WHEREAS, after notice pursuant to the provisions of the Rancho Palos Verdes
Municipal Code, the Planning Commission and/or the Planning Commission Sub-
Committee conducted public hearings on December 14, 1993; February 8 and 22,
1994; March 8, 22 and 23 1994; April 12, 26 and 28, 1994; May 10 and 24, 1994; June
141 1994; August 9 and 16, 1994; September 13 and 27, 1994; November 9, 1994;
December 13, 1994; January 10 and 24, 1995; February 14 and 28, 1995; March 14,
1995; April 25, 1995; May 23, 1995; July 11, 1995; September 12 and 26, 1995;
October 10 and 24, 1995 at which time all interested parties were given an opportunity
to be heard and present evidence regarding said amendments to Title 16 and 17 as set
forth in the Planning Commission Staff Reports of those dates.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted P.C. Resolution No. 95-44 on
October 24, 1995 and Resolution No. 95-45 on November 14, 1995 recommending to
the City Council certain amendments to Titles 16 and 17 of the Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, after notice pursuant to the provisions of the Rancho Palos Verdes
Municipal Code, the City Council held public hearings on November 8, 1995; December
51 1995; February 6 and 20, 1996; March 11 and 19, 1996; April 2 and 16, 1996; May 7
and 21, 1996; June 4, 1996; July 2 and 16, 1996; August 6 and 20, 1996; September 3
and 17, 1996; October 1, and 25, 1996; November 6 and 25, 1996; December 3, 1997;
January 21, 1997; February 4 and 18, 1997; and April 1, 1997 at which time all
interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard and present evidence
regarding said amendments; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution 96-23 on March 18, 1996
declaring its intention to adopt a merger ordinance (draft Chapter 16.32) pursuant to
the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act; and
WHEREAS, Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment No. 694 was
prepared in accordance with the State of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
and the State and local CEQA Guidelines and Resolution No. 97 - 25 was adopted by
the City Council on April 1, 1997 finding that on the basis of the Initial Study (the
Environmental Assessment) and any comments received, that there is no substantial
evidence that the amendments to Titles 16 and 17 will have a significant effect on the
Section 1: The City Council has reviewed and considered the amendments to
Titles 16 and 17 of the Municipal Code.
Section 2: The City Council finds that the amendments to Titles 16 and 17 of the
Municipal code are consistent with California Government Code Section 65853, zoning
amendment procedures.
Section 3: The City Council finds that the amendments to Titles 16 and 17 are
consistent with the Rancho Palos Verdes General Plan and Coastal Specific Plan in
that they uphold, and do not hinder, the goals and policies of those plans, in particular
to carefully control and direct future growth towards making a positive contribution to all
elements of the community.
Section 4: The City Council finds that the amendments to Titles 16 and 17 are
substantially the same as previous provisions of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal
Code or any other ordinance repealed, amended or superseded upon the enactment of
this ordinance and that the amendments to Titles 16 and 17 be construed as a
restatement and continuation of these previous provisions and not as new enactments.
Section 5: The City Council further finds that there is no substantial evidence
that the amendments to Titles 16 and 17 will have a significant effect on the
Section 6: The City Council further finds that the amendments to Titles 16 and
17 are necessary to preserve the public health, safety, and general welfare in the area.
Section 7: For the foregoing reasons and based on the information and findings
included in the staff reports and records of the proceedings, Titles 16 and 17 of the City
of Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows:
Ordinance No.320
Page 2 of 312
DILE„16 (Subdivision)
Table of contents
16.04.010 Purpose..........................................................................................
16.04.020 Title- Compliance required -fees..................................................
16.04.030 Required maps...............................................................................
16.04.040 Map requirements..........................................................................
16.04.050 Consistency with Hazardous Waste
Management Plan........................................................................s
16.04.060 Certificate of Compliance..............................................................
16.08.010 Application - Submittal and review................................................
16.08.020 Appeals.........................................................................................
Chapter 16.12 PARCEL MAPS
16.12.010 Pre-filing conference.....................................................................
16.12.020 Tentative parcel map--Filing and review.......................................
16.12.030 Content and form..........................................................................
16.12.040 Expiration......................................................................................
16.12.050 Final parcel map--Filing and review..............................................
16.12.060 Waiver--Eligible subdivisions........................................................
16.12.070 Waiver--Tentative parcel map required.........................................
16.12.080 Waiver--Request form...................................................................
16.12.090 Waiver--Conditions........................................................................
16.12.100 Waiver--Required findings.............................................................
16.12.110 Waiver--Decision time limit............................................................
16.12.120 Waiver--Certificate.........................................................................
Chapter 16.16 TRACT MAPS
16.16.010 Pre-filing conference......................................................................
16.16.020 Tentative tract map--filing and review............................................
16.16.030 Content and form...........................................................................
16.16.040 Expiration.......................................................................................
Page 3 of 312
16.16.050 Final tract map--filing and review..................................................
16.20.010 Applicability.....................................................................................
16.20.020 Public streets, highways, alleys
and easements................................................................................
16.20.030 Private streets, alleys or ways.........................................................
16.20.040 Utility easements..............................................................................
16.20.050 Drainage easements .......................................................................
16.20.060 School sites......................................................................................
16.20.070 Public Facilities.................................................................................
16.20.080 Supplemental size of improvements ................................................
16.20.090 Off-site improvements.......................................................................
16.20.100 Park and recreation dedications and fees........................................
16.20.110 Standards.........................................................................................
16.20.120 Soils/Geology Report........................................................................
16.20.130 Monuments.......................................................................................
16.20.140 Improvement Agreement..................................................................
16.20.150 Improvement bonds..........................................................................
16.20.160 Faithful performance bond--mol-luments...........................................
16.20.170 Surety company requirements..........................................................
16.20.180 Case deposits and negotiable bonds................................................
16.20.190 Improvement security--Release........................................................
16.24.010 Purpose and intent............................................................................
16.24.020 Consistency requirement...................................................................
16.24.030 Application........................................................................................
16.24.040 Filing and processing .......................................................................
16.24.050 Fees..................................................................................................
16.24.080 Vested rights created by approval of vesting
16.24.090 Amendment to vesting tentative map...............................................
16.24.100 Applications inconsistent with established policies...........................
16.24.110 Subsequent permits, licenses, and other
entitlements for use..........................................................................
16.28.010 Requirements...................................................................................
Page 4 of 312
16.28.020 Form and contents............................................................................
16.28.030 Submission to and approval by City Engineer..................................
16.28.040 Filing with County Recorder..............................................................
16.32.010 Reversions to acreage ....................................................................
16.32.020 Merger of contiguous parcels ..........................................................
16.32.030 Merger of contiguous parcels--Conditions .......................................
16.32.040 Merger of contiguous parcels--Notice of Intent.................................
16.32.050 Merger of contiguous parcels--Hearing.............................................
16.32.060 Merger of contiguous parcels--Determination of merger..................
16.32.070 Merger of contiguous parcels--Determination
ofnon-merger ..................................................................................
16.32.080 Merger of contiguous parcels--Appeal..............................................
16.32.090 Merger of contiguous parcels--Request
byproperty owner ............................................................................
Page 5of312
.T. able_Qf Conten
17.02.010 Purpose............................................................................................
17.02.020 Uses and development permitted.....................................................
17.02.026 Uses and development permitted witha
conditional use permit......................................................................
17.02.030 Development standards...................................................................
17.02.040 View preservation and restoration....................................................
17.04.010 Purpose ...........................................................................................
17.04.020 Uses and development permitted.....................................................
17.04.030 Uses and development permitted by conditional use permit............
17.04.040 Development standards....................................................................
17.06.010 Purpose............................................................................................
17.06.020 Development standards....................................................................
17.08.010 Purpose............................................................................................
17.08.020 Permit required.................................................................................
17.08.030 Review of applications .....................................................................
17.10.010 Purpose............................................................................................
17.10.020 Development standards....................................................................
17.10.030 Filing for record.................................................................................
17.10.040 Revocation.......................................................................................
Page 6 of 312
17.11.010 Intent and Purpose.........................................................................
17.11.020 Applicability....................................................................................
17.11.030 Exemptions....................................................................................
17.11.040 Affordable Housing Requirement...................................................
17.11.050 In Lieu Fees...................................................................................
17.11.060 Affordable Housing Incentives.......................................................
17.11.070 Period of Affordability.....................................................................
17.11.080 Feasibility.......................................................................................
17.11.090 Agreement.....................................................................................
17.11.100 Tenant/Owner Qualification...........................................................
17.11.110 Reporting.......................................................................................
17.11.120 Resale............................................................................................
17.11.130 Coastal specific plan district
Replacement Housing Requirement...............................................
17.11.140 Affordable Housing Requirements for
Non-residential Projects...................................................................
17.12.010 Purpose...........................................................................................
17.12.020 Uses and development permitted.................................................6 6 0 0
17.12.030 Development standards....................................................................
17.12.040 Expanding existing development......................................................
17.12.050 New commercial development..........................................................
17.12.060 Development plan and supplemental materials................................
17.12.070 Commercial condomininium development
concept plan review.......................................................0..................
17.12.080 Commercial condominium or stock
cooperative conversions ..................................................................
17.12.090 Development standards for conversions...........................................
17.14.010 Purpose ...........................................................................................
17.14.020 Uses and development permitted ....................................................
17.14.030 Uses and development permitted by
conditional use permit.......................................................................
Page 7of312
17.16.010 Purpose ..........................................................................................
17.16.020 Uses and development permitted....................................................
17.16.030 Uses and development permitted by
conditional use permit......................................................................
17.18.010 Purpose...........................................................................................
17.18.020 Uses and development permitted ...................................................
17.18.030 Uses and development permitted by
conditional use permit......................................................................
17.20.010 Purpose ...........................................................................................
17.20.020 Uses and development permitted.....................................................
17.20.030 Uses and development permitted by
conditional use permit......................................................................
17.22.010 Purpose ..........................................................................................
17.22.020 Uses and development permitted ...................................................
17.22.030 Uses and development permitted by
conditional use permit......................................................................
17.22.040 Operation and maintenance ............................................................
17.22.060 Development standards ...................................................................
17.26.010 Purpose ..........................................................................................
17.26.020 Uses and development permitted ..............................................game.
17.26.030 Uses and development permitted by
conditional use permit......................................................................
17.26.040 General development standards .....................................................
17.26.050 Expanding existing development ....................................................
Page 8 of 312
17.28.010 Purpose ..........................................................................................
17.28.020 Uses and development permitted ...................................................
17.28.030 Uses permitted by conditional use permit........................................
17.28.040 General Development standards......................................................
17.32.010 Purpose...........................................................................................
17.32.020 Establishment .............................................................00000 aones..........
17.32.030 Uses and development permitted....................................................
17.32.040 Uses subject to conditional use permit.............................................
17.32.050 Uses subject to city council review
17.34.010 Purpose............................................................................................
17.34.020 Applicability.......................................................................................
17.34.030 Uses and development permitted.......:.....-..........................................
17.34.040 Uses and development permitted by
conditional use permit.......................................................................
17.34.050 Development standards ...................................................................
1 7.3 8.0 1 0 Purpose .....................O s s e o..0 0...0 0 0..0 0.0.0 0.0............•...............................
17.38.020 Establishment ..................................................................................
17.38.030 Area delineation ...............................................••.............................9
17.38.040 Content ............................................................................................
17.38.050 Conflict with other code provisions ..................................................
17.38.060 Specific pian district I .......................................................................
17.38.070 Specific plan district II ......................................................................
17.38.080 '` Specific plan district III .....................................................................
17.38.090 Specific plan district IV .....................................................................
Page 9of312
17.40.010 Purpose ...........................................................................................
17.40.020 General exclusions...........................................................................
17.40.030 Designation and effect of overlay control districts
anddistrict maps..............................................................................
17.40.040 Natural overlay control district (oc-1)
and regulatiQas.................................................................................
17.40.050 Socio-cultural district (oc-2) and regulations....................................
17.40.060 Urban appearance overlay control district (oc-3)
17.40.070 Automotive service station overlay control district
(oc-4) and regulations......................................................................
17.42.010 Purpose............................................................................................
17.42.020 Applicability.......................................................................................
17.42.030 Uses and development permitted......................................................
17.42.040 Development standards.....................................................................
17.44.010 Purpose ...........................................................................................
17.44.020 Uses and development permitted ....................................................
17.42.030 Uses subject to conditional use permit..............................................
17.43.040 Development standards....................................................................
17.46.010 Purpose ...........................................................................................
17.46.020 Number of large domestic animals permitted without
approval of a permit..... @*Do*
17.46.030 Boarding...........................................................................................
17.46.040 Large domestic animal permit...........................................................
17.46.050 Conditional large domestic animal permit.........................................
17.46.060 Development standards....................................................................
17.46.070 Equestrian committee.......................................................................
17.46.080 Nonconformities................................................................................
17.46.090 %Establishment of equestrian overlay (Q) districts...............................
Page 10 of 312
17.48.010 Purpose.............................................................................................
17.48.020 Lot area and dimensions...................................................................
17.48.030 Setbacks...........................................................................................
17.48.040 Open space area..............................................................................
17.48.050 Building height..................................................................................
17.48 060 Extreme slope...................................................................................
17.48.070 Intersection visibility..........................................................................
17.50.010 Purpose ............................................................................................
17.50.020 Parking requirements .......................................................................
17.50.030 Joint use and common parking facilities ...........................................
17.50.040 Development standards ....................................................................
17.50.050 Loading .............................................................................................
17.52.010 Purpose ............................................................................................
17.52.020 Applicability.......................................................................................
17.52.030 Required dedication of street right-of-way.........................................
17.52.040 Required right-of-way improvements and
off-site improvements........................................................................
17.52.050 Relief from required dedication or
17.54.010 Purpose ...........................................................................................
17.54.020 Underground utilities.........................................................................
17.54.030 Trash receptacle enclosures.............................................................
17.54.040 Screening of mechanical equipment, .
storage areas and loading docks.......................................................
Page 11 of 312
17.56.010 Purpose ...........................................................................................
17.56.020 Conduct of construction and landscaping
activities ...................................................................................00000999
17.56.030 Outdoor lighting for residential uses..................................................
17.56.040 Outdoor lighting for non-residential uses ..........................................
17.56.050 Residential neighborhood protection .................................................
17.56.060 Slope drain maintenance...................................................................
Chapter 17.58 RECYCLING
17.58.010 Purpose.............................................................................................
17.58.020 Recycling centers, recycling dropoff
or collection facilities, and community
service recycling programs...............................................................
17.58.030 Requirements and guidelines for collecting
and loading of recyclable materials in
development projects........................................................................
17.60.010 Purpose.............................................................................................
17.60.020 Application.........................................................................................
17.60.030 Filing Fee...
17.60.040 Public Hearing.........................................................0.........................
17.60.050 Findings and conditions ......................................0............................
17.60.060 Appeal...............................................................................................
17.60.070 Time limit ...........................................................................................
17.60.080 Failure to comply.............................0............................................0
17.60.090 Amendments.....................................................................................
17.60.100 Revocation........................................................................................
17.62.010 Purpose ..............................................................................0.............
17.62.020 Uses and developments permitted with
'special use permits............................................................................
17.62.030 Temporary vendor permit .................................................................
17.62.040 Application..................................................................0.................0....
Page 12 of 312
17.62.050 Notification ........................................................................................
17.62.060 Action by Director..............................................................................
17.62.070 Appeals.............................................................................................
Chapter 17.64 VARIANCES
17.64.010 Purpose.............................................................................................
17.64.020 Application.........................................................................................
1 7.64.030 Filing Fee.. 0*040,04,'00 00'00604 9 69"906996 is 090 0"o 00,00000 000 990,64 0 4000 60860"Moo"-00"
17.64.040 Public hearing....................................................................................
17.64.050 Findings.............................................................................................
17.64.060 Appeal ..............................................................................................
17.64.070 Conditions..........................................................................................
17.64.080 Failure to comply.............................................................................
17.66.010 Purpose...........................................................................................
17.66.020 Scope..............................................................................................
17.66.030 Application.......................................................................................
17.66.040 Notification.......................................................................................
17.66.050 Action by the Director .....................................................................
17.66.060 Appeals ...........................................................................................
17.68.01 0 Purpose .......•........................•........................••...............................
17.68.020 Adoption procedure.........................................................................
17.68.030 Initiation of zone change and/or
17.68.040 Zone change and/or code amendment
17.68.050 Modification ....................................................................................
17.68.060 Application.......................................................................................
17.68.070 Filing Fee.........................................................................................
17.68.080 Notification ......................................................................................
17.68.090 Planning Commission action............................................................
17.68.100 Adverse Planning Commission recommendation............................
17.68.110 Time limit for development ..............................................................
17.68.120 Extension of decision deadlines .....................................................
Page 13 of 312
Chapter 17.70 SITE PLAN REVIEW
17.70.010 Purpose ...........................................................................................
17.70.020 Application........................................................................................
17.70.030 Approval...........................................................................................
17.72.010 Purpose............................................................................................
17.72.020 Scope ..............................................................................................
17.72.030 Determinations ................................................................................
17.72.040 Uses and developments permitted..............................................Does.
17.72.050 Uses and developments excluded from the
coastal permit procedure...................................................................
17.72.060 Filing Fee...........................................................................................
17.72.070 Notice ..........................................................................................
17.72.080 Public hearing..............................................................................
17.72.090 Findings ......................................................................................
17.72.100 Appeals........................................................................................
17.72.110 Final action..........................................................................�........
17.72.120 Concurrent permits ......................................................................
17.74.010 Concept plan review.....................................................................
17.74.020 Residential planned development permit
17.74.030 Revisions to plan...........................................................................
17.74.040 Bond for all common area and off-site improvements ..................
17.74.050 Occupancy Permit.........................................................................
17.74.060 Time limit.......................................................................................
17.74.070 Findings and conditions ................................................................
17.76.010 Parking Lot Permit .........................................................................
17.76.020 Antennas, satellite dishes, ham radio antennas
and ham radio antenna permit.......................................................
17.76.030 Fences, walls and hedges ............................................................
17.76.040 Grading Permit ..............................................................................
17.76.050 Sign Permit ...................................................................................
17.76.060 Extreme slope Permit ...................................................................
Page 14 of 312
17.76.070 Large Family Day Care Home Permit ...................................00.80...
17.76.080 Convenience Stores..............................................................600,0.....
17.76.090 Automobile service station..............................................................
17.76.100 City Tree Review Permit..................................................................
17.76.110 Exotic Animal Permit.......................................................................
17.76.115 Large domestic animal permits.......................................................
17.76.120 Arcades ..........................................................................................
17.76.130 Geologic Investigation Permit .........................................................
17.76.140 Bed and breakfast inns....................................................................
17.78.010 Fee Waivers ....................................................................................
17.78.020 Acceptance of conditions.................................................................
17.78.030 Consideration of multiple applications.............................................
17.78.040 Amendments to approved applications...........................................
17.78.050 Interpretation Procedure for approved
17.80.010 Title and purpose ........................................................................
17.80.020 Effect of filing ..............................................................................
17.80.030 Appellate authority ......................................................................
17.80.040 Notice of decision by director ......................................................
17.80.050 Appeal to planning commission ..................................................
17.80.060 Action by planning commission ..................................................
17.80.070 Appeal to City council .................................................................
17.80.080 Action by City Council ................................................................
17.80.090 Notice of hearing ........................................................................
17.80.100 Hearing transcript .......................................................................
17.80.110 Denial without prejudice .............................................................
17.80.120 Appeal Fee refund ......................................................................
17.80.130 Appeals by city council................................................................
17.84.010 `Purpose.........................................................................................
17.84.020 Applicability....................................................................................
17.84.030 Continuance of nonconformities....................................................
Page 15 of 312
17.84.040 Nonconforming lots........................................................................
17.84.050 Nonconforming uses......................................................................
17.84.060 Nonconforming buildings and
other structures..............................................................................
Chapter 17.86 ENFORCEMENT
17.86.010 Purpose..........................................................................................
17.86.020 Evidence of procedure....................................................................
17.86.030 Prohibited uses...............................................................................
17.86.040 Enforcement...................................................................................
17.86.050 Disqualification for violation............................................................
17.86.060 Suspension or revocation of permits...............................................
17.86.070 Expiration of ermit upon non-use....................................................
17.86.080 Penalty Fees...................................................................................
17.86.090 Penalty for violation.........................................................................
17.86.100 Statute of Limitations.......................................................................
Chapter 17.88 ZONING MAP
17.88.010 Purpose ......................................................................................
17.88.020 Zoning Map..................................................................................
17.88.030 District boundaries.......................................................................
17.90.010 Purpose and scope.....................................................*..................
17.90.020 Initiation.........................................................................................
17.90.030 Basis of interpretation....................................................................
17.90.040 Preparation, notice and transmittal................................................
17.90.050 Planning Commission hearing and action .....................................
17.90.060 Book of Interpretations...................................................................
Chapter 17.92 SEVERABILITY
17.92.010 Severability .......................................................,.......,.....,..........,,..
Chapter 17.96 DEFINITIONS.................................................................................
Page 16 of 312
Title 16
16.04 General Provisions
16.08 Lot Line Adjustments
16.12 Parcel Maps
16.16 Tract Maps
16.20 Dedications and Improvements
16.24 Vesting Tentative Maps
16.28 Correction and Amendment of Maps
16.32 Reversions to Acreage and Mergers
16.04.010 Purpose.
16.04.020 Title--Compliance required--fees.
16.04.030 Required maps.
16.04.040 Map requirements.
16.04.050 Consistency with Hazardous Waste Management Plan.
16.04.060 Certificate of Compliance.
16,04.0 0 P_urpo.$e. The purpose of this title is to regulate and control the
design and improvement of subdivisions and to coordinate subdivision planning with the
city's general and specific plans.
A. This title is adopted to supplement the Subdivision Map Act,
Government Code Section 66410, et seq., and imposes requirements in addition to
those set forth in the Subdivision Map Act. The provisions of the Subdivision Map Act
shall govern the processing of subdivision applications, except as otherwise provided in
this title.
B. Any reference in this title to the Subdivision Map Act, or a specific
section thereof, shad refer to the Subdivision Map Act as most currently amended. In
the event that a cited section has been renumbered, or combined with another section,
the reference shall be to the most recent equivalent of the cited section.
Page 17 of 312
16.04.020 Title—Compliance required--fees.
A. This title may be cited as the Subdivision Ordinance of the city.
B. It is unlawful for any person, as a principal, agent or otherwise, to
sell, lease, finance or transfer title to any portion of any subdivision or parcel of land in
the city, or to offer to do so, for which a tentative or final tract or parcel map or waiver
certificate is required, pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act or this title, unless the
required map, in full compliance with the Subdivision Map Act and this title, have been
filed for record with the County Recorder.
C. Every person submitting a tentative or final tract or parcel map,
application for a certificate of waiver, application for a certificate of compliance,
application for a lot line adjustment or petition for reversion to acreage shall pay a
processing fee in the amount established by resolution of the city council.
16.04,030 Required Maps.
A. A tentative and final tract map shall be required for any subdivision,
including a condominium project, stock cooperative project or community apartment
project, for which a tentative and final map is required by the Subdivision Map Act.
B. A tentative and final parcel map shall be required for any
subdivision, including a condominium project, stock cooperative project, or community
apartment project, for which a tentative and final map is not required by the Subdivision
Map Act, except when the Subdivision Map Act specifically provides that no parcel map
shall be required for a particular type of project. No final parcel map shall be required
when the requirement of a final parcel map has been waived pursuant to Chapter 16.12
(Parcel Maps) of this title.
C. No tract or parcel map shall be required for lot line adjustments.
16.04.040 Maprhe uirements.
A. No tentative tract or parcel map application shall be considered as
filed or complete until all required documents, supplemental information and materials
have been submitted to the Director, including without limitation geotechnical and/or
soils reports, as described in Section 16.20.120 (Dedications and Improvements), which
have been approved by the City's geotechnical staff; and a conceptual grading plan
which describes the grading required for development of, and access to, the subdivided
lots. If after approval of a map, new geotechnical reports or information is submitted to
the city which make any of the conditions of the map no longer appropriate, or
necessary, an amendment to the approved tentative map may be requested by the
applicant pursuant to the procedures described in Section 16.28.010(G), (Correction
and Amendment of Maps) of this title,
B. Tentative and final tract and parcel maps for initial construction or
conversion of existing structures for residential occupancy shall conform to the criteria
and standards of TRIe 17 (Zoning) of the city's Municipal Code for the base zoning
district in which it is located.
C. All maps shall specifically provide for proper grading and erosion
Page 18 of 312
control, including the prevention of sedimentation or damage to off-site property.
D. Each lot created by a map shall include a minimum contiguous lot
area of three thousand (3,000) square feet or thirty-three percent (33%) of the minimum
lot area required by the appropriate residential base zoning district standards,
whichever is greater. For purposes of this section, setback areas required by the
appropriate residential base zoning district standards, and areas with a slope of thirty-
five percent (35%) or greater shall not be included in the computation of lot area for
purposes of this subsection. A map creating lots which do not include the minimum lot
area described above may be approved, if the map is filed in conjunction with a
residential planned development permit, as described in Chapter 17.74 (Residential
Planned Development Permit), and if the substandard lots will be owned in common by
the owners of the residential planned development.
E. No map shall be approved unless it complies with the Subdivision
Map Act, this title and any other title of the municipal code, other applicable laws, and
any all conditions or requirements imposed pursuant to the requirements thereof;
except that when the failure of a map to so comply is the result of a technical or
inadvertent error which, in the determination of the planning commission, does not
materially affect the validity of the map, this provision may be waived.
16.Q4.05Q Consistengy i . Subdivision
approvals under this chapter shall be consistent with the portions of the County of Los
Angeles Hazardous Waste Management flan (approved November 30, 1989), and any
applicable amendments thereto, relating to siting and siting criteria for hazardous waste
facilities. Nothing in this section shall limit either the authority of the city to attach
appropriate conditions to any subdivision approval or the authority of the city to
establish more stringent planning requirements or siting criteria than those specified in
the county hazardous waste management plan.
16.x4..060, ertificatpof compliance.
Any person owning real property or a vendee of that person pursuant to a contract of
sale of the real property may request a certificate of compliance to determine whether
the real property complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this title.
Such certificate shall be issued and recorded pursuant to Government Code Section
Page 19 of 312
Chapter 16.0 .
16.08.016 Application--Submittal and review.
16.08.020 Appeals.
�&,-08-01Q Annl.�ic_a_lig -- it#al and review.
An application for a lot line adjustment shall be submitted to the director on such forms
and with such attachments as may reasonably be required by the director. The director
shall approve a lot line adjustment, providing the lot line adjustment complies with all
applicable zoning and building codes of the city.
16-08,020 Ameals.
A. In the event an applicant is aggrieved by any action taken by the
director, the decision of the director may be appealed to the planning commission within
fifteen (15) calendar days following the date that the notice of action is mailed by the
director to the applicant.
B. In the event an applicant is aggrieved with the action taken by the
planning commission, the decision of the planning commission may be appealed to
the city council within fifteen (15) calendar days following the date of the planning
commission decision.
Page 20 of 312
Chapter' 16.12
16.12.010 Pre-filing conference.
16.12.020 Tentative parcel map--Filing and review.
16.12.030 Content and form.
16.12.040 Expiration.
16.12.050 Final parcel map--Filing and review.
16.12.060 Waiver--Eligible subdivisions.
16.12.070 Waiver--Tentative parcel map required.
16.12.080 Waiver--Request form.
16.12.0 90 Waiver--Conditions.
16.12.100 Waiver--Required findings.
16.12.110 Waiver--Decision time limit.
16.12.120 Waiver--Certificate.
10,12.0.10 Pse_ filing conference. Prior to filing any tentative parcel map, the
prospective subdivider shall, by appointment, meet with the director to disw";ss possible
subdivision design, dedication requirements and any supplemental information the
planning commission may require.
16.12.020 Tentative 12arcel a --F'l' vi -j-
A. The subdivider shall file a tentative parcel map and all
accompanying materials with the director. The director shall review the map and the
accompanying materials and cause a report regarding the same to be forwarded to the
planning commission and subdivider.
B. The planning commission shall hold a public hearing on the
tentative parcel map. Notice of the hearing shall be given pursuant to Section 66451.3
of the Subdivision Map Act. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 66451.3, mailed
notice shall be given to the subdivider and to all property owners within five hundred
(500) feet of the proposed subdivision, no less than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to
the hearing.
C. Dedications and reservations of property and on-site and off-site
improvements may be required by the planning commission as a condition of approval
as authorized by the Subdivision Map Act and Chapter 16.20 (Dedications and
Improvements) of this title.
D. The planning commission shall review all materials submitted and
shall either approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the map within fifty (50)
Page 21 of 312
calendar days after the certification of the Environmental Impact Report, adoption of a
Negative Declaration, or the determination that the project is exempt from the
requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This time limit may
be extended by mutual consent of the subdivider and the director. Written notice of the
decision of the planning commission shall be given to the subdivider.
E. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the planning commission
may appeal said decision to the city council in writing within ten (10) calendar days after
said decision. A hearing before the city council shall be scheduled within thirty (30)
calendar days after such an appeal. The city council may sustain, modify, reject, or
overrule the planning commission decision. In any case, a decision must be rendered
within ten (10) working days after the conclusion of the appeal hearing, or, if the
council fails to act, the map shall be deemed to be approved.
16,.12,.030 Content andfam. The content and form of tentative and final parcel
maps shall be governed by the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and this title,
and any map preparation requirements adopted by resolution of the city council.
16.12.040 Expiration.
A. Approved or conditionally approved tentative parcel maps shall
expire twenty-four(24) months after such approval or conditional approval. Upon
application by the subdivider, fled with the director prior to the expiration of the
tentative parcel map, the planning commission may extend the date on which the map
expires. Each extension granted shall not exceed twelve (12) months and the total
extension period shall not exceed three (3) years.
B. Denial of an extension by the commission may be appealed in
writing to the city council within fifteen (15) calendar days after such denial. The city
council may sustain, modify, reject, or overrule the planning commission decision. In
any case, a decision must be rendered within ten (10) working days after the
conclusion of the appeal hearing, or if the council fails to act, the map extension shall
be deemed to be approved.
16.12..4,5.0_.Ei._.nal parcel mag—Fina and review.
A. A final parcel map prepared by or under the direction of a
registered civil engineer or licensed surveyor, along with all necessary certificates and
acknowledgments, must be submitted to the director before the expiration date of the
approved or conditionally approved tentative parcel map. If required improvements and
dedications are not completed, improvement and dedication agreements must be
obtained before the final parcel map can be filed.
B. t The final parcel map shall be consistent with all the conditions,
restrictions, and corrections upon which the tentative parcel map was approved. Where
possible, all conditions and restrictions shall be clearly and graphically denoted on the
Page 22 of 312
final parcel map. Where such conditions and/or restrictions cannot be graphically
denoted, they shall be clearly and conspicuously written on the final parcel map. when
a tentative parcel map is approved without conditions or corrections, the tentative
parcel map may serve as the final parcel map.
C. The director shall review-the final parcel map and, if found to be
consistent with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and this title and the
conditions, restrictions and corrections of the approved tentative parcel map, the
director shall cause the same to be sent to the subdivider and the county recorder
within twenty (20) working days after the time the final parcel map is submitted for
approval; provided, however, that whenever dedications are required, the map shall
instead be forwarded to the city council for acceptance of such dedications within the
same twenty (20) day period. If the dedications are accepted by the city council, the
final map shall be sent to the subdivider and the county recorder within fifteen (15)
working days after such acceptance.
.16.12.060 Waiver--Eliai_..ble s bdivlsion5. The following subdivisions may be
eligible for a waiver of the requirement of a final parcel map:
A. Subdivisions described by subsections (a) through (d) of Section
66426 of the Subdivision Map Act;
B. Subdivisions creating four or fewer parcels.
16.12.070 Waiver--Tentative parcel mai _quir_e_d. A tentative parcel map must
be fled with the director prior to initiating a request for a waiver of the final parcel map
requirement. Waiver--Requeat form. A request for a waiver shall be made in
writing and shall be signed by all the owners of record of the proposed subdivision. The
request shall describe the subdivision and each proposed parcel and identify the
tentative parcel map of the subdivision which has already been filed with the director.
The subdivider shall supply additional information when deemed necessary by the
16.12.090 YVaiYeL—Qonditions.
A waiver request shall not be approved unless the subdivider completes or agrees to
comply with any conditions of approval as if a final parcel map were to be filed. A
waiver request shall not be approved if substantial improvements or dedications will be
required, the subdivision will substantially affect the rights of surrounding property
owners, or the subdivision may have a significant effect on the environment.
16.12.100V�,! -- Qquired fndinas. A waiver request shall not be approved
Page 23 of 312
A. The planning commission approves or conditionally approves the
tentative parcel map;
B. The planning commission finds that the description of the
subdivision in the waiver request conforms to the approved tentative parcel map; and
C. The planning commission finds that the proposed subdivision
complies with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and this title, including, but
not limited to, requirements as to area, improvement and design, floodwater drainage
control, appropriate improved public roads, sanitary disposal facilities, water supply
availability and environmental protection.
16,12.1 10 Vziyer--Decision lime l Mit. A waiver request shall be granted or
denied by the director within sixty(60) calendar days after its filing and the subdivider
shall be notified of the director's action in writing; provided, however, that this time limit
may be extended by mutual agreement between the director and the subdivider.
1. .12.120 Waiver--Certificate. when a waiver is granted, the director shall
cause a certificate of waiver to be filed with the county recorder within twenty (20)
working days after the waiver is granted; provided, however, that whenever dedications
are required, the certificate shall first be forwarded to the city council for acceptance of
such dedications and the certificate of waiver shall be filed with the County Recorder
fifteen (16) working days after acceptance of such dedications by the city council. The
certificate shall state that the requirement of a parcel map has been waived and that the
parcels comprising the subdivision may be sold, leased, financed or transferred in full
compliance with the Subdivision Map Act and this title. Certificates and acknowl-
edgments relating to dedications and improvements shall appear on the certificate of
waiver whenever such certificates and acknowledgements would be required for a final
parcel map pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act or this title.
Page 24 of 312
aegli :
16.16.010 Pre-filing conference.
16.16.020 Tentative tract map--Filing and review.
16.16.030 Content and form.
16.16.040 Expiration.
16.16.050 Final tract map--Filing and review.
16.16.010 Pr-e-Dina c ,nference. Prior to filing any tentative tract map, the
prospective subdivider shall, by appointment, meet with the director to discuss possible
subdivision design, dedication requirements and any supplemental information the
planning commission may require.
15,16.020 Ientalive tract mo—Eilioa and review.
A. The subdivider shall file a tentative tract map and all accompanying
materials with the director. The planning commission shall review the map and the
accompanying materials at a duly noticed public hearing pursuant to Section 66451.3 of
the Subdivision Map Act. and cause a report regarding the same to be forwarded to the
city council and subdivider.
B. The city council shall hold a public hearing on the tentative tract
map. Notice of the hearing shall be given pursuant to Section 66451.3 of the
Subdivision Map Act. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 66451.3, mailed notice
of the hearing shall be given to the subdivider and all property owners within five
hundred (500) feet of the proposed subdivision at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior
to the hearing.
C. The city council shall review all materials submitted and shall either
approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the tentative tract map within the time
limits provided by law, unless a definite extension of time is mutually agreed upon by
the city council and the subdivider. If the city council approves a tentative tract map, it
must make affirmative findings supporting such approval.
16.1_6_.02Q Content and farm. The content and form of tentative and final tract
maps shall be governed by the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and this title,
and the map preparation requirements adopted by resolution of the city council.
16 15,0#0 Exgiration. The approval, or approval subject to conditions, of a
tentative tract map shall expire within twenty-four(24) months after such approval or
Page 25 of 312
conditional approval, except as provided in Section 66452.6 of the Subdivision Map Act.
Prior to expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map, the
subdivider may apply to the city council for an extension. Each extension granted shall
not exceed twelve (12) months and the total extension period shall not exceed five (5)
16,I-105Q_Final tract mai-:Eilin_a and review.
