CC RES 1989-039 RESOLUTION NO, 89-3,9
Section 1 : An application was filed by watt Palos Verdes ,
Inc . for approval of a tentative tract map to create 64 single-
family residential lots and 7 open space parcels on a 63 .85 acre
site located along the 6500 block of Palos Verdes Drive South,
which is zoned Residential Single Family (RS-1 and RS-2 ) and Open
Space Hazard ("OH" ) , and a conditional use permit and grading
permit to allow development of a Residential Planned Development
( "RPD" ) consisting of 64 detached single-family homes.
Section 2 : Public Hearings were duly held by the Planning
Commission on June 14, July 26 , August 9, August 23 , and September
27 , 1988 . On October 27 , 1988 , the Planning Commission reviewed
and considered Environmental Impact Report ("EIR" ) No . 28 prepared
in connection with the application, certified that it was adequate
and completed in compliance with the California Environmental
Quality Act ("CEQA" ) in regard to Grading Application NO. 1061 and
Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") No . 130 , recommended certification
of the EIR with regard to Tentative Tract Map No . 45667 and
adopted environmental findings , including a statement of
overriding consideration, as set forth .in Planning .Commission
Resolutions No. 88-55 and 88-56.
Section 3 ; The Planning Commission's approval of the Grading
Application No. 1061 and CUP No . 130 was appealed to the City
Council and public hearings were duly held by the City Council on
the appeal , Tentative Tract Map No . 45667 and EIR No . 28 on
November 1 , November 15 and December 15 , 1988 , and January 10 ,
January 17 , January 31 , March 7 , April 10 , and April 18 , 1989. On
May 2 , 1989 , the City Council affirmed the Planning Commission
decision that EIR No . 28 is adequate and completed in compliance
with CEQA in regard to CUP No . 130 and Grading No. 1061 and
certified that it is adequate and completed in compliance with
CEQA in regard to Tentative Tract Map No. 45667 , The City Council
reviewed and considered EIR No . 28 , prior to acting on the appeal
of CUP No . 130 and Grading Application No . 1061 and prior to
acting on the application for Tentative Tract Map No . 45667 , and
made the following environmental f indings
A. The EIR identifies as a potential significant
environmental impact the effect of grading in areas of steep
slopes . Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into , the project which avoid or lessen this impact .
The number of housing units has been reduced from 64 to 43 and the
location of the housing units and streets has been altered so that
grading will not occur on steep slopes and the final plans will be
reviewed for compliance with the conditions of approval contained
in CUP No . 130 and Grading Permit No . 1061 . It is not possible to
entirely eliminate this impact .
B. The EIR identifies as a potential significant impact the
alteration of the central drainage ravine as a result of filling
the ravine . Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into, the project which lessen or eliminate this
impact , The number of housing units has been decreased and the
location of the houses and streets has been altered so that it is
not necessary to fill the ravine .
C . The EIR identifies as a potential significant
environmental impact a conflict with the City ' s Trails Network
Plan. Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into , the project which lessen or avoid this impact .
The dedication of trails through portions of lots 48 , 49 , 51 , 52 ,
53 and 54 has been required and further engineering analysis is
required prior to construction of any trail .
D. The EIR identifies as a potential significant impact the
noise from construction activities . Changes have been required
in, or incorporated into , the project which avoid or lessen this
impact . Construction activities will be limited to the hours of
7 ,*.00 a.m. to 7 .900 p .m. on weekdays and 7 :00 a.m. to 5 :00 p.m. on
Saturdays and mufflers and noise baffles are required. It is
impossible to entirely eliminate this impact ,
Eo The EIR identifies as a potential significant
environmental impact the truck traffic required to export
excavated material during construction. Changes or alterations
have been required in, or incorporated ed into, the project which
avoid or lessen this impact . The reduction in the number of
housing units and the relocation of the housing units and streets
has reduced the amount of material to be exported from 485 ,000
cubic yards to 250 ,000 cubic yards , truck traffic exporting dirt
will be limited to the hours of 7 .-00 a.m. to 7 :00 p .m. on
weekdays and 7 :00 a.m. to 5 :00 p .m. Saturdays , and the haul route
used must be approved by the City. It is not possible to entirely
eliminate this impact ,
FO The EIR identifies as a potential significant
environmental impact the effect of construction on fossiliferous
materials . Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into , the project which lessen or avoid this impact .
A fully qualified paleontologist will monitor all rough gradinr, on
the site and recover any and all fossils produced from the site .
