CC RES 1992-031RESOLUTION NO. 92 -31
WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 2707, signed into law on September 29,
1989, mandates that each city prepare and submit to the County a
Household Hazardous Waste Element; and
WHEREAS, on January 7, 1992, the City Council held a duly
noticed public hearing on the Preliminary Draft Element and the
Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No.
632, at which time all interested parties were given the
opportunity to be heard and present evidence; and
WHEREAS, on February 18, 1992, the City Council held a duly
noticed public hearing on the Final Household Hazardous Waste
Element and Final Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental
Assessment No. 632; and
WHEREAS, on March 3, 1992, the City Council held a second duly
noticed public hearing on the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration
for Environmental Assessment No. 632 to address the additional 30
day review period mandated by the State Clearinghouse for projects
that may have area -wide significance and was continued; and
WHEREAS, on April 7, 1992, The City Council held the continued
public hearing to address comments received from the State
Section 1: That the General Plan Amendment to incorporate a
Household Hazardous Waste Element is necessary to comply with State
law and that the City of Rancho Palos Verdes is proposing a
Household Hazardous Waste Element (H,HWE) in accordance with the
requirements established by the enactment of Assembly Bill 2707.
Section 2: That pursuant to Section 15083 of the State
Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental
Quality Act and the CEQA guidelines adopted by the City of Rancho
Palos Verdes, the Environmental Services Department prepared an
Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration and the draft
documents were circulated to the appropriate agencies and the
public from December 3, 1991 to January 7th, 1992 and circulated to
the State Clearinghouse from January 28, 1992 to February 28, 1992
and any comments received during both circulation periods have been
incorporated into the final Mitigated Negative Declaration.
Section 3: That the City Council has reviewed and considered
the contents of the Mitigated Negative Declaration for
Environmental Assessment No. 632 and finds that there would be no
significant adverse environmental impacts resulting from the
project. Attached hereto is the Mitigated Negative Declaration
approved by the City Council, (Exhibit A) , pursuant to the
California Environmental Quality Act and which is incorporated
herein by reference.
Section 4: That the Household Hazardous Waste Element is
consistent with the other elements of the City of Rancho Palos
Verdes General Plan and Coastal Specific Plan and would therefore
be consistent with the Air Quality Management Plan adopted by the
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCQMD)*
Section 5: That the goals and policies of the Household
Hazardous Waste Element would not significantly adversely affect
the peace, health, safety or general welfare of the City, and will,
in fact, protect property values, jeopardize, endanger, or
otherwise constitute a menace to the public health, safety and
welfare of persons in the City or surrounding areas.
Section 6: A Mitigation Monitoring Program, (Exhibit B), has
been prepared for the proposed element to ensure that the
mitigation measures included in the Mitigated Negative Declaration
will be properly implemented. Attached hereto is the Mitigation
Monitoring Program approved by the City Council, pursuant to the
California Environmental Quality Act and which is incorporated
herein by reference.
Resolution 92 -31
Page 2
Section 7: For the foregoing reasons and based on the
information and findings contained in the public record including
the initial study, Mitigated Negative Declaration, mitigation
monitoring program, staff reports, minutes, records of proceedings
and evidence presented at the public hearings, the City Council of
the City of Rancho Palos Verdes hereby finds that the Mitigated
Negative Declaration for the project was completed in compliance
with CEQA and the State and local guidelines and hereby adopts a
final Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No, 632.
City Clerk
Sate Of California
County of Los Angeles ) ss
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
I, JO PURCELL, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes,
hereby certify that the above Resolution No, 92- 31 was duly and
regularly passed and adopted by said City Council at a regular
meeting hereof held on April 7, 1992.
Resolution 92 -31
Page 3
The Household Hazardous Waste Element (HHWE) proposed by the City
of Rancho Palos Verdes includes collection and transferring of
household hazardous waste throughout the entire City. Collection
efforts would be conducted with residence and local businesses
throughout the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. This program will be
conducted on a City -wide basis.
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes has a population of 41,659 and
covers an area of 13.6 square miles. The total amount of housing
for the area is 151356 units 82% of which are single family
dwellings 12% are apartments and condominiums. In a current 1991
count there were 65 licensed retail outlet and 35 service
establishments. Non hazardous household waste, lumber, and other
non -toxic waste material generated within the City is currently
deposited at the Chandler Landfill site located in the City of
Rolling Hills Estates. However, as a Class III landfill site,
Chandler's is prohibited from accepting hazardous waste.