A. A final tract map prepared by or under the direction of a registered
civil engineer or licensed surveyor, along with all necessary certificates and
acknowledgments, must be submitted to the director before the expiration date of the
approved or conditionally approved tentative tract map.
S. If required improvements and dedications are not completed,
improvement and dedication agreements must be obtained before the final tract map
can be filed.
C. The final tract map shall be consistent with all the conditions,
restrictions and corrections upon which the tentative map was approved. Where
possible, all conditions and restrictions shall be clearly and graphically denoted on the
final tract map. Where such conditions or restrictions cannot be graphically denoted,
they shall be clearly and conspicuously written on the final tract map.
D. The director shall review the final tract map and cause a report to
be transmitted to the city council regarding same within twenty (20) days after the final
map is submitted. At the time the city council approves the final tract map, it shall also
accept as submitted, accept subject to improvement, or reject any offer of dedication
pursuant to section 66477.1 of the Subdivision Map Act.
Page 26 of 312
Qbagter 16.20
$ .
16.20.010 Applicability.
16.20.020 Public streets, highways, alleys and easements.
16.20.030 Private streets, alleys or ways.
16.20.040 Utility easements.
16.20.050 Drainage easements.
16.20.060 School sites.
16.20.070 Public facilities.
16.20.080 Supplemental size of improvements.
16.20.090 Off-site improvements.
16.20.100 Park and recreation dedications and fees.
16.20.110 Standards.
16.20.120 Soils/Geology report.
16.20.130 Monuments.
16.20.140 Improvement agreement.
16.20.150 Improvement bonds.
16.20.160 Faithful performance bond - monuments.
16.20.170 Surety company requirements
16.20.180 Cash deposits and negotiable bonds.
16.20.190 Improvement security- release.
16.21010 Applicability. The standards and requirements of this chapter shall
apply to all final tract and parcel maps. Additional requirements may be added by
either the director, city council, planning commission or the city engineer. Exemption
from these requirements may be granted by the director or by such person or agency
prescribed in this chapter.
16-20.020 Eublic,&eets. hi-ahways, alleys and easements.
A. All streets, highways, alleys, ways, easements, rights-of-way, and
parcels of land shown on the final tract map or parcel map and intended for public use
shall be offered for dedication for public use by appropriate certificate on the title page.
All irrevocable offers of dedication shall also be shown by appropriate certificate on the
title page.
B. I When vehicular access rights from any lot or parcel to any highway
or street are restricted, such rights shall be offered for dedication to the city by the
appropriate certificate on the title sheet, and a note stating 'VEHICULAR ACCESS
Page 27 of 312
along the highway or street adjacent to the lots or parcels affected on the final map.
C. All streets, highways, alleys, ways, easements, rights-of-way, and
parcels of land offered for dedication shall be developed and improved to the standards
of the city.
16.20.030 Private streets alleys or wava.
A. Private streets, alleys or ways will be permitted only when the
welfare of the occupants of the subdivision will be better served and the public's welfare
will not be adversely affected. Such private streets, alleys, or ways shall not be offered
for dedication and shall be shown on the final tract or parcel map as part of adjacent
parcel(s) or property of the homeowners' association, with a note on the map as to the
B. All such access ways shall be governed by maintenance
agreements. Said agreements shall be approved by the city and made a part of the
property deeds.
16.20.Q.4Q_!Jtility easements. Any public or private utility easements required by
the various utilities or the city shall be shown on the final tract map or parcel map and
dedicated to the appropriate agency by separate document.
16.20.050_Drainaae easements.
A. When storm drains are necessary for the general use of lot or
parcel owners in the subdivision and such storm drains are not to be installed in the
public streets, alleys, or ways of such subdivision, then the subdivider shall offer to
dedicate upon the final tract or parcel map thereof, the necessary rights-of-way for such
B. When the property being subdivided or any portion thereof is so
situated as to be in the path of the natural drainage from adjoining unsubdivided
property, and no street, alley, or way within the subdivision is planned to provide for the
drainage of such adjoining property, the subdivider shall dedicate drainage
rights-of-way adequate to provide in the future for the ultimate drainage of the adjoining
C. The subdivider shall be responsible for mitigating any impacts
caused by drainage flowing from the property being subdivided to any adjacent
16.20_.00 School sites. Pursuant to Section 66478 of the Subdivision Map Act,
the city may require any subdivider who develops or completes the development of one
or more subdivisions in the city, to dedicate to the school district such land as the city
council deems to b6 necessary, for the purpose of constructing thereon, such
elementary schools as are necessary to ensure adequate public school service to the
residents of the subdivision.
Page 28 of 312
16,2,0.070, Public facilities. The city may require that areas of real property within
the subdivision be reserved for parks, recreational facilities, fire stations, libraries or
other public uses subject to the provisions of Section 66479 of the Subdivision Map Act.
16.20.QQO Suggipmental size of improvements. Pursuant to Sections 66485
and 66486 of the Subdivision Map Act, the city may require that improvements installed
by the subdivider for the benefit of the subdivision shall contain supplemental size,
capacity, number or length for the benefit of property not within the subdivision, and that
these improvements be dedicated to the public,
1,6.20.,Q90 Off-site im- gygmentg. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 66411.1
of the Subdivision Map Act, the city may require dedication of rights-of-way, easements,
and construction of reasonable off-site and on-site improvements for the parcels being
16..20.100 Park and Eggreation dedications and fees.
A. intent. This chapter is enacted pursuant to the authority granted by
Section 66477 of the Subdivision Map Act. The provisions of this chapter shall not
apply to any subdivisions exempted from dedication requirements by Section 66477 of
the Subdivision Map Act.
B. Requirements. As a condition of approval of a tentative tract or
parcel map, the subdivider shall dedicate land, pay a fee in lieu thereof, or a
combination of both, at the option of the city, for park and recreational purposes at the
time and according to the standards and formulas contained in this chapter.
C. General Standard. it is found and determined that the public
interest, convenience, health, welfare and safety require that four (4) acres of property
for each one thousand (1,000) persons residing within this city be devoted to local park
and recreational purposes.
D. Formula for Dedication of Land. Where a park or recreational
facility has been designated under the "Recreational Activity," section of the "Urban
Environment Element" of the city's general plan, and is to be located, in whole or in
part, within the proposed subdivision to serve the immediate and future needs of the
residents of the subdivision, the subdivider shall dedicate land for a local park sufficient
in size and topography to serve the residents of the subdivision. The amount of land to
be provided shall be determined pursuant to the following standards and formula:
Amount of Parkland Number of
land to be = Acreage x lots to be
provided per DU created
Parkland Average
Acreage = Density 1.000 o_ uullalign
Page 29 of 312
per DU per DU park acreage standard
The following table of population density is to be followed:
Density of Dwellina Ayeraae DensityJDU Parklnd Acreage_
Less than 6.1 DU/ac. 3.5 .0140
6.1 or more DU/ac. 2.8 .0112
DU = Dwelling unit
ac. = Acre
Park acreage standard = 4 acres of property
The amount of land to be provided shall be the parkland acreage per dwelling unit
applied to the number of parcels (dwelling units)that will be created through the subject
subdivision. In the event that a parcel is created where there is an existing dwelling
unit, and the dwelling unit will remain on the newly created parcel, said parcel shall be
exempt from the parkland acreage calculation. Dedication of the land shall be made in
accordance with the procedures contained in subsection J of this section.
E.. Formula for Fees in Lieu of Land Dedication.
1. General Formula. If there is no park or recreational facility
designated in the general plan to be located in whole or in part within the proposed
subdivision to serve the immediate and future needs of the residents of the subdivision,
the subdivider shall, in lieu of dedicating land, pay a fee equal to the value of the land
prescribed for dedication in subsection D of this section and in an amount determined in
accordance with the provisions of subsection G of this section.
2. Fees in Lieu of Land. If the proposed subdivision is exempt
under Government Code Section 66477 from dedication requirements but is subject to
the requirement of fees in lieu of land or if the city council elects to require a fee in lieu
of dedication, the subdivider shall pay a fee equal to the value of the land prescribed for
dedication in subsection D of this section and in an amount determined in accordance
with the provisions of subsection G of this section.
3. Use of Money. The money collected under this section shall
be used only for the purpose of developing new or rehabilitating existing neighborhood
or community park or recreational facilities to serve the subdivision, including the
purchase of necessary land and the improvement of such land for park or recreational
F. Criteria for Requiring Both Dedication and Fee. The city may
require the subdivider to both dedicate land and pay a fee in lieu thereof in accordance
with the following formula:
1. When only a portion of the land to be subdivided is proposed
in the general plan as the site for a local park, such portion shall be dedicated for local
Page 30 of 312
park purposes, and a fee computed pursuant to the provisions of subsection E of this
section shall be paid for any additional land that would have been required to be
dedicated pursuant to subsection D of this section.
2. When a major part of the local park or recreational site has
already been acquired by the city and only a small portion of land is needed from the
subdivision to complete the site, such remaining portion shall be dedicated for local
park purposes, and a fee computed pursuant to the provisions of subsection E of this
section shall be paid for any additional land that would have been required to be
dedicated pursuant to subsection D of this section.
G. Amount of Fee in Lieu of Land Dedication. Where a fee is required
to be paid in lieu of land dedication, the amount of such fee shall be based upon the fair
market value of the amount of land which would otherwise be required to be dedicated
pursuant to subsection D of this section. The fee shall be paid pursuant to the
provisions contained in subsection J of this section. The"fair market value" of the land
at the time of filing the tentative tract or parcel map shall be determined by the city
council using one of the of the following methods:
1. The assessed market valuation established by the Los
Angeles County Tax Assessor, if the land has been assessed within the last calendar
2. The sale price of the land, if the land has been sold within
the past five (5) years, plus the inflation rate established by the Consumer Price Index
1C.P.I.) for each year subsequent to the sale, plus any contingencies established at the
sale which would increase the market value. Documentation of the price established in
escrow and the escrow instructions which would affect the final sale price, if any, shall
be submitted to the director by the developer.
3. The sale price of comparable properties in the area, taken
from transactions that have completed escrow within the previous year.
4. An appraisal performed by a Member of the Appraisal
Institute (M.A.I.) appraiser, to be paid by the developer, if none of the above methods
are applicable.
H. Determination of Land or Fee. The city council shall determine
whether land dedication, the payment of a fee in lieu thereof, or a combination of both,
shall be required. Whether the city council accepts land dedication or elects to require
payment of a fee in lieu thereof, or a combination of both, shall be determined by
consideration of the following:
1. Recreational element of the city's general plan;
2. Topography, geology, access and location of land in the
subdivision available for dedication;
3. Size and shape of the subdivision and land available for
4. The feasibility of dedication;
5. Availability of previously acquired park property. Only the
payment of fees shall be required in subdivisions containing 50 parcels or less, or in
Page 31 of 312
condominium projects, stock cooperative projects, or community apartment projects
containing 50 dwelling units or less. The determination of the city council as to whether
land shall be dedicated or whether a fee shall be charged, or a combination thereof,
shall be final and conclusive.
I. Credit for Private Open Space. Where private open space for park
and recreational purposes is provided in a proposed subdivision and such space is to
be privately owned and maintained by the future residents of the subdivision, partial
credit, not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total land dedication required by this
section, may be given against the requirement of land dedication or payment of fees in
lieu thereof, if the city council finds that it is in the public interest to do so and that all the
following standards are met:
1. That yards, court areas, setbacks, and other open areas
required to be maintained by the zoning and building ordinances and regulations shall
not be included in the computation of such private open space;
2. That the private ownership and maintenance of the open
space is adequately provided for by recorded written agreement, conveyance, or
restrictions; and
3. That the private open space is restricted for park and
recreational purposes by recorded covenant, which runs with the land in favor of the
future owners of property and which cannot be defeated or eliminated without the
consent of the city council or its successor;
4. . That the proposed private open space is reasonably
adaptable for park and recreational purposes, taking into consideration such factors as
size, shape, topography, geology, access and location;
5. That facilities proposed for the open space are in substantial
accordance with the provisions of the recreational element of the general plan.
Before credit is given, the city council shall make written findings that the above
standards are met.
J. Procedure.
1. At the time of approval of the tentative tract or parcel map,
the city council upon the recommendation of the planning commission, shall determine
pursuant to subsection H of this section, the land to be dedicated and/or fees to be paid
by the subdivider.
2. At the time of the filing of the final tract or parcel map, the
subdivider shall dedicate the land or pay the fees as previously determined by the city
3. Open space covenants for private park or recreational
facilities shall be submitted to the city council prior to approval of the final tract or parcel
map and shall be recorded contemporaneously with the final tract or parcel map.
16 20.110 Standards. Standards for design and improvement of subdivisions
shall be in accordance with the applicable sections of this title and Title 17, the general
Page 32 of 312
plan, and any specific plans adopted by the city council.
16.20.120 soils/Quay report.
A. The applicant shall submit a preliminary soils and/or geology report,
prepared by a civil engineer and/or geologist, registered in the state, based upon
adequate test borings, for every subdivision for which a final tract or parcel map is
required. The preliminary soils and/or geology report shall be submitted to the city
engineer for review. The city engineer may require additional information or reject the
report if it is found to be incomplete, inaccurate, or unsatisfactory.. The preliminary soils
and/or geology report may be waived if the city engineer finds that sufficient knowledge
exists as to the soils qualities of the soils of the subdivision.
B. In the event the preliminary soils report indicates the presence of
critically expansive soils or other soils problems which, if not corrected, could lead to
structural defects, a soils investigation of each lot or parcel in the subdivision shall be
required and must be performed by a civil engineer registered in the state who shall
recommend the corrective action which is likely to prevent structural damage to each
structure proposed to be constructed in the area where such soils problem exists.
C. In the event the preliminary soils report indicates the presence of
rocks or liquids containing deleterious chemicals which, if not corrected, could cause
construction materials such as concrete, steel, and ductile or cast iron to corrode or
deteriorate, a soils investigation of each potentially affected lot or parcel in the.
subdivision shall be required and must be performed by a civil engineer registered in
the state who shall recommend the corrective action which is likely to prevent structural
damage to each structure proposed to be constructed in the area where such soils
problem exists.
D. The subdivision or any portion thereof where such soils problems
exist may be approved if it is determined that the recommended action is likely to
prevent structural damage to each structure to be constructed and that the issuance of
any building permit shall be conditioned to include this recommended action in
connection with the construction of each structure involved.
E. A note shall be placed on the final map stating that a geology
and/or soils report has been prepared in conjunction with the subdivision, or stating that
the geological and/or soils report has been waived pursuant to subsection A of this
16.20.130 Monuments. At the time of making the survey for all final maps, the
engineer or surveyor shall set sufficient durable monuments to conform with the
standards of the Subdivision Map Act and shall set the following additional monuments:
A. Exterior Boundary Monuments. Prior to recording the final map,
the exterior boundary of land being subdivided shall be adequately monumented.
Boundary monumelnts shall be durable monuments of not less than two-inch iron pipe,
at least eighteen (18) inches long, set in concrete at each boundary corner.
B. Interior Monuments.
Page 33 of 312
1. Parcel lot corners shall be monumented with not less than
one-half-inch iron pipe. In condominium-type projects where walls or structures define
the parcel lines, no corner monuments need be set.
2. Additional interior monumentation shall be indicated on the
back edge of the adjacent sidewalk by scored line in the fresh concrete.
3. Centerline monuments shall be set at the intersections,
streets, alleys and ways, the beginning and ends of curves, and the points of
intersections of tangents, when such points fall within the paved roadway. Monuments
shall be spikes not less than eight (8) inches long.
4. All monuments set as required in this section shall be
permanently marked or tagged with the registration or license number of the engineer
or surveyor under whose supervision the survey was made.
1. 6.20,140, Improvement aargement. Prior to the approval by the city council of
the final map, the subdivider shall execute and file an agreement with the city specifying
the period within which improvement work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the
city engineer, and providing that if the subdivider fails to complete the work within such
period, the city may complete the same and recover the full cost and expense thereof
from the subdivider. This agreement shall also provide for inspection of all
improvements by the city engineer and reimbursement to the city for the cost of such
inspection by the subdivider. Such agreement may also provide:
A. For the construction of the improvements in units;
B. For an extension of time under conditions therein specified;
C. For the termination of the agreement upon the completion of
proceedings under an assessment district act for the construction of improvements
deemed by the city engineer to be at least the equivalent of the improvements specified
in such agreement and required to be constructed by the subdivider; and
D. For progress payments to the subdivider, or his or her designee
from any deposit money which the subdivider may have made in lieu of providing a
surety bond; provided that no such progress payment shall be made for more than
ninety percent (90%) of the value of any installment of work; and provided further, that
each such installment of work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
16_202150 Imurovement bonds. To guarantee the performance of any action or
agreement with regard to the proposed subdivision, security shall be furnished in the
following amounts:
A. An amount determined by the city engineer to be one hundred
percent (100%) of the total estimated cost of the improvement or of the act to be
performed, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the act or agreement;
B. An additional amount determined by the city engineer, not less than
fifty percent (50%)?hor' more than one hundred percent(100%) of the total estimated
cost of the improvement or the performance of the required act; plus
C. An amount determined by the city engineer necessary for the
Page 34 of 312
guarantee and warranty of the work for a period of one year following the completion
and acceptance thereof against any defective work or labor done, or defective materials
16.20,160_Faitbful,i2erfornmce bond—Monumenta. The monumentation
agreements shall be accompanied by a faithful performance bond in a sum equal to the
cost of setting such monuments, guaranteeing the faithful performance of all such work
of setting monuments and furnishing notes.
16.20.1ZQ Surety company.re All faithful performance bonds
referred to in Sections 16.20.150 and 16.20.160 of this chapter shall be furnished by a
surety company rated A or AA and admitted in the State of California and shall be
subject to the approval and acceptance by the city attorney and city council.
16. 0.180 Qash deposits and negotiable bon s. In lieu of any faithful
performance bond required by Sections 16.20.150 and 16.20.160 of this chapter, the
subdivider may deposit with the city a sum of money or negotiable bonds equal to the
required amount of such bond or security for the faithful performance thereof.
10.M.190 Improvement security,---Release. The improvement security required
under this chapter shall be released in the following manner:
A. Security given for faithful performance of any act or agreement
shall be released upon the performance of the act or final completion and acceptance
of the required work, subject to the provisions of subsection B of this section;
B. The city council, upon recommendation of the city engineer, may
release a portion of the security in conjunction with the acceptance of the performance
of the act or work as it progresses, if application is made by the subdivider; provided,
however, that no such release shall be for an amount more than seventy-five percent
(75%) of the total improvement security given for faithful performance of the act or work,
until final completion and acceptance of the act or work. In no event shall the city
council authorize a release of the improvement security which would reduce such
security to an amount below that required to guarantee the completion of the act or
work and any other obligation imposed by this title, the Subdivision Map Act, or any
improvement agreement. The city council may authorize any of its public officers or
employees to authorize release or reduction of the security in accordance with the
conditions hereinabove set forth and in accordance with such rules as it may prescribe.
Page 35 of 312
Qbai2ter 16.24
16.24.010 Purpose and intent.
16.24.020 Consistency requirement.
16.24.030 Application.
16.24.040 Filing and processing.
16.24.050 Fees.
16.24.060 Condition precedent to approval.
16.24.070 Expiration.
16.24.080 Vested rights created by approval of vesting
tentative map.
16.24.090 Amendment to vesting tentative map.
16.24.100 Applications inconsistent with established
16.24.110 Subsequent permits, licenses, and other
entitlements for use.
16.,24.010 Purpose and.inteen#. The purpose of this chapter is to establish
procedures for the implementation of Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 66498.1)
of Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code of the state of California which provides
for the approval of vesting tentative maps. Except as otherwise specifically provided by
this chapter, the provisions of this title shall apply to the filing, processing and review of
vesting tentative maps as said term is defined by Section 66424.5 of the Government
1Q.24.Q,20 Consistency [equi[ement. A vesting tentative map shall be consistent
with the general plan, any applicable specific plan, the zoning ordinance, and any other
applicable provision of this municipal code in effect at the time the map is approved or
conditionally approved. Whenever a subdivider files a vesting tentative map for a
subdivision whose intended development is inconsistent with the zoning ordinance, the
city council may approve the map conditioned on the subdivider, or his or her designee,
obtaining the necessary change in the zoning ordinance to eliminate the inconsistency.
If the change in the zoning ordinance is obtained, the approved or conditionally
approved vesting tentative map shall, notwithstanding Section 16.24.080(A) of this
chapter, confer the vested right to proceed with the development in substantial
compliance with the change in the zoning ordinance and the map, as approved, for the
time periods set forth in Section 16.24.080(C) of this chapter.
Page 36 of 312
16.24.030 Agl2lication.
A. Whenever a provision of the Subdivision Map Act or this title
requires the filing of a tentative tract or parcel map, a vesting tentative map may instead
be filed, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
B. If a subdivider does not seek the rights conferred by Chapter 4.5
of Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code and this chapter, the filing of a vesting
tentative map shall not be a prerequisite to any approval for any proposed subdivision,
permit for construction, or work preparatory to construction.
'16.,24.040. Effina andprocessing. A vesting tentative map shall be filed in the
same form, have the same contents, provide the same information and shall be pro-
cessed in the same manner as set forth in this title for a tentative map except as
hereinafter provided:
A. At the time a vesting tentative map is filed it shall have printed
conspicuously on its face the words "Vesting Tentative Map."
B. The application for a vesting tentative map shall describe the
manner in which the subdivision is proposed to be developed, including but not limited
to the height, size and location of all buildings and other improvements.
C. A vesting tentative map shall not be accepted for filing unless all
other discretionary land approval applications, except for a site plan review application,
are filed concurrently with such map.
D. Whenever a subdivider files a vesting tentative map for a
subdivision whose intended development is inconsistent with the zoning ordinance in
existence at the time of filing, such inconsistency shall be noted on the map.
16.24.050 . Upon ding a vesting tentative map, the subdivider shall pay
the fees as established by city council resolution.
16.24.06Q._.Q ' ' n p�-ecedent,to app,[oval. A vesting tentative map shall not be
approved unless all other discretionary land approvals required for the proposed devel-
opment have been obtained, except for a site plan review application.
16.24.070 Expiration. The approval or conditional approval of a vesting
tentative map shall expire at the end of the same time period, and shall be subject to
the same extensions, established by section 16.16.040 of this title, for the expiration of
the approval or conditional approval of a tentative map.
16.24,080-.Yeated dahts-created by_agproval of jestina tentative mag.
Page 37 of 312
A. Subject to the time limits established by subsection C of this
section, the approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map shall confer a
vested right to proceed with development in substantial compliance with the
ordinances, policies, and standards described in Government Code Section 66474.2. If
Section 66474.2 of the Government Code is repealed, however, the approval or condi-
tional approval of a vesting tentative map shall confer a vested right to proceed with
development in substantial compliance with the ordinances, policies, and standards in
effect at the time the vesting tentative map is approved or conditionally approved.
B. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, a permit, approval,
extension, or entitlement may be made conditional or denied even though such action
may be contrary to the ordinances, policies, and standards described in subsection A if
any of the following are determined:
1. A failure to do so would place the residents of the
subdivision or the immediate community, or both, in a condition dangerous to their
health or safety, or both.
2. The condition or denial is required in order to comply with
state or federal law.
C. The rights referred to in subsection A of this section shall expire if
a final map is not approved prior to the expiration of the vesting tentative map as
provided in Section 16.24.070 of this chapter. If the final map has timely approval, such
rights shall exist for the following periods of time:
1. An initial time period of one year after the recording of the
final map. Where several final maps are recorded on various phases of a project
covered by a single vesting tentative map, this initial time period shall begin for each
phase when the final map for that phase is recorded.
2. The initial time period set forth in subdivision 1 of this
subsection shall be automatically extended by any time used for processing a complete
application for a grading permit or for site plan review, if such processing exceeds thirty
(30) days after the date a complete application is filed.
3. The subdivider may apply to the city council for a one-year
extension at any time before the expiration of the initial time period set forth in
subdivision 1 of this subsection.
4. If the subdivider submits a complete application for a
building permit during the periods of time specified in subdivisions 1 through 3 of this
subsection, the rights referred to herein shall continue to exist until the expiration of
such permit, or any extension thereof granted pursuant to Section 16.16.040 of this title.
D. Consistent with subsection A of this section, an approved or
conditionally approved vesting tentative map shall not limit the imposition of reasonable
conditions on subsequent required approvals or permits necessary for the development
and authorized by the ordinances, policies and standards described in Government
Code Section 66412.
16.24.020_Amendment to ves=a tentativemap. If the ordinances, policies and
Page 38 of 312
standards described in Government Code Section 66472 are changed subsequent to
the approval or conditional approval of a vesting map, the subdivider, or his or her
assignee, at any time prior to the expiration of a vesting tentative map, may apply for an
amendment to such map to secure a vested right to proceed with the changed
ordinances, policies, or standards. An application shall clearly specify the changed
ordinances, policies, or standards for which the amendment is sought. A public hearing
shall be held by the planning commission pursuant to Section 16.16 .020 (Tract Maps)
of this title, on any amendment involving a substantial modification to the subject
subdivision or development related thereto. After such public hearing, the planning
commission shall make a recommendation to the city council on the proposed
amendment. The city council, after a public hearing, may approve, conditionally
approve or disapprove the proposed amendment.
.1 6,2A.1 OQ 8pplications inconsistent mlith estatlished ' ' . Notwithstanding
any provision of this chapter, a property owner or his or her designee may seek
approvals or permits for development which depart from the ordinances, policies, and
standards described in Section 16.24.080(A) of this chapter, and the city council may
grant such approvals or issue such permits to the extent that the departures are
authorized under applicable law.
16,24.110 Subspquent germits, licenses, and other entitlements for use. The
provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to prevent the city council from
conditionally approving or denying any permit, license, or other entitlement for which is
applied for by the subdivider after the approval of a vesting tentative map provided such
conditional approval or denial is made in accordance with the ordinances, policies and
standards described in Section 16.24.080(A) of this chapter.
Page 39 of 312
16.28.010 Requirements.
16.28.020 Form and contents.
16.28.030 Submittal and approval by city engineer.
16.28.040 Filing with county recorder.
16.28.E u, irements. After a final tract or parcel map is filed in the office of
the county recorder, it may be amended by a certificate of correction or an amending
map for any of the following reasons:
A. To correct an error in any course or distance shown thereon;
B. To show any course or distance that was omitted therefrom;
C. To correct an error in the description of the real property shown on
the map;
D. To indicate monuments set after the death, disability, retirement
from practice, or replacement of the engineer or surveyor charged with responsibilities
for setting monuments;
E. To show the proper location of any monument which has been
changed in location or character, or originally was shown at the wrong location or
incorrectly as to its character;
F. To correct any other type of map error or omission as approved by
the city engineer which does not affect any property right. As used in this section, the
term "error" does not include changes in courses or distances from which an error is not
ascertainable from the data shown on the final tract or parcel map; or
G. To make modifications when there are changes in circumstances
which make any of the conditions of the map no longer appropriate or necessary and
which modifications do not impose any additional burden on the present fee owner of
the property, and which modifications do not alter any right, title or interest in the real
property reflected on the recorded map. A request for modification under this
subsection shall be set for public hearing by the planning commission in accordance
with the hearing notice requirements prescribed in Section 16.12.020(B) (Parcel Maps)
of this title. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 16.12.020(B) (Parcel Maps),
notice shall be given to all owners within five hundred (500) feet of the property that is
the subject of the map amendment and to all owners of record within the subject map.
A decision of the planning commission under this subsection may be appealed to the
city council pursuant to the appeal process prescribed in Section 16.12.020(E) (Parcel
Maps) of this title. The city council shall set a public hearing to hear the appeal in
Page 40 of 312
accordance with the noticing procedures prescribed above for the planning
commission. The city council and/or planning commission shall confine the hearing to
consideration of, and action on, the proposed modification(s).
16.28.020 Form and contents. The amending map or certificate of correction
shall be prepared and signed by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor.
The form and content of the amending map shall conform to the requirements of
Section 16.16.030 (Tract Maps) of this title for a final tract map and Section 16.12.030
(Parcel Maps) of this title for a final parcel map. The amending map or certificate of
correction shall set forth in detail the corrections made and the names of the present
fee owners of the property affected by the correction.
16.28.030 Submittal and garoval by cj,ty,�.�.g eer. The amending map or
certificate of correction, complete as to final form, shall be submitted to the city engineer
for review and approval. The city engineer shall examine the amending map or
certificate of correction and if the only changes made are those permitted by Section
16.28.010 of this chapter, the city engineer shall certify that fact on the amending map
or certificate of correction. The city engineer shall examine each certificate of
correction for compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the Subdivision Map
Act, endorse a statement on it of his or her examination and certification, and present it
to the county recorder for recordation within twenty (20) working days after its submittal.
If the submitted certificate fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter or the
Subdivision Map Act, the city engineer shall return it within the same twenty (20)
working days to the person who presented it, together with a written statement of the
changes necessary to make it conform to the requirements of this chapter or the
Subdivision Map Act. The licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer submitting
the certificate of correction may then make the necessary changes and resubmit the
certificate of correction to the city engineer for approval. If the resubmitted certificate is
approved, the city engineer shall present it to the county recorder for recordation within
ten (10)working days.
16.28.040 Ei gi h.rQuply recorder. The amending map or certificate of
correction certified by the city engineer shall be filed in the office of the county recorder.
Upon such filing, the county recorder shall index the names of the fee owners and the
appropriate subdivision designation shown on the amending map or certificate of
correction in the general index and map index, respectively. Thereupon, the original
map shall be deemed to have been conclusively so corrected, and thereafter shall
impart constructive notice of all such corrections in the same manner as though set
forth upon the original map.
Page 41 of 312
Cha tomer 1,6.32
16.32.010 Reversions to acreage.
16.32.020 Merger of contiguous parcels.
16.32.030 Merger of contiguous parcels--Conditions.
16.32.040 Merger of contiguous parcels--Notice of intent.
16.32.050 Merger of contiguous parcels--Hearing.
16.32.060 Merger of contiguous parcels--Determination of
16.32.070 Merger of contiguous parcels--Determination of
16.32.080 Merger of contiguous parcels--Appeal.
16.32.090 Merger of contiguous parcels--Request by property
16.32.010 Reversions to ag[eaae. The owners of subdivided property may
initiate proceedings for reversion to acreage by filing a petition with the director.
Proceedings shall be undertaken pursuant to Government Code 66499.11 fie,.
Subdivided property consisting of four or less contiguous parcels under the same
ownership may also be reverted to acreage through the filing of a parcel map in
accordance with Government Code Section 66499.20 114.
16.32.Q20 g_pgof„cont ougua gar_cels. Subdivided property consisting of
contiguous parcels under common ownership may be merged without reverting to
acreage by following the procedures set forth in this chapter.
16,32.Q30 ger of contiauous parcela--Conditions.
A. Two (2) or more contiguous parcels or units held by the same
owner shall be considered as merged if one (1) of the parcels or units does not conform
to the minimum parcel or lot size required by Title 17 (Zoning) of the city's municipal
code, and if all of the following requirements are satisfied:
1. At least one (1) of the affected parcels is undeveloped by
any structure for which a building permit was issued, or for which a building permit was
not required at the time of construction, or is developed only with an accessory
structure or accessory structures, oris developed with a single structure, other than an
Page 42 of 312
accessory structure, that is also partially sited on a contiguous parcel or unit; and
2. With respect to any affected parcel, one (1) or more of the
following conditions exists:
a. Comprises less than five thousand (5,000) square
feet in area at the time of the determination of merger;
b. Was not created in compliance with applicable laws
and ordinances in effect at the time of its creation;
C. Does not meet current standards for sewage disposal
and domestic water supply;
d. Does not meet slope stability standards;
e. Has no legal access which is adequate for vehicular
and safety equipment access and maneuverability;
f. Its development would create health or safety
hazards; or
g. Is inconsistent with the general plan and any
applicable specific plan, other than minimum lot size or density standards.
B. For purposes of determining whether contiguous parcels are held
by the same owner, ownership shall be determined as of the date that the Notice of
Intention to Determine Status is recorded pursuant to this chapter.
C. Subsection A.2 of this section shall not apply if any of the
conditions stated in section 66451.11(b)(A),(B),(C),(D) or(E) of the Subdivision Map Act
16. Merge[of contiauous arcels,-Notice of intent.
A. Prior to recording a Notice of Merger, the director shall mail, by
certified mail, a Notice of Intention to Determine Status to the current owner of the
property on record. The notice shall state that the affected parcels may be merged
pursuant to this chapter and that, within thirty (30) calendar days after the date the
Notice of Intention is recorded, the owner may request a hearing before the planning
commission to present evidence that the property does not meet the criteria for merger.
The Notice of Intention to Determine Status shall be filed for recordation with the county
recorder on the same day that the notice is mailed to the property owner.
B. If the owner does not file a request for a hearing within thirty (30)
calendar days after the recording of the Notice of Intention to Determine Status, the
planning commission may, at any time thereafter, make a determination that the
parcels are or are not to be merged. If they are to be merged, a Notice of Merger shall
be filed for recordation with the county recorder within ninety (90) calendar days after
the mailing of the Notice of Intention to Determine Status.
16.32.050 Meraer of contiguou_s_parcels--Hearina.
Page 43 of 312
A. The owner of the affected property may file a written request for a
hearing with the director within thirty (30) calendar days after recording of the Notice of
Intention to Determine Status. Upon receipt of the request, the director shall set a time,
date and place for a hearing before the planning commission and notify the owner by
certified mail. The hearing shall be conducted within sixty (60) calendar days following
the receipt of the owner's request, or may be postponed or continued by mutual
consent of the planning commission and the property owner.
Q. At the hearing, the property owner shall be given the opportunity to
present any evidence that the affected property does not meet the requirements for
merger specified in this chapter.
C. At the conclusion of the hearing, the planning commission shall
determine whether the affected parcels are to be merged or are not to be merged and
shall notify the owner of the determination. The Notice of Determination shall be mailed
to the property owner within five (5) calendar days after the date of the hearing.
16.32.06Q Meraer of gQntiauou� 12arcels--Determination
. If the
planning commission makes a determination that the parcels are to be merged, a
Notice of Merger shall be recorded with the county recorder within thirty (30) calendar
days after the conclusion of the hearing, unless the decision has been appealed
pursuant to Section 16.32.080 of this chapter. The Notice of Merger shall specify the
name of the owner of record and a description of the property. The Notice of Merger
r under this chapter shall be approved by the city engineer.prior to being filed by the city
clerk for recordation with the county recorder.
1 --Determination gf non-meraer. If the
planning commission makes a determination that the parcels shall not be merged, a
release of the Notice of Intention to Determine Status shall be recorded with the county
recorder within thirty (30) calendar days after the planning commission determination,
and a clearance letter shall be mailed to the owner by the director.
16.32.080 Meraer of contiauou_s_parcels--Aooea_l. The owner of a merged parcel
may appeal a determination by the planning commission in writing to the city council
within fifteen (15) calendar days after receiving notice of the planning commission's
decision. if, after hearing, the city council grants the appeal and determines that the . '
affected property has not been merged pursuant to this chapter, the director shall,
within thirty (30) calendar days after the city council determination, file for recordation
with the county recorder a release of the Notice of Intention to Determine Status and
mail a_clearance letter to the owner. If, after hearing, the city council denies the appeal,
a Notice of Merger shall be recorded with the county recorder within thirty (30) calendar
days after the denial.
-- If the
merger of contiguous parcels or units is initiated by the ownerof record, the owner may,
Page 44 of 312
in writing, waive the right to a hearing before the planning commission and to all notices
required by this chapter. Upon receipt of such waiver, the director shall simultaneously
file for recordation with the county recorder, a Notice of Intention to Determine Status,
the Waiver of Right of Hearing and Notice, and a Notice of Merger.
Page 45 of 312
Chapter 17.02
. '
17.02.010 Purpose.
17.02.020 Uses and development permitted.
17.02.025 Uses and development permitted with a conditional use permit.
17.02.030 Development standards.
17.02.040 View preservation and restoration.
17.02.010 eu[ggse. The purpose of the single-family residential district (RS) is
to provide for individual homes on separate lots, each for the occupancy of one family,
at various minimum lot sizes, to provide for a range of yard and lot sizes which are
based on the general plan of the City, and to provide for other uses that are associated
and compatible with residential uses designated in this title.