Resolution No. 89-39
Page 2
G. In addition to the mitigation set forth above , the
mitigation measures set forth in Exhibit A hereto have been
required in, or incorporated into the project . These measures
will further reduce those impacts identified in the EIR but not
found to be significant , Exhibit A further sets forth the
mitigation measures described above in greater detail ,
H. The City shall monitor the project for compliance with
the above mitigation measures ,
I . The social , economic and other benefits of the project
outweigh any unavoidable adverse impacts that may occur. The
project will provide needed housing in conformity with the general
plan and zoning ordinance , This Resolution implements all
feasible mitigation measures identified in the EIR and record of
the proceedings . The proejct alternatives identified in the EIR
either would not achieve the objective of the project - or would do
so only with unacceptable adverse impacts . Accordingly, and for
the reasons set forth herein, none of the alternatives are
feasible . Both the no-project and public park alternatives (Nos.
1 & 7 ) are environmentally superior but would not provide housing,
Alternatives Nos . 2 , 5 and 6 would reduce the number - of housing
units from the 64 units proposed and would therefore reduce
grading, construction impacts and the amount of dirt to be
exported, but not to the extent of the 43-unit project approved by
this Resolution. Further, Alternatives 2 and 5 would still
require some filling of the central ravine and Alternative 6 would
be an unattractive row development with steep access roads .
Alternative No . 4 would reduce the amount of common open space
provided by the project approved by this Resolution and would not
reduce the grading required. An alternative site was not
considered feasible as few vacant sites suitable for residential
uses remain in the City, and the few remaining parcels suitable
for such development are already being evaluated for alternate
developments and therefore are not available as alternate
locations for this development . Due to the overriding benefits
and considerations, the City Council affirms that any unavoidable
adverse impacts of the project are acceptable . This paragraph
constitutes a statement of overriding considerations pursuant to
the California Environmental Quality Act .
Resolution No . 89-39
Page 3
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED on May 2 , 1989 .
A'z }
City Clerk
I , 3O PURCELL, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of
Rancho Palos Verdes , hereby certify that the above Resolution
No . 89-39 was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the said
City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of
May, 1989 .
City Clerk
City/ f Rancho Palos Verdes
Resolution No. 89-3y
Page 4
1 '6 The consultants (American Geotechnical ) will review and
approve the final plans and specifications by manual
signature ,
2 * All of the recommendations of the consultants (American
Geotechnical ) , except as modified by Robert Stone and
Associates , Inc . therein, will be incorporated into the
design and construction,
3 * An as-graded soils and geologic report , complete with
geologic map , will be submitted and reviewed by the City
prior to issuance of a building permit ,
4* Foundations and flour slabs caston expansive soils will
be designed in accordance with Los Angeles County Code
Section 2907-i.
Foundations.!,will be -set back from, descending ' slopes in
accordance with the code and will extend to such a depth
as to beiunaffected by- any creep prone - surficial soil
and/or weathered bedrock. Field review by the
consultants (American Geotechnical ) is required.
69 The proposed grading will comply with the grading code
requirements relative to surface drainage control , i.e . ,
terrace drains , browditch drains, down-drains, building
and drainage , storm drains , etc . and subdrains under all
canyon fills , if constructed. Backdrains will be
provided at the rear .of all retaining walls where
7 . All cut and fill slopes will be planted, " The developer
will use fire retardant orldrought ,.resistant -type
landscaping to minimize landscape watering of the
slopes. A landscape plan will be prepared and submitted
to the City for approval by an expert in that technical
EXHIBIT "A" Resolution No. 89-39.,
Page 1
8 . All grading plans will be reviewed and approved by the
developer' s geotechnical consultant , and approved plans
will be stamped and signed with a wet signature by the
site consultants indicating the approval .
9 . All building and construction areas will be evaluated by
the site geotechnical consultant relative to expansive
soils and the potential effects and remedial design for
all structures including street improvements at the
rough grade stage and prior to issuance of building
permits .
1 . Paved drainage ditches shall be used in lieu of yard
drains whenever possible to eliminate potential clogging
and maintenance problems. open paved ditches shall be
placed in a storm drain easement and maintained by the
Project 's Homeowner 's Association,
2 . The proposed storm drain improvements shall also be
analyzed during the final engineering phase for the
adequacy of easements for access . to the storm drain
system including inlets , and for possible provisions for
potential debris production by either construction of
debris basins or other facilities to eliminate debris .
3 . Provision shall be made for debris basins and/or other
acceptable facilities for the inlets for the major
drainage areas to the tract .
4. Construct a top of slope ditch for the blended slopes
above Lots 7 through 12 ( lot 12 deleted) and above Lots
21 through 31 ; and, construct slough walls and ditches
("J" walls ) at the rear of said lots for protection from
mudf lows or small surface slope failures on the ungraded
areas as directed by the City Engineer,
5 . Redesign yard drains to paved drainage ditches for the
lower level lots as directed by the City Engineer.
b . The upstream drainage inlets will be designed to use 50
year storm intensities .
7 . Erosion control plans will be required prior to grading
and shall be provided and maintained until the
subdivision has been sufficiently completed so as to not
cause mudf low problems to the downstream roads , storm
drain systems and properties.