In 1990, an estimated 335 tons of household hazardous waste (HHW)
was exported from Rancho Palos Verdes. This quantity represents
nearly one percent of the municipal solid waste generated in the
City. Typical HHW materials include paints, motor oil, batteries,
caustic or acidic household products, pesticides flammable
polishes, cleaners, and aerosols.
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes is proposing a Household Hazardous
Waste Element, (HHWE), in accordance with the requirements
established by the enactment of Assembly Bill 2707 (AB 2707). The
bill, signed into law on September 27, 1990 mandates that each
City prepare, copy, and submit to the County, a Household
Hazardous Waste Element which identifies a program for the safe
collection, recycling, treatment, and disposal of household
hazardous waste.
The HHW program for the City of Rancho Palos Verdes describes
existing conditions including implementation, identification of
responsible parties, schedule of implementation and the manner in
which the programs are to be monitored and evaluated.
RESOL. NO. 92 -31 page 1
Initial Study: Environmental Assessment No. 632
April 7, 1992
The HHWE briefly describes existing HHW programs that are
currently achieving diversion of HHW. The element indicates that
existing HHW programs are not expected to decrease in scope or be
phased out during the short -term (i.e., 1991 -1995) and medium -term
(i.e., 1996 -2000) planning periods.
Any proposed sites to be implemented in accordance with the HHWE
shall be subject to further independent review in accordance with
the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act.
The issues below have been determined to be of environmental
concern. The Environmental Services Department has prepared this
Initial Study and Negative Declaration pursuant to Section 15083
of State Guidelines for the implementation of the California
Environmental Quality Act and the CEQA guidelines adopted by the
City of Rancho Palos Verdes. The Initial Study is a written
document which briefly describes the potential adverse impacts of
a proposed project and why those impacts would not have a
significant effect on the environment. The issuance of a Negative
Declaration indicates that there are no significant adverse
impacts associated with the proposed project and therefore the
project does not require the preparation of an Environmental
Impact Report (EIR) .
It is the finding of the Environmental Services Department of the
City of Rancho Palos Verdes that this project does not have the
potential to cause significant adverse environmental impacts for
the following reasons.
Air Quality
Air quality is currently monitored by the State Air Resources
Board, the Los Angles County Air Pollution Control District, the
Federal Environmental Protection Agency and the South Coast Air
Quality Management District. Selection of specific sites within
the City of Rancho Palos Verdes for the collection of household
hazardous waste will necessitate subsequent environmental review
to determine the nature and extent of potential impacts, if any,
and mitigation measures as needed to ensure adequate environmental
Water Quality
Within the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, all surface waters
originate from precipitation falling directly on the land and
there are no major continuing stream way systems. As a result of
the Peninsula being a single hill formation, a drainage pattern
which consists of a number of small watershed systems has been
created. Excessive erosion and runoff laden with pollutants both
Page 2
Initial Study: Environmental Assessment No. 632
April 7, 1992
from agriculture and urban land use can have detrimental effects
upon intertidal and subtidal organisms: High loads of pollutant
would be particularly harmful to certain organisms as would
insecticide and fertilizer pollution. However, the City's
watersheds are ephemeral and are not major water courses,
hazardous waste resultant from agricultural and urban land use
would not be significant. Direct impact to these city resources
would not result from this adoption of this element however,
further environmental analysis would be required for the existing
program and should also be done prior to the implementation of any
proposed expansion. Appropriate mitigation measures to address
impacts related to each new component would be required as deemed
appropriate to reduce the potential for environmental impacts to
insignificant levels.
Risk of Ups t
The Household Hazardous Waste Element will introduce programs that
will vary widely in scope and intensity throughout the short and
long term planning periods within the City of Rancho Palos Verdes.
Because each proposed project will be subject to individual
environmental review and analysis and potential risk of upset will
be evaluated with each proposal, adoption of the HHWE is not
anticipated to result in any significant adverse impacts to the
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes is extremely sensitive to
aesthetic quality and enjoys a unique coastal and hillside
environment. Attention must be given to the aesthetic nature of
each proposed component of the HHWE. Further environmental
assessment shall be required prior to the implementation of each
component proposal. Appropriate mitigation measures for each
program, as introduced, would reduce potential impacts to
insignificant levels. Aesthetic analysis of any proposed site
shall occur in accordance with the City's General Plan, Coastal
Specific Plan, and Development Code and as set forth by the
California Environmental Quality Act, and shall include evaluation
of the proposed project site, relative visibility and any other
unique aesthetic attributes within the City.