17.02.QQ Uses and deyelopm_g0t germitted. Only the following uses and
developments may be conducted or constructed:
A. Single-family residential buildings, mobile homes on city approved
foundations, as provided in California Government Code Sections 65852.3 and 65852.4
and associated accessory structures for the residential use and occupancy of not more
than one family and not more than one dwelling unit per lot, with the exception of
second units approved pursuant to Chapter 17.10 (Second Unit Development
B. Home occupations pursuant to Chapter 17.08 (Home
C. Private outdoor recreational uses, such as tennis courts,
swimming pools and basketball courts, which are incidental to the residential use of the
D. Residential planned development (RPD), pursuant to Chapter
17.42 (Residential Planned Development);
E. The keeping of animals customarily referred to as household pets
and small domestic animals for noncommercial purposes;
F. The keeping of large domestic animals, pursuant to Chapter
17.46 (Large Domestic Animal Overlay District);
G. '' The keeping of a maximum of five (5) bee hives for
noncommercial purposes, except for the RS-A-5 Residential Zoning District, where a
maximum of ten (10) bee hives may be kept upon approval by the director of a site plan
Page 46 of 312
review application, which shall be appealable to the Planning Commission pursuant'to
chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure);
H. The growing of crops and/or fruits on one acre or less for
noncommercial purposes;
I. Flower and produce stands, wholesale plant nurseries, horse
stables and similar commercial/agricultural uses, only with approval of a conditional use
permit, pursuant to Chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits);
J. Small family day care;
K. Temporary special uses and developments,eif a Special Use
Permit is first obtained, pursuant to Chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits);
L. Commercial filming or photography, if a City Film Permit is first
obtained, pursuant to Chapter 9.16 (Still Photography, Motion Picture and Television
Productions) of this municipal code;
M. Any other use which specifically is required to be permitted in a
single family residential district by state or federal law; and
N. Other uses as provided in any applicable overlay or special
17.02.Q25 Uses alid develogment permitted by Conditioj]al Uae . only
the following uses and developments may be conducted or constructed with approval of
a conditional use permit pursuant to chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits):
A. The growing of crops and/or fruits on more than one (1) acre or
for commercial purposes;
B. Bed and breakfast inns;
C. Residential care facilities involving seven (7) or more patients;
D. Large family day care, pursuant to section 17.76.070 (Large
Family Day Care Home Permit);
E Commercial antennas, pursuant to section 17.76.020 (Antennas
and Satellite Dishes);
F. Golf courses, driving ranges, and related ancillary uses;
G. Government facilities;
H. Private educational uses, not including nursery schools and day
1. Public utility structures;
J. Outdoor active recreational uses and facilities; and
K. Such other uses as the director deems to be similar and no more
intensive. Such a determination may be appealed to the planning commission and the
planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to section
17.80.050 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure). If a proposed use or development
is located in the coastal specific plan district, the city's final decision regarding such
other use may be dppealed to the California Coastal Commission for a determination
that the uses are similar and compatible with the local coastal program.
Page 47 of 312
17.02.030 Development standg_ds.
A. Single-Family Residential Development Standards Chart. The
property development standards contained in "Table 02-A, Single-Family Residential
Development Standards", shall apply to all land and structures in the RS districts. For
exceptions and explanatory description of these standards; for standards of fences,
walls and signs; and for off-site improvement and dedication requirements, see Article
VI (Use and Development Standards) and Article VII (Development Application and
Review) of this title. A zoning designation followed by (RPD) indicates that a residential
planned development is required; see Chapter 17.42 (Residential Planned
Development). The number which follows an "RS" designation indicates the maximum
number of lots per acre permitted in the zone; the number which follows an "RS-A"
designation indicates the minimum number of acres per lot permitted in the zone.
B. Parking/driveway standards.
1. A minimum of two (2) enclosed parking spaces shall be
provided and maintained in a garage on the property of each single family dwelling unit
containing less than five-thousand (5,000) square feet of habitable space, as
determined by the director.
2. A minimum of three (3) enclosed parking spaces shall be
provided and maintained in a garage on the property of each single family dwelling unit
containing five-thousand (5,000) square feet or more of habitable space, as determined
by the director.
3. In addition to the parking requirements for the primary single
family residence on a property, parking for City approved second units shall be provided
in accordance with Chapter 17.10 (Second Unit Development Standards).
4. An enclosed parking space shall have an unobstructed
ground space of no less than nine (9) feet in width by twenty (20) feet in depth, with a
minimum of seven (7) feet of vertical clearance over the space.
5. The following minimum driveway widths and turning radii
shall be provided for all driveways leading from the street of access to a garage or other
parking area on a residential parcel:
a. A driveway shall be a minimum width of ten (10) feet;
b. A paved twenty-five (25) foot turning radius shall be
provided between the garage or other parking area and the street of access for
driveways which have an average slope of ten percent(10%) or more, or which are fifty
(50) feet or more in length.
0. Driveways shall take into account the driveway standards
required by the Department of Public Works for driveway entrances located in the public
7. All driveways shall be built and maintained in accordance
with the specificatibns of the Los Angeles County Fire Department. If there is any
inconsistency between the standards imposed by this Chapter and the standards
imposed by the Los Angeles County Fire Department, the stricter shall apply.
Page 48 of 312
CbgQter 17.04
17.04.010 Purpose.
17.04.020 Uses and development permitted.
17.04.030 Uses and development permitted by Conditional Use Permit.
17.04.040 Development standards.
,IT04.01 Q Purlose. The purpose of the multiple-family residential districts (RM)
is to provide for residential structures on lots containing one or more dwelling units at
various densities which are consistent with the general plan of the city, and to provide
for other uses that are associated and compatible with the residential uses.
17.04.020 ,,Uses and,d,eeent prmi_. Only the following uses and
developments may be conducted or constructed:
A. Single-family and multiple-family residential and associated
accessory structures for the residential use and occupancy of not more than one family
per dwelling unit and related recreational and community facilities for the use of the
residents of the development. All new multiple-family developments may be permitted
only with the approval of a residential planned development permit pursuant to Chapter
17.74 (Residential Planned Development Permit);
B. Private outdoor recreational facilities, such as tennis courts,
swimming pools and basketball courts, which are incidental to the residential use of the
C. Large family day care, if a Large Family Day Care Permit is first
obtained, pursuant to Section 17.76.070 (Large Family Day Care Home Permit);
D. Home occupations pursuant to Chapter 17.08 (Home
E. The keeping of animals customarily referred to as household pets
and small domestic animals for noncommercial purposes.
F. Temporary special uses and developments, if a Special Use
Permit is first obtained, pursuant to Chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits);
G. Commercial filming or photography, if a City Film Permit is first
obtained, pursuant to Chapter 9.16 (Still Photography, Motion Picture and Television
Productions) of this municipal code; and
Page 49 of 312
H. Other uses as provided in any applicable overlay or special
17-04,Q3Q Lkes and dev!alol2ment pe[mijjed by.Cgoditionat . . only
the following uses and developments may be conducted or constructed with approval of
a conditional use permit pursuant to chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits):
A. Condominium, stock cooperative and similar developments where
the structure and/or lot is divided for sale, or where exclusive use of a unit is granted to
an individual or individuals upon purchase of stock;
B. Minor commercial uses, provided that such commercial uses are
clearly incidental and auxiliary to the development, and are designed for the sole use of
the residents of the development;
C. Mobile home parks, with the following provisions;
1. Mobile home parks shall be a minimum area of ten (10)
2. The lot area per mobile home or mobile home space shall
not be less than four thousand (4,000)square feet;
3. Mobile homes shall conform to setback and open space
area standards for the district in which they are located;
4. There shall be a distance of not less than fifteen (15) feet
between mobile homes;
5. Mobile home parks shall provide a minimum of two (2), non-
tandem parking spaces per mobile home site;
6. One storage space shall be provided for recreational
vehicles per every five (5) mobile home sites. Such storage space shall not be tandem
to the parking spaces required in subsection 17.04.030(0)(5) of this chapter.
D. Residential Care Facilities involving seven (7) or more patients;
E. The growing of crops and/or fruits on more than one (1) acre or
for commercial purposes;
F. Bed and breakfast inns;
G. Commercial antennas, pursuant to section 17.76.020 (Antennas
and Satellite Dishes);
H. Golf courses, driving ranges, and related ancillary uses;
1. Government facilities;
J. Public utility structures;
K. Outdoor active recreational uses and facilities; and
L. Such uses as the planning commission deems to be similar and
no more intensive. Such a determination may be appealed to the planning commission
and the planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to
Section 17.80.050(Hearing Notice of Appeal Procedure). If a proposed use or
development is located in the coastal specific plan district, the city's final decision
regarding such other use may be appealed to the california coastal commission for a
Page 50 of 312
determination that the uses are similar and compatible with the local coastal program.
17.04.040_Develgl2ment standards. The following development standards,
including the standards contained in "Table 04-A: Multiple-family Residential
Development Standards", shall apply to all land and structures in the RM districts. For
exceptions and explanatory description of these standards; for standards of fences,
walls, and signs; and for off-site improvement and dedication requirements, see Article
VI (Use and Development Standards) and Article Vlll (Development Application and
Review) of this title. The number which follows an "RM"designation indicates the
maximum number of units which may be allowed per acre in that district.
A. The following minimum distances between exterior walls on
buildings used for residential occupancy on the same lot in an RM district shall apply:
1. Where there are wall openings (windows and/or doors) on
adjacent walls of two buildings or wings of the same building which result in opposite
walls into a space, such buildings or wings of a building shall be separated by a
distance of not less than thirty (30)feet.
2. Where there are no wall openings or wall openings only on
one adjacent wall of a building or wing, such buildings or wings of a building shall be
separated by a distance of not less than ten (10) feet.
3. Where adjacent buildings or wings exceed thirty (30) feet in
height, the space between such buildings or wings shall be increased by two and
one-half(2 1/2) feet for each ten (10)feet in height.
4. Eaves and other projections from the exterior wall shall not
exceed one-third (1/3) of the height of the exterior wall; however, in no case may two
(2) eaves or other projections be closer than ten (10)feet.
B. State development standards for the handicapped shall apply to
all multiple-family residential uses in RM districts.
C. For additional development standards for all multiple-family
residential structures, see Chapter 17.06 (Attached Unit Development Standards).
D. Private Open Space. As part of the open space area required, all
of the units shall have an appurtenant private patio, deck, balcony, atrium, or solarium
with a minimum area of one hundred fifty (150) square feet, except that one bedroom
units shall have a minimum of one hundred thirty (130) square feet of private open
space. Such space shall have a configuration that would allow a horizontal rectangle of
one hundred (100) square feet in area, and no side shall be less than seven (7)feet in
length. Such space shall have at least one electrical outlet. Such space may count for
up to thirty percent (30%) of the required open space area.
E. Private Storage Space. Each unit shall have at least four hundred
(400) cubic feet of enclosed, weather-proofed, and lockable storage space for the sole
use of the unit resident, in addition to customary storage space within the unit.
F. Condominiums, Stock Cooperatives and Similar Developments.
In addition to the other standards of this Chapter, the following standards shall apply:
Page 51 of 312
1. With the exception of second units approved pursuant to
Chapter 17.10 (Second Unit Development Standards), there shall be no more than one
unit in any vertical configuration, unless the planning commission and/or city council
Page 52 of 312
For exceptions and explanatory descriptions of these standards;for standards of fences,walls,hedges and signs;and for off-site improvement and dedication requirements,
see Article VI and Article VII of this title.
The number which follows an"RM"designation indicates the maximum number of units which may be allowed per acre in that district.
RM-6 7300 13,000 65' 110' 25' 10' 25' 20' 45 30'
1 2 garage
RM-8 5400 101000 65' 110' 25' 10' 25' 20' 45 30' garage spaces
RM- 4400 12,000 75' 110' 25' 10' 25' 20' 43 30' Space
RM- 3600 15j000 75' 110' 25' 10' 25' 20' 40 30'
12 (+25% of total
RM- 2000 24,000 100' 110' 25' 10' 25' 20' 35 36' parking required)
1. For existing lots not meeting these standards, see Chapter 17.84 (Nonconformities).
2. For description. clarification and exceptions. see Chapter 17.48 (Lots. Setbacks. Open Space Area and Building Height).
3. For parking area development standards. see Chapter 17.54. Any under-building parking structures must be completely enclosed or have openings screened from the public right-of-way
and other affected views. In all RM Districts. 25% of the required parking shall be provided as guest parking in addition to the standard parking requirements.
Page 53 of 312
finds that such a configuration is consistent with the City's adopted housing element of
the general plan.
2. A condominium, stock cooperative or similar development
conversion proposal, which does not comply with all of the precise development
standards in this chapter, may be approved where the planning commission and/or city
council finds that there are unusual circumstances regarding the development's
location, site or configuration; that the project is in substantial compliance with the
development standards; and that there are mitigating features incorporated in the
project, which tend to further the expressed intent and purposes of this chapter.
Recognizing that the conversion of existing multiple-residential structures to
condominium, stock cooperative or similar development usage presents unique
problems with respect to the requirements of this section, the planning commission
and/or city council is empowered to vary any and all requirements contained in this
chapter, with regard to a particular conversion proposal, upon a finding that the creation
of the proposed condominium, stock cooperative or similar development will not have
the potential to contravene the intent and purposes of this chapter. Project
characteristics of critical importance in determining whether or not a proposed
conversion has that potential, include the age of the structure and the degree to which
the proposal varies from the required standards for the following: parking, sound
transmission characteristics, private open space and storage spaces. The planning
commission and/or city council is also empowered to impose conditions on its.approval
of the Col llditional Use Permit, which would require that specified- modifications,
designed to bring a structure more nearly into compliance with the condominium, stock
cooperative and similar development standards contained in this section, be made to
the structure proposed for conversion.
Page 54 of 312
17.06.010 Purpose.
17.06.020 Development standards.
17.06.010 Purpose. This chapter provides supplemental development
standards which shall apply to all residential structures which are constructed with
common walls and/or floor/ceiling assemblies (attached single-family, multiple-family,
condominiums, stock cooperatives, community apartment houses, etc.).
17.06.020 Development standards.
A. Attenuation of Noise and Vibration.
1. No plumbing fixture or other such permanent device which
generates noise or vibration shall be attached to a common wall adjacent to a living
room, family room, dining room, den,.or bedroom of an adjoining unit. All plumbing fix-
tures or similar devices shall be located on exterior walls, on interior walls within the
unit, or on common walls, if adjacent to a similar fixture or device.
2. All water supply lines within common wails and/or
floors/ceilings shall be isolated from wood or metal framing with pipe isolators
specifically manufactured for that purpose and approved by the City's Building Oficial.
In multistory residential structures, all vertical drainage pipes shall be surrounded by
three-quarter-inch thick dense insulation board or full thick fiberglass or wool blanket
insulation for their entire length, excluding the sections that pass through wood or metal
framing. The building official may approve other methods of isolating sound
transmission through plumbing lines where their effectiveness can be demonstrated.
3. All common wall assemblies which separate attached
single-family units shall be of a cavity-type construction.
4. All common wall assemblies which separate all other
attached dwelling units (multiple-family condominiums, stock cooperatives, community
apartment houses) or a dwelling unit and a public or quasi-public space shall be of a
staggered-stud construction.
5. All common wall assemblies which separate dwelling units
from each other or from public or quasi-public spaces (interior corridors, laundry rooms,
recreation rooms, Viand garages) shall be constructed with a minimum rating of fifty-five
(55) STC (sound transmission class).
6. All common floor/ceiling assemblies which separate dwelling
Page 55 of 312
units from each other or from public or quasi-public spaces (interior corridors, laundry
rooms, recreation rooms, and garages) shall be constructed with a minimum rating of
fifty (50) STC (sound transmission class) and a minimum rating of sixty-five (65) IIC
(impact insulation class). Floor coverings may be included in the assembly to obtain
the required ratings, but must be retained as a permanent part of the assembly and
may only be replaced by another insulation.
7. STC and IIC ratings shall be based on the result of
laboratory measurements and will not be subjected to field testing. The STC rating
shall be based on the American Society for Testing and Materials system specified in
ASTM #90-66t or equivalent. The IIC rating shall be based on the system in use at the
National Bureau of Standards or equivalent. Ratings obtained from other testing
procedures will require adjustment to the above rating systems. In documenting wall
and floor/ceiling compliance with the required sound ratings, the applicant shall either
furnish the City's Building Official with data based upon tests performed by a
recognized and approved testing laboratory, or furnish the building official with verified
manufacturer's data on the ratings of the various wall and floor/ceiling assemblies
B. Utility Easements Over Private Streets and Other Areas. If private
streets are involved, a provision shall be made for public utility easements over the
entire private street network. The director and/or planning commission may also
require public utility easements adjacent to public streets or over other areas to
accommodate fire hydrants, water meters, street furniture, storm drainage, sanitary
sewers, water and gas mains, electrical lines and similar urban infrastructure. The
director and/or planning commission may also require access routes necessary to
ensure that fire fighting equipment can reach and operate efficiently in all areas.
Page 56 of 312
Chapter 1L.Q8
17.08.010 Purpose.
17.08.020 Permit required.
17.08,030 Review of applications.
17,0 0. 0.,,Purposg_. This chapter provides that certain incidental and accessory
uses may be established in residential neighborhoods under conditions that will ensure
their compatibility with the neighborhood. They are intended to protect the rights of the
residents to engage in certain Home Occupations that are harmonious with a residential
1Z,Q8,020 Eermit-regiiired. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation to establish, cause, permit or maintain any type of business, profession or
other commercial occupation in any residential zoning district without first securing a
Home Occupation Permit from the director. Application for a Home Occupation Permit
shall be made on forms provided by the City and shall include a fling fee in an amount
established by resolution by the city council.
17.0$,Q30 Beyiew�of appligation_s_. Home Occupations shall be permitted only if
they comply with the following standards, and such other conditions which are imposed
by the director:
A. All structures must comply with general appearance, setbacks,
and landscaping standards and regulations applicable to all zoning districts of the area
in which they are located.
B. No displays, signs, and/or advertisements associated with the
Home Occupation shall be permitted.
C. The permitted activity shall not be injurious to the use of
neighboring property by reason of noise, vibration, odor, fumes, smoke, dust or similar
adverse impacts on adjacent properties.
D. There shall be no radio or television interference created by said
Home Occupation'
E. A Home Occupation shall not create vehicular or pedestrian traffic
which changes the residential character of the neighborhood and dwelling unit where
Page 57 of 312
the business is being conducted, or create a greater demand for parking than can be
accommodated on site or on the street frontage abutting the property where the Home
Occupation is being conducted.
F. There shall be no deliveries to and from the residence of bulk
materials which are used in conjunction with the Home Occupation and no deliveries of
materials, goods or retail merchandise associated with a Home Occupation, if such
deliveries change the residential character of the neighborhood and dwelling unit where
the business is being conducted. .
G. The person conducting the profession or business must reside
within the dwelling unit in which the activity is located.
H. With the exception of one "home occupation employee," as
defined in chapter 17.96, there shall be no employment of help other than individuals
residing at the subject residence. An on site parking area of no less than nine (9)feet
in width by twenty (20)feet in length shall be provided for the one home occupation
1. There shall be no use or storage of dangerous chemicals, acids,
caustics, explosives, or other such hazardous equipment or materials, other than those
materials that are used in typical household activities as classified in the county
household hazardous materials list.
J. There shall be no storage of materials and/or supplies, associated
with the Home Occupation, outside of the residence, which may be visible from
adjoining properties and/or the public right-of-way. if the garage is used to store Home
Occupation associated materials, the minimum interior parking dimensions specified in
Section 17.02.030 (Single Family Residential Districts) shall be maintained.
K. There shall be no use of utilities or community facilities which
change the residential character of the neighborhood and dwelling unit where the
business is being conducted beyond the level which is normal for the use of the
property for residential purposes.
L. The establishment and conduct of a Home Occupation shall not
change the principal residential character of the use of the dwelling unit, nor shall there
be any exterior evidence of the Home Occupation being conducted. The home
occupation use shall be clearly incidental to the residential use.
Page 58 of 312
QhgQter 17.10
17.10.010 Purpose.
17.10.020 Development standards.
17.10.030 Filing for record.
17.10.040 Revocation.
17.10.010 Pur000S.e. This chapter provides standards for the development and
maintenance of second units on residential lots in accordance with California State
Government Code Section 65852.2. This chapter ensures that second units in
residential districts are developed and operated on adequate sites, at proper and
desirable locations, and that the goals and objectives of the general plan are observed.
A second unit which conforms to the following requirements shall not be considered to
exceed the allowable density for the lot upon which it is located and shall be deemed to
be a residential use which is consistent with the existing general plan and zoning
designations for the lot.
U.10,020 Qeyelogment-stgndards. Second unit developments which adhere to
the following standards, shall be permitted in all RS and RM districts with the approval
of a Site Plan Review Application by the director. Second unit developments which do
not meet the standards of this chapter shall be allowed in all RS and RM districts with
the approval of a Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use
Permits), and any other applicable permits.
A. The lot on which a second unit is constructed shall contain a
single-family residence, which shall be considered as the primary use and dwelling unit,
along with other non-habitable accessory structures, as normally allowed on such a lot.
The distinction between the primary unit and the second unit shall be made by the
director and that distinction shall be incorporated as a condition of approval of the
appropriate application.
B. A trailer, as defined in chapter 17.96 (Definitions), or any other
recreational vehicle, may not be stored, or maintained as a habitable unit, on a
residential lot.
C. All second unit developments shall comply with all applicable
building, housing, zoning and site development standards, codes and regulations of the
base zoning district in which it will be located. This shall include, but not be limited to,
standards regarding height, setbacks, and lot coverage, and in the case of second units
Page 59 of 312
which require approval of a height modification permit, the neighborhood character
standards of Chapter 17.02 (Single-family Residential Districts).
D. The total area of floor space for a detached second unit,
excluding any required garage space, shall not exceed one thousand two hundred
(1,200) square feet. The total area of floor space for an attached second unit,
excluding any required garage space, shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the
primary residence's main building floor area.
E. Whether attached or detached to the primary unit, the second unit
shall not exceed sixteen (16) feet in height unless a height modification permit is
granted pursuant to section 17.02.040 (Single Family Residential Districts).
F. Second units which are located on the second level of a primary
unit shall share the same entrance/exit as the primary unit. Exterior stairs leading to a
second unit located on the second level of a primary unit shall be prohibited, unless the
stairs are leading to and/or connected to a common hallway, deck or entry, rather than
a specific room.
G. The second unit shall include, in accordance with the Uniform
Building Code, one full bathroom and one kitchen and shall not include any additional
bathrooms or kitchens. The second unit shall also be limited to a maximum of two (2)
H. The second unit shall be located on a lot or parcel which is served
by a public sanitary sewer system.
I. A minimum of one enclosed parking space shall be providAd in an
enclosed garage on the property for the second unit, in addition to the parking
requirements described in section 17.02.030 (Single Family Residential Districts) for the
primary residence. Such parking area shall not be tandem to, or block the access of,
the parking areas for the primary residence.
J. Prior to the development of a second unit, the primary unit shall
conform to the parking standards described in section 17.02.030 (Single Family
Residential Districts).
K. The primary unit and the second unit shall remain under the same
ownership. The second unit shall not be sold separately from the primary unit.
L. Either the primary unit or the second unit shall be owner occupied
in order for the second unit to qualify for and maintain the right to have an occupancy
17.1 Q-030 Eiling for reo.rd. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy
for approved second unit developments pursuant to this chapter, a covenant
accompanied with the adopting resolution and/or conditions of approval shall be
recorded by the city with the county recorder as a covenant running with the land. The
covenant shall also state that the owner agrees to all conditions of approval.
17.10.040 Revocation. if the Site Plan Review Application and/or the Conditional
Use Permit is revoked by the City pursuant to the provisions of chapter 17.86
Page 60 of 312
(Enforcement) of this code, then the director shall file notice with the county recorder
that the second unit approval has been revoked and the property owner shall forthwith
convert the second unit to a legal structure or shall demolish such structure.
Page 61 of 312
Chapter 17.11
17.11.010 Intent and Purpose.
17.11.020 Applicability.
17.11.030 Exemptions.
17.11.040 Affordable Housing Requirement.
17.11.050 In Lieu Fees.
17.11.060 Affordable Housing Incentives
17.11.070 Period of Affordability
17.11.080 Feasibility.
17.11.090 Agreement.
17.11.100 Tenant/Owner Qualification.
17.11.110 Reporting.
17.11.120 Resale.
17.11.130 Coastal Specific Plan District Replacement Housing
17.11.140 Affordable Housing Requirements for Non-residential Projects.
1_7_.11.Q1 Q latent and Purpose. This chapter specifies procedures under
which applicants for new residential projects shall receive a density bonus or other
incentives for providing housing affordable to low and very low income households.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit the City from negotiating for
greater numbers of dwelling units affordable to low and very low income households or
the provision of varying affordable housing incentives.
In order to provide housing affordable to all segments of the community and preserve
and maintain low and moderate income housing opportunities in the coastal specific
plan district, consistent with the goals of the City's adopted general plan housing
element and state law, this chapter further specifies procedures under which applicants
for demolition or conversion of residential units occupied by low or moderate income
households in the coastal zone, or for new residential projects, shall be required to
provide for housing affordable to very low, low and moderate income households.
In addition, in order to mitigate the impact of local employment generation on the local
housing market, consistent with the goals of the City's adopted general plan housing
element and statewide housing goals as declared by the California state legislature, this
chapter specifies procedures under which applicants of new non-residential
development, or conversion of existing development to a more intense use, shall be
Page 62 of 312
required to make provisions for housing affordable to low and very low income
J1,.11=.020 Apglicabilify. The requirements of this chapter shall apply to all
applications which will result in the creation of five (5) or more dwelling units or
residential lots, including but not limited to, applications for a tentative tract map, parcel
map, conditional use permit, coastal permit, building permit, or other development
entitlement. where an initial project consists of four(4) or fewer units, and application
is made within three (3) years of the initial project approval to further subdivide or
expand the initial project such that the total number of dwelling units or residential lots
is equal to five (5) or more, this chapter shall apply.
The requirements of this chapter shall also apply to all applications for demolition or
conversion of three (3) or more dwelling units in the coastal specific plan district
described in chapter 17.72 (Coastal Permits), as specified in section 17.11.130 of this
chapter. where an initial project consists of two or fewer units, and application is made
within three (3)years of the initial project approval to further subdivide or expand the
initial project such that the total number of dwelling units or residential lots is equal to
three (3) or more, this chapter shall apply.
The requirements of this chapter shall also apply to any development project which has
been approved prior to adoption of this chapter which contains a condition requiring the
provision of affordable housing.
This chapter shall further apply to conversion of existing residential rental projects to
condominium or stock cooperative ownership at any location in the City where twenty
percent (20%) of the units are occupied by very low or low income households at the
time application for conversion is filed.
No residents may be evicted for the purpose of avoiding the requirements of this
section. where residents have been evicted in the twelve (12) months prior to filing an
application listed in this section, a presumption of avoidance shall be made, unless
evidence to the contrary is submitted to, and approved by, the City.
U.11,020 Exemat_ons.
A. The requirements of this Chapter shall not apply to:
1. The reconstruction of any structure which has been destroyed
by fire, flood, earthquake, or other act of God or nature; and
2. Projects where the City in its sole and absolute discretion finds
the provision of affordable units to be infeasible pursuant to section 17.11.080 of this
-JZ.11.040 Affordable Housing Requirement. Except as provided for in
Page 63 of 312
section 17.11.030 of this chapter, new residential development of five (5) or more
dwelling units shall be required to provide up to five percent (5%) of all units affordable
to very low income households or provide up to ten percent (10%) of all units affordable
to low income households. Where a mixture of Affordability levels is provided, each
very low income affordable unit shall be weighted such that it is equivalent to two (2)
low income affordable units, resulting in a total weighted count equal to ten percent
(10%) of total units. The units shall be rented or sold only to households whose income
is at a level which does not exceed the required affordability level of the unit. Except
where it has been demonstrated not to be feasible, the affordable units shall be similar
in exterior appearance, configuration, and basic amenities (such as storage space and
outdoor living areas) to the market rate units in the proposed project.
The affordable units shall be provided on-site or off-site at a location to be approved by
the director. Prior to the time the affordable units become available for sale or rent,
certificates of occupancy shall not be issued for more than fifty percent (50%) of the
units in the project nor shall more than fifty percent (50%) of the individual lots be sold
in cases where a tract map is involved. For phased developments, the provision of the
affordable units shall also be phased, proportionate to the size of each development
1,7,11.050 1n Lieu Fees. Upon city council approval, in-lieu fees may be
provided as an alternative to units required pursuant to sections 17.11.040 or 17.11.130
of this chapter. The fee per affordable unit to be provided, shall be established by city
council resolution.
17.11.060 AffordableHousina Incentives.
A. Density Bonus.
1. New Construction. When a developer of new housing
agrees to provide at least ten percent(10%) of all units as very low income units, twenty
percent (20%) of all units as low income units, or fifty percent (50%) of all units for
qualifying senior residents, a density bonus and/or affordable housing incentive shall be
provided by the City. The density bonus shall not be included when determining the
number of dwelling units equal to ten (10) or twenty (20) percent of the total units. At
least one additional or alternative incentive, as described in section 17.11.060(6) of this
chapter, shall be provided in addition to the density bonus, if the applicant
demonstrates to the City's satisfaction that provision of the low or very low income units
is not feasible without the incentive. The units shall be rented or sold only to
households whose income is at a level which does not exceed the required affordability
level of the unit. The affordable units shall be similar in exterior appearance,
configuration, and'basic amenities (such as storage space and outdoor living areas) to
the market rate units in the proposed project.
Page 64 of 312
When a developer of new housing agrees to provide at least ten percent (10%) of all
units as very low income units and twenty percent (20%) of all units as low income
units, density bonuses shall not accrue cumulatively, and only one density bonus and at
least one other additional incentive shall be provided.
2. Condominium conversion. Where an applicant for a
conversion of an apartment project to a condominium project agrees to provide at least
thirty three percent (33%) of the total proposed condominium units to low and moderate
income households or at least fifteen percent (15%) of the total units to lower income
households, and agrees to pay reasonably necessary administrative costs incurred by
the City, a density bonus and/or affordable housing incentive shall be provided by the
City. The density bonus units shall be provided within the existing structure or structures
to be converted.
The units shall be sold only to households whose income is at a level which does not
exceed the required affordability level of the unit. Except where it has been
demonstrated not to be feasible, the affordable units shall be similar in appearance,
configuration, and amenities to the market rate units in the proposed project.
An apartment project originally developed with a density bonus or other incentive
pursuant to section 17.11.060(A)(1) of this chapter, shall not be eligible for a further
density bonus or incentive under this subsection.
B. Additional or Alternative Incentives. At the option of the City,
affordable housing incentives in lieu of, or in addition to, a density bonus may be
provided. These incentives include, but are not limited to:
1. A reduction in site development standards or modification of
zoning requirements or architectural design requirements which exceed minimum State
standards, including modification of setback, parking, or lot size requirements.
2. Approval of a mixed use project, if the other uses are
compatible with residential development and with other development in the surrounding
3. Other regulatory concessions which result in identifiable cost
C. Application. Applicants for density bonuses shall file an
application for a density bonus with the director. The application shall specify the total
number of dwelling units proposed, the number of low income, very low income, and/or
qualifying senior units proposed, proposed rent or price of the units, the location of the
units, proposed means of administering the units, and such other information as may be
required by the director. If an additional incentive is requested, beyond that required
pursuant to section 17.11.060(A)(1) of this chapter, the feasibility requirements of
section 17.11.080 of this chapter shall also apply. The application shall be
accompanied by d fee, to be established by resolution of the city council, to cover the
City's cost of reviewing and administering the proposed density bonus project.
Page 65 of 312
17,11,070 Period o.f Affordability. Units required at specified affordability
levels shall remain available and affordable for the longest feasible period of time, as
determined by the City. However, in no event shall low and very low income units
remain available and affordable for a period of less than thirty (30) years where a
density bonus and at least one other incentive are provided. Low and very low income
units shall remain available and affordable for a period of at least ten (10) years where
a density bonus is provided with no other incentive. Units for qualifying senior residents
shall remain available to qualifying senior residents for a period of at least fifteen (15)
1-.1- Eemi . .
A. Applicability. A feasibility study shall be required when:
1. Provision of units affordable to low and very low income
households in accordance with section 17.11.040 of this chapter is not contemplated;
2. An existing development in the coastal specific plan district
meets the criteria of section 17.11.130 of this chapter and the provision of replacement
units affordable to low and moderate income households is not contemplated; or
3. A developer has requested one or more incentives in
addition to the density bonus, pursuant to section 17.11.060 of this chapter.
B. Application. The applicant shall deposit with the City a fee
adequate to compensate for the cost of the study in addition to an administrative fee at
a level to be established by resolution of the city council. The applicant shall provide a
project proforma, data regarding existing rents and existing tenant income for existing
residential projects to be converted or demolished, and any other information deemed
necessary by the director. The application package shall not be deemed complete until
the feasibility study is completed to the satisfaction of the director.
C. Study Contents. The study shall examine the feasibility of
providing affordable units in accordance with sections 17.11.040 and 17.11.130 of this
chapter, as applicable. If an application has been filed for an affordable housing
incentive in addition to a density bonus, the study shall examine the feasibility of
providing the affordable housing without the additional affordable housing incentive. If
this is demonstrated not to be feasible, the study shall examine other affordability
scenarios at the discretion of the director. These may include the feasibility of providing
fewer units affordable to low and very low income households and units affordable to
progressively higher income households, as approved by the director.
D. Findings Required
1. Approval of a lesser amount of housing affordable to the
specified income groups than would otherwise be required under the provisions of this
chapter, may be approved by the city council upon adoption of the following findings:
a. That specific economic, environmental, or technical
factors render impossible the provision of new dwelling units affordable to low and/or
very low income households, pursuant to the requirements of section 17.11.040 of this
Page 66 of 312
chapter, or of replacement units affordable to low and/or moderate income households
pursuant to the requirements of section 17.11.130 of this chapter.
b. That these factors are documented in a feasibility
study which has been prepared for the proposed project, which study has been
reviewed and approved by the City and is part of the public record for the project.
2. Approval of an affordable housing incentive in addition to a
density bonus shall be approved by the city council upon adoption of the following
a. That without the provision of an affordable housing
incentive, and with only a density bonus, specific economic, environmental, or technical
factors render the provision of affordable housing, consistent with the requirements of
section 17.1'1.040 of this chapter, incapable of being accomplished in a successful
b. That these factors are documented in a feasibility
study which has been prepared for the proposed project,which study has been
reviewed and approved by the City and is part of the public record for the project.
E. Public Hearing. A noticed public hearing shall be held before the
city council prior to adoption of any finding regarding feasibility. This hearing may be
held concurrently with any hearing required for the project application.
17.1-1.09fl Agreement. The applicant shall sign an agreement binding the
property owner and his/her successors in interest to provide the agreed upon number of
units as affordable units for the time prescribed, and agreeing to other conditions
governing the affordable units as may be required by ordinance or by the planning
commission or city council. These conditions may address unit configuration and size,
reporting requirements, City processing fees for unit monitoring, or such other matters
which may be deemed appropriate by the city council.
The agreement shall be recorded against the property subject to the affordability
requirement prior to the recordation of a tract or parcel map or issuance of any
certificate of occupancy for the project subject to the original application. Should the
applicant or his/her successors in interest fail to abide by the terms of the agreement,
the City shall have the authority to revoke certificates of occupancy and/or place liens
against the properties involved, in addition to any other remedy allowed by law.
