RDA AGD 20081007 ADD RPV ANCHOALOS ERDES ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA RANCHO PALOS VERDES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OCTOBER 7, 2008 FRED HESSE COMMUNITY PARK, 29301 HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD Add the following item to the Redevelopment Agency Agenda: 6:00 P.M. JOINT CLOSED SESSION WITH THE CITY COUNCIL: SEE ATTACHED BROWN ACT CHECK LIST FOR DETAILS. CLOSED SESSION AGENDA CHECKLIST Based on Government Code Section 54954.5 (All Statutory References are to California Government Code Sections) Conference with Legal Counsel The City Council/Agency finds, based on advice from legal counsel, that discussion in open session will prejudice the position of the local agency in the litigation: Potential Litigation: G.C. 54956.9(b) A point has been reached where, in the opinion of the City Council/Agency on the advice of its legal counsel, based on the below-described facts and circumstances, there is a significant exposure to litigation against the City/Agency: Based on a threat of litigation received from Andrea Joannou on January 9, 2008 regarding 40 Cherry Hill in a meeting with City Manager Lehr, City Attorney Lynch and Director of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement Rojas. A copy of the memorandum from the City Attorney documenting the threat of litigation that was made is on file in the City Clerk’s Office. (Number of Potential Cases – 1) W:\2008 RDA AGENDAS\20081007 RDA AGENDA ADDENDUM.doc 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard / Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275-5391 / (310) 544-5217 / Fax (310) 544-5291 www.palosverdes.com/rpv