CC AGD 20050416 ADJ COMMUNITY LEADERS’ BREAKFAST ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2005 @ 9:00 A.M. FRED HESSE COMMUNITY PARK, 29301 HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: FLAG SALUTE: MAYOR’S WELCOME: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Repair of the Tarapaca Storm Drain (Dragoo) Recommendation: Review and reconfirm by a four/fifths (4/5) vote, the Council’s previous action on December 21, 2004 to authorize staff to conduct an informal bid process to repair the Tarapaca Storm Drain. REGULAR BUSINESS: 2. Presentation on the Proposed Water Quality and Flood Protection Program (Evans/McLean/Allison) Recommendation: Receive and file. PUBLIC COMMENTS: (This section of the agenda is for audience comments for items NOT on the agenda.) ADJOURNMENT: Adjourn to a time and place certain only if you wish to meet prior to the next regular meeting. 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard/Rancho Palos Verdes www.palosverdes.com/rpv