.17.11.100 tenant/ ner Ou Ufiica#ion. Tenant and/or buyer selection shall
be the right and responsibility of the applicant or his/her successors in interest subject
to the approval of the City. The applicant and/or his/her successors in interest shall
certify that household income of tenants and/or buyers complies with the prescribed
income level. In addition, no tenant or buyer of a for-sale affordable unit shall hold title
to any real property. Total household assets for prospective tenants shall not exceed
the combined total of the required security deposit plus twelve (12) months' rent. Total
Page 67 of 312
household assets for any buyer of a for-sale unit shall not exceed the combined total of
unit closing costs plus twelve (12) months' housing payments, including principal,
interest, taxes, and insurance.
In no case shall the tenant or buyer be a family member, to include parents, offspring,
siblings, spouses, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, and grandchildren of the
applicant or his/her successor in interest, unless otherwise approved by the City
Council. No finder's fee, signing bonus, or other similar consideration shall be required
or accepted by the project applicant, or his/her successors in interest, in return for
selecting a given.-tenant or buyer.
17.11 A 10 . Where the units are provided as rental units, the
applicant or his/her successor in interest shall provide an annual report to the City
documenting that rents and tenant incomes are in accord with the agreement.
Where the units are provided as for-sale units, the low or moderate income purchaser
of the unit shall annually certify that he/she continues to own the unit and document that
the unit is owner occupied or rented to tenants whose incomes are in accordance with
the agreement. The seller shall notify the director by certified mail of any change in
property title, prior to completion of escrow.
17,11.120 Resale. When the low or moderate income affordable for-sale
units are sold, the units shall be sold for no more than the affordability level specified in
the agreement. All sales commissions, escrow fees and other property transfer costs
shall be the responsibility of the seller and/or buyer. The units shall be sold to
households whose income does not exceed the affordability level specified in the
agreement, subject to the review and approval of the director. The new buyer of the
unit shall provide documentation of income level to the director prior to entering escrow.
This section is in addition to the requirements of section 17.11.020 of this chapter.
A. Replacement Housing Requirement. Where units which are
located in the coastal specific plan district and occupied by low or moderate income
households are to be demolished or converted, the units shall be replaced on a one for
one basis. The replacement units shall be located on the same site as originally
provided. If it has been demonstrated that it is not feasible, the replacement units shall
be located elsewhere in the coastal specific plan district in the City of Rancho Palos
Verdes. if it has been demonstrated that it is not feasible to locate the units within the
City's coastal specific plan district, the units shall be located elsewhere in the City within
three (3) miles of the coastal specific plan district. Feasibility shall be determined
pursuant to the requirements of section 17.11.080 of this chapter.
Page 68 of 312
The units shall be available for occupancy within three (3)years from the date on which
work commenced on the conversion or demolition. The City may require the posting of
a bond and/or the recordation of a covenant against the site of the new development in
order to assure compliance.
B. Exemptions.
1. In addition to the exemptions established by section
Page 69 of 312
17.11.030 of this chapter, the requirements of this section shall not apply to:
a. The conversion or demolition of two (2) or fewer
residential units.
b. The demolition of any structure which has been
deemed to be a public nuisance, in accordance with the provisions of section 8.24.070
of this municipal code, unless the director determines that the creation of the nuisance
was intentional.
2. Where it has been demonstrated not to be feasible, the
requirements of this chapter shall not apply to:
a. The conversion or demolition of ten (10) or fewer
residential units where more than one structure is involved.
b. The conversion or demolition of residential units for
purposes of a non-residential use which is either"coastal dependant", as defined in
section 30101 of the state public resources code, or"coastal related", as defined in
section 30101.3 of the public resources code, provided the coastal dependent or
coastal related use is consistent with the provisions of the City's coastal specific plan.
C. Application. Applicants for the demolition or conversion of two (2)
or more dwelling units located in the coastal specific plan district shall file an application
for a coastal residential demolition/conversion permit. The application shall specify the
number of dwelling units to be demolished or converted, the replacement use
contemplated, and provide documentation of the current rents and income of all
tenants. Income data for any tenants evicted in the prior twelve (12) months shall also
be provided to the City. The application shall be accompanied by a fee to be
established by resolution of the city council.
D. Administration. Where replacement units are required, they shall
comply with the provisions of section 17.11.090 (agreement); 17.11.100 (tenant/owner
qualification); 17.11.110 (reporting); and 17.11.120 (resale) of this chapter.
17.11.14 0. Affo ble HQUsina RequireMents f.Q[Non-re5idential PrQiects.
A. Applicability. The requirements of this section shall apply to all
applications for construction, expansion, or intensification of non-residential uses,
including but not limited to applications for commercial projects, golf courses, private
clubs, and institutional developments. Applications to which this section applies
include, but are not limited to, applications for a tentative tract map, parcel map,
conditional use permit, coastal permit, building permit, or other development entitlement
whereby more than thirty (30) new full-time and/or part-time jobs are created in the City;
or more than ten thousand (10,000) square feet of space will be created or converted.
This requirement ihall apply to any jobs or space created or converted within any
twelve (12) month period.
B. Exemptions. The following developments shall be exempt:
1. Mixed use developments containing at least one (1) low or
very low income affordable housing unit for every ten (10) low or moderate income
Page 70 of 312
employees anticipated to be generated, or for every five thousand (5,000) square feet
of non-residential space. The residential units shall be available for occupancy within
one (1) year of occupancy of the first non-residential space within the project.
2. Projects where the applicant has agreed to provide at least
one (1) low or very low income affordable housing unit for every ten (10) low or
moderate income employees anticipated to be generated, or for every five thousand
(5,000) square feet of commercial space at another location in the City. The residential
units shall be available for occupancy within one year (1) of occupancy of the first non-
residential space within the project.
3. Projects where the applicant has demonstrated to the
satisfaction of the City that no employment opportunities for persons of low or very low
income would be created.
4. Projects where the City finds the provision of affordable units
to be infeasible pursuant to section 17.11.080 of this chapter.
5. The reconstruction of any structure which has been
destroyed by fire, flood, earthquake, or other act of God or nature.
C. Fee Required. With the exception of development exempted
pursuant to section 17.11.140(B) of this chapter, and except where it has been
demonstrated not to be feasible pursuant to section 17.11.080 of this chapter,
developers of commercial development shall pay a residential impact fee to be set by
resolution of the city council. The fee shall be adequate to provide one (1) low or very
low income affordable housing unit for each ten employees (10) to be generated by the
project. The fee per affordable unit to be provided shall be equal to the difference
between the median value of market rate housing and the price affordable to low or
very low income households. The fee shall be paid prior to issuance of a certificate of
D. Number of Employees Determination. For the purpose of
determining the anticipated number of new employees to be generated by a new
development, typical employee generation rates for other, similar businesses shall be
submitted by the applicant to the city. Where a new development replaces a previously
existing non-residential use, and replacement is commenced within twelve (12) months,
credit shall be given for the number of employees employed by the previously existing
E. Rebate of Fees. If, within one year(1) after the non-residential
project is fully occupied, evidence is submitted to the director that fewer employees
have been generated, or that the employees are in higher income groups than had
been anticipated, a portion of the residential impact fees may be rebated. Evidence to
be submitted may include, but is not limited to, W72 forms for all employees working
within the project.
F. Administration. Non-residential projects shall comply with the
provision of sections 17.11.080 (feasibility); 17.11.090 (agreement); 17.11.100
(tenant/owner qualification); 17.11.110 (reporting); and section 17.11.120 (resale) of
this chapter.
Page 71 of 312
Chanter 17.12
17.12.010 Purpose.
17.12.020 Uses and development permitted.
17.12.030 Development standards.
17.12.040 Expanding existing development.
17.12.050 New commercial development.
17.12.060 Development plan and supplemental materials.
17.12.070 Commercial condominium development concept plan review.
17.12.080 Commercial condominium or stock cooperative conversions.
17.12.090 Development standards for conversions.
17,12.0 Q. Eurpose. The commercial districts provide for the development and
uses involving the retail sale of goods, the provision of services to the public, and office
functions. Five districts have been created in order that the site, intensity, type of use,
and location can be controlled and made consistent with the objectives and locations
designated by the general plan of the city. This chapter ensures that commercial
districts will promote high-quality developments with regard to the objectives and intents
of the general plan and that the adverse effects of the erection, addition, or alterations
to buildings or structures are prevented by giving proper attention to siting, lighting,
landscaping, design, and view obstruction.
1Z.12,020 Uses and develogment permitted. The uses and types of
development permitted in the commercial districts are described in chapters 17.14
through 17.22 of this title. Approval shall be given upon the finding that such use or
development is clearly within the intent of this chapter and the description of uses and
development permitted in the district, and will be compatible with other permitted uses
in the district. Any construction on vacant or undeveloped property in any commercial
zone is subject to'approval of a conditional use permit, as per chapter 17.60
(Conditional Use Permits.) Any Conditional Use Permit issued for a project located in
the coastal specific plan district must be consistent with the Coastal Specific Plan.
.1Z,12,030 Developmgnt standards. The following standards shall apply to all
Page 72 of 312
commercial districts, unless specified otherwise within the district regulations:
A. Building height. Commercial buildings erected in the city shall
have a height not greater than sixteen (16)feet and shall not exceed one (1) story,
except with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit, as per section 17.60 (Conditional
Use Permits.)
B. Storage. With the exception of outdoor uses permitted by a
Conditional Use Permit, as per section 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits), and/or a
special use permit or temporary vendor permit as per chapter 17.62 (Special Use
Permit), all goods, wares, merchandise, produce and other commodities shall be
housed in permanent, entirely enclosed structures, unless being transported.
C. Transportation Demand Management Development Standards.
Commercial development shall be subject to the applicable transportation demand and
trip reduction measures specified in section 10.28.030 (Transportation Demand
Management and Trip Reduction) of this Municipal Code. Any transportation demand
or trip reduction measures required pursuant to section 10.28.030 (Transportation
Demand Management and Trip Reduction), shall be implemented in accordance with all
applicable standards and specifications of this title.
D. Lighting. All exterior lighting shall conform to the standards
specified in Section 17.56.040 (Environmental Protection.)
E. Roof Equipment. All roof equipment shall conform to the height
limits specified in section 17.48.050 (Lots, Setbacks, Open Space Area and Building
Height) and shall be adequately screened from adjacent private properties and the
public right-of-way.
F. Deliveries and Mechanical Equipment. Unless otherwise
specified in an approved Conditional Use Permit or other discretionary approval, all
deliveries of commercial goods and supplies; trash pick-up, including the use of parking
lot trash sweepers; and the operation of machinery or mechanical equipment which
emits noise levels in excess of 65 dBA, as measured from the closest property line to
the mechanical equipment, shall only be allowed on commercial properties which abut a
residential district, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Sunday.
G. The property development standards contained in "Table 12-A:
"Commercial Standards" shall apply to all land and structures in the commercial
districts. For exceptions and explanatory description of these standards; for standards
of fences, walls, and signs; and for off-site improvement and dedication requirements,
see Articles VI (Use and Development Standards) and VII (Development Application
and Review) of this.title.
Page 73 of 312
For exceptions and explanatory descriptions of these standards;for standards of fences,walls,hedges and signs;and for off-site improvement and dedication requirements,see Articles VI and VII of this
title. For a list of uses and development permitted in each commercial district(CL,'CN,CP,CR,and CG),see Chapters 17.14 through 17.22.
Abutting Abutting Abutting Abutting Street
Street Non- Residential Serving as Residential
Residenti Property District Boundary Line
Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Develop- Width Depth Frontage Lot Setback Landscaping Setback Setback Landscaping Setback Landscaping Parking Space
ment Coverage (1,4) (3) (2,4) (1,4) Requirements
Site Area Per Floor Area
10' 15' 1 sp/250
CL 30,000 100' 150' 100' 45% 20' nearest 10' 40' All 25' nearest sq.ft.
sq.ft. street street
15' 20' 1 sp/200
CN 2 ac. 250' 400' 200' 40% 30' nearest 20' 50' All 40' nearest 1 loading
street street sp/10,000
10' 15' 1 sp/150
CP 40,000 100' 150' 100' 50% 20' nearest 10' 30' All 25' nearest sq.ft.
sq.ft. street street
20' 30'
CR 20 ac. 250' 400' 200' 30% 40' nearest 20' 100' All 50' nearest (8)
(7) street (5) street
1 sp/200
CG 2 ac. 250' 150' 200' 50% 20' 5'(6) 10' 20' 10' --- 1 loading
10' sp/10,000
1. The remainder may be used for parking,provided effective buffering and screening techniques are incorporated into landscaped area between the parking area and the street.
2. Buffering and screening techniques shall be utilized on the district boundary line,In order to rnitigate the adverse impacts caused by adjacent incompatible uses.
3. No parking shalt be allowed in this setback area.
4. The provisions of Section 17.76.030(Fences,Walls and Hedges)shall also apply.
5. No activity shall be permitted within this setback except as approved by the planning commission.
6. Where abutting street is a state highway,e.g.Western Avenue.
7. Minimum site area may be modified by the planning commission pursuant to a conditional use pemk
8. Parking requirements are set forth in section 17.22.040(D)of this title and chapter 17.50(Non-Residential Parking and Loading Standards.)
Page 74 of 312
1-7.12.04Q Expandina existina develol2ment.
A. Any expansion of an existing development involving either a new structure
or an addition to an existing structure which creates at least five hundred (500) square
feet of additional floor or usable area shall require the approval of a conditional use
permit pursuant to chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits.) Expansions or additions of
less than five hundred (500) square feet shall also require the approval of a conditional
use permit, if the existing development is a non-conforming structure or a non-
conforming use pursuant to chapter 17.84 (Nonconformifies.) Interior remodeling shall
not require a Conditional Use Permit, provided that no change or intensification of the
existing use to a use which requires a conditional use permit results from the remodeling.
B. All expansions, additions and alterations are subject to the development
standards specified in section 17.12.030 of this chapter, as well as to the standards in
their respective base Zoning Districts. Expansions, additions and alterations involving
non-conforming lots, uses or structures are also subject to the standards specified in
Chapter 17.84 (Nonconformities.)
17.12.050 Npw,c_.mereial development. All new commercial development shall be a
part of an integrated, totally planned development. The developer of a proposed new
development shall apply for a conditional use permit, pursuant to chapter 17.60
(Conditional Use Permits) and such developer's proposal shall be reviewed on its own
merits for conformity with the development standards of section 17.12.030 of this
chapter, the standards applicable to its respective district, and the other chapters of this
Code. The development shall provide the following:
A. An efficient, convenient and safe vehicular access system to and from
major and/or arterial streets;
B. An efficient, convenient and safe pedestrian and bicycle circulation system
throughout the development;
C. A demonstrated need for the individual uses within the development
related to the need based on the population of the service area;
D. Pedestrian access from neighboring areas;
E. Compatibility of architectural design with the character of the community;
such design shall be subject to review by the planning commission; and
F. A sign program consistent with the provisions of section 17.76.050 (Sign
Permit), which describes the personal signs, their relation to the structures and their
17.12.060 Development olan and_alipplemental materials. An application for
commercial develd'pment shall include the following:
A. A detailed development plan of the project which shall include:
1. A site plan;
2. A preliminary floor plan, showing the estimated number of units
Page 75 of 312
and the square footage of each unit;
3. EIevation drawings, showing exterior treatments;
4. A parking plan, showing vehicular access, circulation, loading
areas and the number of parking spaces is in conformance with the standards of chapter
17.50 (Non-residential Parking and Loading Standards) and section 17.76.010 (Parking
Lot Permits.)
5. A plan showing land uses of adjacent property; and
6. Calculations of area of common open space;
B. A detailed landscape plan indicating types and sizes of materials to be
used and enclosed trash areas;
C. A detailed plan indicating the locations, types and maximum wattages of
any exterior lighting fixtures which is in conformance with section 17.56.040
(Environmental Protection.)
D. A copy of all covenants, conditions and restrictions, or other reciprocal
agreement setting forth the occupancy and management policies for the project to be
reviewed by the director and the city attorney;
E. A grading plan, as per section 17.76.040 (grading permit.)
F. If applicable, calculations indicating the land area devoted to each
proposed use in the planned commercial condominium development and its percentage
of total area;
G. If applicable, a map indicating any proposed division of land within the
commercial condominium development;
H. A time schedule for information purposes, indicating when construction is
to begin, the anticipated rate of development and the approximate completion date,
including the phases of construction; and
1. Any other drawings or information the director deems necessary to adequately
consider the proposal.
17.12.070 Commercial condominium development concept plan re yew.
A. Prior to the submission of an application for a conditional use permit for a
commercial condominium development, or stock cooperative, the applicant shall submit a
concept plan for preliminary review by the director. The concept plan should include at
least the following:
1. A schematic plan, showing in general terms the proposed uses,
densities, types of units, open space, parking, extent of grading and landscaping; and
2. Preliminary calculations of the site areas, number of units, and
open space.
B. No decision will be made on the conceptual plan. However, the director
shall provide comr&nts and suggestions which may assist the applicant in developing
more precise plans for formal submittal.
7.12.080 CoMmercial condominium or stock cooperative c_onv_lo[].s. An application
for a tentative map and conditional use permit for the conversion of existing commercial
Page 76 of 312
uses shall not be accepted, unless it conforms to the general plan and zoning
regulations; and provided, that the proposed conversion will not delete a significant
number of commercial units when reasonable replacement or equivalent units are not
readily available in the area. The developer shall present satisfactory evidence that all
requirements of the Subdivision Map Act have been satisfied.
17 Qevelogment standards..for conversions In addition to those requirements
found described in section 17.12.070 of this chapter, an application for commercial
condominiums or stock cooperative conversions shall include the following:
A. A description of the features of the type of building and project, including
age, type of construction, the preliminary number of proposed separate units, the square
footage of each unit and of the entire building;
B. A building component report prepared by an appropriately registered
engineer which indicates the condition and estimated remaining useful life of the roof,
foundation, plumbing, electrical, heating, air conditioning, and other mechanical and
structural systems;
C. A site plan, including buildings, structures, yards, open space and
accessory storage areas and, including trash enclosures;
D. A history-of-occupancy report, including:
1. . Rental rate history for the past five (5) years;
2. Nature of existing business tenants and lengths of tenancy;
3. Proposed owners' association fees;
4. Names and addresses of all tenants; and
5. Any other information required by the planning commission to
assist in the review of the project; and
E. A copy of the covenants, conditions and restrictions for the property.
Page 77 of 312
Chapter I ZJA
17.14.010 Purpose.
17.14.020 Uses and development permitted.
17.14.030 Uses and development permitted by conditional use
17, 14.010 un2o,se. This district permits those uses which serve the needs of the
residents of the immediately surrounding area for those goods and services which prove
essential in day-to-day living.
17.14.02Q Uses aaddevelopment germitted. Convenience goods and service busi-
nesses which serve a limited residential area, including such retail businesses as a food
market, pharmacy, liquor store, bakery and coffee house; such service businesses as a
barber or beauty shop, cleaners/laundry, (not to include cleaners/laundry uses that have
cleaning operations on site) and minor office uses; temporary vendors, as approved
pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits); recycling centers, as approved
pursuant to chapter 17.58 (Recycling); temporary special uses and developments, with
approval of a special use permit pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits);
commercial filming or photography, with approval of a city film permit pursuant to chapter
9.16 (Still Photography, Motion Picture and Television Productions); and other similar
uses clearly related to the convenience level of service and purchasing as approved by
the director. The director's determination on whether other similar uses are clearly
related to the convenience level of service may be appealed to the planning commission
and the planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to
section 17.80.050 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure).
17.14.030 Uses and development germitted by conditional use i2ermit. The following
uses and development may be permitted in the commercial limited (CL) zone, if it is
found in each individual case by the planning commission that the criteria and limitations
imposed on such uses by other provisions of this title are satisfied, and if specific
conditions are imposed to carry out the intent and purpose set out in section 17.14.010
of this chapter and chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits):
A. Automobile service stations, pursuant to section 17.76.090 (Automobile
Service Stations);
B. Flower and produce stands and similar commercial/agricultural retail uses;
C. Convenience stores, pursuant to section 17.76.080 (Convenience Stores);
Page 78 of 312
D. Bed and breakfast inns;
E. Outdoor sale, storage or display of merchandise and/or provisions of
services, only in conjunction with a permanent use in a building, except for temporary
outdoor uses which may be permitted with a special use permit or temporary vendor
permit, pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits), by the director;
F. Cleaners/laundry uses which have cleaning operations on site;
G. Churches;
H. Commercial antennas, pursuant to section 12.76.020 (Antennas and
Satellite Dishes);
I. Concurrent sales of alcohol and motor fuel;
J. Developments of natural resources, except in the coastal specific plan
K. Golf courses, driving ranges, and related ancillary uses;
L. Governmental facilities;
M. Private educational uses, including nursery schools and day nurseries;
N. Public utility structures;
4. Outdoor active recreational uses and facilities; and
P. Such uses as the planning commission deems to be similar and no more
intensive. Such a determination may be appealed to the planning commission and the
planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to Section
17.80.050 (Hearing Notice of Appeal Procedure). If a proposed use or development is
located in the coastal specific plan district, the city's final decision regarding such other
use may be appealed to the california coastal commission for a determination that the
uses are similar and compatible with the local coastal program.
Page 79 of 312
17.16.010 Purpose.
17.16.020 Uses and development permitted.
17.16.030 Uses and development permitted by conditional use
17.16.010 ,Purper. This district permits a limited number of retail, service, and
administrative uses, the main purpose of which is to serve the needs of a greater portion
of the community.
17.16,020 Uses and development ler itted. Convenience goods and service
businesses as described in section 17.14.020 (Commercial Limited District) and a wider
range of uses, including such uses as clothing stores, specialty shops, sports and hobby
shops, restaurants (not including drive-through restaurants), conservatories, financial
institutions, medical and dental uses, veterinary clinics (not to include the boarding of
animals), private tutoring centers involving ten (10) or fewer students (total enrollment),
temporary vendors, as approved pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits);
recycling centers, as approved pursuant to chapter 17.58 (Recycling); a limited number
of administrative and professional office uses; temporary special uses and
developments, with approval of a special use permit pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special
Use Permits); commercial filming or photography, with approval of a city film permit
pursuant to chapter 9.16 (Still Photography, Motion Picture and Television Productions);
and any other similar uses clearly related to the neighborhood level of service as
approved by the director. The director's determination on whether other similar uses are
clearly related to the neighborhood level may be appealed to the planning commission
and the planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to
section 17.80.050 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure).
17.16,030 Uraes and devglogm nt Dermitted byconditionalpermit. The following
uses may be permitted in the commercial neighborhood (CN) zone if it is found in each
individual case by the planning commission that the criteria and limitations imposed on
such uses by other provisions of this title are satisfied, and if specific conditions are
imposed to carry out the intent and purpose set out in section 17.16.010 of this chapter
and chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits):
Page 80 of 312
A. Wholesale plant nurseries;
B. Outdoor sale, storage or display of merchandise and/or provisions of
services, only in conjunction with a permanent use in a building, except for temporary
outdoor uses which may be permitted with a special use permit or temporary vendor
permit, pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits), by the director;
C. Car washes;
D. Automobile service stations, pursuant to section 17.76.090 (Automobile
Service Stations);
E. Flower and produce stands and similar commercial/agricultural retail uses;.
F. Convenience stores, pursuant to section 17.76.080 (Convenience Stores);
G. Bed and breakfast inns;
H. Cleaners/laundry uses which have cleaning operations on site;
I. Veterinary clinics involving the boarding of animals;
J. Churches;
K. Commercial antennas, pursuant to section 12.76.020 (Antennas and
Satellite Dishes);
L. Concurrent sales of alcohol and motor fuel;
M. Developments of natural resources, except in the coastal specific plan
N. Golf courses, driving ranges, and related ancillary uses;
0. Governmental facilities;'..
P. Private educational uses, including nursery schools and day nurseries;
Q. Public utility structures;
R. Outdoor active recreational uses and facilities; and
S. Such uses as the planning commission deems to be similar and no more
intensive. Such a determination may be appealed to the planning commission and the
planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to Section
17.80.050 (Hearing Notice of Appeal Procedure). If a proposed use or development is
located in the coastal specific plan district, the city's final decision regarding such other
use may be appealed to the california coastal commission for a determination that the
uses are similar and compatible with the local coastal program.
Page 81 of 312
Chapter 17.18
17.18.010 Purpose.
17.18.020 Uses and development permitted.
17.18.030 Uses and development permitted by conditional use
17.18.010 Purpose. This district permits those uses which provide general public
services, administrative services, and other similar, office uses primarily to the residents
of Rancho Palos Verdes and neighboring cities.
12=18,.020 Uses and development pe muted. General public service and office uses,
including administrative and professional offices and studios, exhibit halls and galleries,
financial institutions, medical and dental offices; recycling centers, as approved pursuant
to chapter 17.58 (Recycling); temporary vendors, as approved pursuant to chapter 17.62
(Special Use Permits); and other similar service uses as approved by the director. No
use shall involve the manufacture or sale of any goods, except that the manufacturing
and sale of goods which is minor and clearly ancillary to the major use, may be permitted
with the approval of the director. Any determination of the director regarding a use not
expressly listed in this chapter may be appealed to the planning commission and the
planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to section
17.80.050 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure).
17. conditional ' . The following
uses may be permitted in the commercial professional (CP) zone, if it is found in each
individual case by the planning commission that the criteria and limitations imposed on
such uses by other provisions of this title are satisfied, and if specific conditions are
imposed to carry out the intent and purpose set out in section 17.18.010 of this chapter
and chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits):
A. Bed and breakfast inns;
B. Churches;
C. Commercial antennas, pursuant to section 17.76.020 (Antennas and
Satellite Dishes);
D. Developments of natural resources, except in the coastal specific plan
E. Governmental facilities;
F. Private educational uses, including nursery schools and day nurseries;
G. Public utility structures;
Page 82 of 312
H. Outdoor active recreational uses and facilities; and
I. Such uses as the planning commission deems to be similar and no more
intensive. Such a determination may be appealed to the planning commission and the
planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to Section
17.80.050 (Hearing Notice of Appeal Procedure). If a proposed use or development is
located in the coastal specific plan district, the city's final decision regarding such other
use may be appealed to the california coastal commission for a determination that the
uses are similar and compatible with the local coastal program.
Page 83 of 312
Chapter 17.20
17.20.010 Purpose.
17.20.020 Uses and development permitted.
17.20.030 Uses and development permitted by conditional use
17.20.0' 0 Purimse. This district permits retail, service and administrative uses the
main purpose of which is to serve the surrounding.area and visitors to the area.
17.20.020 .Uaes and develoament.,permitted. Uses allowed in sections 17.14.020
(Commercial Limited District) and 17.16.020 (Commercial Neighborhood District) and a
wider.range of uses including such uses as major department stores, major hardware,
home improvement stores, appliance stores, furniture stores, and any similar uses clearly
related to the surrounding area as approved by the director. The director's determination
may be appealed to the planning commission and the planning commission's decision
may be appealed to the city council pursuant to section 17.80.050 (Hearing Notice and
Appeal Procedure).
7. ' ' I ' . The following
uses may be permitted in the commercial general (CG) zone if it is found in each
individual case by the planning commission, that the criteria and limitations imposed on
such uses by other provisions of this title are satisfied, and if specific conditions are
imposed to carry out the intent and purpose set out in section 17.20.010 of this chapter
and chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits):
A. Automobile service stations, pursuant to section 17.76.090 (Automobile
Service Stations);
B. Automobile service stations and car washes accompanying auto service
stations, as per section 17.76.090 (Automobile Service Stations);
C. Car washes;
D. Wholesale plant nurseries;
E. Flower and produce stands and similar commercial/agricultural retail uses;
F. Hotels;
G. Movie theaters, billiard halls, bowling alleys, skating rinks and other similar
commercial-recreational uses;
H. Fitness studios, dance schools, computer schools, and other similar
educational activities or uses;
I. Convenience stores as per section 17.76.080 (Convenience Stores);
Page 84 of 312
J. Recycling dropoff/collection facilities and community service recycling
programs pursuant to chapter 17.58 (Recycling);
K. Outdoor sale, storage or display of merchandise and/or provisions of
services, only in conjunction with a permanent use in a building, except for temporary
outdoor uses which may be permitted with a special use permit or temporary vendor
permit, pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits), by the director;
L. Bed and breakfast inns;
M. Cleaners/laundry uses which have cleaning operations on site;
N. Churches;
O. Commercial antennas, pursuant to section 17.76.020 (Antennas and
Satellite Dishes);
P. Concurrent sales of alcohol and motor fuel;
Q. Developments of natural resources, except in the coastal specific plan
R. Golf courses, driving ranges, and related ancillary uses;
S. Governmental facilities;
T. Public utility structures;
U. Outdoor active recreational uses and facilities; and
V. Such uses as the planning commission deems to be similar and no more
intensive. Such a determination may be appealed to the planning commission and the
planning commission's decision may be appealed to the cit/council pursuant to Section
17.80.050 (Hearing Notice of Appeal Procedure). If a proposed use or development is
located in the coastal specific plan district, the city's final decision regarding such other
use may be appealed to the california coastal commission for a determination that the
uses are similar and compatible with the local coastal program.
Page 85 of 312
Chapter 17.22
17.22.010 Purpose.
17.22.020 Uses and development permitted.
17.22.030 Uses and development permitted by Conditional Use Permit.
17.22.040 Operation and maintenance.
17.22.050 Development standards.
17.22.010 Pur oom. This district permits those entertainment and recreational activities
which are of a commercial nature, provided that a conditional use permit is obtained.
17.22.020 Uses and development 12ermifted. Only the following uses and
developments may be conducted or constructed:
A. Temporary special uses and developments, if a Special Use Permit is first
obtained, pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits);
B. Commercial filming or photography, if a City Film Permit is first obtained,
pursuant to chapter 9.16 (Still Photography, Motion Picture and Television Productions)
of this municipal code;
C. Recycling centers, pursuant to chapter 17.58 (Recycling);
D. Temporary vendors, as approved pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special Use
E. Other uses as provided in any applicable overlay or special districts; and
F. Other similar uses determined by the director to be similar to the uses
described in section 17.22.010 of this chapter. Such a determination may be appealed
to the planning commission and the planning commission's decision may be appealed to
the city council pursuant to section 17.80.050 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure.)
17,22.03Q Uses and deyelopMenj 12ermiftpd by gondftional use . The following
uses may be permitted in the commercial recreational (CR) district pursuant to a
Conditional Use Permit, as per chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permit):
A. Any new or re-established use which is of an entertainment, visitor serving,
or recreational nature,' including but not limited to a resort/conference hotel, restaurant,
limited theme retail, tennis court, golf course, and other entertainment and banquet
facilities compatible with existing uses and the surrounding area. Such use, if located
within the coastal specific plan district, shall be required to provide public access to and
along the bluff and coastline;
Page 86 of 312
B. Flower and produce stands, wholesale plant nurseries, the growing of
crops and similar commercial/agricultural uses;
C. Bed and breakfast inns;
D. Churches;
E. Commercial antennas, pursuant to section 17.76.020 (Antennas and
Satellite Dishes);
F. Golf courses, driving ranges, and related ancillary uses;
G. Helistops;
H. Private educational uses, including nursery schools and day nurseries;
1. Public utility structures;
J. Outdoor active recreational uses and facilities; and
K. Such uses as the planning commission deems to be similar and no more
intensive. Such a determination may be appealed to the planning commission and the
planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to Section
17.80.050 (Hearing Notice of Appeal Procedure). If a proposed use or development is
located in the coastal specific plan district, the city's final decision regarding such other
use may be appealed to the california coastal commission for a determination that the
uses are similar and compatible with the local coastal program.
17.._..0. Operation and maintenance. All uses shall be operated and/or maintained in
a manner that does not create a public nuisance.
A. All buildings or structures that are not in use or operation shall be secured
in a manner approved by the director.
B. Routine landscaping and ground maintenance shall continue whether or
not the use is currently in operation or open to the public.
C. Any use located within the coastal specific plan district shall be operated
and maintained to preserve public coastal access, whether or not the use is currently in
operation or open to the public. Such access may be restricted on a temporary basis,
with the approval of the director if necessary to protect the public health, safety and
D. Ten percent (10%) of any required parking shall be designated as public
parking for coastal access as indicated by the Coastal Specific Plan (p. U-18 Policy No.
Page 87 of 312
17-22.050 Upvelol2ment standards.
A. Lot Area. The planning commission may modify the minimum lot size for
any lot pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit.
B. Landscaping. All landscaping, including the parking lot landscaping
required by section 17.50.040 (Non-residential Parking and Loading Standards), shall be
provided at a two-to-one (2:1) ratio to at-grade surface parking to provide additional
buffering and screening around such facilities. Any landscaping shall be designed and
maintained in a manner that prevents significant obstruction of public and private views
as defined in section 17.02.040 (Single Family Residential Districts.) Landscaping and
irrigation plans must be approved by the director and the approved landscaping planted
before a certificate of occupancy is issued. Landscaping shall be coordinated with the
building design and site layout to provide open space, accents, relief, screening and
C. Design.
1. Standardized architectural styles, forms, and roof types,
established through contractual agreements with franchisers and used repetitively
throughout Southern California, state-wide, and nationally, shall be avoided.
2. Design based on the unique character of the site, including
topography, climate, orientation, location, and history, is encouraged.
3. Visually interesting designs incorporating variations in horizontal
and vertical planes, setbacks, bulk, materials, and colors are encouraged.
D. Height. Buildings above sixteen (16) feet in height may be permitted by the
planning commission pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit provided that:
1. The proposed height is determined to be consistent with the goals
and policies of the coastal specific plan, particularly as related to view and open space
2. The proposed height results in the provision of additional public
open space and the creation or protection of identified visual corridors;
3. . The proposed height is compatible and in visual scale with the
overall development concept for the property; and
4. The structure, at the proposed height, does not significantly impair
a public or private view as defined section 17.02.040 (Single Family Residential
Districts), and is designed in a manner that minimizes view impairment.
Page 88 of 312
Chapter 17.26
Sed ns:
17.26.010 Purpose.
17.26.020 Uses and development permitted.
17.26.030 Uses and development permitted by conditional
use permit.
17.26.040 General development standards.
17.26.060 Expanding existing development. ,
17,26.010 E!Urggse. The Institutional District provides for the wide range of major,
public and quasi-public, institutional and auxiliary uses established in response to the
health, safety, educational, cultural, and welfare needs of the city in efficient, functionally
compatible, and attractively planned administrative centers, medical centers, cultural
centers, educational institutions, and similar uses in conformance with the general plan.
17.26.020 Uses and development permifted. Only the following uses may be
conducted or constructed in institutional districts:
A. Temporary special uses and developments, if a special use permit is first
obtained, pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits);
B. Commercial filming or photography, if a city film permit is first obtained,
pursuant to chapter 9.16 (Still Photography, Motion Picture and Television Productions)
of this municipal code;
C. Recycling centers, pursuant to chapter 17.58 (Recycling);
D. Temporary vendors, if a temporary vendor permit is first obtained, pursuant
to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits);
E. Minor professional and retail commercial uses (such as small offices for
bookkeeping, consulting, management and mail order or small businesses that create or
assemble a product for sale off-site) which are clearly ancillary to the major use, if the
applicant can demonstrate to the director's satisfaction that the proposed use would not
result in adverse impacts to on-site or surrounding land uses from additional traffic,
noise, parking and signage. No use shall involve the sale of any goods on-site. The
manufacturing of goods may be permitted, if the manufacturing is primarily non-
mechanical (such fis assembling earthquake kits, gift baskets and floral arrangements)
and is minor and clearly ancillary to the site's primary use. Written notice of the director's
decision shall be given pursuant to section 17.80.040 (Hearing Notice and Appeal
Procedures). Written notice shall be given to all owners of property adjacent to the
.subject property. Notice of denial shall be given only to the applicant. Any interested
Page 89 of 312
person may appeal the director's decision to the planning commission and the planning
commission's decision to the city council pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and
Appeal Procedures) of this.title; and
F. Other uses as provided in any applicable overlay or special districts.
1 Z.20-030 Uses and develol2meot gp,[Mifted ' ' ' . The following
uses may be permitted in the institutional district, pursuant to a conditional use permit, as
per chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits):
A. Public facilities owned or used and operated for governmental purposes by
the city, the county, the state, and the government of the united states of america, and
any special district or other local agency;
B. Educational facilities used and operated for educational purposes,
including ancillary uses and developments which are operated by the educational
institution and are part of, and necessary to, the educational program of the institution;
C. Churches, temples, or other places used primarily for religious services,
including parochial schools and convents;
D. Clinics and sanitariums, including animal hospitals;
E. Sanitariums, nursing homes, rest homes, homes for the aged, homes for
children, and homes for mental patients;
F. Recycling dropoff/collection facilities and community service recycling
programs, pursuant to chapter 17.58 (recycling);
G. Bed and breakfast inns;
H. Cemeteries;
I. Commercial antennas, pursuant to section 17.76.020 (Antennas and
Satellite Dishes);
J. Developments of natural resources, except in the coastal specific plan
K. Helistops, in conjunction with another use allowed by this chapter;
L. Public utility structures;
M. Outdoor active recreational uses and facilities; and
N. Such other uses as the director deems to be similar and no more
intensive. Such a determination may be appealed to the planning commission and the
planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to section
17.80.050 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure). If a proposed use or development
is located in the coastal specific plan district, the city's final decision regarding such other
use may be appealed to the california coastal commission for a determination that the
uses are similar and compatible with the local coastal program.
