MAY 149 1998
The meeting was called to order at 9:15 A.M. in the Community Room at City Hall,
30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, by Mayor Barbara Ferraro, notice having been given with
affidavit thereto on file. Roll call was answered as follows:
Present: McTaggart, Byrd, Hollingsworth, and Mayor Ferraro
Late Arrival: Lyon @ 9 :25 A.M.
Also present were Acting Director of Planning, Building & Code Enforcement Director
Joel Rojas, City Manager Paul D. Bussey, Assistant City Manager Carolyn Petru,
Administrative Services Director /City Clerk Jo Purcell, Public Works Director Les
Evans, Senior Engineer Dean Allison, Public Works Superintendent Vic Hillstead, and
Recreation & Parks Director Ron Rosenfeld.
1998 -99 Preliminary Budget
City Manager Bussey reviewed the Summary of Fund Balance Status For Fiscal Year
1998 -99 as shown on page V of the draft budget document. Mr. Bussey stated that a
slight increase in revenue is expected over the prior year, though the possible loss of
Vehicle License Fee revenue would be detrimental. Unless a constitutional
amendment guarantees the revenue to local agencies, the "backfill" would be subject to
annual state budgetary negotiations.
Mr. Bussey then presented highlights about the Fund Balance Projection For Fiscal
Year 1998 -99 on Page xxi. It is anticipated that expenditures for the Fiscal Year 1998-
99 will be less than the Fiscal Year 1997 -98.
(At 9:25 Councilwoman Lyon arrived.)
Continuing with his report, Mr. Bussey said that there was very little change in this
budget relative to the last few previous years; that the same level of service would be
continued; that the major changes were in the Capital Improvement budget; and, that
he was recommending a slight increase in the City Attorney's budget primarily because
of the significant increase in view restoration litigation.
The City Manager drew attention to the major drainage improvement program, which
will be financed from transfers from the General fund and existing reserves in the
Capital Improvement Project fund. Additionally, the General fund will need to increase
its transfers to the Portuguese Bend project area of the Redevelopment Agency. It is
anticipated that transfers to the Portuguese Bend fund will increase from $200,000 to
$400, 000 annually.
He then proceeded to review the following departmental budgets with comments and
inquiries from Council as noted:
City Manager's Salary Budget: Similar to last year.
City Council: A brief discussion ensued about whether the City Council should
be paid a salary inasmuch as it was allowed for in the Government Code. Specifically, it
was suggested that councilmembers should get $300 and the mayor $500. It was
argued, however, to leave the Council remuneration at the present level of $150; that
perhaps consideration could be given to increasing it if and when there was an
adequate revenue stream to eliminate and /or reduce the utility user tax. One point of
view was to consider this only for future councils and not for the present members who
would vote on the matter.
Community Outreach: This budget has been increased. A one -half time cable
intern was still in the budget; said intern would be charged with the task of developing
some public service announcements. Additionally, funds had been set aside for a part
time consultant for some of the outreach programs.
Salaries & Benefits: For last year, the actual amount paid for compensation
was 1 -1/2 percent over the previous year, even though a higher amount had been
COPS: It is anticipated that funding for the two Special Assignment Officers
from both the State and the Federal Government will continue through the next fiscal
Neighborhood Watch: It was the consensus that the signs for Neighborhood
Watch be paid for out of this budget.
CDBG Funding for House Repairs: It was the consensus to establish a
program for nuisance abatement and code repairs using these CDBG funds. Also, that
an article about such a program should be published in the City's Newsletter.
Planning Commission Stipend: Staff reported that both the Planning
Commission and the View Restoration Commission would be requesting that the
Council consider giving them a monthly stipend.
Recreation & Parks: The only increase in this budget is the $25,000 set aside
for the 25th Anniversary celebration. Staff noted, however, that for accounting
purposes it may be necessary to do a budget adjustment for this fiscal year.
City Council Minutes
May 14, 1998
Page 2
Public Works: With regard to the sidewalk grinding program, Public Works
Director Evans reported that residents will have the choice of replacing or grinding
displaced sidewalks. He also reported that the trails are in disrepair because of the
rains, however, repairs will be made as soon as possible. It is hoped that maintenance
expenditures for Palos Verdes Drive South will be kept at the same level as this fiscal
Landscaping & Street Lighting. (1972 Act ) Fund: The five year model
indicates that the City will have to provide some subsidy for this fund.
Source Reduction & Recycling Element (SRRE): Director Evans reported
that the City is close to achieving its 50% goal for the year 2000.
After a brief discussion of the status of the recycling program and the fact that
this is the year when the City goes out to bid on the single and multiple family refuse
collection agreement, it was the consensus that a "new resident" information packet
should be developed which explains the recycling program. This packet should also be
given to the sales offices for the new tracts being developed.
Municipal Area Express (MAXI: Anew contractor has been hired for the MAX
program and part of their program will be to increase outreach.
Capital Improvement Budget: Portuguese Bend Field: It was the
consensus to install a walking course that would be a standard fraction of a mile; that
this should be installed in the upper field away from the soccer field. Bikeways: It
was the consensus to find out what the restrictions are for cyclists and to request that
the Sheriff strictly enforce those rules. Also, it was the consensus to publish an article
on this matter in the City's Newsletter.
Measure "A" and Proposition "A:" Council requested that whenever references
are made to these funds that it be dated and it should be indicated whether it is transit
or park.
Adjournment: At 11:00 A.M. the meeting adjourned on motion of
Councilwoman Lyon.
e t:
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
May 14, 1998
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