APRIL 7, 1998
The meeting was called to order at 8:42 PM by Acting Chair Tom Hollingsworth at the
Fred Hesse Community Park, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard.
PRESENT: Lyon, Byrd, McTaggart, Hollingsworth
ABSENT: Chair Ferraro
Also present were Executive Director Paul Bussey; Agency Attorney Carol Lynch;
Assistant Director Carolynn Petru, Acting Planning, Building & Code Enforcement
Director Joel Rojas; Director of Public Works Les Evans, Director of Finance Dennis
McLean, and Director of Administrative Services /Agency Secretary Jo Purcell.
Member Byrd moved, Member McTaggart seconded, to approve the Agenda. The
motion carried.
Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine Road, spoke against the use of pesticides and the
expense of three councilmembers attending a CMANC meeting in Washington, D.C.
Member Byrd moved, seconded by Member McTaggart to approve the Consent
Calendar as follows:
Minutes (301x1900)
Approved the minutes of March 3, 1998
Resol. No, RDA 98 -04 - Register of Demands (602x1900)
The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote:
AYES: Hollingsworth, Byrd, Lyon, and McTaggart
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chair Ferraro
Abalone Cove Sewer Project - Investigation into a combined sewer system
Director Evans introduced the item, indicating that on February 17, the Agency had
directed staff to revisit the possibility of a combined gravity and low pressure system
and to perform research on the cost, maintenance, and reliability of the grinder pump
Senior Engineer Dean Allison presented a report reflecting the results of the research,
reporting that the community was in favor of a combination sewer system, maximizing
gravity connections. He indicated, on a color coded posted map, 106 out of 179 homes
which would be good candidates for a gravity connection, pointing out the homes which
would not be as likely to take advantage of the gravity connections because they were
in the 1978 landslide area, thereby requiring an overground sewer system. He then
pointed out the residences which would need easements over a neighbor's property to
take advantage of a gravity connection. He then described the system of pumps
needed to make the connection from low lying areas to flow into a gravity connection.
In response to the Board's inquiry, staff clarified that the location of the pumps and
easements would be carefully analyzed to make sure the gravity system was efficient.
Mr. Allison described the procedure he had observed in another community whereby
the city representative and the engineer acquired access to the property over which
easements might be needed and visited the property owners in these locations to
discuss the exact location of the easement. The engineer could provide feasibility of a
change of location if a property owner preferred a slightly different location.
The Board questioned the adequacy of the funding and asked if it included engineering
costs. Staff indicated that it was believed that the estimate of approximately $200,000
was adequate.
Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine Road, did not believe the 1978 landslide area was
correctly indicated on the posted map.
Robert Halderman, 88 Narcissa Drive, remarked that he had been opposed to
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April 7, 1998
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installation of a sewer system in the past but was in favor of it at this time because he
believed the current systems in place were aging and become inadequate. He asked
about maintenance costs and was informed that City funds would be available.
Jack Downhill, 20 Vanderlip, commented on the constructive meetings with Director
Evans and the other neighbors and was optimistic about the project.
Sharon Nolan, 6 Clovetree, thanked Senior Engineer Allison for his research, as well
as Director Evans. She agreed that the septic systems were no longer adequate and
that she was eager for the process to come to fruition.
Bill Griffin, 5 Gingerroot, asked why sewers always seemed to be the top priority and
questioned the City's lack of interest in obtaining grants to ease the financial burden.
He also was curious about the initial cost of the sewer system and the cost for
Chris Haber, stated that he was a Portuguese Bend proper owner and that he
appreciated the effort by Staff and Board to improve the sewer situation in the area,
especially in light of the heavy rainfall which put a strain on the current arrangement.
Jack Monks, stated that he lived in the Ridgecrest area of the city but owned property
in the Abalone Cove area and was in favor of proceeding with the combination sewer
system. He added that he was pleased that the community seemed to be coming
together and he hoped that the project would move along quickly and indicated that a
tentative schedule would be helpful.
Chris Smith, a property owner on Narcissa said that he was happy with the progress
and appreciated the effort. He was pleased with the combined system and hope that it
would be implemented before the next rainy season because the dewatering wells were
being overburdened.
Comments from the Board included making sure the project moved along as quickly as
possible and that the maintenance arrangement was efficient and cost effective.
Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Member Lyon, to accept all four staff
Additional Board discussion ensued regarding the fact that a homeowner whose
residence could be served by a gravity connection would be allowed a grinder pump
as well and the possibility of combining other projects for efficiency and a minimum of
disruption to the residents. It was felt that residents should ' be allowed a choice or
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April 7, 1998
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combination of the two systems and that the delay of this project to combine with other
similar sewer /drainage concerns in the City was not practical.
The motion carried on the following roll call vote:
AYES: Hollingsworth, Byrd, Lyon, and McTaggart
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chair Ferraro
Agreement to Loan Funds to the Portuguese Bend Club Homeowners
Association to Assist in the Construction of a Sewer System (1101 x 19 0 0 )
Executive Director Bussey presented the staff report and discussed funding, noting that
there were monies available from the 1987 landslide settlement agreement and that the
bond was being paid by tax increment. He mentioned the fact that residents in other
areas of the City did not want sewers even if part of the cost was borne by the
Redevelopment Agency but that in the Portuguese Bend Club, the property owners
were willing to pay the entire cost but needed a loan. He explained that the loan, not to
exceed $500,000, would be interest free unless payment was not timely.
Timmi Hallum, attorney for the Portuguese Bend Club, 355 Grand Avenue, Los Angeles
announced that she was present to answer questions.
Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine Road, expressed her opposition to the City furnishing a
loan without interest to the Portuguese Bend Club and noted that the interest lost would
be approximately $30,000.
Board discussion included the fact that for years the Portuguese Bend Club had paid
sewer fees on their property tax bills when they had no sewers so that in a way they
had already provided some of the funding.
Director Bussey estimated that the Portuguese Bend Club had contributed about one -
third of the tax increment and, in response to the Board's inquiry, indicated that this
was considerably more than the $30,000 which might be considered lost interest.
The Board consensus was that the Portuguese Bend Club property owners were
taking responsibility to improve their property as well as contributing to public safety
and continued tax revenue to the City.
Staff reported that the funds would not be advanced in a lump sum but provided as
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April 7, 1998
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Member Byrd moved, seconded by Member McTaggart, to approve the staff
recommendation. The motion carried on the following roll call vote:
The motion carried on the following roll call vote:
AYES: Hollingsworth, Byrd, Lyon, and McTaggart
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chair Ferraro
AUDIENCE COMMENT: Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine Road, commented that she
believed that the South Shore landslide was actually the top of the Portuguese Bend
Landslide and could not be stopped and that the City should stop wasting money to try
to stop it.
Bill Griffin, 5 Gingeroot, asked the Board if there was truth to the rumor he had heard
that the City and the Redevelopment Agency had a shortfall which would become
apparent with the budget for fiscal year 1998 -99.
The Board stated that this was untrue.
ADJOURNMENT: At 9:40 P.M., the meeting was adjourned on motion of Acting Chair
s -
Agency Secretary
RDA Agenda
April 7, 1998
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