17.26.040 General development standards. The following standards apply to
institutional districts:
F. Setbacks.
Page 90 of 312
1. Front and Street Side. On lots which abut a dedicated street, the
front and street side setbacks shall be twenty-five (25)feet. On lots which abut a private
or non-dedicated street, the front and street side setbacks shall be fifty-five (55)feet.
2. Interior Side and Rear. The interior side and rear setbacks shall
be twenty (20) feet.
G. Building height. Institutional buildings erected in the City shall have a
building height not greater than sixteen (16) feet and shall not exceed one story, except
with the approval of a conditional use permit by the planning commission, pursuant to
chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits).
C. Roof Equipment. All roof equipment shall conform to the height limits
specified in section 17.48.050 (Lots, Setbacks, Open Space and Building Height) of this
title and shall be adequately screened from adjacent private properties and the public
D. Parking, loading and access. The provisions of chapter 17.50 (Non-
residential Parking and Loading Standards) of this title shall apply. Where an institutional
district abuts a residential district, additional parking requirements may be imposed by
the director or planing commission if warranted by a proposed project or use.
E. Transportation Demand Management Development Standards. All
development shall be subject to the applicable transportation demand and trip reduction
measures specified in section 10.28.030 (Transportation Demand Management and Trip
Reduction) of this municipal code. Any transportation demand or trip reduction
measures required pursuant to section 10.28.030, shall be implemented in accordance
with all applicable standards and specifications of this title.
F. Deliveries and Mechanical Equipment. Where an institutional district abuts
a residential district, all deliveries of goods and supplies; trash pick-up, including the use
of parking lot trash sweepers; and the operation of machinery or mechanical equipment
which emits noise levels in excess of 65 dBA, as measured from the closest property line
to the equipment, shall only be allowed between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., monday
through sunday, unless otherwise specified in an approved conditional use permit or
other discretionary approval.
G. Signs. The provisions of section 17.76.050 (sign permit) shall apply.
H. Storage. Except for those outdoor uses permitted by a conditional use
permit or special use permit, all maintenance and groundskeeping equipment shall be
housed in permanent, entirely enclosed, structures.
1. Lighting. All exterior lighting in institutional zoning districts shall conform to
the performance standards of section 17.56.040 (Environmental Protection.) Before any
development is approved, a plan showing the locations and specifications of all exterior
lighting shall be submitted for review and approval by the director.
J. Where an institutional district abuts a residential district, buffering and
screening technigdes shall be utilized along the abutting district boundary line, and
additional setbacks for structures, parking, and activity areas may be imposed by the
director and/or planning commission.
17.26.050 dina existina dQVQIODmeat. Any expansion of an existing development
Page 91 of 312
in the institutional district involving either a new structure or an addition to an existing
structure, which creates at least five hundred (500) square feet of additional floor area,
shall require the approval of a conditional use permit pursuant to chapter 17.60
(Conditional Use Permits). Expansions or additions of less than five hundred (500)
square feet shall also require the approval of a conditional use permit, if the existing
development is a non-conforming structure or a nonconforming use pursuant to chapter
17.84 (Nonconformities.) Interior remodeling shall not require a conditional use permit,
provided that no change or intensification of the existing use to a use which requires a
conditional use permit results from the remodeling. All expansions, additions and
alterations are subject to the development standards described in section 17.26.040 of
this chapter and the provisions of chapter 17.84 (Nonconformities.)
Page 92 of 312
Chapter 17.28
17.28.010 Purpose.
17.28.020 Uses and development permitted.
17.28.030 Uses permitted by conditional use permit.
17.28.040 General development standards.
17_,28.010 E!urgo1g. The cemetery district provides for the permanent interment of
human remains.
,17_28._Q2Q Uses and deveioornent emitted. Only the following uses may be
conducted or constructed in cemetery districts:
A. Temporary special uses and developments, if a special use permit is first
obtained, pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits);
B. Commercial filming or photography, if a city film permit is first obtained,
pursuant to chapter 9.16 (Still Photography, Motion Picture and Television Productions)
of this municipal code;
C. Temporary vendors, if a temporary vendor permit is first obtained, pursuant
to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits); and
D. Other uses as provided in any applicable overlay or special districts.
17,28,030 1jaes and development germitted ' ' ' . The following
uses may be permitted in the institutional district, pursuant to a conditional use permit, as
per chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits):
A. Burial park for earth interments, mausoleums for vault or crypt interments,
and/or columbarium for cinerary interments;
B. Mortuary;
C. Associated sales and office uses directly related to the operation of the
cemetery, including flower sales;
D. Churches;
E. Developments of natural resources, except in the coastal specific plan
F. Public utility structures; and
G. Such other uses as the director deems to be similar and no more
intensive. Such a determination may be appealed to the planning commission and the
planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to section
17.80.050 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure). If a proposed use or development is
Page 93 of 312
located in the coastal specific plan district, the city's final decision regarding such other
use may be appealed to the california coastal commission for a determination that the
uses are similar and compatible with the local coastal program.
17=28.040 General deyglogMenf.standards. The following standards shall apply
to cemetery districts:
A. Setbacks. The following setback provisions apply to all structures and
below grade interments:
1. Front and Street Side. The front and street side setbacks shall be
twenty-five (25)feet.
2. Interior Side and Rear. If abutting a residential zoning district, the
interior side and rear setbacks shall be forty (40)feet. If abutting a non-residential
zoning district, the interior side and rear setbacks shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
B. Building height. The maximum height of any building shall be sixteen (16)
feet, except with the approval of a conditional use permit by the planning commission,
pursuant to chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permit.)
C. Roof Equipment. All roof equipment shall conform to the height limits
specified in section 17.48.050 (Lots, Setbacks, Open Space Area and Building Height)
and shall be adequately screened from private properties and the public right-of-way.
D. Signs. The provisions of section 17.76.050 (Sign Permit) shall apply.
E. Parking, loading and access. The provisions of chapter 17.50 (Non-
residential Parking and Loading Standards) of this title shall apply. Where a cemetery
district abuts a residential district, additional parking requirements may be imposed by
the director or planing commission if warranted by a proposed project or use.
F. Storage. Except for those outdoor uses permitted by a conditional use
permit or special use permit, all maintenance and groundskeeping equipment shall be
housed in permanent, entirely enclosed structures.
G. Lighting. All exterior lighting in cemetery zoning districts shall conform to
the performance standards of section 17.56.040 (Environmental Protection.) Before any
development is approved, a plan showing the locations and specifications of all exterior
lighting shall be submitted for review and approval by the director.
H. Transportation Demand Management Development Standards. All
development.shall be subject to the applicable transportation demand and trip reduction
measures specified in section 10.28.030 (Transportation Demand Management and Trip
Reduction) of this municipal code. Any transportation demand or trip reduction
measures required pursuant to section 10.28.030 (Transportation Demand Management
and Trip Reduction), shall be implemented in accordance with all applicable standards
and specifications of this title.
I. DeOeries and Mechanical Equipment. Where a cemetery district abuts a
residential zoning district, all deliveries of goods and supplies; trash pick-up, including
the use of parking lot trash sweepers; and the operation of machinery or mechanical
equipment which emits noise levels in excess of 65 dBA, as measured from the closest
property line to the equipment, shall only be allowed between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7
Page 94 of 312
p.m., monday through sunday, unless otherwise specified in an approved conditional use
permit or other discretionary approval.
J. Where a cemetery district abuts a residential zoning district, buffering and
screening techniques shall be utilized along the district boundary line, and additional
setbacks for structures, parking, and activity areas may be imposed by the director
and/or planning commission.
Page 95 of 312
Chapter 17.32
17.32.010 Purpose.
17.32.020 Establishment.
17.32.030 Uses and development permitted.
17.32.040 Uses subject to Conditional Use Permit.
17.32.050 Uses subject to city council review and
17.3.E ,rQgae. The Open Space Hazard District prevents unsafe development
of hazardous areas that must be preserved or regulated for public health and safety pur-
poses. Theis district provides for limited recreational use of land without permanent
structures, except those approved herein. All applications for development of permanent
structures submitted pursuant to this chapter shall not be deemed complete until
geotechnical and/or soils reports, which analyze development of the proposed structures,
have been submitted and approved by the City's geotechnical staff.
1 2,,,32.020 Establishment. Lands shall be placed in the Open Space Hazard District
when the use of said land would endanger the public health, safety, and welfare. Open
space hazard districts shall include:
A. Areas where the existing natural slope exceeds thirty-five percent (35%),
areas experiencing downslope movement, areas unstable for development, areas where
grading or development of the land may endanger the public health and safety due to
erosion or flooding, and the ocean bluffs; and
Be Areas subject to flooding or inundation from stormwater.
17.32,030 Uses and developmme_n_t permitted. Land in open space hazard districts
may be used for the following, provided that the applicable natural overlay control district
(OC-1) performance criteria established in chapter 17.40 (Overlay Control Districts) is
H. Outdoor passive recreation uses, such as parks, trails, and other suitable
Be The preservation of areas of outstanding scenic, geologic, historic, or
Page 96 of 312
cultural value;
C. The preservation of natural resources, including, but not limited to, plant
and animal life;
D. The regulation of areas for public health and safety, including, but not
limited to, areas which require special management or regulation because of hazardous
E. The conservation of water supply land, including, but not limited to,
watershed and groundwater recharge areas;
F. Single-family residential structures existing on June 26, 1975. Such
structures may be replaced, repaired, restored, or moved to a more suitable and stable
location in accordance with the provisions of municipal code section 15.20.040(B)
(Moratorium on Land Use Permits), if such structures have been damaged or destroyed
due to a geologic hazard or a hazard other than a geologic hazard. The applicant shall
comply with any conditions of approval, including., but not limited to, the abatement
measures listed in section 15.20.050 (Moratorium on Land Use Permits) determined to
be applicable by the city's geotechnical staff;
G. Remedial grading and grading, as per section 17.76.040 (Grading Permit);
H. Temporary special uses and developments, if a special use permit is first
obtained, pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits);
I. Commercial filming or photography, if a City Film Permit is first obtained,
pursuant to municipal code chapter 9.16 (Still Photography, Motion Picture and
Television Productions);
J. The growing of crops and/or fruits on one (1) acre or less for
noncommercial purposes; and
K. Other uses as provided in any applicable overlay or special districts.
17.32.040 Uses subiect-to Qonditio-nal Use Per . The following uses and
developments may be permitted in an open space hazard (OH) district pursuant to a
conditional use permit, as per chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits):
A. Comfort stations;
B. Maintenance buildings, larger than one hundred twenty (120) square feet
in area and up to four hundred (400) square feet in area;
C. Public utility structures;
D. Limited outdoor active recreational uses which do not involve permanent
structures or significant alterations to the existing topography and which do not involve
golf courses, driving ranges and related ancillary uses;
E. Agricultural and horticultural uses of more than one (1) acre, as long as
such uses will not turther increase hazardous conditions, alter the nature of other
permitted uses, or eliminate any coastal sage scrub habitat, unless the habitat impacts
are mitigated to the satisfaction of the city and appropriate state or federal resource
agency; and
F. Additional facilities, as long as such facilities are not permanent,,are clearly
Page 97 of 312
accessory and subordinate to the primary use, will not alter the nature of, and are limited
to, those facilities necessanj for utilization of the open space land.
17.32.050 Uaeasu.biect to city council review and an roval.
A. The following uses and developments may be permitted only with city
council review and approval of a site plan review application:
1. Self-contained chemical toilets;
2. Maintenance buildings, not to exceed one hundred twenty (120)
square feet; and
3. Access to a lawful use or lot is permitted in the open space hazard
(OH) district, provided:
a. No other practical access to such use or lot is available;
b. Such access will not alter the character of the premises in
respect to permitted uses in the open space hazard district;
C. Such access will not further increase hazardous conditions or
alter the nature of the permitted uses; and
d. Such access will not eliminate any coastal sage scrub
habitat, unless the habitat impacts are mitigated to the satisfaction of the city and
appropriate state or federal resource agency.
B. The city council, in approving the site plan review application, must find as
1. That the uses and developments:
a. Are not permanent, with the exception of access,
b. Are clearly accessory and subordinate to the primary use,
C. Will not alter the nature of the open space land,
d. Are limited to those facilities necessary for utilization of the
open space land; and
2. That the site plans comply with the provisions of chapter 17.70
(Site Plan Review).
Page 98 of 312
Chapter 17=34
17.34.010 Purpose.
17.34.020 Applicability.
17.34.030 Uses and development permitted.
17.34.040 Uses and development permitted by conditional use permit.
17.34.050 Development standards.
17.34.01 Q_,,Eumom. The open space recreation district (or) provides open space for
outdoor recreation, including, but not limited to, areas particularly suited for park and
recreational purposes, including access to beaches, natural drainage channels, and
areas which serve as links between major recreation and open space reservations,
including utility easements, banks of natural drainage channels, trails, and scenic
17,34.020 8gl2licabifty.
A. when land is in public ownership:
1. Public parks, playgrounds, wildlife preserves, and viewing areas;
2. Drainage channels, banks of natural drainage channels,
watercourses, corridors, accessways, and easements; and
3. Active recreational uses.
B. Privately owned land upon formal agreement between the owner and the
city for a specific.period of time:
1. Land which is in its natural condition;
2. Land which is in agricultural or horticultural use; and
3. Active recreational uses.
17.34.030 Uses and development permitted. Only the following uses may be
constructed or conducted in open space recreation districts:
A. Drainage channels, watercourses, parkways, trails, and utility easements;
B. Public Recreational Uses. Those in the coastal specific plan district shall
be compatible witH, and incidental to, the uses set forth in the coastal specific plan;
C. Agriculture and horticulture;
D. Temporary special uses and developments, if a special use permit is first
obtained, pursuant to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits);
E. Commercial filming or photography, if a city film permit is first obtained,
Page 99 of 312
pursuant to municipal code chapter 9.16 (Still Photography, Motion Picture and
Television Productions);
F. Recycling centers, pursuant to chapter 17.58 (Recycling);
G. Temporary vendors, if a temporary vendor permit is first obtained, pursuant
to chapter 17.62 (Special Use Permits); and
H. Other uses as provided in any applicable overlay or special district.
17.34.040 Usegi and dey!Qlogment g2erMitted by cgnditional usp, . The following
uses may be permitted in the open space recreation district pursuant to a conditional use
permit, as per chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits):
A. Privately-owned recreational areas of an open nature, stables, parks,
playgrounds, wildlife preserves, and such buildings and structures as are related thereto;
B. Residential structures for a caretaker and family;
C. Commercial antennas, pursuant to section 17.76.020 (Antennas and
Satellite Dishes);
D. Developments of natural resources, except in the coastal specific plan
E. Golf courses, driving ranges and related ancillary uses;
F. Helistops, in conjunction with another use allowed by this chapter;
G. Public utility structures; and
H. Such other uses as the director deems to be similar and no more
intensive. Such a determination may be appealed to the planning commission and the
planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to section
17.80.050 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure). If a proposed use or development is
located in the coastal specific plan district, the city's final decision regarding such other
use may be appealed to the california coastal commission for a determination that the
uses are similar and compatible with the local coastal program.
2.34.050 Development standards. The following development standards shall
apply to all privately owned land and structures in the open space recreation district:
A. Minimum lot size. No lot shall be created with an area of less than one (1)
acre, except that the planning commission may permit a smaller lot or may rezone a
smaller lot to the open space recreation district upon finding that such smaller lot will
provide for an open area which is to be used by the general public or a group of property
Page 100 of 312
B. Building height. Institutional buildings erected in the City shall have a
building height not greater than sixteen (16)feet and shall not exceed one story, except
with the approval of a conditional use permit by the planning commission, pursuant to
chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits).
C. Lot coverage. Lot area covered by buildings or structures shall not exceed
ten percent(10%) of the total lot area.
D. Parking. Parking spaces for private uses shall be provided as required by
the planning commission. Such requirement shall be based on the requirements of this
title for uses similar to the proposed use. (For parking area development standards, see
chapter 17.50 (Non-residential Parking and Loading Standards).
Page 101 of 312
Chapter 1Z.3$.
17.38.010 Purpose.
17.38.020 Establishment.
17.38.030 Area delineation.
17.38.040 Content.
17.38.050 Conflict with other code provisions.
17.38.060 Specific Plan District 1.
17.38.070 Specific Plan District II.
17.38.080 Specific Pian District III.
17.38.090 Specific Plan District IV.
17-38-010 Purpose. A specific plan district designates functionally interrelated
geographic areas where detailed studies are being conducted. These studies shall
provide the means for coordinating, balancing, and regulating the development of
property within a specific plan district in order to provide consistency with the goals of the
general plan.
17.38.02,0 Es. tablisbment. The planning commission may, or if so directed by the city
council, shall, designate districts for which specific plans shall be prepared based on the
general plan and recommend regulations, programs, and legislation as may, in its
judgement, be required for the implementation of the general plan. A specific plan
district may be designated while a specific plan is in progress or following its completion.
The planning commission may recommend such plans and measures to the city council
for adoption according to the provisions of california government code sections 65450
through 65457, which are incorporated into this chapter by this reference, as if fully set
17,38.030 Area delineation. Each specific plan district must encompass an
identifiable, functionally interrelated, geographic area. A definite boundary shall be
shown or described, although the plan documents may show or provide information
concerning land outside the area for reference purposes.
17.38.040 Con#.ont. A specific plan may include maps, plans, diagrams, models, and
text, which shall include, at a minimum, the information required by california government
code sections 65451 and 65452.
17.38.050 Conflict with other code provisionra. In the event that the regulations or
Page 102 of 312
requirements of a specific plan district are in conflict with other applicable provisions of
this title, the specific plan shall govern.
17.38.060 Spec fclean, distri; j. Specific pian district I is the coastal specific plan
district. This district comprises all land seaward of palos verdes drive south and palos
verdes drive west as indicated on the city official zoning map. The provisions and
requirements for this district are set forth in chapter 17.72 (Coastal Permits.)
17.38.070 apecific lan 'strict ll,. Specific plan district it encompasses the southwest.
corner of caddington drive and western avenue (28821-28947 western avenue.) The
plan strives to provide a safe, convenient, and attractive commercial development related
to the needs of the area. The current specific plan which sets forth the requirements and
standards for this district is on file in the office of the director.
17.38.080 9gecific glan district lll. Specific plan district III encompasses the west side
of western avenue, south of crestwood street to the city boundary (29505-29701 western
avenue.) The plan establishes a guide for the comprehensive renovation of the existing
commercial development. The current specific plan which sets forth the requirements
and standards for this district is on file in the office of the director.
17L38..09Q Sa,_fg..p,1gn district 1V. Specific plan district IV encompasses all
properties which front on the west side of western avenue from, and including, 29019-
29421 western avenue. This area is located between specific plan districts ii and iii.
This plan encourages quality renovation and development that builds on the
opportunities available to this area and eliminates, or reduces, the constraints this area
faces. The plan proposes cohesiveness in design to suggest an identity for the site as
well as for the city. The current specific plan which sets forth the requirements and
standards for this district is on file in the office of the director.
Page 103 of 312
Qbagter 17.40
17.40.010 Purpose.
17.40.020 General exclusions.
17.40.030 Designation and effect of overlay control districts and district
17.40.040 Natural overlay control district (OC-1) and regulations.
17.40.050 Socio-cultural overlay control district (OC-2) and regulations.
17.40.060 Urban appearance overlay control district (OC-3)and regulations.
17.40.070 Automotive service station overlay control district (OC-4) and
17.40.010 Purgose. Overlay control districts provide criteria which further reduce
potential impacts which could be directly created or indirectly induced by proposed and
existing developments in sensitive areas of the city. These areas have been defined by
the general plan and other studies to be sensitive areas due to unique characteristics
contributing significantly to the city's form, appearance, natural setting, and historical and
cultural heritage. Therefore, this chapter:
B. Regulates the manner in which specifically identified critical lands within
the city are used and maintained, in order to ensure a proper relationship between
inherent, unique features of these lands and urban uses, both existing and future;
C. Enhances watershed management, controls storm drainage and erosion,
and controls the water quality of both urban runoff and natural water bodies within the
D. Maintains and enhances land and water areas necessary for the continued
survival of valuable land, and marine-based wildlife and vegetation;
E. Maintains and promotes the historic and archaeological heritage of the
community; and
F. Maintains and enhances the visual aspects of the community and its
setting, including significant views and overall visual qualities which characterize and
define the community. The use of overlay control districts provides more flexibility in the
design and implementation processes in terms of the mitigation opportunities available to
deal with the unique and varied conditions within these districts which will enhance both
the proposed use and the unique properties of the areas within these districts.
17.40.Q2Q General exclusions. The general provisions of this chapter shall not apply
Page 104 of 312
A. Removal or clearing of vegetation for the purpose of fire protection, such
as the establishment of fuel breaks and fire breaks, thinning, or brush clearing, provided
such removal or clearing of vegetation follows a plan approved by the county fire
department or other applicable approvals required by the city, state, or federal
government; and
B. Maintenance or improvement of any public road, utility, drainage structure,
or similar public service facility within a right-of-way or easement owned by a government
or government agency at the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title.
The land coverage provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the use, development or
alteration of any public road constructed by any governmental agency.
1.7.40,030 Denianation and effiect of overlay Control districts and district maps.
A. Establishment of districts. In order to carry out the purposes of this
chapter, the following districts and symbols therefore, are created:
Distr Symbol
Natural overlay control district OC-1
Socio-cultural overlay control district OC-2
Urban design overlay control district OC-3
Automotive service station overlay control OC-4
B. Maps and other permits. No permit shall be issued by any permit-issuing
authority for the use, development, or alteration of land within an overlay control district
unless the permit applicant presents evidence of compliance with the criteria and
regulations of this chapter.
C. Effect of districts.
1. The criteria established by this chapter for each overlay control
district shall apply to any use, development, or alteration of land included in each district,
unless otherwise specified in this chapter.
2. The districts established by this chapter shall be combined with the
base zoning districts established by this title and may be combined with each other. In
the case of any land for which contradictory criteria or regulations exist because of the
combining of districts, the more restrictive criterion or regulation shall apply.
3. The inclusion of land within an overlay control district shall
be indicated on all maps and plans submitted to the city as part of a development
application by the district symbols established in subsection a of this section.
D. Exceptions. Where physical or cultural features or developed areas
existing on the ground at the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title are at
Page 105 of 312
variance with the indicated overlay control district boundaries, the determination may be
made by the director, with appeal to the planning commission and city council pursuant
to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title, that the
requirements of this chapter do not apply. Said determination shall be made in
compliance with section 17.88.030 (Zoning Map.)
17.40.040 Natural Overlav Control District (OC-11) and reaulations.
A. Purpose. The natural overlay control district (OC-1) is established to:
1. Maintain and enhance land and water areas necessary for the
survival of valuable land and marine-based wildlife and vegetation; and
2. Enhance watershed management, control storm drainage and
erosion, and control the water quality of both urban runoff and natural water bodies within
the city.
B. Application. The following lands and waters shall be included in this
district and shall be maintained in compliance with the criteria of this section, unless
otherwise excluded:
1. All lands identified in the natural environment element of the
general plan under category RM-5 (Old Landslide Area) and all lands identified in the
coastal specific plan under categories CRM-3 (Hazard), CRM-4 (Marginally Stable), and
CRM--5 (Insufficient Information);
2. All lands identified in the natural environment element of the
general plan under category RM-6 (Hydrologic Factors); and all lands identified in the
coastal specific plan under categories CRM-7 (Flood/inundation Hazard) and CRM-8
(Hydrologic Factors), including all identified major and minor natural drainage flows,
storm channels and storm drains existing on April 25, 1975, the effective date of
ordinance no. 78 of the city, storm channels and drains proposed after that date, and
outfall areas;
3. All water areas identified in the natural environment element of the
general plan under category RM-7 (Marine Resource), including all intertidal marine
resources, tide pools, and the ocean waters and bottom within the projected boundaries
of the city to the legally established, three-mile offshore limit, and all ocean beaches,
bluffs, and cliffs;
4. All lands identified in the natural environment element of the
general plan under category RM-8 (Wildlife Habitat) and lands identified in the Coastal
specific plan under category CRM-9 (Wildlife Habitat);
5. All lands identified in the natural environment element of the
general plan under category RM-9 (Natural Vegetation) and all lands identified in the
coastal specific plan under category CRM-10 (Natural Vegetation), also including such
areas as are within category RM-8 (Wildlife Habitat) described in this section; and
6. All such lands and water areas which may be added to any of the
above categories, pursuant to chapter 17.68 (Zone Changes and Code Amendments).
C. Performance criteria. The following criteria shall be used in assessing any
Page 106 of 312
and all uses, development, and alterations of land included in this district and shall
provide that these actions not:
1. Cover or alter the land surface configuration by moving earth on
more than ten percent(10%) of the total land area of the portion of the parcel within the
district, excluding the main structure and access;
2. Alter the course, carrying capacity, or gradient of any natural
watercourse or drainage course which can be calculated to carry over one hundred (100)
cubic feet per second once in ten (10) years;
3. Fill, drain, or alter the shape or quality of any water body, spring,
or related natural spreading area of greater than one (1) acre;
4. Develop otherwise permitted uses within fifty (50) feet of the edge
of a watercourse or drainage course which can be calculated to carry more than five
hundred (500) cubic feet per second once in ten (10)years;
5. Clear the vegetation from more than twenty percent (20%) of the
area of the portion of the parcel within the district, or remove by thinning more than
twenty percent (20%) of the vegetation on the parcel, excluding dead material and
excluding those brush clearance activities necessary for fire protection;
6. Use herbicides to control or kill vegetation;
7. Remove vegetation within a designated wildlife habitat area;
8. Cover more than twenty percent (20%) of a parcel known to
contain sand, gravel, or other materials which may aid in natural beach replenishment;
9. Alter the characteristics of the surface soils so as to allow surface
water to stand for over twelve (12) hours; make the soil inadequate as a bearing surface
for pedestrian, equestrian, bicycle, or motorized emergency vehicle access; make the
soil unstable and subject to sliding, slipping, or water or wind erosion;
10. Result in chemicals, nutrients, or particulate contaminants, or
siltation being discharged, by stormwater or other runoff, into a natural or manmade
drainage course leading to the ocean or any other natural or manmade body of water;
11. Propose a sewer or waste water disposal system involving the
spreading, injecting, or percolating of effluent into the ocean or into the soil of a natural or
manmade drainage course, if alternative locations are available;
12. After, penetrate, block, or create erosion or significant change of
the area within one hundred (100) feet of an ocean beach or top edge of an ocean bluff
or cliff;
13. Alter, penetrate, block, or create erosion on the shoreline
measured at mean high tide or after the characteristics of the intertidal marine
14. Alter, dredge, fill, or penetrate by drilling, the ocean floor within the
jurisdiction of the city; or
15. Alter any land area which has previously experienced massive
downslope movement, so as to reactivate or create conditions which could lead to the
reactivation of downslope movement.
D. Additional materials may be required. Specialized studies may be required
Page 107 of 312
by the director or director of public works for particular locations, sites, or projects within
this district, including, but not limited to: grading report, soils report, drainage report,
biota report, water quality report, or other scientific and engineering studies.
17.40,050 Socio-cultural '
gl (QC-2)-andreaulations.
A. Purpose. The socio-cultural overlay control district (OC-2) is established
1. Preserve, protect, and maintain land and water areas, structures,
and other improvements which have significant historical, archaeological, or cultural
importance; and
2. Provide for the designation, protection, and maintenance of land
and water areas and improvements which may be of unique scientific or educational
B. Application. The following lands, improvements, and waters shall be
included in this district and shall be maintained in compliance with the criteria of this
chapter, unless otherwise excluded:
1. All land areas, structures and improvements described in the
historical resources section of the general plan and coastal specific plan, and sites
designated in specific information on file with the director, as well as any additional land
areas, structures and improvements which may be designated by the city as'being of
historical significance;
2. All land areas within two hundred (200) feet of the site boundaries
of any of the above or subsequently designated areas of historical significance;
3. All known and probable archaeological and paleontological sites,
as designated in specific information on file with the director, as well as any additional
sites which may be added as the result of information provided by qualified authorities in
these fields;
4. General areas designated as archaeologically sensitive in the
general plan and.coastal specific plan, including all land and water areas within the city's
jurisdiction to seaward of palos verdes drive west and palos verdes drive south; all un-
developed land areas south of crest road between the crenshaw boulevard right-of-way
and hawthorne boulevard;
5. All land and water areas within two hundred (200) feet of
designated, known, or probable archaeological and paleontological sites and within two
hundred (200) feet of the defined boundaries of the general areas designated as
archaeologically sensitive by this section or by the general plan;
6. All land and water areas within the jurisdiction of the city which, at
the time of April 25; 1975, the adoption of ordinance no. 78 of the city, have been
designated and generally delineated by recognized authorities, agencies, or institutions
as being of scientific or educational value, and which are so designated in information on
file with the director, as well as any subsequently designated areas; and
7. All such land and water areas, structures, and improvements
Page 108 of 312
which may be added to any of the above categories as a result of the specific plan
process or other detailed planning studies by the city.
C. Performance criteria. The following criteria shall be used in assessing any
and all uses, developments, and alterations of land included in this district, and shall
provide that these actions not:
1. Result in the blockage or impeding of views and controlled
physical access by easement or passage to land and water areas, as well as
improvements, covered by this chapter when such views or access are deemed to be
critical to the historical, archaeological, paleontological, scientific, or educational value of
the designated site, areas, or improvement;
2. Be related to the development of otherwise permitted uses in lands
adjacent to and surrounding those areas in the district in such a way as to prevent the
proper functioning of these permitted uses without significant exception to these
performance standards, thus tying this district to other uses in a non-severable manner;
3. Result in modifications to terrain, vegetation, or other natural
features which serve to protect designated archaeological and paleontological sites and
sensitive areas from the effects of wind and other climatic factors, including natural or
manmade water runoff, or which would similarly alter adjacent lands within two hundred
(200) feet of the boundaries of lands covered by this district in such a way as to render
lands within the district susceptible to such impacts;
4. Result in the use or conversions of such designated historical,
archaeological, paleontological, scientific, or educational lands, water, or improvements
as commercial profit-making ventures open to the general public without the application
of specific approval and control by the city over hours, types, intensities, purposes, fees,
and other operations of such areas or facilities, including organized tours by motor
vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian, or boat; and
5. Result in the provision of inadequate security protection against
vandalism or uncontrolled public exposure to archaeological or paleontological sites
under excavation or study, historic structures, or areas undergoing renovation or
maintenance, or scientific or educational research being conducted on-site.
D. Additional materials may be required. Specialized studies may be required by the
director for sites, areas, structures, or other improvements covered by both the specific
designations and intent of this district, including, but not limited to historic analysis,
architectural history analysis, applications and supporting material as
may be required by the national historic preservation act of 1966 or any subsequent
state, county or city historic preservation legislation or regulations, detailed
archaeological or paleontological studies in support of an environmental impact report by
qualified authorities, evidence of the scientific and other bases for any designation of an
area covered by this district as being of significant scientific or educational value.
17.40.060 Urban appearance overlay control district (OC-3)--and regulations.
A. Purpose. The urban appearance overlay control district(OC-3) is
Page 109 of 312
established to:
1. Preserve, protect, and maintain land and water areas, structures,
and other improvements which are of significant value because of their recreational,
aesthetic, and scenic qualities, as defined in the visual aspects portion of the general
plan and the corridors element of the coastal specific plan;
2. Preserve, protect, and maintain significant views and vistas from
major public view corridors and public lands and waters within the city which characterize
the city's appearance as defined in the visual aspects.portion of the general plan and the
corridors element of the coastal specific plan;
3. Ensure that site planning, grading, and landscape techniques, as
well as improvement planning, design, and construction will preserve, protect, and
enhance the visual character of the city's predominant land forms, urban form,
vegetation, and other distinctive features, as identified in the general plan and the
coastal specific plan; and
4. Preserve, protect, and maintain significant views of and from slope
areas within the community which characterize the city's dominant land form
B. Application. The following lands, water, and improvements shall be
included in this district and shall be maintained in compliance with the criteria of this
section, unless otherwise excluded:
1. All visual accents, view corridors, adjacent lands, impacting
corridors, and viewing areas, as generally defined by the general plan and the coastal
specific plan;
2. All vehicular thoroughfares which are or may be designated within
the city as scenic highways under the provisions of state, county, or city law, including
lands which may fall within the scenic corridors within which these highways are located;
3. All such lands and water areas which may be added to any of the
above categories as a result of the specific plan process or other detailed planning
studies by the city.
C. Performance criteria. The following criteria shall be used in assessing any
and all uses, developments, and alterations of lands included in this district, and shall
provide that these actions not:
1. Result in the change in elevation of the land or construction
of any improvement which would block, alter, or impair major views, vistas, or viewsheds
in existence from designated view corridors, view sites, or view points at the dates of
adoption of the general plan and the coastal specific plan in such a way as to materially
and irrevocably alter the quality of the view as to arc (horizontal and vertical), primary
orientation, or other characteristics;
2. Cause the removal or significant alteration of structural focal points
and natural focal points, as defined and designated in the general plan;
3. Cause the mass and finish grading or any topographic alteration
which results in uniform, geometrically terraced building sites which are contrary to the
Page 110 of 312
natural land forms, which would substantially detract from the scenic and visual quality of
the city, which would be contrary to the grading criteria contained in section 17.76.040
(grading permit) or which would substantially change the natural characteristics of a
drainage course, identified natural vegetation or wildlife habitat area;
4. Create site plans, building, or other improvement designs which
would result in other significant changes to the natural topography or which would
prevent or hinder the use of naturalized minimum grading techniques to restore an area
to its natural contours;
5. Grade any area or remove vegetation from such an area without
replacing such areas with properly drained, impervious surfaces or suitable vegetation
within six (6) months of the commencement of such activities;
6. Propose the use of any vegetative materials which are not
compatible with the visual, climatic, soil, and ecological characteristics of the city or
which require excessive water;
7. Create a cut or embankment with a slope greater than three feet
horizontal to one-foot vertical (3:1) and more than fifteen (15) feet in total elevation which
is located adjacent to a publicly maintained right-of-way or area unless an agreement
with the city for the vegetation and perpetual maintenance of such slope at no cost to the
city is executed and bonded; and
8. Result in changes in topography or the construction of.
improvements which would block, alter, or otherwise materially change significant views,
vistas, and viewshed areas available from major private residential areas of the
community which characterize the visual appearance, urban form, and economic value of
these areas.
D. Additional materials may be required. Specialized studies may be required
by the director for sites, areas, structures, or other improvements covered by both the
specific designations and intent of this district, including, but not limited to, detailed
grading plans, including cross-sections; cut-fill analyses and other supportive information;
landscape plans; visual analyses, including sightline, viewshed, and view corridor; and
three-dimensional models to illustrate important aspects of the proposed activity.