RESOL. NO. 92 -31 Page 3
Initial Study: Environmental Assessment No. 632
April 7, 1992
1. Selection of specific sites within the City of Rancho Palos
Verdes for the collection and transfer of household hazardous
waste shall be done under the direction of the findings made
by the appropriate environmental assessment in terms of air
quality. The nature and extent of potential impact shall be
assessed in cooperation with and under the guidelines of the
State Air Resources Board, the Los Angeles County Air
Pollution Control District and Federal Environmental
protection agency. Mitigation of potential impacts to air
quality shall also satisfy all other State and Federal
requirements related to hazardous air pollutants.
2. Transfer sites and methods of transportation of Household
Hazardous Materials within the City of Rancho Palos Verdes
shall be done under supervision and approval by the Public
Works Department of the Los Angeles County and the City
Rancho Palos Verdes. Specific mitigation measures shall
include but are not limited to the following: Approved
drainage recovery systems for any HHW transfer station.
Vehicles used in the transfer of HHW within the City Limits
must also be approved under current State Guidelines adopted
for the transfer of toxins.
3. In order to minimize the potential for the risk of upset,
mitigation shall include adequate risk analysis for the
establishment of locations within the City of Rancho Palos
Verdes in a matrix representing a lower frequency of
occurrences or a less serious consequence or both.
4. In order to minimize impacts to aesthetics, including view
impairment, thorough analysis must be conducted to determine
appropriate measures necessary for the protection of existing
views. This would include but would not be limited to
conducting a thorough view analysis prior to the construction
of new facilities within the City's jurisdiction. Measures
shall also be taken to adequately screen new facilities after
CP: PE: pg
Page 4
The Public Works Department of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes is
proposing a Household Hazardous Element (HHWE) in accordance with
the requirements established by the adoption of Assembly Bill 2707
(AB2707). This bill mandates that each City prepare, adopt, and
submit to the County a HHWE which identifies a program for the
safe collection, recycling, treatment and disposal of household
hazardous wastes. These programs are being implemented throughout
the State of California in order to reduce the amount of hazardous
waste entering landfills and transformation facilities.
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes' Household Hazardous Waste Element
is a comprehensive document which characterizes the existing
conditions, program funding, implementation, cost, program
monitoring, and evaluation. The HHWE briefly describes existing
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) programs that are achieving
diversion of HHW. The element indicates that existing HHW
programs are not expected to decrease in scope or be phased out
during the short term (i.e., 1991 -1995) and medium -term (i.e.,
1996 -2000) planning period.
Objectives for implementation in the short -term and in the medium -
term planning periods have been identified. Alternative HHW
programs evaluated in the Element, include: Programs for periodic
collection from permanent and mobile facilities, monitoring
programs, recycling programs, public information programs, and
incorporation of existing programs implemented by the Los. Angeles
County Department of Public Works.
Pursuant to the authority and criteria contained in the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines of the
City of Rancho Palos Verdes, the Lead Agency has analyzed the
project and determined that the project will not have a
significant impact on the environment. Based on this finding, the
The Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated for 30
days for public review and comment from December 3, 1991 to
January 7, 1992 and was circulated for a second 30 day review
period to the State Clearinghouse from January 29, 1992 to
February 27, 1992 to enable the public and responsible agencies to
review the project specifications and the Initial Study prior to
RESOL. NO. 92 -31 -1-
the final adoption of the MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION by the
City of Rancho Palos Verdes (Lead Agency). A copy of the Initial
Study, documenting reasons to support the finding, and the
Mitigation Monitoring Program, is attached.
Copies of the Household Hazardous Waste Element, Initial Study,
Mitigation Monitoring Program and background information are on
file in the Offices of the Department of Environmental Services,
City of Rancho Palos Verdes, 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, Rancho
Palos Verdes, California 90274
Date: April 2, 1992 By:
Caro ynn PM
tru, Acting Director
of Environmental Services
RESOL, N0. 92 -31 -2-
Mitigation Monitoring Plan For the
Household Hazardous Waste Element
Environmental Assessment No. 632
Air Quality
As proposed, the Household Hazardous Waste Element may
involve projects that have a substantial impact on the air
quality of the area from the release of airborne compounds
during the pickup and transfer of household hazardous
Selection of specific sites within the City of Rancho Palos
Verdes for the collection of Household Hazardous Waste will
necessitate subsequent environmental review to determine the
nature and extent of potential impacts (if any), to air
quality and appropriate mitigation measures shall be
Monitoring Action
All environmental documents shall be reviewed by the State
Air Resources Board, The Los Angeles County Air Pollution
Control District and the South Coast Air Quality Management
District prior to the selection of specific sites for the
collection and transfer of Household Hazardous Waste.
