 RESPECTIVELY. (2) AUTHORIZED THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 71 1995 PAGE 2 WITH WILLDAN ASSOCIATES. RESOL. NO. 95 -14 - APPLICATION FOR FENA FUNDS (1204 X 401) ADOPTED RESOL. NO, 95 -14 DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED AGENTS TO EXECUTE AN APPLICATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING CERTAIN FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER P. L. 93- 288 AS AMENDED AND /OR STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE NATURAL DISASTER RELIEF ACT, RESOL. NO. 95 -15 - REGISTER OF DEMANDS (602) ADOPTED RESOL. NO, 95 -15. The motion to approve the consent calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: LYON, BROOKS, McTAGGART & MAYOR BYRD NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE U1 RECYCLE DRAWING: Because there were no winners for the month of January, two cards were drawn from the recycling drum; winners will be announced next month. Mayor Byrd then explained that free oil change recycling containers were available at the City Hall Public Works Department on a first come, first served basis, These containers could be sealed and the used oil brought to a certified recycling center for disposal. FY 1995 -96 CDBG PROJECTS (601 X 1204) Mayor Byrd opened the public hearing on the proposed CDBG projects for Fiscal Year 1995 -96 and City Clerk Purcell reported that notice had been duly published and that no written protests were received by the City. %I Senior Administrative Analyst Dolleschel presented the staff report of February 7 and the recommendation to approve the cost summary sheet identifying the proposed FY 1995 -96 projects: (1) Portuguese Bend Flexible Drainage System Replacement ($163,681), REACH Developmentally Disabled Youth Project ($52,000); and (3) administrative project providing for the general management, oversight and coordination of CDBG projects and programs ($20,000). Lois Larue spoke to a number of matters: requ,ested low /moderate income housing, referred to the dissertation she distributed at the January 17, 1995 meeting, questioned the wisdom in moving earth in the landslide area, cited what she felt was the inadequacy of the half round pipe system in that area, and suggested the need for a peer review group for decisions made affecting the landslide area. Council discussion centered on the possible reduction of unfunded mandates such as the American with Disability Act, the desirability of using this funding for the flexible drainage system, the REACH program and for such administrative programs as Juvenile Diversion. Also briefly discussed was the formation of a peer group to work with Dr. Ehlig and how the delay in distribution of the CDBG funding had stalled the engineering for the dewatering project in Portuguese Canyon which otherwise would have been completed a year ago. The importance of this project to the stability of PV Dr. South was stressed and therefore it was felt that the City should continue to use General Fund money to finish the engineering and EIR for that project. The suggestion was made that some of this CDBG funding be used for an administrative project to focus on getting other cities to also use their funds CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 7, 1995 PAGE 3 for slide stabilization since the residents of neighboring cities traverse this road. Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilwoman Brooks to approve the projects identified: (1) Portuguese Bend Flexible Drainage System Replacement ($163,681), REACH Developmentally Disabled Youth Project $52,000); and (3) administrative project. RECESS At 9:05 the Council recessed to meet as the Redevelopment Agency, The City Council meeting reconvened at 9:43 P.M. ACQUISITION OF STREET LIGHTING CITYWIDE (901 X 1204 1504) Associate Engineer Allison presented the staff report of February 7 and the following recommendations: (1) RECEIVE AND FILE THE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR THE ACQUISITION OF THE STREET LIGHTS FROM THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. (2) AUTHORIZE STAFF TO COMPLETE THE ENGINEERING PLANS FOR THE STREET LIGHTS IN THE MONTEVERDE, SEAHILL AND MIRALESTE HILLS NEIGHBORHOODS. (3) AUTHORIZE STAFF TO CONTINUE THE PROCESS OF TRANSFERRING JURISDICTION OF THE STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT FROM THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TO THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDE S SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION THAT THE TRANSFER WOULD NOT NEGATIVELY IMPACT THE CITY'S FUTURE PROPERTY TAX REVENUES. (4) AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL BENEFIT ZONE IN THE EXISTING CITYWIDE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DISTRICT