17.40.070 Automotive service station overlay control district (OC-4) and reaulations.
The automotive service station overlay control district is established to encourage service
stations to remain in the city in order to address the following concerns. The recent trend
toward conversion of service stations and automotive repair businesses on the palos
verdes peninsula to non-automotive service uses has resulted in an increasing
unavailability of essential automotive services to residents of the city, including
automobile refuelirig and emergency services. Furthermore, closure of service stations
and conversion to other uses creates an increase of automobile traffic in the city going to
those converted uses, which correspondingly increases the need for automotive service
uses and service stations. Thus, at the same time that automotive service uses are
disappearing, the need for additional automotive services is increasing. The tension
Page 111 of 312
created by the dwindling supply of locations to obtain automotive services and the
increased need for those services is detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare.
Accordingly, the automotive service overlay control district (OC-4) is hereby created to
facilitate the establishment and continuation of businesses which provide automotive
services in the city.
A. Applicability. The automotive service overlay control district permits uses
upon approval of a conditional use permit which provide automotive services to the
residents of rancho palos verdes and visitors driving within the city. Notwithstanding
section 17.84.050 (nonconformaties), uses which provide automotive services and are
located within the automotive service overlay control district shall be considered
conforming uses, regardless of the base zoning district and whether a conditional use
permit has been approved for the use. The automotive service overlay control district
shall be limited to the following eight (8) sites:
yy "" - •yy
42't:•,l•'+,ea. i Y."Gr,•... +.4rai.sa;"
ii rt.R.. Y�/S .. yy r:_a'•:y ,,..::•.::. V C.. spa .i
GE.,NrE RAL PLAN:: . j n•ER.y. .F • ". 0.N IN'
, .
V''USL. Nt.:!Yr.';5;.': :.:
:L.; i''Sry .. '+i.k:A•. 1.,.,:w.. sus jt[fie..v.: 2>.: i ''"'''
^';` p—{.:'. .iS.l si).;Y•%;y i"ri ..:Y1.4ii%t% z^;-` sae
DESIGNATiG{ : :...:= ;:a.•,:r,..a :.;..::.. :.:..: :':,.
1. 31186 Hawthorne Commercial Retail Commercial
Boulevard Neighborhood
(CN w/CUP)
2. 29501 Miraleste Plaza Commercial Retail Commercial Limited
(CL w/CUP)
129701 Western Avenue Commercial Retail Commercial General
(CG w/CUP)
4. 29421 Western Avenue Commercial Retail Commercial General
(CG w/CUP)
5. 27774 Hawthorne Residential RM-8
Boulevard (6-12 DU/acre)
6. 28105 Hawthorne Residential RS-4
Boulevard (2-4 DU/acre)
7. 28732 Highridge Road Institutional I
8. 5656 Crest Road Residential RS-2
(1 DU/acre) ji
B. Uses permitted with a conditional use permit. In addition to the existing uses
Page 112 of 312
permitted under the base zoning district, the following uses shall be allowed in the OC-4
1. Full-service gasoline stations which provide automotive repair services
in addition to the sale of gasoline or other alternative fuels;
2. Automotive repair businesses;
3. Self-service gasoline stations (without full service facilities);
4. Car washes;
5. Smog testing businesses;
6. Oil/fluid change businesses;
7. Sales of automotive products (e.g., tire sales); and
8. Sales of items such as prepared foods, beverages, and other
sundry items, as deemed appropriate by the planning commission,to be clearly ancillary and
subordinate to a service station use. If the planning commission finds that the ancillary use
is not limited to vending machines,then the planning.commission shall analyze the proposed
ancillary use pursuant to the criteria set forth in section 17.76.080 (convenience stores).
C. Development guidelines. The following development guidelines
shall be used to review automotive service uses within the OC-4 zone when a conditional
use permit is required by this code for a specific development project. In such cases, the
OC-4 development guidelines described herein shall supersede the development
standards contained in section 17.76.090 (automobile service stations). Additions or
expansions to automotive uses located within the automotive service overlay control
district which do not require the approval of a conditional use permit shall be reviewed
using the development standards of section 17.76.090 (automobile service stations.)
The guidelines listed below may be deviated from, as determined by the planning
commission to be appropriate, in individual cases for the uses permitted in section
17.40.070(b) of this chapter.
1. Lot Area. The minimum area of a site for an automotive
service use shall be twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, with a minimum frontage of
one hundred (100) linear feet on each street side. For those properties with more than
two (2) pump islands and three (3) service bays, there shall be two thousand (2,000)
additional square feet of lot area for each additional pump island; and two thousand
(2,000) additional square feet of lot area for each additional service bay.
2. Setbacks. The minimum setback shall be ten (10) feet from
any property line. This shall apply to any part of the structure, canopies or building.
Pump islands shall be set back twenty (20) feet from any property line.
3. Building size. Buildings which include service bays shall not
be less than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet (exclusive of canopies.)
4. Building height. The maximum allowable building height shall
be consistent with the underlying zoning, and shall be compatible with the surrounding
uses, as determined by the planning commission
5. Curb cuts and driveways. There shall be no more than two
(2) vehicular driveways on any one street. No driveway curb cut shall be closer than five
(5) feet from the beginning of the curb return at the corner of an intersection. No
Page 113 of 312
driveway shall exceed a width of thirty-five (35) feet. Driveway curb cuts shall be a
minimum of twenty-five (25)_feet apart. Entrances to an abutting commercial
development or combined driveways will be encouraged to facilitate good circulation.
6. Parking. Parking of vehicles on-site is prohibited except for
vehicles which are in the process of being serviced, vehicles belonging to employees,
and service and tow trucks owned by the establishment. The parking of vehicles which
impede the view of traffic on the public streets is prohibited.
7. Perimeter walls. Walls may be required on the property lines
and along the street planted areas, if the planning commission determines that the site
should be buffered from abutting properties, due to incompatibility with adjacent uses.
8. Refuse area. An enclosed refuse area, to be integrated with
the design of the structure, shall be provided to meet the specifications of the city.
9. Restrooms. All restroom entrances shall be screened from
view of adjacent properties or public rights-of-way by solid decorative screening, which is
subject to the review and approval of the planning commission.
10. Utilities. No building permit for a new structure or an addition
to an existing structure which adds twenty-five percent (25%) or more to the floor area
shall be issued, unless plans to place all utilities underground are reviewed and
approved by the planning commission.
11. Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be so arranged end
shielded as to prevent direct illumination of abutting properties and of vehicles passing
on the public right-of-way. Luminaries shall be of a low-level indirect and diffused type.
All fluorescent bulbs or other lighting under canopies or on the building shall be covered
with diffusing lenses and shielded.
12. Landscaping. Landscaping plans shall be subject to the
review and approval by the planning commission. There shall be the following minimum
a. The ten-foot setback along the street frontages shall be
landscaped, except where there are driveways. Planting shall not exceed three (3) feet
in height, except for trees; and
b. Eight percent(8%) of the total site shall be landscaped
in addition for that required under section 17.40.070(C)(1) of this chapter. All landscaped
areas shall have permanent automatic irrigation systems and shall be kept well
maintained. All planting areas shall be surrounded by six-inch P.C.C. curbs, unless they
have higher planter walls.
13. Off-site improvements. Off-site improvements, including curb,
gutter, sidewalk, pavement, street lights, and street trees are required to be installed by
the developer. Th6se improvements must meet city.specifications. Where future
installation is approved by the city, performance bonds are required.
14. Drainage. All drainage to the street shall be by underground
drainage structures to avoid drainage across the surface of city walks or drive aprons.
All drainage shall comply with this title and any other title of the municipal code and any
Page 114 of 312
other applicable laws.
15. Paving. All areas not planted or developed with a building
must be paved to meet city specifications (minimum three-inch asphalt concrete).
16. Signage.
a. For those sites developed consistent with the underlying
zoning district, (e.g., commercial neighborhood, commercial limited, commercial general,
residential, and institutional), the sign criteria for the underlying zoning district shall apply.
b. For those sites developed with automotive service uses
consistent with OC-4 zoning, signage shall conform to the requirements of section
17.76.050(B) (sign permits).
D. Operations. The following guidelines apply to those uses permitted
under section 17.40.070(B) of this chapter.
1. Hours of operation shall be as follows:
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Automotive Repair Monday- Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00
Ancillary Retail Businesses Monday- Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00
Sale of Gasoline, and Retail Sales Monday -Thursday 6:00 a.m. to 10:00
of Automotive Items (if allowed) at Friday - Sunday p.m. 6:00 a.m. to
Full or Self-Service Stations 12:00 a.m.
All hours of operation may be subject to further review and approval by the planning
2. Permitted outdoor operations shall be limited to the following:
a. The retail sale of petroleum products;
b. The supply of air and water;
C. Auto washing by hand, where an area of not more than
five hundred (500) square feet is used;
d. Waxing and polishing automobiles;
e. Tire changing;
f. Battery servicing charging and changing; and
g. Installation of minor accessories, e.g., windshield blades
and arms, gas caps, lamps, lamp globes, and performance of minor repair jobs.
3. There shall be no body and fender work, painting, repair and
rebuilding of electrochemical batteries, or other work of a similar nature.
4. The rental of cars or trailers is specifically prohibited.
5'. The operation of an approved automotive service station use
Page 115 of 312
shall not cause noise exceeding sixty-five (65) decibels to be audible at the property line
of any adjacent residential property.
6. If approved by the city, any mechanical car wash shall be
enclosed within a structure and shall not cause noise exceeding sixty-five (65) decibels
to be audible at the property line of any adjacent residential property. The property
owner is responsible to demonstrate annually that the car wash is in compliance with this
noise requirement.
E. Abandonment. If the operation of any use all in the OC-4 zone
is suspended for more than one hundred eighty (180) days, and such suspension is not a
result of work ordered to be performed by the city or any other governmental entity, the
use shall be deemed abandoned. It shall then become the responsibility of the property
owner to destroy and dispose of any and all structures and equipment on the lot and
return the condition of the lot to a buildable site.
Page 116 of 312
Chapter 17.42
17.42.010 Purpose.
17.42.020 Applicability.
17.42.030 Uses and development permitted.
17.42.040 Development standards.
17.42.010 Pumooae. The purpose of the residential planned development
(RPD) is to provide greater flexibility in the design of residential developments by
A. A more creative and imaginative approach to the design of
residential developments;
B. A variety of housing types and environments;
C. A more efficient and harmonious use of the land and natural
D. The retention of greater amounts of open space and amenities for
recreational and visual enjoyment;
E. The preservation and enhancement of valuable natural areas;
F. Compatibility with surrounding areas.
17.42.020 Applicability.
A. These provisions shall, upon application by a property owner for a
residential planned development permit pursuant to chapter 17.74 (Residential Planned
Development Permit), apply to any parcel or parcels in unit ownership, or to be combined
in unit ownership, as a condition of approval of a residential planned development permit.
B. Once a development under these provisions is initiated, the
residential planned development permit, the general development plan upon which it is
based, and the conditions attached thereto (except as they may be amended) shall be
binding upon the applicants, their successors, and assigns; shall run with the land; and
shall regulate the construction, location, use, and maintenance of all land and structures
within the development.
C. The residential planned development designation may be combined
with any single-family residential district, thereby requiring application for a residential
planned developm6nt, when the city council finds that such zoning is necessary to
promote the policies of the general plan or coastal specific plan. The zoning designation
on the official zoning map is "RS- (RPD)".
Page 117 of 312
17.42_,030 Uses and deveionment 12e-Emitted. The following types of development
and uses may be permitted in any residential planned development pursuant to a
residential planned development permit, in addition to any other use which is permitted in
the underlying base zoning district:
A. Single-family and multiple-family residential developments containing
any type of housing units, including cluster developments and other variations from
standard tract patterns and development standards, except hotels, motels, boarding
houses or similar transient residential facilities shall not be permitted;
B. Related recreational and community facilities for the use of the
residents of the development;
C. Minor commercial uses, provided that such uses are clearly
incidental and auxiliary to the development and are designed for the sole use of the
residents of the development;
D. Public recreational uses; and
E. Uses and developments permitted pursuant to chapter 17.02
(Single-Family Residential Districts) and chapter 17.04 (Multi-Family Residential
17.42,040 Development staodards.
A. Density. The total number of dwelling units in any residential
planned development shall not exceed the number allowed by the development
standards of chapter 17.02 (Single-Family Residential Districts)for the base zoning
district in which the property is located. In calculating density, areas of extreme slope
(35% or steeper) and/or areas which are determined unsuitable for development, based
on submitted and approved geologic reports, shall be excluded. Proposed net densities,
housing types, and buffering shall be considered in light of their compatibility with
surrounding land uses.
B. Building standards. The following standards shall apply to all
residential planned developments, with a conditional use permit:
1. The maximum building heights shall not exceed the limits
allowed in the base zoning district.
C. Common open space.
1. Common open and recreational space shall make up at least
thirty percent (30%) of the subject property and shall include any permanent open area
and any recreational structures and facilities to be held in a single or common ownership
or dedicated for public use. Undevelopable areas or areas of extreme slope (35% or
steeper) may be included as common open space area. Streets, parking areas, patios
and yards for private use, and areas within an individually-owned, single-family lot shall
not be considered common open space; however, portions of patio and yard areas in
excess of the requirements of this chapter may be included in computing common open
space, at the discretion of the planning commission, and need not be in one large area.
2. All common open space (including both commonly owned and
Page 118 of 312
dedicated open space, but excluding dedicated public parkland) other than structures or
paved areas,shall be irrigated and landscaped by the developer as per an approved
plan except where the planning commission finds that an area, because of its valuable
natural beauty, topography, or hazardous condition would be more beneficial to the
development and general public if left in a natural state.
3. If a subdivision is involved, all common open space shall
remain in common ownership of all property owners in the development as provided by
recorded covenants; however, where an open space area is required to serve residents
of other developments and the general public, that area may, upon approval of the
planning commission, be dedicated to the city or other appropriate agency designated by
the city. No dwelling unit or lot may be sold or encumbered separately from an undivided
interest in the common open space area not dedicated to the city.
4. Dedicated open space areas serving as public areas will,
upon approval of the planning commission, be maintained by the city, any other
appropriate agency designated by the city, or by the formation of a suitable assessment
district. All commonly owned open space and recreational facilities shall be maintained
by a homeowners' association or similar organization.
5. All land designated as open space shall be permanent open
space by dedication of a fee title or easement, deed restriction, or by another method
approved by the city.
6. In the coastal specific plan district the thirty percent (30%)
minimum common open space, or an equal or greater percentage combining private and
common open space areas, shall be sited in a manner that is visible from public roads or
walkways and that preserves public views of the coast. This common open space shall
not be fenced or screened in a manner that would block public views of the area and
shall be sited as visual landscape area enhancing public vistas rather than as interior
open space within developments. Greater clustering shall be encouraged, and the
design of subdivisions, structures, and fencing shall seek to maximize visual open space
throughout the developed areas, as viewed from public roads and viewing points.
7. In the coastal specific plan district, public paths through
developed areas to the blufftop, the access corridor (including the blufftop road, bike, and
pedestrian paths, and parking bays, as depicted in the coastal specific plan) and a
usable public recreational area (not including steep bluff faces and gullies) seaward of
corridor improvements shall be improved and either dedicated or permanently
maintained through deed restriction for public use. These blufftop public use areas shall
be in addition to the thirty percent (30%) common open space requirement.
D. Private open space. A private open space shall be provided
according to the open space requirements and standards set forth for the base zoning
district. This area shall be adjacent to and provide a private, usable area for each
dwelling unit. In cases where the planning commission finds that provision of all or part
of this required private, individual open space is impractical or undesirable, all or part of
the area required may be added to the required common open space area.
E. Public utilities and facilities. The standards for any off-site
Page 119 of 312
improvements (streets, parkways, walks, drainage, and utilities) as required by the
subdivision ordinance may be modified for a residential planned development upon the
recommendations of the director of public works and director, and the approval of the city
council. Street design shall relate to the function of the street. In hillside areas, and
other areas where no on-street parking is necessary or permitted, street widths may be
reduced. Innovation in street and walkway design, use of cul-de-sacs and loop streets,
and reduction of grading for streets is encouraged. Vehicular access to individual lots or
units shall generally be from local streets only.
F. Parking. In single-family residential developments, the parking
provisions of section 17.02.030 (Single-Family Residential Districts) shall apply. In multi-
family residential developments, the following standards shall apply:
1. A minimum of two (2) garage spaces shall be provided for
each dwelling unit;
2. A minimum of one uncovered parking space shall be provided
for each dwelling unit with no or one bedroom and a minimum of two (2) spaces for each
unit with two (2) or more bedrooms;
3. The uncovered spaces shall be in off-street parking areas,
except that parallel, on-street parking may be permitted to meet up to one-half of the
uncovered parking space requirement, if the planning commission finds this to be the
only feasible method to provide required parking;
4. Parking spaces shall be individually accessible without the
need for moving any vehicle to gain access to a space, except that the uncovered
spaces may be in the driveway of the unit served. Required spaces shall be located
within three hundred (300) feet of the dwelling unit served;
5. The number of uncovered spaces required may be reduced to
one per dwelling unit, with approval of the planning commission, where the dwelling units
are served with common off-street parking lots in close proximity to the residence; and
6. Consideration shall be given to the necessity of storage areas
for boats, trailers and campers.
Page 120 of 312
Qbal2ter 17.44
Sect :
17.44.010 Purpose.
17.44.020 Uses and development permitted.
17.44.030 Uses subject to Conditional Use Permit.
17.44.040 Development standards.
17.44;010 Pu[pose. The purpose of the agricultural district is to provide for the
preservation and restoration of agricultural uses.
17.44.020 Uses and development permiftpd. Only the following uses may be
conducted or constructed in agricultural districts:
A. Agriculture and horticulture uses, including the growing and raising
of trees, vines, shrubs, berries, vegetables, nursery stock, flowers, hay grains and similar
food and fiber crops; and
B. Other uses as provided in any applicable overlay or special districts.
17.44.030 Uses and development permitted by Conditional use permit. The
following uses may be permitted in the agriculture district pursuant to a conditional use
permit, as per chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits):
A. Temporary and permanent stands for the sale of agricultural
products produced on the premises;
B. Wholesale plant nurseries;
C. Storage structures for equipment and supplies necessary for a
permitted agricultural use;
D. Residential structures for a caretaker and family; and
E. Such other uses as the director deems to be similar and no more
intensive. Such a determination may be appealed to the planning commission and the
planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to section
17.80.050 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure). If a proposed use or development is
located in the coastal specific plan district, the city's final decision regarding such other
use may be appealed to the california coastal commission for a determination that the
uses are similar and compatible with the local coastal program.
Page 121 of 312
17.44.040 Development stand, Ards. The following standards apply to
agricultural districts:
E. Minimum lot size shall be five acres. Smaller lot sizes may be
permitted subject to a conditional use permit;
F. Setbacks. Twenty-five (25) feet from all property lines;
G. Building height is limited to sixteen (16) feet;
H. Where an agricultural district abuts a residential district or coastal
sage scrub habitat, buffering and screening techniques shall be utilized to protect any
residential structures or habitat areas.
Page 122 of 312
17.46.010 Purpose.
17.46.020 Number of large domestic animals permitted without approval of a
17.46.030 Boarding
17.46.040 Large domestic animal permit.
17.46.050 Conditional large domestic animal permit
17.46.060 Development Standards.
17.46.070 Equestrian committee.
17.46.080 Nonconformities.
17.46.090 Establishment of equestrian overlay (Q) districts.
17.41010 Pur case. Property in an equestrian overlay (Q) district may be used
for the keeping of horses, other large domestic animals as defined in chapter. 17.96
(goats and sheep), and cows, subject to all applicable requirements of the municipal
code and the provisions of this chapter. The equestrian overlay (Q) district provides
regulations for the keeping of horses and other large domestic animals by property
owners or lessees, where such use is clearly accessory to the allowable use of the land,
as designated in the base zoning district. Such regulations and standards presume a
reasonable effort on the part of the animal owner to preserve the rights of neighbors by
maintaining and controlling his or her animals in a safe, sanitary, and healthy manner at
an appropriate location. Thus, this chapter neither authorizes nor legalizes the
maintenance of any private or public nuisance.
17.46.020 Number of lame doMe5tic animals permitted without approval of a
A. Two large domestic animals may be kept or maintained on a
developed lot or parcel having a gross lot area of at least 15,000 square feet. One
additional large domestic animal may be kept or maintained for each additional 5,000
square feet of gross lot area, not to exceed a total of four large domestic animals. Foals
under one year of age shall not be counted towards the maximum number of animals
which are permitted.
B. For purposes of this chapter, a lot or parcel on which the structure(s)
consist solely of barns or stables not used for human habitation shall not be considered
to be developed and shall be deemed vacant. However, the number of animals that may
be kept on a developed lot or parcel pursuant to paragraph A of this section, also may be
Page 123 of 312
kept on a vacant parcel which is contiguous to the developed lot and is under the same
ownership or control, if the number of large domestic animals is not increased above the
number that is allowed on the developed lot pursuant to the provisions of paragraph A.
17.46.030 Boarding._ Other than the legal-nonconforming boarding of large
domestic animals which may continue subject to the limitations set forth in Section
17.46.080 of this chapter, the boarding of more than four (4) large domestic animals on
any vacant or developed lot or on any combination of contiguous lots or parcels which
are owned or under the control of the same individual(s) shall be prohibited. For
purposes of this chapter, boarding shall mean the keeping or maintaining of large
domestic animals that are not owned by the owners or lessees of the lot or parcel on
which the animals are being kept or maintained.
17-46,040 Lameomestic animal pg[ it. The following keeping of large
domestic animals in an equestrian overlay (Q) district shall require the approval of a large
domestic animal permit by the director, pursuant to the provisions of section
17.76.115(A) (large domestic animal permits) of this Title:
A. The keeping of five (5) to six (6) large domestic animals on a
developed lot or parcel; and
B. The keeping of one (1) to six (6) large domestic animals on a vacant lot
or parcel which is contiguous to a developed lot that is under the same ownership or
control as the vacant lot, not to exceed a total of six (6) large domestic animals per lot.
However, the permit required by this paragraph B shall not be required, if the keeping of
the large domestic animals is permitted by section 17.46.020 of this chapter.
17. 6.050 Conditional large domestic animal permit. The following animal
keeping in an equestrian overlay (Q) district shall require the approval of a conditional
large domestic animal permit by the equestrian committee, pursuant to the conditional
large domestic animal permit procedures contained in section 17.76.115(B) (large
domestic animal permits) of this title:
A. The keeping of one (1) to six (6) large domestic animals on a vacant
lot or parcel that is not contiguous to a developed lot or parcel that is under the same
ownership or control as the vacant lot or parcel;
B. The keeping or maintaining of more than six (6) large domestic
animals on any developed or vacant lot or parcel;
C. The keeping of one (1) or more cows on a vacant or developed lot or
D. Variations from the lot area requirements and development
Page 124 of 312
standards of this chapter by the keeper of the animals. Variations may include, but are
not limited to:
1. The minimum lot or parcel size required to maintain large
domestic animals;
2. The dimensions or locations of fences, enclosures, corrals,
barns, and other structures, except that the thirty-five (35) foot minimum setback to
habitable structures set forth in Section 17.46.060(A)(1) of this chapter cannot be
3. The screening requirements; and
4. The animal waste control requirements.
17-46.060 Development standards.
A. In addition to the development standards governing development in
the base zoning district, the following development standards shall apply:
1. No part of any structure or enclosure for the keeping or
maintaining of large domestic animals shall be located within thirty-five (35) feet of(1)
any structure used for human habitation, or(2) any required building setback line, on an
adjacent property owned or controlled by a different person than the person owning or
controlling the property where the animals are located, whichever is less.
2. Horses and cattle shall be maintained in a fenced corral or
other area containing at least four hundred (400) square feet for each animal. For goats
or sheep, the minimum area shall be two hundred (200) square feet for each animal.
3. Stables and barns shall be constructed and maintained in
accordance with the building code of the city.
4. All fences and gates used for the enclosure of horses or other
large domestic animals shall be of such design, materials, and construction as to pre-
vent the escape of the animals. Fences enclosing horses or cows shall be not less than
four (4) feet in height and shall be of the strength equivalent to that of a wood fence with
four-by-four-inch (4"x 4") posts, no more than ten (10) feet apart, with three (3)
two-by-six-inch (2"x 6") rails. Electrically charged wires shall be used only to supplement
other fences, and Shall meet underwriter's standards for electric fences and shall cause
no electric interference with radio and television reception on neighboring parcels.
Warning signs shall be posted in a visible location, every one hundred (100) feet on the
fence, warning that an electric fence is in use. Other electric fences and barbed wire
fences are prohibited.
Page 125 of 312
B. In addition to the health and safety regulations provided in any other
applicable statute, regulation or ordinance, the following provisions shall apply:
1. Each property owner or lessee is responsible for the
continuous maintenance of sanitary conditions, including, but not limited to, the cleaning
of corrals, stables, barns and other areas to which animals have access; and the proper
disposal of manure, offal, soiled straw, and other refuse. Animal waste shall not be
allowed to accumulate, runoff, or leach so as to create a nuisance or be offensive to
other persons in the vicinity. Manure may be disposed of by removal from the lot or
parcel by a city-licensed waste disposal company, or by composting. if waste or manure
is to be composted, the composting material shall be kept in a composting bin, and the
composting shall be performed in accordance with city approved composting procedures.
Proper procedures must be used to control insects and to minimize offensive odors.
2. Animal waste, manure, offal, soiled straw and other refuse
shall not be allowed to accumulate in any regular, intermittent, or seasonal watercourse.
3. Each lot and structure shall be maintained so that there is no
standing surface water or ponding within areas in which large domestic animals are kept.
4. All buildings used for the keeping of animals and all corral or
enclosure fences shall be constructed and maintained in a neat and orderly condition
and kept in good repair. Landscaping, or other screening techniques, shall be provided
as appropriate to assist in screening of stables, barns, corrals, composting bins and
stored hay from public view and from adjacent properties.
6. Property owners or lessees who keep large domestic animals
on their property shall carry out a program of fly control through such means as traps,
pesticides, or natural predators.
6. No structure or enclosure for the keeping of large domestic
animals shall be constructed or maintained in any regular, intermittent, or seasonal
7. A weatherproof notice setting forth the name of the person(s)
responsible for such animals and a phone number(s)to be called in the event of an
emergency shall be displayed on, or in the vicinity of, any barn, stable enclosure, or other
area in which large domestic animals are kept.
17.46,070 Fquestrian committee.
A. Purpose. The purpose of the equestrian committee is to advise the
director, planning commission and city council on technical matters pertaining to the
implementation and enforcement of this chapter, to assist with the resolution of disputes
Page 126 of 312
regarding the keeping of large domestic animals, to discourage'the boarding of more
than four horses and other large domestic animals, and to consider conditional large
domestic animal permit applications in accordance with the terms and requirements of
this Chapter and the procedures described in Section 17.76.115 (large domestic animal
permits) of this title.
B. Composition. The city council shall appoint an equestrian committee
consisting of persons knowledgeable in the keeping and maintaining of large domestic
animals. The committee shall consist of up to nine (9) volunteer members, who reside in
the city. if practical, the committee shall consist of a majority of horse owners.
C. Authority. The equestrian committee shall have the authority to:
1. Issue conditional large domestic animal permits in accordance
with the provisions of this chapter, pursuant to the procedures described in section
17.76.115 (large domestic animal permits) of this-title;
2. Suspend or revoke large domestic animal permits or conditional
large domestic animal permits pursuant to the procedures described in section 17.86.060
(Enforcement) of this title; and
3. Initiate proceedings for abatement of public nuisances described
in Section 8.24.080 of this municipal code to remove large domestic animals from private
property, or abate any other nuisance identified by the equestrian committee as being
out of compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
D. Appeal. The decisions of the equestrian committee may be appealed to
the city council pursuant to the provisions described in chapter 17.80 (hearing Notice and
Appeal Procedure) of this title.
E. In the event the workload of the equestrian committee declines to an
amount deemed by the city council to make the continuation of the equestrian committee
impractical, the city council shall disband the equestrian committee and transfer its work
to the planning commission.
,17.46.080 Nonconformities. Except as provided in this section, all existing
buildings, structures, fences, enclosures, and uses of land, including the number of
animals allowed by this chapter, which do not conform to the provisions of this chapter,
but were existing as legal conforming uses or structures on February 1, 1997, shall be
considered legal non-conforming uses and/or structures for purposes of this chapter.
The owner of a pa,cel or use which has been rendered nonconforming by the provisions
of this chapter sha I, file a written nonconformity statement with the director in order to
establish a record of the nonconforming use or structure. The written statement shall be
filed with the director within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the ordinance
Page 127 of 312
codified in this chapter.
A. A written nonconformity statement shall include:
1. The ownership of the lot or parcel;
2. If the nonconformity involves the keeping of more than four
large domestic animals on a vacant or developed lot or parcel, or on any combination of
contiguous lots or parcels which are owned or under the control of the same
individual(s), a statement identifying the owner of each animal kept on the subject
3. The conditions for which the waiver is requested;
4. Permission from the owner for a city representative to enter
upon said lot or parcel to verify the nonconforming condition; and
5. Any additional information, as required by the director.
B. Upon submittal of the written nonconformity statement to the
director, the director or his or her representative, shall verify the nonconforming condition
through a site visit to the property. Upon verification of the nonconforming condition, the
director shall keep on file, a record of the nonconforming condition.
C. Except as provided below, the acceptance and verification of a
written nonconformity statement by the director, shall permit the nonconforming condition
to continue in perpetuity:
1. The boarding of five (5) to eight (8) large domestic animals on a
lot or parcel or on any combination of contiguous lots or parcels which are owned or
under the control of the same individual(s), shall be permitted to continue until the lot(s)
or parcel(s) is/are sold or transferred, or until February 1, 2007, whichever time period is
longer. For purposes of this Section, change of ownership shall not include inter-spousal
transfers in cases of divorce, transfers of property to the transferor's children or
inheritance by a spouse or child.
2. Nonconforming conditions involving the boarding of more than
eight (8) large domestic animals shall be discontinued within twelve (12) months after the
effective date of this ordinance.
i 3. The provisions of subparagraphs 1 and 2 of this paragraph C
shall not apply to any lot or parcel or combination of contiguous lots or parcels which are
owned or under the control of the same individual where the boarding of five (5) or more
large domestic animals was being conducted lawfully on July 1, 1975. In such cases, the
Page 128 of 312
acceptance and verification of the written nonconformity statement by the director shall
permit the nonconforming condition to continue in perpetuity.
D. The director shall cause each nonconformity statement which is
issued, to be recorded with the county recorder. The recorded document shall clearly
describe the uses and/or structures that are allowed to continue on the property.
E. If no written nonconformity statement has been submitted to the
director pursuant to Section 17.46.080 of this chapter, or if the property owner does not
allow the director or his/her representative to verify the nonconforming condition, it shall
be presumed that the nonconforming condition was illegal at the time of adoption of this
17.46.090 Establishment of equestrian overlay (Q) districts. In addition to
general zone change procedures, pursuant to chapter 17.68 (Zone Changes and Code
Amendments) of this title, the following provisions shall apply to all applications for the
establishment of an equestrian overlay (Q) district:
A. An equestrian overlay (Q) district may be established where the pro-
raposed district contains not less than five (5) acres and is separated by a buffer area of
not less than thirty-five (35)feet from any lot or parcel of land which is used for
residential purposes oris located in a residential zone and which is not within the
equestrian overlay (Q) district. Such buffer area must be permanently established and
may consist of either a public or private easement (other than a riding trail), a public
street, highway or any other appropriate topographical separation which will provide an
equivalent buffer area in keeping with the intent of this chapter.
B. A petition for the establishment of an equestrian overlay (Q) district
shall be signed by a majority of the property owners within the area under consideration
as shown on the latest available assessment roll of the county. With each petition, the
applicant(s) also shall file:
1. A map drawn to a scale specified by the director, showing the
location of all highways, streets, alleys, and the dimensions of all lots or parcels of land
within the proposed district and within five hundred (500)feet from the exterior
boundaries of the property under consideration;
2. A list of the names and addresses of all persons who are
shown on the latest available assessment roll of the county as owners of the property
within the proposed district and as owning property within a distance of five hundred
(500) feet from the,exterior boundaries of the proposed district;
3. Such other information as the director may require. The
accuracy of all information, maps, and lists submitted shall be the responsibility of the
Page 129 of 312
C. The planning commission shall hold a public hearing on the petition.
The planning commission shall cause notice of such hearing to be sent by first class
mail, postage prepaid, to all persons listed on the petition.
D. Prior to making a recommendation on a petition, the planning
commission may forward the petition request to the equestrian committee for review.
E. The planning commission shall recommend approval of a petition
requesting the establishment of an equestrian overlay (Q) district to the city council for
amendment to this title where the information submitted by the applicant(s) and/or
presented at public hearing substantiates the following findings:
1. The horses and other large domestic animals kept or
maintained within the proposed district will not jeopardize, endanger, or otherwise be
detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare;
2. The keeping or maintaining of horses and other large
domestic animals within the proposed district will not be a material detriment to the use,
enjoyment, or valuation of property of other persons in the vicinity of the proposed
district; and
3. That the lots or parcels within the proposed district are
adequate in size and shape to accommodate horses and other large domestic animals.
F. The planning commission shall deny the application where the
information submitted by the applicant(s) and/or presented at public hearing fails to
substantiate the findings required by paragraph E of this section to the satisfaction of the
planning commission.
G. The planning commission in recommending approval of the
establishment of an equestrian overlay (Q)district may impose such conditions it deems
necessary to ensure that animals permitted in such district will be kept or maintained in
accord with the findings required by Section 17.46.090(E) of this chapter. However, in
no instance may the commission impose conditions that are less stringent than the
standards and regulations contained in this chapter. Conditions imposed by the planning
commission may involve any pertinent factors affecting the establishment, operation, and
maintenance of the requested use, including but not limited to:
1. The number and location of animals;
2. The type and construction of corrals, stables, or other
structures used for the housing of such animals;
Page 130 of 312
3. Fencing requirements;
4. Required setbacks; and
5. The inclusion of riding areas and/or bridle trails within the
proposed district.
Page 131 of 312
Chapter 17.48
17.48.010 Purpose.
17.48.020 Lot area and dimensions.
17.48.030 Setbacks.
17.48.040 Open space area.
17.48.050 Building height.
17.48.060 Extreme slope.
17.48.070 Intersection visibility.
17.48.010 Purpose. This chapter clarifies, amplifies, and makes certain
exceptions to district development standards pertaining to lot area and dimensions,
setbacks, open space area and building height. This chapter also provides certain
general development standards which apply to more than one zoning district.
17.48.020 Lot area and dimensions_.
A. No lot shall be created with, or reduced to an area or dimension, less
than the minimum lot area and dimensions required in the respective base zoning
district, except as provided in chapter 17.42 (Residential Planned Development).
Existing lots which have an area or dimension less than the minimum required shall not
be reduced in area or in the insufficient dimension.
B. - Lot width shall be the distance from side property line to side
property line, measured at a point midway between the front and rear property lines,
along a line parallel to a straight front property line or to a tangent at the midpoint of a
curved front property line.
C. Lot depth shall be the distance from the midpoint of the front
property line to the midpoint of the rear property line.
D. For lots with no rear property line, lot depth shall be the distance
from the midpoint of the front property line to the point where the side property lines
17.48.030 Setbacks. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no building,
structure, or portion of any building or structure, located under or above the ground, shall
be constructed or extended closer to any street side, interior side, front or rear property
Page 132 of 312
line than the respective front, side or rear setback required in the district in which the
property is located. On lots abutting a private street, setbacks shall be measured from
the street easement line for measuring setbacks.
1. Property Line Designation. The following methods for determining a
property line designation (front, side, street side, or rear) shall apply to all lots in the city.
In cases of uncertainty, the director shall determine the appropriate property line
designations. The director's decision may be appealed to the planning commission and
the planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to
chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure).
1. Front. For interior lots, the front property line shall be that
property line abutting the primary public or private street of access. For corner lots, the
front property line shall be the shorter property line abutting the primary public or private
street of access. For corner lots where the front and street side property lines intersect
on a curve, the front property line shall begin and the street side property line shall end at
the midpoint of the curve. For flag lots, the front property line shall be that property line
which most nearly parallels the public or private street of access and which abuts the
pole, not including the pole.
