CC MINS 20081202 MINUTES RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 2, 2008 The meeting was called to order at 7:08 P.M. by Mayor Stern at Fred Hesse Community Park, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. City Council roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Clark, Long, Wolowicz, and Mayor Stern ABSENT: Gardiner (excused) Also present were Carolyn Lehr, City Manager; Carol Lynch, City Attorney; Carolynn Petru, Deputy City Manager; Dennis McLean, Director of Finance and Information Technology; Joel Rojas, Director of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement; Jim Bell, Director of Public Works; Greg Pfost, Deputy Planning Director; Kit Fox, Associate Planner; Sara Singer, Senior Administrative Analyst; Lauren Ramezani, Senior Administrative Analyst; and, Carla Morreale, City Clerk. FLAG SALUTE: The Flag Salute was led by Mayor Stern. MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Stern announced that "Skip the Bag Day" would be on December 18, 2008. RECYCLE DRAWING: Mayor Stern announced Recyclers of the Month from the November 18, 2008 City Council meeting: Daniel J. Finnegan and Don Tambini. He indicated that all winners receive a check for$250 representing a year of free refuse service and urged everyone to participate in the City's recycling program. COUNCIL REORGANIZATION: Selection of Mayor: City Clerk Morreale declared the floor open for nominations for Mayor. Councilman Wolowicz nominated Mayor Pro Tem Clark to serve as Mayor. Councilman Long seconded the motion. Mayor Stern presented a slide show highlighting Mayor Pro Tem Clark's accomplishments during his previous tenure as Mayor. City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 1 of 14 The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Clark, Long, Wolowicz, and Mayor Stern NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner Selection of Mayor Pro Tern: Mayor Clark nominated Councilman Wolowicz to serve as Mayor Pro Tem. Councilniian Stern seconded the motion. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner Mayor Clark commented on the challenges that faced Councilman Stern when he served as Mayor and thanked him for his service over the year. Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz extended his thanks to Councilman Stern for his leadership as Mayor in 2008. Mayor Clark presented Councilman Stern, as outgoing Mayor, with a card and a framed City of Rancho Palos Verdes 35th Anniversary poster. Bill Orton, Deputy to State Senator Roderick Wright, 25th District, p resented certificates of recognition to both the ingoing and outgoing Mayors, acknowledging their service. CEREMONIAL: Recognition of Assemblymember Betty Karnette Mayor Clark recognized Assemblymember Betty Karnette for her many accomplishments during her 14 years of service as a State Senator and Assemblymember. He thanked her for her support of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes and the Peninsula region and presented her with a City of Rancho Palos Verdes 35th g p Y Anniversary poster as a gift of thanks. Assemblymember Karnette thanked Mayor Clark and the City Council Members for their support over the years. RECEPTION: Mayor Clark called a brief recess from 7:34 P.M. to 7:53 P.M. City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 2 of 14 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Stern moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz, to approve the Agenda. Without objection, Mayor Clark so ordered. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. CITY MANAGER REPORT: City Manager Lehr congratulated the outgoing and incoming Mayor on behalf of the entire staff. NEW BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: City Clerk Morreale reported that late correspondence was distributed prior to the meeting on Item Nos. 4 and 10. Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz moved, seconded by Councilman Stern, to approve the Consent Calendar with Item 9 (Increase Contract Amount with CBM Consulting, Inc. for Temporary Staffing Services) removed for separate discussion. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner A. EMERGENCY STORM DRAIN PROJECT Palos Verdes Drive South (PVDS) Storm Drain Rehabilitation (604 x 602) Reviewed and reconfirmed by a four/fifths (4/5) vote, the Council's previous action on November 18, 2008, authorizing staff to proceed with emergency repairs to the PVDS storm drain. B. OTHER CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS Motion to Waive Full Reading City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 V Page 3 of 14 Adopted a motion to waive reading in full of all ordinances presented at this meeting g p g with consent of the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all Council Members after the reading of the title. Approval of the Minutes (301) Approved the Minutes of the July 15, 2008 Regular Meeting. Border Issues Status Report (310) Received and filed the current report on the status of border issues. Purchase of Tax Defaulted Pr operty (950) 1) Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an Agreement to Purchase Tax- Defaulted Property for a vacant lot at 43 Cherry Hill Lane (APN 7572-004-022); and, 2) Authorized the City Manager to sign a Non-Objection Letter of Request to purchase a remainder parcel on Hawthorne Boulevard adjacent to the Civic Center/Upper Point Vicente Park property (APN 7573-002-011). Support for City Participation in the South Bay Cities Council of Governments Energy Partnership (306) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 2008-113, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, DECLARING THE CITY'S SUPPOR FOR AN ENERGY PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE SOUTH BAY CITIES COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON. Proposition 1B Local Street Funds (1404) 1) Adopted the attached list of projects for potential funding with Proposition 1B bond proceeds; 2)Authorized staff to apply to the State Department of Finance (DOF) for release of Proposition 1B bond funds for these projects; 3) Increased Appropriations in the Street Improvement Fund of the Department of Public Works and amended the approved FY 08-09 Adopted Capital Improvement Program to reflect the addition of $640,620.41 in Proposition 1B funds into the Citywide Arterial Streets Improvement Program; and, 4) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 2008-114, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, AMENDING RESOLUTION 2008-47, THE BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR FY08-09, TO ADJUST THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND BUDGET. September 2008 Monthly Report of Cash Balances (602) Received and filed the September 2008 Monthly Report of Cash Balances for the Cit/ of Rancho Palos Verdes. City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 4 of 14 Increase Contract Amount with CBM Consulting, Inc. for Temporary Staffing Services (1204) This item was removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration. Register of Demands ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 2008-115, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. # # # # # # PUBLIC HEARINGS: Resolution Requesting that the Local Agency Formation Commission Initiate Proceedings for the Reorganization of Territory Related to the Highridge Condominiums Project, Located at 28220 Highridge Road (1411 x 701) Mayor Clark declared the public hearing open. Associate Planner Fox provided a summary staff report. In response to Councilman Long's questions, staff acknowledged that the annexation was discretionary on the part of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, and without the annexation the project would require modifications, but that the project's density would not be affected either way. There were no requests to speak. Mayor Clark declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Stern moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz, to ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2008-116, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, THEREBY REQUESTING THAT THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION INITIATE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE REORGANIZATION OF TERRITORY RELATED TO THE HIGHRIDGE CONDOMINIUMS PROJECT. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 5 of 14 Councilman Long indicated that while he voted yes, he remained opposed to the project in general, but believed that the annexation was the logical way to proceed. Proposed 2009-2010 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program (601) City Clerk Morreale reported that notice of the public hearing was duly published, no written protests received, and there were no requests to speak regarding the item. Mayor Clark declared the public hearing open. Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz moved, seconded by Councilman Stern, to waive the staff report. Without objection, Mayor Clark so ordered. Mayor Clark suggested establishing a broader candidate list of projects from which t select versus a simple recommendation for projects as in the staff report. Public Works Director Bell explained that due to the lack of income qualified neighborhoods in the City, the focus was on home improvement programs. He addeFl that limitations have increased significantly as the requirements for the CDBG program has changed, making many projects infeasible without a significant infusion of City funds, which requires the City to meet all of the criteria of Federal funding. There were no requests to speak from the public. Mayor Clark declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Stern moved, seconded by Mayor Clark, to 1) Approve the proposed CDBG projects and budget; 2)Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute agreements for CDBG projects with the Los Angeles County Community Development Commission; and, 3) Authorize the Director of Public Works to adjust the program budget as necessary to take into account the final CDBG allocation and any amounts unexpenOed at the close of the fiscal year. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner Mayor Clark reported that since the inception of the program approximately 80 projects had been completed through the award of$800,000 of grants or loans to low or moderate income families in the City. PAUSE TO CONSIDER THE REMAINDER OF THE AGENDA: City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 6 of 14 REGULAR NEW BUSINESS: Decisions on Key Solid Waste Procurement Issues (1301) City Clerk Morreale reported that late correspondence was distributed prior to the meeting on this item. Senior Administrative Analyst Ramezani provided a summary staff report. Laith Ezzet, Consultant and Senior Vice President, HF&H Consulting, requested direction from the Council on the following issues: 1) collection frequency; 2) collection method (automated vs. manual); 3) monthly rate structure; 4) contracting method; 4) consideration of whether to combine the services of