8 . The City will require 50 year design standards for
natural water courses or sump conditions .
EXHIBIT "A" Resolution No. 89-39
Page 2
90 The downstream drainage capacities shall be identified
by the project engineer and verified by L.A. County
Flood Control with all storm control devices designed to
LACFC standards and relinquished to same ,
lo To the extent that it is feasible during grading and
construction activities, as much of the coastal sage
scrub plant community shall be maintained as is
possible. Temporary fencing shall be erected around
scrub areas immediately adjacent to grading and
construction zones to prevent equipment and vehicles
from straying into these areas .
2 . Portions of the coastal sage scrub plant community that
are damaged temporarily during grading and construction
shall be rehabilitated. Also , after the project is
completed, portions of the project site that support
weedy vegetation shall be restored with flora of the
coastal sage scrub plant community. The final landscape
plan shall also permit revegetation of portions of the
project site with native coastal sage scrub plants .
Existing native plant materials should be used to obtain
seeds , cuttings , and pads (specifically for the cacti) ,
which will be used. to revegetate and propagate plant
material for other portions of the project site .
3 * The project shall comply with local fire regulations
that may require annual disking of certain portions of
the project site , although this activity actually
promotes the growth of the weeds and annual vegetation,
4* The final landscape plan shall use fire-retardant ,
drought tolerant , native plants in 'areas transitional
between the completed residential community and scrub
habitat zones . A combination of traditional fire breaks
along with outplantings of fire tolerant native
vegetation shall be incorporated into the development
plan, thereby minimizing the need to disk annually
extensive portions of the parcel .
1 * The proposed off-street multi-purpose trails through the
open space lots shall be designed and constructed in
conformance with the Trail Standards Study,
Two alternatives to compensate for the overly steep
Hawthorne/Vallon to Palos Verdes Drive South trail
alignment should be considered.
EXHIBIT "A" Resolution No . 89-39
Page 3
0 Construction of stairways to span the steeper
portions of the trail ; or,
0 Construction of .a longer trail to reduce its
overall grade to 5%, in conformance with the Trail
Standards Study (the trail should be increased by
2 ,925 feet to a total length of 4,800 feet ) . As an
option to the City's overall trail grade of 5%, a
trail utilizing 5% ( leisure walking grades) with
106 (climbing grades) should be investigated ,
2 * All trails shall be constructed with appropriate trail
engineering techniques to avoid soil erosion, excessive
compaction, and degradation.
3 * Final trail alignment shall be designed to avoid as much
of the prickly pear cactus (Opuntia littoralis) as
possible ,
10 The project applicant will employ the services of a
fully qualified paleontologist who will monitor all
rough grading activities on the site , and recover any
and all fossils produced from the site . The applicant
will also follow all current laws and statutes as
specified by the City of Rancho Palos Verdes for removal
and preservation of any and all said remains .
1 * Construction activities shall be limited . to the hours of
7 :00 a.m. to 7 :00 p.m. on weekdays and 7 :00 a.m. to
59.00 p .m. on Saturdays . Any stationary on-site noise
sources such as compressors , generators, or power saws
shall be equipped with hospital grade mufflers for
engine ne driven sources , or shall be surrounded by a
temporary plywood enclosure as a noise baffle .
2 * In the event that a rock crusher is required during
grading operations on the site ., a Special Use Permit
shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of
Environmental Services*
3 * Truck loads of exported fill material will be covered to
reduce spillage .
4 . Street cleanup of exported fill material spillage will
be conducted on a regular basis at the direction of the
Director of Public Works .
EXHIBIT "A" Resolution No. 89-39
Page 4
5 * All roadways and pavements used as truck routes will be
inventoried prior to and after work, to evaluate
potential damage and to take corrective action where
appropriate by the developer.
6 * All graded areas will be watered on a regular basis to
retard dust.
7 * Prior to grading a Circulation and Safety Plan and
Program will be prepared and funded by the developer
which will include .
Safety training and indoctrination
Truck inspection program
Route designation
Truck type
8 * Traffic control devices and/or flagmen will be provided
at the site for truck access and egress.
9 * All grading and construction equipment will be stored on
the project site .
10 * Grading and construction vehicles will be equipped with
noise mufflers and engines kept in proper tune *
11 * Construction activities will be temporarily halted on
high ozone days or during second stage smog alerts at
the direction of the Director of Environmental Services .
12 . The City shall monitor intersections to the east of the
project site and at the direction of the Director of
Public Works , and restrict haulage during A.M. and/or
P.M. peak hours ,
13 * During the hours of grading operations, the applicant
shall pay for the cost of a traffic car along the haul
route in Rancho Palos Verdes,
Resolution No. 89-39:
Page 5