2. Street Side. For corner lots, any property line other than the
front or rear property line which abuts the public or private right-of-way shall be a street
side property line. For wedge or triangular shaped lots with a straight or curved front
property line, no rear property line shall exist.
3. Rear. The rear property line shall be the property line
opposite and most distant from the front property line.
4. Interior Side. An interior side property line shall be any
property line which does not abut a public or private right-of-way and which is not a front
or rear property line.
J. Future Right-of-way Lines. If any future street right-of-way line has
been established by plan adopted by the city council, this line shall be considered to be
the property line for purposes of determining setbacks.
K. Hillside Setbacks.
1. Front Setbacks. Any lot having a grade of more than
twenty-five percent (25%), as measured from the curbline to a point midway between the
side lot lines and over a distance of fifty (50) feet from the front lot line, may have a front
yard setback which is not less than fifty percent (50%) of the depth required for a front
yard setback in the district in which said lot is located. Garages with driveways which
directly access the street shall not be less than twenty (20)feet from the front or street
side property line.
2. Side and Rear Setbacks. If the following conditions occur:
a. There is a slope between building pads of adjoining lots
held under separate ownership;
b. The difference in vertical elevation between the top and
the toe of the slope is six (6) feet or more; and
c. The grade of the slope between the top and the toe of
Page 133 of 312
said slope is two feet horizontal to one foot vertical (2:1 or 50%) or greater then the
following hillside setbacks shall apply:
(1) On the downslope lot, the minimum distance
between the toe of the slope and any portion of the main building shall not be less than
one half(112)the vertical height of the slope (as measured from toe to top of slope), with
a minimum of three (3) feet and a maximum of fifteen (15) feet; and
(2) On the upslope lot, the minimum distance
between the top of the slope and any portion of the main building shall not be less.than
five (5) feet.
L. Landscaping. In single-family residential (RS) districts, except for
driveways, paved walkways and parking areas all of the required front and street-side
setback areas shall be landscaped. In single-family residential (RS) districts, driveways,
paved walkways and parking areas shall not cover more than fifty percent (50%) of the
required front or street-side setback areas. Any pervious or semi-pervious surface which
is part of or within a driveway or parking area shall-not be considered to be landscaping.
M. Exceptions.
1. Architectural Features. Cornices, belt courses, and other
similar architectural features may project into the required setback area not more than
four (4) inches for each foot of the required setback, provided that no portion of such an
architectural feature is located or projects below eight (8) feet above grade and provided
that there are no vertical supports or members within the required setback area. Garden
windows may project into the required setback area not more than four (4) inches
provided that there are no vertical supports within the required setback area. Eaves may
project into the required setback not more than six (6) inches for each foot of the required
2. Fireplace chimneys. Chimneys may project two (2)feet into
any required setback.
3. Minor Structures and Mechanical Equipment. Trash enclos-
ures, storage sheds or playhouses less than one hundred twenty (120) square feet,
doghouses, play equipment, fountains, enclosed water heaters, barbecues, garden walls,
air conditioners, pool filters, vents, and other minor structures or mechanical equipment
shall not be located in any setback area in residential districts except as specified below.
a. Minor structures and equipment less than six (6) inches in
height, as measured from adjacent finished grade, may be located in any required front,
side, or rear setback.
b. Minor structures and mechanical equipment which
exceed six (6) inches in height, as measured from adjacent finished grade, may be
permitted within an interior side or rear setback area by the director, through a site plan
review application,,,provided that no significant adverse impacts will result and provided
(1) Noise levels from mechanical equipment do not
exceed 65 dBA as measured from the closest property line;
Page 134 of 312
(2) No part of any minor structure or mechanical
equipment, exceeds six (6)feet in height(as measured from adjacent finished grade);
(3) If located within a rear setback area which abuts
a public or private street, the minor structure or mechanical equipment is not visible from
the public or private street;
(4) No part of any mechanical equipment, including
but not limited to pool/spa equipment and air conditioning/heating equipment, extends
within three (3) feet of the property line; and
(5) No part of any minor structure extends within
three (3)feet of the property line. However, minor structures may be allowed to abut the
side or rear property line, provided that the minor structure:
(a) Is placed adjacent to an existing solid wall;
(b) Does not exceed the maximum height of the
adjacent solid wall, up to a maximum of six (6)feet;
(c) Is less than one hundred twenty (120) square
feet in size; and
(d) Is located a minimum of three (3) feet from an
adjacent structure, unless the structures are parallel and abutting each other, as
determined by the director.
4. Decks, walkways and paving. Decks, asphalt paving,
concrete walkways or similar ground surfacing less than six inches in height(as
measured from adjacent finished grade), shall not be subject to setback requirements.
Decks (including any railing), six (6) inches to thirty (30) inches in height(as measured
from adjacent finished grade), may be permitted in any setback area upon determination
by the director, through a Site Plan Review Application, that no significant adverse
impacts will result.
5. Swimming or Ornamental Pools. Swimming pools, spas,
ornamental pools, and any other body of water measuring more than twenty-four(24)
inches deed, may be located within an interior or rear yard setback, provided that no
portion of said pool is located closer than three (3)feet from the property line.
Ornamental ponds less than twenty-four(24) inches deep may be located within any
required setback and may abut any property line.
6. Foundations and footings. Below grade foundations and/or
footings for above ground main buildings may be located in any setback, provided that
no portion of the foundation or footing is located closer than three (3) feet from the
property line.
7. Subterranean Structures. Subterranean structures, including
holding tanks, which are located entirely below grade shall not be extended any closer
than half of the required setback to any property line or three (3) feet from the property
line, whichever is greater.
8. Fences, Walls, and Hedges. Fences, walls and hedges may
be permitted within any front, interior side, street side or rear yard setback pursuant to
section 17.76.030 (fences, walls and hedges).
Page 135 of 312
F. Easements. Setbacks from legal easements shall not be required.
In addition to the appropriate review and approval by the city, no construction of any
structure or improvement is allowed within a legal easement without written authorization
from the legal holder of the easement. Such authorization shall be in'a form that can be
recorded and shall be reviewed by the city attorney.
G. Garages. An applicant shall apply for a setback reduction through a
variance application, as per chapter 17.64 (Variances), for converting a legally existing
indirect access driveway to a direct access driveway, even in the case where no new
square footage is to be added to the residence or garage.
17.48.040 .-Open, s ace area. An open space area, as defined in chapter 17.96
(Definitions), shall be provided on each lot with a residential structure and shall consist of
the minimum area requirements established in the district development standards. Open
space areas shall not include any structures, parking areas, or anything considered as
lot coverage as defined in chapter 17.96 (Definitions). In multiple-family residential units,
private outdoor decks and balconies with one minimum horizontal dimension of seven (7)
feet which are designated for the exclusive use of the occupants of an individual unit may
comprise up to thirty percent (30%) of required open space.
17,4a.Q50 Building h iQht.
A. No portion of any building or structure shall exceed the maximum
building height listed in the district development standards except as follows:
1. Antennas and satellite dishes and associated screening
pursuant to section 17.76.020 (antennas and satellite dishes) of this code.
2. In non-residential zoning districts, penthouses or roof stru-
ctures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar equipment
required to operate and maintain the building, fire or parapet walls, skylights, dormers,
towers, church steeples, flagpoles, silos, water tanks or similar structures, upon
determination by the director through a site plan review application, that the roof
equipment or structures:
a. Will not exceed the maximum ridgeline of the existing
b. May be erected above the height limits prescribed in this
section pursuant to the requirements of the building code; and
c. Will not cause significant view impairment from adjacent
No penthouse, roof structure or any space above the height limit shall be allowed for the
purpose of providing additional living or floor space.
3. In residential zoning districts, skylights, solar panels, and
vents/ducts required by the uniform building code, may exceed the height limits
prescribed in this chapter, upon determination by the director, through a site plan review
Page 136 of 312
application, that the skylights, solar panels, and/or vents/ducts will not exceed the
maximum ridgeline of the existing residence and will not cause significant view
impairment from adjacent property. Chimneys, which can be safely erected and
maintained at a height which exceeds the maximum ridgeline of a residence, may be
approved by the director, pursuant to the requirements of the building code.
B. Any roof-mounted equipment and/or architectural features which
exceed the maximum building height listed in the district development standards and
which do not meet the review criteria listed in section 17.48.050(A) of this chapter may
be permitted upon determination by the planning commission, through a site plan review
application, that the equipment and/or features:
1. May be erected above the height limits pursuant to the
requirements of the building code; and
2. Will not cause significant view impairment from adjacent
C. Notification of a site plan review application to the planning
commission shall be given to the owners of all parcels located adjacent to the parcel on
which the proposed roof-mounted equipment and/or architechtural feature is located.
Notification shall also include all parcels which are located directly across any public or
private right-of-way from the subject parcel. Notification shall be done using the last
known county assessor tax roll. Upon approval by the planning commission of any struc-
ture or architectural feature pursuant to section 17.48.050(B) of this chapter, the director
shall provide written notice of that decision pursuant to section 17.80.040 (Hearing
Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title. Notice of denial shall be given to the
applicant. Any interested person may appeal the planning commission's decision to the
city council pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of this
D. Accessory Structures. Decks, playhouses, detached garages, pools
or bathhouses, dressing rooms, saunas, jacuzzi and pool enclosures, gazebos, flag
poles or any structures or buildings which are physically detached and incidental to the
use of the main building are considered accessory structures. Such accessory structures
shall be limited to twelve (12) feet in height, as measured from the lowest preconstruction
grade adjacent to the foundation wall to the ridge. In cases of uncertainty, the director
shall determine whether a structure is detached and incidental. The director's decision
may be appealed to the planning commission and the planning commission's decision
may be appealed to the city council pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and
Appeal Procedure). Upon a finding by the director that a detached garage or a flag pole
will have no significant impact on views, the garage or pole may be exempted from the
twelve (12)foot height limitation, but shall comply with any other height limitations of this
17.48.060 Extreme slope. No development or construction of any structure shall
be allowed on any extreme slope (grade of 35% or greater), except as follows:
Page 137 of 312
A. Trash enclosures, enclosed mechanical equipment, or pool
equipment located within an area of less than fifty (50) square feet, provided that the
structures and/or equipment are not located more than six(6)feet from the top or toe of
the slope, and are adequately screened from view from adjacent properties and the
public right-of-way to the satisfaction of the director; .
B. Structures and improvements allowed pursuant to section 17.76.060
(extreme slope permit);
C. Satellite dish antennas allowed pursuant to section 17.76.020
(antennas and satellite dishes);
D. Grading and retaining walls allowed pursuant-to section 17.76.040
(grading permit);
E. Fences, walls and hedges allowed pursuant to section 17.76.030
(fences, walls and hedges); and
F. At grade steps or stairs less than six (6) inches in height, as
measured from adjacent existing grade.
17.48.070 intersection visibility, On corner lots located at the intersection of
two or more highways, streets or common driveways or combinations thereof, in all
districts, no fence, wall, hedge, sign, structure, shrubbery, mound of earth, or other visual
obstruction over thirty (30) inches in height, as measured from the adjacent street curb
elevation, shall be erected, placed, planted, or allowed to grow within the triangular
space referred to as the "intersection visibility triangle." The "intersection visibility
triangle" shall be the area formed by the intersection of extended curblines and a line
joining points on the curb sixty (60)feet (measured along the curblines) from the point of
intersection of the curbline extensions.
A. in districts where the required front or street-side setbacks allow,
and a building is constructed within the "intersection visibility triangle", fences, walls,
structures or shrubbery may be allowed to exceed the prescribed height limit, if they are
setback from the property line a distance equal to the setback of the constructed
B. Trees located within the "intersection visibility triangle"which are
trimmed to the trunk up to a minimum branch height of six (6) feet above the adjacent
street curb elevation are exempt from these regulations.
C. The "intersection visibility triangle"-shall be shown on all landscaping
plans, grading plans, and tentative tract maps for related intersections when required by
the director. In cases where an intersection is located on a vertical curve, a profile of the
sight line may also be required by the director. Any landscape plan submitted shall show
the common name, locations, and mature dimensions plotted to scale of all proposed
trees, shrubs and plants within the "intersection visibility triangle".
D. Proposed improvements or structures which exceed the thirty (30)
inch height limit may be permitted in the "intersection visibility triangle" by the planning
commission through a site plan review application, upon determination by the director of
public works that the location and/or height of the existing or proposed structure within
the "intersection visibility triangle" allows for the safe view of on-coming traffic by a driver
Page 138 of 312
approaching an intersection, and thus no intersection visibility impacts would result.
Upon approval by the planning commission of any such structure or improvement, the
director shall provide written notice of the planning commission's,deisron pursuant to
section 17.80.040 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title. Notice of denial
shall be given to the applicant. Any interested person may appeal the planning
commission's decision to the city council pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and
Appeal Procedure) of this title.
Page 139 of 312
Cha tteer_._17_,50
17.50.010 Purpose.
17.50.020 Parking requirements.
17.50.030 Joint use and common parking facilities.
17.50.040 Development standards.
17.50.050 Loading.
.1 7.50,010 PurQose. This chapter assures the provision of adequate off-street
parking facilities in conjunction with any non-residential use or development. These
standards should be considered the minimum required to preserve the public health,
safety, and welfare, and more extensive parking provisions may be warranted in
particular circumstances.
17.5O.Q20 Parkina requirg.rrients.. Parking shall be provided in accordance with
the list of uses under this section. Where the standards result in a fraction, the next
larger whole number shall be the number of spaces required. For additions to existing
developments, the increased parking requirement shall be based only on the-addition. A
minimum of two (2) spaces shall be provided for any use or development regardless of
the size or scope of the use or development. If the specific use is not listed in the
following table "50-A", the parking requirements listed in table "12-A" of section
17.12.040 (commercial districts) shall apply. Disabled parking shall be provided in
accordance with the current state amended uniform building code. The number of
disabled parking spaces required by the current state amended uniform building code
shall constitute a portion of the total parking required under this section.
Commercial recreation
Billiard hall 2 spaces for each billiard table plus 1 space for every
two employees
Bowling alley 5 spaces for each lane
Golf courses 6 spaces for each hole plus the established parking
requirements for all ancillary uses, less a 25% credit
Golf driving ranges 1 space for each tee plus 1 space for every two
Page 140 of 312
Health clubs and spas 1 space for every 150 square feet of gross floor area
Hotels 1 space for each room for each of the first 100 rooms,
1/2 space for each room for each of the rooms
thereafter, plus 1 space for every two employees
Motels 1 space for each sleeping unit plus 1 space for every
two employees
Restaurants, bars and 1 space for every 3 seats; or 1
lounges space for every 75 square feet of dining room area,
whichever is greater
Skating rinks 1 space for every 750 square feet of gross floor area
with a minimum of 25 spaces
Stables 1 space for each paddock; or 1 space for every five
horses, whichever is greater
Swimming pools 1 space for every 100 square feet of watert-surface plus
1 space for each employee, with a minimum of 10
Tennis, handball and 3 spaces for each court
racquetball facilities
Medical and healtb fagilities
Convalescent homes, nursing 1 space for every 4 beds
homes, homes for the aged,
rest homes, and sanitariums
Dental and medical clinics 1 space for every 250 square
and offices feet of gross floor area
Hospitals 1 space for every 2 patient beds
Veterinary hospitals and 1 space for every 250 clinics feet of
gross floor area
Page 141 of 312
Auditoriums, theaters, 1 space for every 3 permanent
churches, clubs and stadiums seats; or 1 space for every 50 square feet of
assembly area, whichever is greater (18 linear
inches of bench shall be considered 1 seat)
Mortuaries and funeral homes 1 space for each hearse plus 1 space for every
2 employees plus 1 space for every 150 square
feet of assembly area
Educational uses
Colleges and universities 1 space for every 2 full-time regularly enrolled
students plus 1 space for every 5 student seats
plus 1 space for every 2 employees/faculty
Day nurseries and preschools 1 space for every employee plus 1 space for
every 5 children or 1 space for every 10 children
where a circular driveway is provided for the
continuous flow of passenger vehicles (for the
purpose of loading and unloading children) and
which accommodates at least 2 such vehicles
Elementary and junior high 2 spaces for each classroom
High schools 1 space for every faculty member plus 1 space for
every 6 students
Libraries 1 space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area
Trade schools, business 1 space for every 3 student
colleges and commercial capacity plus 1 space for every
schools employee/faculty
Retail uses
Food stores, grocery 1 space for every 250 square
stores, supermarkets, and feet of gross floor area
drug stores
Furniture and appliance 1 space for every 350 square
stores feet of gross floor area
Page 142 of 312
Automobile sales and rentals 1 space for every 350 square feet of gross floor
area plus 1 space for every 2,000 square feet of
outside sales area
Service uses
Automobile service, repair
and gas station 1 space for every employee, plus 2 spaces for every
service bay, plus 1 space for every vehicle used in
connection with the use (such as tow trucks)
Automobile washing and
full-service 15 spaces plus 1 space for every two employees
self-service 5 spaces for every 2 bays
Financial institutions 1 space for every employee plus 1 space for every 250
square feet of gross floor area
Barber shops and beauty 3 spaces for every barber chair
salons or station
Coin-operated laundromats 1 space for every 3 washing
Dry cleaners 1 space for every 300 square feet of gross
floor area plus 2 spaces for delivery vehicles
Professional office 1 space for every 275 square feet of gross floor area
1T.50.030 Joint use and common parkina facilities. The planning commission
may permit the joint use of parking facilities to meet the standards for certain uses under
the following conditions:
B. Up to one-half(1/2) of the parking facilities required for a primarily
daytime use may be used to meet the requirements of a primarily nighttime use and up
to one-half(1/2) of the parking facilities required for a primarily nighttime use may be
used to meet the requirements of a primarily daytime use; provided, that such reciprocal
parking arrangement shall comply with section 17.50.030(C) of this chapter.
C. The parking facilities required for a primarily daytime use or for
specific days of use may be used to satisfy up to fifty percent (50%) of the requirements
for a church or school auditorium subject to requirements set forth in section
17.50.030(C) of this chapter.
Page 143 of 312
C. The parties concerned shall show that there is no substantial conflict
in the principal operating hours of the building or uses for which the joint use is proposed
and shall evidence agreement for such use by a proper legal instrument to which the city
is a party.
D. The planning commission may reduce parking requirements for
common parking facilities by up to twenty-five percent (25%) in shopping centers or other
commercial areas where a parking lot with common access and joint use is provided.
1750,040 De.v=pment standards. The following development standards shall
apply to all parking areas with six (6) or more spaces:
A. Parking lot permit. Anyone constructing a parking lot containing six
(6) stalls or more, whether separate or in conjunction with a structure, shall obtain a
parking lot permit as per section 17.76.010 (parking lot permit).
B. Transportation Demand Management Parking Requirements. New
non-residential developments shall be subject to the applicable transportation demand
management parking requirements specified in section 10.28.030 (Transportation
Demand Management and Trip Reduction) of the city's municipal code.
C. Location.
1. Required parking facilities shall be on the same lot as the
structure they are intended to serve, except that with proper legal agreement, the
planning commission may approve parking on a separate lot. For sleeping or boarding
facilities, including rest homes, dormitories, hotels and motels, the required parking shall
be within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the building it is to serve. For all other uses, the
required parking shall be within three hundred (300) feet of the building it is to serve.
The above distances are to be measured along a legal and safe pedestrian path from the
parking space to the nearest entrance of the building or use for which the parking is
required. .
2. The required parking spaces may be located in interior side
and rear setbacks. No parking space, either required or otherwise, shall be located in
any required front or street-side setback area, unless the base zoning district regulations
provide otherwise.
D. Access. There shall be a minimum ten (10) foot wide, four(4) inch
thick, concrete, slab vehicular accessway from a public street or alley to off-street parking
facilities. Such accessway shall be designed to specifications approved by the director
of public works.
E. Screening.
1. Where a parking area abuts a residential district, the parking
area and residential district shall be separated by a solid masonry wall not less than five
(5) feet in height, except that this wall shall be forty-two (42) inches in height where it is
in prolongation of the front setback area of an abutting residential use or district. The
planning commission may waive this requirement if additional setback and screening
planting, or landscaped berms are to be provided.
2. Where a parking area is across the street from a residential
Page 144 of 312
district, there shall be a border of appropriate landscaping not less than ten (10) feet in
width, measured from the street right-of-way line, along the street frontage.
F. Layout and Paving.
1. Parking areas shall provide for a twenty-five (25) foot outside
turning radius within the facility and a thirty (30) foot outside turning radius into public
2. Parking spaces shall be arranged so that vehicles need not
back onto or across any public sidewalk.
3. Off-street parking facilities shall be designed so that a vehicle
within a parking facility shall not be required to enter a street to move from one location
to any other location within that parking facility. Separate non-contiguous parking
facilities may be provided with independent entrances for employees and visitor parking,
provided the designated use of each lot is clearly identified on proposed plans and at the
entrances to each lot.
4. No dead-end parking aisles serving more than five (5) stalls
shall be permitted, unless the aisle is provided with a turnaround area installed in a
manner meeting the approval of the director.
5. Bumpers, tire stops, or any other device deemed appropriate
by the director, shall be provided along all pedestrian ways, access or, street or alley
adjacent to any off-street parking area except where screening is located.
6. All parking areas shall be surfaced with asphaltic or cement
concrete paving which is at least three (3) inches thick.
7. Standard parking stalls shall be designed in accordance with
the standards and dimensions specified in the "parking lot layout" diagrams and tables
contained in Exhibit"50-A" of this section. All parking stalls shall be clearly marked with
lines, and access lanes shall be clearly defined with directional arrows to guide traffic.
The appropriate parking lot striping, including whether parking stalls shall be single or
double striped, as shown in the diagram contained in Exhibit"50-13" of this section titled
"standard parking stall striping", shall be determined by the director. Except for parallel
parking stalls, standard parking stalls shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet (width) by
twenty (20) feet (depth) in area. Parallel parking stalls shall be a minimum of twenty six
(26) feet in depth. Compact stalls shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet (width) by fifteen
(15) feet (depth) in area and shall not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total number
of approved spaces, unless a different size stall is authorized or required by the director
or planning commission. Compact stalls shall be marked for compact use only.
8. All off-street parking spaces shall be clearly outlined with lines
either painted on the pavement or indicated with special paving materials on the surface
of the parking facility.
9. Parking aisle widths shall be in accordance with the
dimensions and standards specified in the "parking lot layout" diagrams contained in
exhibit"50-A" of this section. Deviations from the diagrams' standards may be approved
by the director, if it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the director of public works that
alternative dimensions and standards will not result in adverse parking lot traffic
Page 145 of 312
circulation impacts.
10. Disabled parking spaces shall be in accordance with the
dimensions and specifications of the state amended uniform building code.
Page 146 of 312
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Ordinance No. 320, Exhibit 50-A(cont.)and 50-B
Page 147-B
G. Landscaping.
1. A landscaped planter bed of at least five (5) feet in width shall
be installed along the entire parking lot perimeter except for those areas devoted to
perpendicular accessways.
2. A minimum of five percent (5%) of the paved parking area
shall be devoted to interior planting areas. The extensive use of trees is encouraged to
the extent that the trees do not significantly impair views from surrounding properties. All
planting areas shall be at least three (3) feet wide. Perimeter planting shall not be
considered part of this required interior planting.
3. Where topography and grading permit, parking lots shall be
depressed and/or screened from view by landscaped berms and hedges. Where this is
impractical, the use of decorative screening wails and hedges shall be provided.
4. Where trees already exist on the property, the design shall
make the best use of this growth and shade. Such trees shall be protected by a tree well
with a diameter sufficient to ensure their continued growth. The five percent (5%) interior
lot area landscaping standard included in this chapter may be reduced to compensate for
the retention of such trees.
5. Planting areas shall be distributed throughout the lot as
evenly as possible, but variations from this pattern may be granted by the staff when a
different pattern would result in the overall aesthetic improvement of the project.
Innovation in design and materials is encouraged.
6. Wherever a center divider separates parking stalls facing
each other, tree wells shall be established not more than fifty (50) feet apart for large
trees (exceeding twenty (20) feet spread at maturity), or not more than thirty (30) feet for
small and medium-sized trees.
7. A full-coverage, permanent, irrigation system shall be
installed. Hose bibs shall be located at not less than two-hundred (200) foot intervals to
allow for reinforcement of the system by hose-watering.
8. All plantings shall be maintained free of debris and in
conformity with the accepted practices for landscape maintenance.
9. A six (6) inch high cement concrete curb shall be constructed
at the edge of all landscaped areas.
H. Drainage and Lighting.
1. All drainage from parking areas for six (6) or more cars shall
be taken to a public street, alley, storm drain, or natural drainage course to the
satisfaction of the director of public works and shall not pass over any public sidewalk.
2. Lighting provided to illuminate a parking area shall be hooded
and arranged and controlled so as not to cause a nuisance either to highway traffic or to
adjacent properties; and a lighting plan shall be provided as per section 17.56.040
(Environmental Protection) of this title.
Page 148 of 312
I. Seasonal or Peak Parking Areas. With the approval of the planning
commission, the above development standards may be waived or conditionally waived
for a portion of the required parking spaces where:
1. The applicant can show what portion of the required spaces
are required only on a periodic basis, such as seasonal or once a week;
2. The parking area is planted in turf of a wear-resistant type;
3. Provision is made for irrigation and maintenance of the turf
J. Signs. The provisions of section 17.76.050(F)(9) (sign permit) shall
K. Usability. The required off-street parking facilities shall not be used
for any purpose other than as required by this chapter. Unless otherwise provided by an
approved conditional use permit, no owner or tenant shall lease, rent or otherwise make
such required parking available to any person who does not occupy the premises for
which the parking is required.
17,,50.050 Loading. The following off-street loading spaces shall be provided
and maintained for all institutional and commercial uses other than office buildings. The
loading spaces shall be not less than ten (10) feet in width, twenty (20) feet in length, and
with fourteen (14) feet of vertical clearance.
A. Total Sq Feet of Building Space Loading spaces
(gross floor area) Required
Commercial Buildino
31000 -- 15,000 1
15,001 -- 45,000 2
45,001 -- 75,000 3
75,001 -- 105,000 4
105,001 -- and over 5
Qgmmercial Outdoor Sales.(gross area)
0 -- 59000 1
51001 -- 45,000 2
45,001 -- 105,000 3
105,001 -- and over 4
3,000 -- 20,000 1
20,001 -- 50,000 2
50,001 -- 80,000 3
80,001 --1101000 4
1101001 -- and over 5
Page 149 of 312
B. When the lot upon which loading spaces are located abuts an alley,
such spaces shall have access from the alley. The length of the loading space may be
measured perpendicular to or parallel with the alley. Where such loading area is parallel
with the alley and said lot is fifty (50) feet or less in width, the loading area shall extend
across the full width of the lot. The length of a loading area need not exceed fifty (50)
feet for any two spaces.
C. Loading space required by this title may occupy a required rear or
interior side setback, but not a required front or street side setback. Where the loading is
permitted in a setback, said setback may be used in calculating the area required for
loading, providing that there be no more than one entry or exit per sixty (F0) feet of lot
frontage or fraction thereof.
D. All loading spaces shall be separate, striped spaces in addition to
the required parking spaces and shall not be located within a required parking lot
driveway, backout space or aisle; except, that for commercial buildings with a gross floor
area of less than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, the loading space may be
located within a parking lot driveway, back-out space or aisle.
E. No loading space shall be located on a dead-end driveway,
accessway, aisle, or alley unless a turn-around circle with a minimum radius of ninety
(90) feet is provided adjacent to the loading space.
Page 150 of 312
Chapter 17.52
17.52.010 Purpose.
17.52.020 Applicability.
17.52.030 Required dedication of street right-of-way.
17.52.040 Required right-of-way improvements and off-site
17.52.050 Relief from required dedication or improvement.
17.52.010 Purposp-. This chapter assures dedication of street rights-of-way and
the provision of all right-of-way improvements and off-site improvements, to the extent
permitted by law, which are necessary and lacking along the street frontage of any lot, at
the time of any construction on the lot. Such dedications and off-site improvements, as
supported by the findings contained in this chapter and by individual findings,when
specified herein, are hereby deemed to be reasonably necessary to meet the burdens
created by the development and to assure public safety in access to, and use of, the
facilities being constructed.
17.52.020 Agplicability. The necessary dedications and improvements, as
described in this chapter, shall be dedicated, provided, or their provision guaranteed by
bond, cash deposit, or other security acceptable to the director of public works, by the
property owner prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any new building or for
any addition to an existing building which adds twenty-five percent (25%) or more to the
building's gross floor area. Additions to single-family residential buildings are exempted
from the requirements of this chapter. The provision of right-of-way and off-site
improvements may also be a condition of a conditional use permit or variance regardless
of whether construction requiring a building permit is involved.
17,52,030 Required dedication of s �.�t r a ht-of-way.
A. The developer shall dedicate the full width of any abutting street
right-of-way wherever the existing right-of-way is less than that indicated in the city's
general plan or less than the city standard for the street classification, as specified in the
city Y p's street standards stud report, provided the director of public works makes an
individualized determination based upon the proposed project that both of the following
elements are satisfied:
Page 151 of 312
1. The type and extent of the required dedication is reasonably
necessary to meet the burdens created by the development, based on traffic to be
generated by the development and the nature and quantity of other public burdens
created by the development that relate to the need for the dedication; and
2. There is not a less extensive dedication that would serve the
public needs created by the development.
B. In situations where the findings specified in section 17.52.030(A) of
this chapter cannot be made, the required dedication shall be reduced in scale so that
the extent of the dedication is reasonably necessary to meet the burdens created by the
development. In situations where the findings specified in section 17.52.030(A) of this
chapter can be made, the required dedication shall provide for a continuous right-of-way
line at the location necessary for the full width right-of-way.
following right-of-way improvements and off-site improvements shall, unless existing in
an acceptable condition as determined by the director of public works, be provided per
city standards and specifications, as filed with the director of public works, or their
provision is guaranteed by the applicant in accordance with section 17.52.020 of this
A. Street or alley paving. Street or alley paving or repaving, not to
exceed the area from the centerline to the curb for the length of the lot frontage. The city
finds that this requirement is reasonably related both in type and extent to the impact of
the proposed development based upon any one or more of the following:
1. The impacts of construction vehicles coming to and from the
2. The anticipated traffic generated by the project once
completed; and
3. The project's proportional traffic impact on area roadways.
B. Sidewalks. Sidewalks, where required by the director of public
works, based on the city's street standards study report, not to exceed the length of the
lot frontage, or the total length of the front and street-side property lines for corner lots.
The city finds that this requirement is reasonably related both in type and extent to the
impact of the proposed development based upon any one or more of the following:
1. The need to provide safe pedestrian access to and from the
adjacent properties and the site;
2. The need, from the perspective of safety, to separate
pedestrian traffic from vehicular traffic coming to and from the site; and
3. The increase in pedestrian traffic generated by the proposed
C. Curbs and gutters. Curbs and gutters, where required by the
director of public works, based on the city's street standards study report, not to exceed
the length of the lot frontage, or the total length of the front and street-side property lines
for corner lots. The city finds that this requirement is reasonably related both in type and
Page 152 of 312
extent to the impact of the proposed development based upon any one or more of the
1. The increase in impervious coverage on the property created
by the development;
2. The need to protect down-stream properties from uncontrolled
runoff from the site; and
3. The need to protect vehicles and pedestrians coming to and
from the site from uncontrolled and unchanneled storm water runoff from the site.
D. Street trees. Street trees, fifteen-gallon can minimum size (unless a
smaller size is specified by the city) at the spacing standards established by the director
of public works. The city finds that this requirement is reasonably related both in type
and extent to the impact of the proposed development based upon any one or more of
the following:
1. The reduction in existing landscaping and/or open space and
natural vegetation on the site;
2. The need to reduce the aesthetic impacts of the proposed
development on the existing streetscape design; and
3. The need to screen the proposed development from the
E. Ornamental streetlights. Ornamental street lights, in accordance
with the type and spacing requirements designated for the particular street by the
director of public works. The city finds that this requirement is reasonably related both in
type and extent to the impact of the proposed development based upon any one or more
of the following:
1. The need created by the development to provide safe
pedestrian and vehicular access to and from the site at night;
2. The need to reduce the risk of increased crime to and from
persons coming onto the site at night or in early morning hours; and
3. The need to mitigate the aesthetic impacts of the project by
providing for consistency and compatibility with surrounding developments and
streetscape design.
F. Sewer and drainage facilities. Sewer and drainage facilities, as
required by the director of public works. The city finds that this requirement is reasonably
related both in type and extent to the impact of the proposed development based upon
any one or more of the following:
1. The increase in sewage and/or storm water runoff generated
by the development; and
2. The need created by the development to provide safe and
proper disposal of sewage and storm water runoff from the site to protect the subject
property and surrounding properties.
1 7.52.050 Relief from reguired dgdication . Any applicant
for a project subject to the requirements of this chapter may request that the city make
additional findings regarding the need for the dedication or improvements required by
Page 153 of 312
this chapter or request a reduction in, or the alteration or elimination of, the requirement
in accordance with the provisions of this section.
A. Time for request and fee. A request pursuant to this section shall be
made prior to or at the hearing on the related land use approval. If no hearing is required
for the land use approval, the request shall be made no later than ten (10) days after the
city has informed the applicant of the imposition of the condition or planned imposition of
a requirement under this chapter. The request shall be in writing, shall be filed with the
director of public works, and shall be accompanied by a processing fee in an amount
established by resolution of the city council.
B. Hearing, notice and determination.
1. Reviewing body and notice. Where there is a related land
use approval requiring a hearing, the request shall be considered by the applicable
reviewing body at the time of that hearing. Where there is no related land use approval
requiring a hearing, upon receipt of a properly completed request under this section, the
director of public works shall set the matter for public hearing before him or herself and
notice that hearing in accordance with the noticing requirements specified in section
17.80.090 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures).
2. Criteria for determination. The reviewing body or the director
of public works, whichever is applicable under section 17.52.050(B)(1) above, shall,
based upon information provided by staff, determine whether the challenged dedication
or improvement ("requirement") is reasonably related in nature (type) and extent(degree
and amount) to the likely impacts of the proposed development project. If the reviewing
body or the director of public works determines that the requirement is reasonably
related in nature and extent to the likely impacts of the proposed development project,
the reviewing body shall affirm the requirement. If the reviewing body or the director of
public works determines the requirement is not related in nature (type) to the impacts of
the proposed project, the requirement shall be eliminated with respect to that project. If
the reviewing body or the director of public works determines that the extent (degree or
amount) of the requirement is not reasonably related to the impact of the proposed
project, the reviewing body or director of public works shall adjust the dedication or
improvement requirement as necessary to ensure a reasonable relationship between the
requirement and the project's impacts on the need for that requirement.
C. Appeal to planning commission or city council. Any interested
person may appeal a determination of the director of public works to the planning
commission in accordance with the procedures specified in section 17.80.050 (Hearing
Notice and Appeal Procedure). The planning commission's determination may be
appealed to the city council in accordance with the procedures specified in section
17.80.070 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure). Any appeal must state the reason for
the appeal and be accompanied by an appeal processing fee in an amount established
by resolution of the city council. A decision of the city council on such matter shall be
Page 154 of 312
Cha tteer_17.54
17.54.010 Purpose.
17.54.020 Underground utilities.
17.54.030 Trash receptacle enclosures.
17.54.040 Screening of mechanical equipment, storage areas and loading
17,54.010 Purpose. This chapter assures that, in conjunction with new
developments, all utility service lines are placed underground and that certain areas and
types of equipment are screened from public view. The provisions of this chapter are
deemed necessary for the protection of property values and the general welfare.
17.54.020 Underaround utilities.
E. All utility lines installed to serve new construction shall be-placed
underground from an existing power pole or other point of connection off-site. The
planning commission and/or city council may waive the requirements of this section if the
nature of the development makes such installations unreasonable or if there are existing
overhead lines and the underground location is not consistent with a likely future utility
"undergrounding" project. For any addition to an existing building which adds at least
twenty-five percent (25%)to the building's gross floor area, the existing utility service
lines to the building shall be placed underground prior to issuance of a certificate of
occupancy for the addition. Additions to single-family residential buildings are exempted.