Party Responsible for Implementation
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Enforcement and Monitoring Agencies
The State of California Air Resources Board
The Los Angeles County Air Pollution Control District
The South Coast Air Quality Management District
RESOL, NO. 92 -31 -1-
HHWE Mitigation Monitering Plan: Environmental Assessment No.632
April 7, 1992
Water Quality
As proposed the implementation of the Household Hazardous
Waste Element may have an impact on intertidal and subtidal
organisms from excessive erosion and runoff laden with
pollutants from agricultural and urban land uses. High loads
of pollutants would be particularly harmful to certain
organisms as would insecticides and fertilizer based
Selection of specific sites within the City for the
collection and transfer of household hazardous waste shall
based on findings made by the appropriate environmental
assessment. Site location shall be selected to minimize
environmental damage to these resources.
Monitoring Action
All appropriate environmental review documents shall include
several ideal site locations within the City that would
minimize impact to these resources. All applicable
Environmental Review as required by the California
Environmental Quality Act Shall be reviewed by the following
The Public Works Department of the County of Los Angeles
The Public Works Department of the City of Rancho Palos
The California Coastal Commission (if proposed locations are
in the Coastal Zone and within the City of Rancho Palos
The California Integrated Waste Management Board
Governor's Office of Planning and Research
California Department of Fish and Game
Party Responsible for Implementation Mitigation
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Enforcement and Monitoring Agencies
Department of Public Works, City of Los Angeles
Department of Public Works, City of Rancho Palos Verdes
California Department of Fish and Game
Coastal Commission (if in Coastal Zone)
Governor's Office of Planning and Research
California Integrated Waste Management Board
Monitoring Phase
During the preliminary phase of the Environmental Assessment.
Page 2
HHWE Mitigation Monitering Plan: Environmental Assessment No.632
April 7, 1992
Risk of Upset
The Household Hazardous Waste Element will introduce programs
that will vary widely in scope and intensity throughout the
City of Rancho Palos Verdes during the short and long term
planning periods and risk of upset may increase as additional
hazardous waste programs are implemented.
Mitigation Measures
In order to minimize potential for risk of upset mitigation
shall include adequate risk analysis for establishing
location in a matrix representing a lower frequency of
occurrences of a less serious consequence (or both).
Monitoring Action
Risk analysis should be performed by the Public Works
Department of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes prior to
the implementation of each new physical project within the
City of Rancho Palos Verdes. Each new project shall be
evaluated and documented in report format for review with the
appropriate agencies and are listed as follows.
The California Integrated Waste Management Board
The Governor's Office of Planning and Research
The Coastal Commission
The State Department of Fish and Game
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes Department of Public Works
Parties Responsible for Implementing Mitigation
The City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Enforcement and Monitoring Agencies
Department of Public Works, County of Los Angeles
Department of Public Works, City of Rancho Palos Verdes
California Department of Fish and Game
Coastal Commission (if in Coastal Zone)
Governor's office of Planning and Research
California Integrated Waste Management Board
Monitoring Phase
During the preliminary phases of environmental assessment.
RESOL. NO. 92 -31 Page 3
HHWE Mitigation Monitering Plan: Environmental Assessment No.632
April 7, 1992
As proposed the individual programs for pick up and transfer
of hazardous materials in terms of the construction of the
physical site. These individual sites may have an impact on
the visual character and views from the areas within the City
of Rancho Palos Verdes.
Mitigation Measures
Thorough environmental analysis to address methods of
minimizing impacts to the visual character of the site and
views to the surrounding area must be done to determine
appropriate measures necessary to protect views. This would
include but would not be limited to conducting a thorough
view analysis during site selection and construction of new
facilities. Measures shall also be taken to screen new
facilities after construction.
Monitoring Action
Residents within a 500 foot radius would be notified prior
to the construction of all facilities exceeding 16 feet in
Party Responsible for Mitigation
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Enforcement and Monitoring Agency
City of Rancho Palos Verdes Department of Environmental
Page 4