TO ESTABLISH THE BENEFIT METHODOLOGY FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE STREET LIGHTING ASSESSMENTS. Additionally, he reported that staff had met with the three affected neighborhoods and that there was consensus that the residents felt comfortable with the City's standards of 17 ft. poles. Councilwoman Brooks moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to approve the staff recommendation. Motion carried. A brief discussion then focused on the City Manager's supplemental report on the current level of funding for this district and the need to verify that the City would still be getting its 6% of the 1% ad.valorem tax now collected by the County for the County Lighting District, 1994 -95 RECYCLING GRANT AWARDS (1204 x 1301) Senior Admin. Analyst Dolleschel presented the staff report of February 7 and the Subcommittee's (Brooks /Lyon) recommendations: (1) INCREASE THE FY 1994 -95 RECYCLING BEAUTIFICATION GRANT BUDGET BY $9,000 TO $34,000. (2) AWARD GRANTS TO THE 23 APPLICANTS LISTED ON EXHIBIT "A." (3) ADOPT THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1994 -95 ANNUAL BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE BUDGET ADJUSTMENT. (4) AUTHORIZE THE SUBCOMMITTEE TO RECOMMEND REVISIONS TO THE RECYCLING GRANT POLICY DOCUMENT AND RETURN IT TO COUNCIL FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION. Jack Jones, 4225 P. V. Dr. South expressed appreciation for the $1500 grant but stated his disappointment that he did not get the requested $3000 to cover the cost of re- connecting the electricity for the entrance sign lighting and irrigation system at the subdivision's entry. He said he had received a bid for $3900 for this work. Lois Larue spoke to the landscaping of the median along P. V. Dr. So. With regard to the request from the Seaview Homeowners Association, Council discussion noted the other grant already given to that association; the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 7, 1995 PAGE 4 suggestion was made that perhaps the residents should share the cost of the required work. Discussion then shifted to the establishment of criteria for these grants and especially the establishment of time limits to complete the work. Councilwoman Lyon moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to approve the subcommittee's recommendations, including adoption of RESOLUTION NO, 95 -16 AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1994 -95 ANNUAL BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TO THE RECYCLING FUND. The motion carried on the following roll call vote. AYES: LYON, McTAGGART, BROOKS & MAYOR BYRD NOES: NONE REVIEW OF CITYWIDE TRANSIT SERVICES (1204 X 1505) Public Works Director Pulliam presented the February 7 staff report and the recommendation to defer this study until completion of the Peninsula -wide transit services study by the Palos Verdes Peninsula Transit District, Palos Verdes Transit Authority Administrator John Meyer explained that because of severe budget cuts at the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) , service on Lines 225 and 226 had been discontinued after December 26, 1994; however, efforts were being made to provide an alternate service using four vehicles previously used by MAX. He supported the recommendation that the study be deferred because it would duplicate a study already authorized by PV Transit Authority, Councilwoman Brooks moved, seconded by Councilwoman Lyon to defer the study until the Peninsula -Wide Transit Services Study by the Palos Verdes Peninsula Transit District was completed. Motion carried. RECESS AND RECONVENE: At 8:30 P.M. Mayor Byrd declared a recess. The meeting reconvened at 8:40 P.M. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Responding to the Mayor's call for audience comments for items not on the agenda were the following resident: Reynaldo Garay, 2070 MacArthur, who urged support for his candidacy for the Community College board. Roy Fulwider, 28219 Hazelridge, who voiced concern about the City promoting undergrounding and the cost to the residents. Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine, spoke to the matter of holding a special election to fill the City Council vacancy. PORTUGUESE BEND LANDSLIDE PROJECTS FUNDED BY CDBG BLOCK GRANTS (601 x 1204 x 1900) Ms. Dolleschel presented the staff report of February 7 and the following recommendation: (1) AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF $55,000 IN GENERAL FUNDS DURING FISCAL YEAR 1994 -95 TO PROCEED WITH REMAINING WORK UP TO AND INCLUDING DESIGN, ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESSING AND BID SPECIFICATION PREPARATION FOR THE PORTUGUESE BEND GRADING AND DRAINAGE, EAST PORTUGUESE CANYON GRADING AND PALOS VERDES DRIVE SOUTH CDBG PROJECTS. (2) ADOPT THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS, PREPARE LOAN DOCUMENTS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT FOR APPROVAL AT NEXT COUNCIL METING. Lois Larue, spoke in opposition to the stabilization efforts recommended by City Geologist Dr. Ehlig. Because Ms. Larue had spoken for over ten minutes, Councilwoman Brooks called for a point of order and requested that the City Attorney clarify how much time Ms. Larue was allowed to speak during the course of a meeting. Ms. Lynch opined that CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 7, 1995 PAGE 5 according to the Brown Act the City Council may impose reasonable time limits or an individual's right to address the City Council on items which are listed on an agenda and items which are within the jurisdiction of the City Council but are not listed on an agenda. Discussion then returned to the matter of the CDBG block grants and focused on how this expenditure would be a loan to the RDA and would come out of the General Fund. Additional comments centered on how the delay in getting these funds had stalled landslide projects that were an important part of removing the water and stabilizing P.V. Dr, South, Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilwoman Brooks to approve the staff recommendation with the amendment that these funds be a loan to the Redevelopment Agency. Motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: LYON, McTAGGART, BROOKS & MAYOR BYRD NOES: NONE AGENDA FORMAT - AUDIENCE COMMENTS (301 X 307) City Clerk Purcell presented the staff memorandum of February 7 and the recommendation to direct staff to amend the Council Rules of Procedure to reflect a policy permitting "audience comments for items not on the agenda" to be heard at the end of the agenda. City Attorney Lynch. opined that in reviewing the Brown Act, it would be appropriate to have a definite length of time to devote to Audience Comments, Councilwoman Brooks moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to place the Audience Comments for items Not on the agenda at the end of the agenda for both the City Council and the RDA. Motion carried. MID -YEAR BUDGET REVIEW (602 x 1101) Assistant City Manager Antil presented the February 7 staff report and an overview of significant programs completed to -date, on -going programs, and those programs not anticipated to be completed by the end of the fiscal year. Of the programs listed in the staff report Council discussion focused on the Economic Development Program and the possibility of City participation in the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce study on an Economic Development Program currently under way. With regard to the Kajima Debris Basin Council inquired if the dispute with Kajima regarding their contribution for the debris basin had been resolved. City Manager Bus Bey reported on the Possibility of getting undergrounding funding under Rule 20A to help defray the cost to homeowners in the newly formed Silverspur Undergrounding District. He also reported that timelines on the public works capital improvement projects would be issued on a regular basis. Referencing the same February 7 report, Finance Director Mattingly then briefed the Council on General Fund revenues and expenditures. He reported that the revenue funds were close to what had been budgeted, that expenditures were on track and that each department was within budget considering the possible variances that would result from the programs listed in the report. A brief discussion then ensued relative to the budget cycle and if projects not completed in this budget year would be carried over or re- budgeted. It was the consensus that such projects would carried over to the next fiscal year. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 7, 1995 PAGE 6 Councilwoman Brooks moved, seconded by Mayor Byrd to adopt the staff recommendation to receive and file the mid -year financial report. Motion carried. It was the consensus of Council that staff should contact San Pedro Peninsula Chamber of Commerce regarding their Western Avenue economic study. 1995 CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR OF EVENTS (307 X 1101) Assistant City Manager Antil presented the staff report of February 7. Council chose the following dates to conduct various meetings throughout the remainder of the year: COMMUNITY LEADER BREAKFAST MEETINGS - SATURDAY, MAY 6 @ 9 :00 A.M. AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 @ 9:00 A.M.; TOWNHALL MEETINGS - THURSDAY, APRIL 20 AND THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21; NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON -SET JUNE 10 AS TENTATIVE DATE; AND COMMITTEE & STAFF APPRECIATION RECEPTION - MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, ORD. NO. 307 - VIEW RESTORATION COMMISSION (1203 X 1806) Director Bernard presented the staff report of February 7 and the recommendation to adopt the proposed ordinance. Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilwoman Lyon to INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. 307 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES EXTENDING THE AUTHORITY OF THE VIEW RESTORATION COMMISSION TO RECOMMEND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENTS RELATIVE TO FOLIAGE IMPAIRMENT OF VIEW AS AMENDED by adding a section to indicate that this ordinance furthered implementation of the View Restoration Ordinance, The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: LYON, McTAGGART, BROOKS & MAYOR BYRD NOES: NONE UPDATE OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (1204 x 602) Project Manager Cathy Rosen presented the February 7 staff report and summarized the background and analysis of the Capital Improvement Plan which had been revised to reflect modifications and additions to the project list and to include proposed projects for Fiscal Year 1999 -2000. She stated that modifications to the current FY 1994 -95 Capital Improvement Plan included the addition of Palos Verdes Drive So. from Conqueror to the San Pedro City limit, and P.V.D. East from the City Limit to Colt Road which was a continuing appropriation from FY 93 -94. A portion of the overlay project for P.V. Dr . East from Ganado to D iamonte Lane had been rescheduled from FY 94 -95 to FY 95 -960 Ms. Rosen then proceeded to summarize other modifications and the estimated expenditures to the plan as detailed in the staff report. Concluding with her report, Ms. Rosen said that the Planning Commission had considered the proposed. Capital Improvement Plan at their January meeting and recommended approval. Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine Road, questioned if the Kajima Debris Basin was correctly identified in Barkentine Canyon as described in the Capital Improvement Plan, Councilwoman Brooks Moved, seconded by Council McTaggart to approve the six year capital improvement plan for fiscal years 1994 -95 through 1999 -2000 as presented. Motion carried. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 29, & JANUARY 3 AND 17, 1995 (301) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 7, 1995 PAGE 7 Referring January 17, 1995 minutes and in particular to the discussion of the City Council, Vacancy, Councilwoman Lyon requested that the minutes reflect her question of whether a vote would be taken on the matter. Councilwoman Brooks moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to approve the minutes of November 19, November 29, 1994 and January 3 and 17, 1995, with an amendment to the minutes of January 3 to reflect Councilwoman's Lyons' comment. The motion carried with Councilwomen Lyon and Brooks abstaining on the minutes of November 19, 1994 because of their absence from that meeting. ORDINANCE N09 306 PAYROLL (602) Citing the fact that this ordinance eliminated the requirement for the payroll to appear before the City Council, Councilwoman Lyon inquired if this precluded Council from examining that information at any time. City Manager Bussey explained that an amount is set for salaries and overtime in the budget and rates of pay are established by resolution. If preparation of payroll was not started until after Council approval, it could not be issued on a regular and timely basis. Continuing, he said that this ordinance reflected the bi- weekly payroll system adopted over five years ago and if Council wished to examine payroll information, it was always available for such review. The suggestion was made, however, that the auditors could be requested to issue a statement in the annual audit that they had reviewed the payroll and whether or not it was found to be correct. Councilwoman Lyon moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 306 REGARDING THE PAYMENT OF COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES AND AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE. Motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: LYON, McTAGGART, BROOKS & MAYOR BYRD NOES: NONE CLOSED SESSION REPORT: City Attorney Lynch reported that no action had been taken by Council during the Closed Session. She then, however,proceeded to report than appeal had been filed by the plaintiff in the View Restoration case and that she would be filing a response brief within the next two weeks. She added that hopefully the appeal will be considered by the State Supreme Court within three to four months. ADJOURNMENT At 10:50 P.M. the meeting adjourned on motion of Councilman McTaggart. MAYOR CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 7, 1995 PAGE 8