JULY 15, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 6:17 P.M. by Mayor Stern at Point Vicente
Interpretive Center, 31501 Palos Verdes Drive West, Sunset Room, Rancho Palos
Verdes, notice having been given with affidavit thereto on file.
City Council roll call was answered as follows:
PRESENT: Clark, Gardiner, Long, Wolowicz, and Mayor Stern
Also present were Carolynn Lehr, City Manager; Carol Lynch, City Attorney; Carolynn
Petru, Deputy City Manager; Jim Bell, Director of Public Works; Jim Lancaster, City
Geologist; and, Carla Morreale, City Clerk.
Site Review of Point Vicente Interpretive Center (PVIC) (1201)
Public Works Director Bell provided introductory remarks and explained that he and
other staff members had recently accompanied City Geologist Lancaster on a site visit
to PVIC to observe and investigate the reason for ground cracks at the location.
Barbara Sattler, California Native Plant Society, Rancho Palos Verdes, commented on
her concern for the native habitat present in the Native Plant Garden at the PVIC site
where many of the observed cracks are located.
City Geologist Lancaster presented an overview of the situation at PVIC and explained
the different locations and nature of the ground cracks. He led the group on a site visit
of the parking lot and grounds surrounding PVIC, and nearby trails. He pointed out the
following: 1) cracks in old pavement in the parking lot and asphalt trails due to age and
expansive soils; 2) cracks in locations where new paving or concrete was adjacent to or
on top of old paving or concrete; 3) construction related cracks in concrete and paving
surrounding the building; and, 4) cracks in the garden area westward of PVIC and in
nearby trails due to the expansive nature of the soil on the Peninsula. He reported that
prior to the site visit he dug a hole in the garden area in order to determine the depth of
the cracks. He reported that the cracks in the decomposed granite foot paths over
expansive soils in the garden area ended at a depth of approximately 8 inches, which
demonstrated that the majority of the cracks were due to water filtration into the
expansive soil.
Council and staff discussion focused on the following topics: the definitkn of expansive.
soils; the presence of coastal creep and cliff erosion along the California coastline; a
brief history of the types of soils on the Peninsula including bentonite; geology reports
for the area; construction related cracks as demonstrated in the parking lot and curbs as
being very common in asphalt and concrete; safety issues related to the cracks and the
need to repair of fill the cracks; and, the need to monitor the number and size of the
In response to a question, City Geologist Lancaster stated that there was no evidence
of a landslide at the site. He stated that it would be prudent to monitor and obtain
scientific measurements of the cracks at the PVIC site initially on a monthly basis, and
to make recommendations regarding modifying the irrigation system of the landscaping
at the site to minimize runoff.
Councilman Long moved, seconded by Mayor Stern, to: 1) Direct staff and the City
Geologist to monitor crack locations at the site at monthly intervals for the first two
months and every 2 months thereafter or more frequently if necessary, and review site
for water intrusion potential and make adjustments to the irrigation system as
necessary; and, 2) Provide a report to the City Council of findings for further action as
may be determined from the monitoring activities within six months of the start of the
monitoring effort.
Without objection, Mayor Stern so ordered.
At 6:43 P.M., Mayor Stern adjourned the meeting to the M - rpose Room at Hesse
Park for the Regular Council Meeting. •
Ma or
City Clerk
W:\City Council Minutes\2008\20080715 CC MINS SPEC MTG.doc
City Council Minutes
July 15, 2008
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