Universal Waste Systems with Waste Management to unify the City's service arrangements; and, 5) consideration of whether to combine the commercial services into the contracting process. He noted that the goal was to have a new service contract in place by July 1, 2010. Councilman Stern suggested accelerating the process by submitting the item to the Council no later than November 2009 as a new Council will be in place by December 2009 and Mr. Ezzet agreed to adjust the schedule accordingly. Councilman Stern presented the pilot trash program survey which illustrated an overwhelming success with the automated trash collection program. Councilman Long, who lives in the pilot area, observed that the program's flexibility made it overwhelmingly successful. He stated that homes with limited side yards need several smaller size carts and inquired if food waste recycling was being offered as he opined that would be important to his decision of supporting once per week or twice per week. Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz clarified that a decision regarding one area of the City did not eliminate or influence the decision making in other areas and received acknowledgment from staff that the items are not interdependent. Discussion between Council, staff, and the consultant included the following topics: twice a week trash collection vs. once a week pick-up; inclusion of food scrap recycling in once a week trash collection; a 25% reduction of trash collection vehicle traffic by introducing once a week pick-up; a rate change for consumers; environmental impacts and benefit of modernized trash collection trucks; the aesthetic benefit of not having trash cans on the street twice a week; benefits of automated pick-up and trash cans with lids attached; coordination of the expiration of the City contract with the trash collection contract of Rolling Hills Estates to allow regional negotiation next time; bulky item pick-up, which is available if a resident calls for collection; and, an unlimited number of bundled green waste pick-up upon calling collection. City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 7 of 14 Mayor Pro Tern Wolowicz moved, seconded by Councilman Stern, to approve the Trl sh Y Y �p Subcommittee's recommendations regarding the following issue for inclusion in the next solid waste procurement process regarding Issue 1 —To collect single family trash, recyclables and green waste once a week. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner Mayor Clark presented the staff recommendation for Issue 2 - Collection method (automated vs. manual). Councilman Long moved, seconded by Councilman Stern, to approve the Trash g Y pp Subcommittee's recommendation for inclusion in the next solid waste procurement process regarding Issue 2,—To utilize automated trucks and automated carts. Discussion between the Council and consultant included the following issues: the availability of additional green waste and bulky item pick-up on request; items that dO not fit into the containers; and charges for special pick-ups after a certain number of calls. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner Mayor Clark presented the staff recommendation for Issue 3 — Rate structure. Discussion between the Council, staff, and the consultant included the following issus: s g a flat rate structure vs. a variable rate; concern with the size of trash cans; concern viith decreased brush clearance; the amount of recycling vs. the amount of trash; providing an unlimited number of containers vs. charging for additional containers; creating an economical incentive to encourage residents to consider disposal versus recycling of, trash; one large trash cart per household or the equivalent capacity in smaller carts if people do not have room for a large cart; concern with the uncertainty regarding the number of containers as being a deterrent for potential bidders of the RFP; and, concern with subsidizing certain customers. Councilman Stern moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Wolowicz, to approve the Trash Subcommittee's recommendation for inclusion in the next solid waste procurement process regarding Issue 3 - Directing staff and the consultant to create a simplified variable monthly rate structure to include the following components: one trash cart (ahy City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 8 of 14 size); one recycle cart (any size); one or two green carts (any size); and, provisions to deal with brush clearance issues. Councilman Long proposed an amendment that the fee allowance would be for the largest container in each category, or the number of smaller containers that is equivalent in capacity to the largest container. The motion died for a lack of a second. Councilman Stern amended his motion to investigate a base rate for a base level of service with additional charges for additional services. Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz, as seconder of the motion, accepted the amendment. The amended motion passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: Long ABSENT: Gardiner Councilman Stern suggested the consultant confer with the City of Rolling Hills Estates regarding their variable rate schedule. Mayor Clark presented the staff recommendation on Issue 4 — Contracting Method. Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz moved, seconded by Mayor Clark, to approve the Trash Subcommittee's recommendation for inclusion in the next solid waste procurement process regarding Issue 4 - Directing staff to proceed directly to issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the service area currently served by Waste Management. Discussion between the Council, staff, and the consultant included the following topics: obligation as a public entity to provide opportunity for any interested waste hauling business to compete for the contract; complexity of the previous RFP; dissatisfaction with the unilateral option in the existing contract to extend with the same terms, conditions, and rate structure, for an additional three years causing only one bidder to respond; and, an expression of satisfaction with the current provider. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner Mayor Clark presented the staff recommendation on Issue 5— Universal Waste Systems service area. Discussion between the Council and the consultant included the following issues: the cost of having a separate RFP process for the Universal Waste Systems service area; City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 9 of 14 and, the need for the negotiation and extension to be completed before the RFP process preparation. Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz moved, seconded by Councilman Stern, to approve the Trash Subcommittee's recommendation for inclusion in the next solid waste procurement process regarding Issue 5 —To negotiate an extension with Universal Waste Systems, Inc. for their service area, and if an extension cannot be successfully negotiated, to include the area serviced by UWS into the RFP process. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Lon g, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner Mayor Clark presented the staff recommendation on Issue 6 — Commercial service. Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz moved, seconded by Councilman Stern, to approve the Trash Subcommittee's recommendation regarding Issue 6 - Exclude commercial (roll-off and bin) services from the procurement process. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner Additional discussion between the Council and staff included the following issues: a question of if City staff had the expertise to perform the services as provider b y the professional consultant; the unique qualifications and experience of the professional consultant; cost of the consultant; acknowledgement that the consultant fee was worIh the overall outcome of the RFP process; the targeted timeline schedules; and, the next steps in the process. RECESS AND RECONVENE: Mayor Clark called a brief recess from 9:40 P.M. to 9:53 P.M. Proposed City Council.Policy No. 41 - Reserve Policies (307) City Clerk Morreale reported that late correspondence was distributed prior to the meeting regarding this item. Senior Administrator Analyst Singer provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding the City's Reserve Policies. City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 10 of 14 Council and staff discussion included the following topics: the rationale behind the Finance Advisory Committee's (FAC) opinion that the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) be limited to 50% of the annual CIP expenditures, not to exceed $3 million, because they desired to mirror the General Fund Reserve Policy; staff's concern that it could artificially force the reserves down in lean budget years; establishment of a $3 million reserve which could be reviewed every year; clarification that the $3 million under discussion with staff's recommendation was a "rainy day" fund, not the actual CIP; the process of establishing staff's recommendation for the CIP Reserve; awareness of inadequate capital spending on infrastructure, including storm drains, arterial streets, and the Civic Center; the need for criteria to be established to spend the CIP Reserves when necessary; staff's willingness to change the expenditure plan and accelerate projects; and, staffs submission to the League of California Cities regarding a series of projects the City could accelerate. Responding to Mayor Clark, Senior Administrative Analyst Singer reported that approximately 6 of the 14 cities reviewed had a CIP Reserve Fund, and different cities had different variations of this type of fund as well as different terms for it. Additional Council and staff discussion included the following topics: the Reserve threshold to be viewed as the agency's ability to manage risk and a form of risk management; carefully budgeting to the low end predictions of sales tax revenues; variations in sales taxes and the effect of that on cities; the Equipment Replacement Fund and the reassessment of that fund during the Two Year Budget or Five Year Modeling to protect the General Fund from unexpected expenses; the Building Replacement Fund; and improvements that are needed at City Hall and the prospect of a non-profit organization to raise funds for necessary improvements to City Hall. Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz encouraged staff to present more detail on Equipment Replacement and Building Improvement Funds at a later time. Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz moved, seconded by Councilman Stern, to adopt the staff recommendation to approve City Council Policy No. 41 regarding Reserve Policies, with the following additions to the language in the policy in Paragraph B, Page 14-10 adding the words "storm drains;" and on Page 14-11 in Paragraph J adding the words "other than sewers." The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program (NTCP) Update (1502) Councilman Stern moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz, to waive the staff report. City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 11 of 14 Without objection, Mayor Clark so ordered. Discussion between Council and staff included the following issues: praise for the greatly improved staff report by Nicole Jules; the opportunity for the initiation of traffi calming issues to be raised by the residents, neighborhoods, or staff; the program as focused on neighborhoods; and, concern that the program makes it unduly difficult for engineering solutions to be put in place. Councilman Stern moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz, to adopt the staff ' recommendation to approve the Citywide Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program December 2008 Update. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner Future Agenda Items — Status Update and Request for Direction (1101) City Manager Lehr provided a summary staff report regarding this item. Discussion between Council and staff included the following agenda items: concern with rising health care and pension costs to the City; a suggestion to introduce a hybrid pension plan upon consultation with experts; use of core salary as a base and reexamination of the retirement payout plan on a tiered level; raising the retirement age to the industry level; previous Council action on this topic; and, awareness of proble s in rising costs for health care and pension on the State level and the current market. Additional Council discussion included high density development and provisions by t e State of California that encourage this type of development; rezoning; affordable housing requirements; City ordinances that are not enforceable or difficult to enforce; the issues of peafowl and active sports fields to be on future agendas; and, clarification regarding the pursuit of a Peninsula-wide grant for assistance in attainin g emergency g y supplies. Councilman Wolowicz moved, seconded by Mayor Clark, to direct staff to agendize a of the Emergency Supply Cache on a future agenda. Without objection, Mayor Clark so ordered. Councilman Long expressed concern with the costs of health insurance and low enrollment in the Health Savings Account (HSA) plan during the last open enrollment, period. He suggested redesigning the plan to encourage more enrollment in the HSA plan. City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 12 of 14 Responding to Mayor Clark's assertion that people are resistant to changing from the customary health insurance plans available, Councilman Long noted different ways to attract people to a new plan, including removal of the existing plans that have a low deductible. Councilman Stern suggested that Councilman Long work with staff on the issue. Councilman Stern moved, seconded by Councilman Long, to adopt the staff recommendation on the Employee Pension Plan Proposed Modification, which was to take no action at this time. The motion passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, and Mayor Clark NOES: Wolowicz ABSENT: Gardiner Mayor Pro Tem Wolowicz moved, seconded by Mayor Clark, to: 1) Receive and file the report; 2) Adopt the staff recommendation on the following items: a) High Density Lots Rezoning; b) Trees in Public ROW—damage and replacement policy; c) Meaningless Ordinances; d)Active Fields Update; and, e) Peafowl Issues; 3) Appoint Councilman Long to work with staff on the review of the benefit options of the HSA plan to increase enrollment. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner Increase Contract Amount with CBM Consulting, Inc. for Temporary Staffing Services City Clerk Morreale reported that this item was removed from the Consent Calendar by Councilman Long. Responding to Councilman Long, staff clarified that the budget adjustment was necessary in order to hire someone to fill in for an employee currently on a limited work schedule and, in this particular case, was not in the category of long term disability, and therefore not covered by insurance. Councilman Long moved, seconded by Councilman Stern, to 1) Authorize an increase to the contract with CBM Consulting, Inc. for Professional/Technical Services for assistance with a temporary staffing vacancy in the Public Works Department, Project Management position; and, 2) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2008-117, A RESOLUTION City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 13 of 14 it OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, AMENDIN RESOLUTION NO. 2008-47, THE BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-09, FOR A TRANSFER OF $60,000 FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Long, Stern, Wolowicz, and Mayor Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Gardiner CITY COUNCIL ORAL REPORTS: Mayor Clark moved, seconded by Councilman Stern, to defer Council Oral Reports to the next meeting. Without objection, Mayor Clark so ordered. COUNCIL DISCUSSION & SUGGESTION OF FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Mayor Clark moved, seconded by Councilman Stern, to defer this item to the next meeting. Without objection, Mayor Clark so ordered. ADJOURNMENT: At 11:17 P.M., Mayor Clark adjourned at the meeting to Saturday, December 6, 2008, at 8:00 A.M. at Hesse Park to interview candidates for four of the City's Advisory Board in the Fireside Room at Hesse Park. CQQ. Mayor Attest: , r / i i i City Clerk W:\City Council Minutes\2008\20081202 CC MINS.doc City Council Minutes December 2, 2008 Page 14 of 14