F. Underground cable television shall be installed in all new,
multiple-family, residential planned developments and single-family subdivisions.
17.54.030 „Trash receptagle engloraures.. A trash receptacle enclosure shall be
provided for all developments except single-family residential developments. Existing
developments shall provide such enclosures within one hundred eighty (180) days after
notification by the director. Such enclosure shall be built to city specifications as filed
with the director of public works, and shall be of a size capable of holding the number of
trash receptacles required to adequately serve the development, as estimated by the
director of public works. Any receptacle, dumpster, or container used for the collection
and/or storage of recyclable materials such as paper, cardboard, glass, plastic or cans,
shall be designed and maintained in accordance with the guidelines and specifications
described in section 17.58.030 (Recycling).
Page 155 of 312
1 04Q 9creenina Qf niecbgnical eguopment. storaa argas jand loadina.docks.
All mechanical equipment, such as air conditioners, heaters, and exposed ducting and
plumbing, and all outside storage areas and loading docks shall be screened from view
of public areas, public streets, and affected properties. The design of proposed
screening devices shall be approved by the director. Such screening shall not
significantly impair views as set forth in section 17.02.040 (Single Family Residential
Districts). The minimum distance between the screening and the equipment shall be
according to the manufacturer's specifications. The director's decision may be appealed
to the planning commission and the planning commission's decision may be appealable
to city council pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this
title. For any addition to an existing building which adds at least twenty-five percent
(25%) to the building's gross floor area, all existing mechanical equipment and existing
storage areas and loading docks shall be so screened. Additions to single-family
residential buildings are exempted. Such screening shall be accomplished prior to
issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any building or addition. In appropriate
circumstances, the director may approve an alternative method of reducing the visual
impact in lieu of providing screening.
Page 156 of 312
QhaQter 17_,55
17.56.010 Purpose.
17.56.020 Conduct of construction and landscaping activities.
17.56.030 Outdoor lighting for residential uses.
17.56.040 Outdoor lighting for non-residential uses.
17.56.050 Residential neighborhood protection.
17.56.060 Slope drain maintenance
17.56.010, Purpose. This chapter protects properties and persons from
environmental nuisances and hazards and sets tolerance levels for adverse
environmental effects created by any use or development of land.
17-56-020 Conduct of construction and landscapina activities.
A. Dust Control. All grading, landscaping and construction activities
shall exercise effective dust control techniques, either through screening and/or watering.
It is unlawful to cause or.allow airborne dust or particles to leave a property and settle on,
or otherwise impact in any way, surrounding properties. Dry sand-blasting shall be
prohibited. Only sand-blasting methods approved by the city's building official and which
meet the standards of the southern california air quality management district(SCAQMD)
shall be utilized.
B. Hours of Operation. It is unlawful to carry on construction, grading,
or landscaping activities or to operate heavy equipment except between the hours of
seven (7) a.m. and seven (7) p.m, monday through saturday. No such activity shall be
permitted on sunday or legal holidays, unless a special construction permit is obtained
from the director. Said permit must be requested at least forty-eight (48) hours before
such work is to begin. Emergency work and residential activities, such as lawn mowing,
gardening (without the use of weed and debris blowers), and minor home
repair/maintenance, shall be exempted from this restriction. The hours of operation for
weed and debris blowers are specified in chapter 8.16 (Weed and Debris Blowers) of this
C. Temporary Construction Fencing. Upon issuance of a building or
grading permit, all construction projects which remain in operation or expect to remain in
operation for over thirty (30) calendar days shall provide temporary construction fencing,
as defined in chapter 17.96 (Definitions). Unless required to protect against a safety
hazard, temporary construction fencing shall not be erected sooner than fifteen (15) days
Page 157 of 312
prior to commencement of construction. Once erected, temporary construction fencing
shall be subject to the following standards and conditions:
1. The temporary construction fencing shall surround all safety
hazards as appropriate and prevent unauthorized entry to the subject parcel;
2. During construction, the subject temporary fencing shall be
maintained in a condition that is consistent with the city's property maintenance
standards described in chapter 8.24 (Property Maintenance) of the city's municipal code;
3. Temporary construction fencing shall be removed, unless
such removal would create a safety hazard as determined by the director, and the
property maintained in a condition that is consistent with the city's property maintenance
standards described in chapter 8.24 (Property Maintenance), within thirty (30) days of
any of the following occurrences:
a. The expiration or withdrawl of the building/grading permit
for development of the fenced parcel; or
b. Issuance of the final building/grading permit or certificate
of occupancy for the development of the fenced parcel.
4. If the temporary construction fencing is determined by the
director to be necessary to protect against a safety hazard or attractive nuisance, the
temporary fencing may be erected for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days, after
which the property owner shall either remove the temporary fencing or replace the
temporary fencing with permanent fencing.
D. Construction site maintenance. All construction sites shall be
maintained in a secure, safe, neat and orderly manner. All construction waste and debris
resulting from a construction, alteration or repair project shall be removed on a weekly
basis by the contractor or property owner. Temporary portable bathrooms shall be
provided on a construction site if required by the city's building official. Said portable
bathrooms shall be subject to the approval of the city's building official and shall be
placed in a location that will minimize disturbance to the surrounding property owners.
Trash dumpsters placed in the public right-of-way shall require prior approval from the
city's department of public works.
17.5Q,03.0 Outdoor liabtina for residential uses.. No outdoor lighting shall
hereafter be installed or used in the single-family residential (RS) or multi-family
residential (RM) zones, except in accordance with the provisions of this section.
A. Except as hereinafter provided, no outdoor lighting shall be
permitted where the light source is directed toward or results in direct illumination of a
parcel of property or properties other than that upon which such light source is physically
located. Individual, nonreflector, incandescent light bulbs, not exceeding one hundred
fifty (150) watts each, or an aggregate of one thousand (1,000) watts for each lot or
parcel shall be permitted. On lots exceeding fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, an
additional one hundred (100) watts in the aggregate shall be permitted for each one
Page 158 of 312
thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet of area or major fraction thereof, by which the
lot or parcel exceeds fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet; provided, that in no event
shall the aggregate exceed two thousand (2,000) wafts. As used herein, the term "watts"
is irrespective of the voltage. If non-incandescent lighting is used, the wattage of each
non-incandescent light shall be multiplied by the following conversion factors to ascertain
a standard wattage that is comparable to the wattage associated with incandescent
TXpe of LamoMultil2lier
quartz/tungsten-halogen 1.23
mercury 2.4
fluorescent 3.7
sodium vapor HPSV 5.7
sodium vapor LPSV 9.0
metal halide 4.9
incandescent reflector 1.6
B. No outdoor lighting shall be permitted where the light source or
fixture, if located on a building, above the line of the eaves, or if located on a standard or
pole, more than ten (10)feet above grade.
C. Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, outdoor lighting
may be installed and used in a manner not permitted by this section upon the issuance of
a conditional use permit pursuant to chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits).
17.56.040 Outdoor li9hlna for non-residential us_ No outdoor lighting shall
hereafter be installed in any non-residential district, except in accordance with the
provisions of this section.
A. Prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy, a lighting
plan prepared by a lighting contractor, which shall include the location, height, number of
lights, wattage, estimates of maximum illumination on site and spill/glare at property
lines, and in conformance with the following standards and criteria, shall be submitted for
approval by the director.
1. No one fixture shall exceed 1,200 watts and the light source
shall not be directed toward or result in direct illumination of a parcel of property or
properties other than that upon which such light source is physically located. Wattage for
non-incandescent lighting shall be calculated using the multiplier values described in
section 17.56.030(A) of this chapter.
2. No outdoor lighting shall be permitted where the light source
or fixture, if located on a building, is above the line of the eaves. If the light source or
fixture is located on a building with no eaves, or if located on a standard or pole, the light
source or fixture shall not be more than ten (10) feet above existing grade, adjacent to
the building or pole.
Page 159 of 312
3. All estimates or testing shall be done with the entire facility
4. Testing equipment shall be a calibrated gossen panalux
electronic 2 or an equal approved by the director.
B. The director may approve deviations which exceed the standards set
forth in sections 17.56.040(A)(1) through 17.56.040(A)(3) of this chapter, when the
director finds that such deviations are required for public safety.
17,56.050 Residential neiahborhood protection.
A. No commercial vehicles weighing in excess of six thousand (6,000)
pounds shall be parked or stored in any residential district, except during residential
construction or in conjunction with residential deliveries within the hours stated in section
17.56.050(B) of this chapter.
B. Deliveries involving commercial vehicles weighing in excess of six
thousand (6,000) pounds shall be allowed in residential districts only between the hours
of seven (7) a.m. and seven (7) p.m., monday through saturday.
C. No building materials, machinery, or other materials or equipment
shall be stored outdoors in any residential district, except during construction on the lot.
D. All mechanical equipment, such as air conditioners, heaters, and
exposed ducts or plumbing located in residential districts shall be screened from view of
the public right-of-way and adjacent properties, to the satisfaction of the director.
E. Except for mechanized skylights and/or solar panels allowed
pursuant to section 17.48.050 (Lots, Setbacks, Open Space Area and Building Height),
vents or ducts required by the uniform building code, and satellite dish antennas allowed
pursuant to section 17.76.020(B) (antennas and satellite dishes), no mechanical
equipment, such as air conditioning/heating units, shall be placed on the roof of a main
building or accessory structure in residential districts.
'17.56.060 Slope drain maintena,nc_e. It shall be unlawful for any person
owning, leasing, occupying, or having possession of any property in the city on which a
slope drain exists to interfere with, impede the flow of, or reduce the effectiveness in any
manner, of said slope drain. The construction of any structure over a slope drain and the
accumulation of trash, debris, overgrown vegetation, earth or any other materials within a
slope drain is prohibited.
Page 160 of 312
n •
17.58.010 Purpose.
17.58.020 Recycling centers, recycling dropoff or collection facilities, and
community service recycling programs.
17.58.030 Requirements and guidelines for collecting and loading of
recyclable materials in development projects.
17.58.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures and
standards for the placement or construction of recycling centers and small collection
facilities in the city in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community;
and to establish requirements and guidelines for collecting and loading recyclable
materials in development projects within all zoning districts in the city, in order to facilitate
the diversion of solid waste and recyclable materials from landfills.
17.58,020 Recyclina centers, regycling dropoff or collection facilities, and
community service recyglina g2roarams.
A. Recycling centers. Recycling centers, as defined in chapter 17.96
(Definitions), are permitted in commercial, institutional, and open space-recreational
zoning districts subject to the director's approval of a special use permit, pursuant to
chapter 17.72 (Special Use Permits), to ensure compliance with the following standards:
1. Not more than fifty (50) square feet of outdoor area may be
used for any machine, group of machines, and machine enclosure, unless a conditional
use permit is obtained by the applicant. Enclosures shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in
2. Each machine shall be located within thirty (30) feet of the
public entrance to the primary use on the site, shall comply with all required building
setbacks, and shall not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation, nor occupy any
parking spaces designated for the primary use.
3. Each machine shall accept from customers all types of
redeemable beverage containers except refillable beer and malt beverage containers.
4. Each machine shall be clearly and permanently marked to
identify the material accepted, operating instructions, and the identity and telephone
number of the operator. A maximum of three (3) square feet of signage for each
machine is permitted in addition to operating instructions. The following operating
instructions shall be clearly posted on each machine, in a conspicuous location which
Page 161 of 312
can easily be seen by the public:
a. A legible sign indicating its hours of operation;
b. A refund price sign or decal indicating the prices paid by
weight or per container for each material type accepted by that machine. The refund
price sign or decal shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) square inches, with lettering of at
least 3/8 inch in height; and
c. A sign which specifies the method for redeeming empty
beverage containers which are odd-sized, made of materials other than aluminum, glass,
and plastic, or otherwise not accepted by the machine.
5. Outdoor lighting of the machines is permitted provided that
such lighting is shielded to prevent the direct or indirect illumination of adjacent
residentially zoned or occupied property.
6. Each machine shall be in operation a minimum of thirty (30)
hours per week, and at least five (5) hours per week shall be other than 9:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. on monday through friday. The machine may be serviced only during the hours of
seven (7) a.m. to seven (7) p.m., monday through saturday. The area around the
machines must be kept clean and litter free. At least one alternative disposal device
must be properly screened and located adjacent to each machine or group of machines
to control any accumulation of trash if the facility becomes overloaded or broken.
7.- The facility shall be located conveniently close to a water
source and a maintenance schedule shall be submitted and approved by the director for
proper maintenance to ensure a healthful environment.
8. Prior to operation of a single-feed reverse-vending machine
and/or mobile recycling unit, the operator shall obtain certification of the recycling center
from the california department of conservation, division of recycling.
9. Noise levels from operation of the machines shall not exceed
65 dBA, as measured from the closest property line.
10. In addition to the enforcement remedies prescribed by
chapter 17.86 (Enforcement) of this title, the director may revoke approval for any
machine and cause its removal as a public nuisance pursuant to chapter 8.12 (Hazards)
of the city's municipal code for violation of any of the above standards.
B. Recycling dropoff or collection facilities and community service
recycling programs. The installation or development of recycling dropoff or collection
facilities and any other community service recycling programs is permitted within
commercial general (CG) and institutional zoning districts, subject to approval of a
conditional use permit by the planning commission, pursuant to chapter 17.60
(Conditional Use Permits). Recycling dropoff or collection facilities and community
service recycling programs shall be developed in conformance with the following
,, 1. The facility shall comply with all building setback and lot
coverage requirements that apply to the primary use on the site. The height of the facility
or any enclosure shall not exceed twelve (12) feet.
2. Facility identification signage shall be permanent in character
Page 162 of 312
and be limited to ten percent(10%) of the areas of each side of the facility, not to exceed
a maximum of fifty (50) square feet of signage per facility. Signage must be consistent
with the character of the location and may be illuminated during the hours of operation
upon the approval of the planning commission.
3. Mobile recycling units and/or reverse-vending machines within
the facility shall comply with the operating and development standards described in
section 17.58.020(A) of this chapter.
4. All recyclable materials deposited at the facility shall be
contained entirely within the facility and shall not at any time be left outside of the facility
in public view. Recyclable materials shall be picked up on an approved schedule to
prevent accumulation of materials in public view. Retrieval and delivery of recycling
containers shall only occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., monday
through saturday. An alternative disposal device for materials that cannot be accepted
by the facility shall be placed adjacent to the facility to discourage dumping and to control
any accumulation of trash if the facility becomes overloaded or broken. This device, and
the entire facility, shall be monitored daily by the operator to maintain the cleanliness of
the site.
5. Facilities providing for the twenty-four-hour donation of
materials shall be at least one hundred (100)feet from any property zoned or occupied
for residential use, unless a smaller setback is warranted by the topography of the site or
the design of the facility.
6. The facility shall be located conveniently close to a water
source and a maintenance schedule shall be submitted and approved by the director for
proper maintenance to ensure a healthful environment.
7. Facilities shall be in operation a minimum of thirty (30) hours
per week, and at least five (5) hours per week shall be other than 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
on monday through friday. Facilities located within one hundred (100)feet of a property
zoned for or occupied by a residential use shall operate only between the hours of 9:00
a.m. and 7:00 p.m., monday through saturday.
8. A facility which is staffed shall have an employee present
during its posted hours and shall display a sign having a minimum size of two (2)feet by
two (2)feet informing the public that the location is open for business. The sign shall
contain, at a minimum, the word "OPEN" in lettering at least ten (10) inches in height.
One parking space shall be provided for the attendant.
9. If a facility consists of dropoff receptacles with redemption
occurring at an alternate location on the property, the operator of the recycling center
shall take the following actions:
a. A sign shall be placed on or at the front of the receptacles
with lettering of at least 3/8 inch in height which informs the customer of the exact
location on the property where all types of empty beverage containers may be
b. A person shall be present at the exact location during the
hours posted at the recycling center to inspect the empty beverage containers and pay
customers the refund value; and
Page 163 of 312
c. A sign shall be posted at the exact location during the
hours open for business where the public may redeem beverage containers, informing
the public that the redemption location is open for business. The sign shall contain, at a
minimum, the words "OPEN" and "RECYCLING CENTER." The word "OPEN" shall
consist of lettering at least ten (10) inches in height. The words "RECYCLING CENTER"
shall be on a separate line and consist of lettering at least three and one half(3 1/2)
inches in height.
10. If there is no reasonable alternative location for the facility, it
may be located in the parking area of the primary use. If the reduction in the number of
parking spaces causes the number of available parking spaces to-be less than the
minimum number required for the primary use, the planning commission may reduce
parking requirements for the primary use by not more than five (5) spaces. This
reduction shall only be granted under the following conditions:
a. The facility is located in a convenience zone as
designated by the california department of conservation, division of recycling;
b. A parking study shows that existing parking capacity is not
already fully utilized during the time the recycling will be on the site; and
c. At least twenty-five (25) parking spaces were designated
for the primary use prior to installation of the facility.
11. Operation of the facility shall not increase the ambient noise
level at the property line of the nearest property zoned for or occupied by a residential
use to more than 65 dBA at any time.
12. Outdoor lighting for the facility is permitted only if such lighting
is shielded to prevent the direct or indirect illumination of adjacent residentially zoned or
occupied property.
13. The design and location of the facility shall be reviewed by the
planning commission to ensure that the facility is screened, to the extent practical, from
the view of adjacent residentially zoned or occupied property, while remaining clearly
identifiable to patrons of the facility. Landscaping, fences, walls, structural enclosures,
and coloring may be required to accomplish this purpose.
14. Prior to operation of a recycling dropoff or collection facility
and/or any other community service.recycling program, the operator shall obtain
certification of the recycling center from the california department of conservation,
division of recycling.
15. The conditions of approval for the facility shall be enforced
pursuant to section 17.76.080(F) (convenience stores).
16. Approval of a recycling dropoff or collection facility and/or any
other community service recycling program shall be denied if the planning commission
cannot make the findings for approval of a conditional use permit specified in section
17.60.060 (Conditional Use Permits) of this title, or if the planning commission finds the
facility would be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare.
C. . Appeals. Any interested person may appeal any decision of the
director or the planning commission under this section pursuant to chapter 17.80
(Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
Page 164 of 312
17.58.030 Requirements and au=lines for collectina and loadina of recyclable
materials in development aro ects.
A. Applicability. The following development projects shall include
adequate, accessible, and convenient areas for collecting and loading recyclable
materials, in accordance with the guidelines specified in subsection 17.58.030(C) of this
1. New commercial or institutional developments of ten
thousand (10,000) square feet or more, marinas, and multi-family residential projects with
five (5) or more units approved on or after September 1, 1994;
2. Existing commercial or institutional developments of ten
thousand (10,000) square feet or more, marinas, and multi-family residential projects with
five (5) or more units for which an application(s) is submitted on or after September 1,
1994 for the following:
a. A single alteration which adds thirty percent (30%) or more
to the existing floor area of the development project; or
b. Multiple alterations which are conducted within a twelve
(12) month period which collectively add thirty percent (30%) or more to the existing floor
area of the development project; and
3. Any new public facility, including, but not limited to buildings,
accessory structures, marinas, or any recreation area owned by a local agency, where
solid waste is collected and loaded; and any improvement to a public facility used for the
collecting and loading of solid waste, which adds to the value of the facility, prolongs its
useful life, or adapts it to new uses.
B. Exemptions. The following development projects are exempt from
the requirements of this section:
1. Single family dwellings which:
a. Are located in tracts or subdivisions which do not contain a
specified area for the collection and loading of solid waste serving five (5) or more
dwelling units; and
b. Participate in the City's curbside recycling program;
2. Individual tenants of multi-family developments; and
3. New occupancies within existing developments of ten
thousand (10,000) square feet or more.
C. Recycling area design guidelines. Space allocated for collecting and
loading recyclable materials shall have the ability to accommodate receptacles for
recyclable materials. Such areas shall be accessible and convenient for those who
deposit recyclable materials, as well as those who collect and load any recyclable
materials placed therein. The following design guidelines shall apply to all development
projects for the purpose of allocating and constructing a recycling area:
1. Recycling areas shall comply with all building setback, lot
coverage and applicable height requirements that apply to the primary use on the site.
2. Recycling areas shall be designed to be architecturally
compatible with abutting and or adjacent structures, and with the existing topography and
Page 165 of 312
3. The design and construction of recycling areas shall not
jeopardize the security of any recyclable materials placed therein.
4. The design, construction, and location of recycling areas shall
not be in conflict with any applicable federal, state, or local laws relating to fire, building,
access, transportation, circulation, or safety.
5. Recycling areas shall not be located in any area required to
be constructed or maintained as unencumbered according to any applicable federal,
state, or local laws relating to fire, building, access, transportation, circulation, or safety.
6. Recycling areas or the bins or containers placed therein must
provide protection against adverse environmental conditions, such as rain, which might
render the collected materials unmarketable.
7. Travel aisles which access recycling areas shall, at a
minimum, conform to local building code requirements for garbage collection access and
clearance. In the absence of such building code requirements, travel aisles should
provide unobstructed access for collection vehicles and personnel.
8. A sign clearly identifying all recycling and solid waste
collection and loading areas and the materials accepted therein shall be posted adjacent
to all points of direct access to the recycling areas.
9. Developments and transportation corridors adjacent to
recycling areas shall be adequately protected for any adverse impacts such as noise,
odor, vectors, or glare through measures including, but not limited to, maintaining
adequate separation, fencing, and landscaping.
10. Any and all recycling area(s) shall be located so they are at
least as convenient for those persons who deposit, collect, and load the recyclable
materials placed therein as the locations(s) where solid waste is collected and loaded.
Whenever feasible, areas for collecting and loading recyclable materials shall be
adjacent to the solid waste collection areas.
11. Recycling areas located within single tenant development
projects shall conform to the following additional guidelines:
a. Areas designated for recycling shall be adequate in
capacity, number, and distribution to serve the development project;
b. Dimensions of the recycling area shall accommodate
receptacles sufficient to meet the recycling needs of the development project; and
c. An adequate number of bins or containers to allow for the
collection and loading of recyclable materials generated by the development project shall
be located within the recycling area.
12. Recycling areas located within multi-tenant development
projects shall conform to the following additional guidelines:
a. Recycling areas shall, at a minimum, be sufficient in
capacity, number, pnd distribution to serve that portion of the development project leased
by the tenant(s) wlio submitted an application or applications resulting in the need to
provide recycling area(s) pursuant to this section;
b. Dimensions of recycling areas shall accommodate
Page 166 of 312
receptacles sufficient to meet the recycling needs of that portion of the development
project leased by the tenant who submitted an application or applications resulting in the
need to provide recycling areas(s) pursuant to this section; and
c. An adequate number of bins or containers to allow for the
collection and loading of recyclable materials generated by that portion of the
development project leased by the tenant(s) who submitted an application or applications
resulting in the need to provide recycling area pursuant to this section shall be located
within the recycling area.
Page 167 of 312
Cbggter 17.60
17.60.010 Purpose.
17.60.020 Application.
17.60.030 Filing fee.
17.60.040 Public hearing.
17.60.050 Findings and conditions.
17.60.060 Appeal.
17.60.070 Time limit.
17.60.080 Failure to comply.
17.60.090 Amendments.
17.60.100 Revocation.
17.60.01 Q_ Purpose The conditional use permit procedure provides..for uses
that are:
A. Necessary or desirable for the development of the community or
region but cannot readily be classified as permitted uses in individual zoning districts by
reason of uniqueness of size, scope, or possible effect on public facilities or surrounding
uses; or
B. Appropriate as accessories to the development of neighborhoods or
the city; or
C. Appropriate uses in the zoning districts in which they are listed as
permitted subject to a conditional use permit, but requiring specific consideration of the
proposed use or development.
17.60.020 . ,Ap lication.
A. The application for a conditional use permit shall be filed on forms
provided by the city. A person may not file, and the director shall not accept, an
application which is the same as, or substantially the same as, an application upon which
final action has been taken by the director, by the planning commission, or by the city
council within twelve (12) months prior to the date of said application, unless accepted by
motion of the planning commission or city council, or the previous application is denied
without prejudice by the planning commission or city council.
B. , An application shall contain full and complete information pertaining
to the request.
C. The director or the planning commission shall investigate the facts
bearing on each case to provide information necessary to assure action consistent with
Page 168 of 312
the intent and purposes of this title.
D. In cases where the director considers the conditions set forth on the
application not within the scope of the conditional use permit procedure, the applicant
shall be so informed. Whereupon, if the application is filed, it shall be signed by the
applicant to the effect that he or she was so informed. Filing of an application does not
constitute an indication of approval.
17.60.03Q Filing fe_% The filing fee for a conditional use permit shall be as
established by resolution of the city council.
17,60.040, Public hearing
A. The public hearing notice shall be published in a newspaper of
general circulation and given to owners of property located within five hundred (600)feet
of the project, to all persons requesting notice, to any affected homeowner associations,
and the applicant pursuant to section 17.80.090 of this title.
B. Conditional use permit amendment applications shall require a
public hearing and notice similar to an initial conditional use permit application. However,
conditional use permit amendment applications for.master television antennas in
multiple-family developments, including residential planned developments, do not require
a public hearing.
C. Not more than forty (40) days following said hearing, the planning
commission shall announce its findings, as per section 17.60.060 of this chapter, by
formal resolution. The resolution shall recite the findings of the planning commission
and set forth the conditions deemed necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare
of persons residing in the neighborhood and in the community as a whole.
17.60.Q50 Findinas and condition
A. The planning commission, may grant a conditional use permit, only if
it finds:
1. That the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate
the proposed use and for all of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping and other
features required by this title or by conditions imposed under this section to integrate
said use with those on adjacent land and within the neighborhood;
2. 'That the site for the proposed use relates to streets and
highways sufficient to carry the type and quantity of traffic generated by the subject use;
3. That, in approving the subject use at the specific location,
there will be no significant adverse effect on adjacent property or-the permitted use
4. That the proposed use is not contrary to the general plan;
5. That, if the site of the proposed use is within any of the
overlay control districts established by chapter 17.40 (Overlay Control Districts) of this
title, the proposed use complies with all applicable requirements of that chapter; and
6. That conditions regarding any of the requirements listed in
this paragraph, which the planning commission finds to be necessary to protect the
health, safety and general welfare, have been imposed:
a. Setbacks and buffers;
b. Fences or walls;
Page 169 of 312
c. Lighting;
d. Vehicular ingress and egress;
e. Noise, vibration, odors, and similar emissions;
f. Landscaping;
g. Maintenance of structures, grounds, or signs;
h. Service roads or alleys; and
i. Such other conditions as will make possible development
of the city in an orderly and efficient manner and in conformity with the intent and
purposes set forth in this title.
B. Conditional use permits may be granted for such period of time and
upon such conditions and limitations as may be required to protect the health, safety and'
general welfare. Such conditions shall take precedence over development standards
otherwise required by the underlying zoning of the subject site.
C. For multiple use developments under a conditional use permit,
where the uses permitted in the development are specified in the conditional use permit
resolution, the uses permitted in the zoning district shall not apply unless such uses are
among those permitted by the conditional use permit.
D. When deemed desirable, the planning commission may add
conditions requiring future review or updating of maintenance, development plans and
E. Any change which substantially intensifies occupancy or land
coverage on the site shall require an amendment to the conditional use permit pursuant
to the amendment procedures set forth in chapter 17.78 (Miscellaneous) of this title.
F. When required, the findings, recommendations and notices thereof
shall be filed in conformity with the provisions set forth in section 17.60.050 of this
17.60.060 Aaaeal. Any interested person may appeal any decision of the
planning commission or any condition imposed by the planning commission pursuant to
chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
17,60.070_ Time limit. Before approving any conditional use permit, the
planning commission shall establish a time limit within which the applicant shall
commence upon the permitted use, as that phrase is defined in section 17.86.070
(Enforcement) of this title. The time limit shall be a reasonable time based on the size
and nature of the proposed development. If no date is specified by the planning
commission or city council, a conditional use permit shall be valid for one (1) year from
the date of final action on the permit or approval. All such permits shall be null and void
after that time unless the applicant has commenced upon the use, as that phrase is
defined in section 17.86.070 (Enforcement) of this title. Upon a showing of substantial
hardship, delays beyond the control of the applicant, or other good cause, the planning
commission or city council may extend this period one time for up to one additional year.
17,60.080_ :. Failure to comply.Iv. If the time limit expires and no extension has
been granted, or if any of the conditions to the use or development are not maintained,
then the conditional use permit shall be null and void. Continued operation of a use
requiring a conditional use permit after such conditional use permit expires or is found in
Page 170 of 312
noncompliance with any condition of a conditional use permit shall constitute a violation
of this title.
17.6,0.090 Amendments. An amendment to an approved conditional use permit
may be initiated by the city or by the property owner pursuant to section 17.78.040
(Miscellaneous) of this title.
17,60,100 Revocation. A conditional use permit granted pursuant to this
section may be modified, revoked, or suspended pursuant to section 17.86.060
(Enforcement) of this Code.
Page 171 of 312
Chapter 17.62
17.62.010 Purpose.
17.62.020 Uses and developments permitted with special use permits.
17.62.030 Temporary vendor Permit
17.62.040 Application.
17.62.050 Notification.
17.62.060 Action by director.
17.62.070 Appeals.
17.62.010 . Purpose. This chapter provides for temporary special uses and
developments which may, unless special consideration is given and conditions applied,
result in an adverse effect on surrounding properties. Such special consideration and
the application of conditions as provided in this chapter is deemed necessary for the
protection of property values and the public welfare.
1 . The
following uses and developments shall not be initiated or constructed unless a special
use permit for said use or development has been issued by the director:
A. Temporary uses of land involving the erection of temporary
structures such as fences, booths, tents, or the parking of trailers, for such activities as
carnivals, circuses, fairs, festivals, non-profit fund-raising events, charitable events, or
religious meetings;
B. Temporary outdoor displays for the sale of Christmas trees,
Halloween pumpkins, art objects, or other items, other than special sales allowed with a
temporary vendor permit pursuant to this chapter;
C. Recycling centers, as defined in chapter 17.96 (Definitions) of this
title, in zoning districts in which they are permitted by this title; and
D. Any other similar activity conducted for a temporary period either
outdoors, within temporary structures, or within single-family residential zoning districts
which, as determined by the director, has the potential to result in an adverse effect on
surrounding properties.
17.62.030 Tempora[y vendor permit. Certain temporary sales activities may be
allowed in conjunction with certain established uses without a special use permit,
provided the property owner's permission, a business license if required, and a
temporary vendor permit is obtained by the vendor and there is no evidence that the
temporary sales will create an adverse impact on adjacent uses beyond the impact of the
primary use of the site. The following such temporary sales may be conditionally
approved by the director without hearing or notice through issuance of a temporary
Page 172 of 312
vendor permit:
A. Temporary sales of goods and/or food items from a mobile non-
motorized cart or temporary booth in commercial, institutional and open space
recreational zoning districts, provided the sales occur in conjunction with legal or legal
non-conforming commercial, institutional and recreational uses; the sales occur on the
same property as the existing uses; and the sales activity occurs for a period of not more
than thirty (30) days out of a twelve (12) month period;
B. Special temporary outdoor sales by an existing retail business,
provided the business is a legal or legal non-conforming use located in a commercial
zoning district; the sales occur on the same property as the existing business; and the
sales activity occurs for a period of not more than thirty (30) days out of a twelve (12)
month period; and
C. Temporary outdoor sales held by non-profit organizations, provided
that the sales occur entirely on the property of the non-profit organization and for a
period of not more than thirty (30) days out of a twelve (12) month period.
_1.7.62.040 , Application. Application for a special use permit or temporary vendor
permit shall be made on forms provided by the city and shall include such plans as may
reasonably be required by the director for a complete understanding of the proposal, and
a filing fee as established by resolution of the city council.
17.62.05Q Notification. Upon determination that an application for a special use
permit is complete, the director shall notify the owners of all property and any affected
Homeowners Association(s) located within a radius of five hundred (500) feet from the
external boundaries of the property where the special use is proposed to occur, of the
application by letter.
17.62.060 Action by direct.
A. Not sooner than fifteen (15) days after the notices are mailed, nor
later than thirty (30) days after the application for a special use permit is deemed
complete, the director shall either grant, deny, or conditionally grant the special use
permit, based on the following criteria:
1. That the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate
the proposed special use and/or development;
2. That the proposed special use and/or development would not
adversely interfere with existing uses on the subject property; and would not impede or
adversely impact pedestrian access ways and/or vehicular circulation patterns;
3. That the proposed special use and/or development would not
result in a significant adverse effect on adjacent property; and
4. That by requiring certain safeguards as conditions of
approval, the proposed special use and/or development would not be detrimental to the
public health, safety, and welfare.
B. In granting a special use permit, or temporary vendor permit the
director may impose conditions on the permit which are reasonable to ensure that the
proposed use or development will comply with the applicable review criteria of this
chapter and any other applicable provisions of this title. Noncompliance with any
condition of a special use permit or temporary vendor permit shall constitute a violation of
Page 173 of 312
the zoning ordinance. Such conditions shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Special setbacks and buffers;
2. Regulation of outdoor lighting;
3. Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress;
4. Regulation of noise, vibration, odors, etc.;
5. Regulation of the number, height and size of temporary
structures, equipment and/or signs;
6. Limitations on the hours and/or days of the proposed use;
7. If special sales are proposed, limitations on the location
where sales may occur, the number of vendors, and the scope of-goods sold;
8. If necessary, the obtainment of a city business license;
9. if food sales are involved, obtainment of all the appropriate
health department permits; and
10. if necessary, fire department review and approval.
C. Upon approval by the director of a special use permit, notice of the
decision shall be given to the applicant, any interested person, and any affected
homeowner associations, pursuant to section 17.80.040 (Hearing Notice and Appeal
Procedures) of this title.
17.62.070 61212eals. The applicant or any interested person may appeal the
director's decision on an application for a special use permit to the planning commission
and the planning commission's decision to the city council pursuant to chapter 17.80
(Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of this title. Notwithstanding Section
17.80.050(b) (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of this title, an appeal of a
decision on a special use permit application is not timely if not filed within five (5) days of
the date of the notice of the director's or planning commission's decision. No special use
permit shall be effective, and no use or development authorized by a special use permit
shall be initiated until the appeal period has been exhausted.
Page 174 of 312
ChaDler 17.64
,9 •
n •
17.64.010 Purpose.
17.64.020 Application.
17.64.030 Filing fee.
17.64.040 Public hearing.
17.64.050 Findings.
17.64.060 Appeal.
17.64.070 Conditions.
17.64.080 Failure to comply.
A. When practical difficulties, unnecessary hardships or results
inconsistent with the general intent and purpose of this title occur by reason of the strict
interpretation of any of its provisions, the planning commission, upon verified application
of any interested persons shall initiate proceedings for consideration of a variance from
the development provisions of this title. The planning commission in granting said
variance may establish such conditions as it deems necessary to promote the intent and
purpose of this title and to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
B. A variance shall not be construed as an amendment to this title or a
change to the maps which are part of this title.
17.64.020 Aaalication.
A. Applications for variances shall be made to the planning commission
on forms provided by the city. A person may not file, and the director shall not accept, an
application which is the same as, or substantially the same as, an application upon which
final action has been taken by the planning commission or city council within twelve (12)
months prior to the application date, unless the application is accepted by motion by the
body that last made a decision on the application, or the previous application was denied
without prejudice by that body.
B. The applicant shall set forth in detail, on forms provided by the city,
the reasons for the requested variance and shall show how the requirements of this
section are satisfied, and such other information as may be required by the director.
C. The planning commission shall investigate the facts bearing on each
case to provide information necessary to assure action consistent with the intent and
purpose of this titles
17_,04.030 Filing fee. The fling fee for a variance shall be as established by
resolution of the city council.
Page 175 of 312
17.64.040 Public,.hearina.
A. Notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation and
given to owners of property within five hundred (500)feet of the project, to all persons
requesting notice, to any affected homeowner associations, and the applicant, pursuant
to section 17.80.090 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of this title.
B. Not more than forty(40) days following said hearing, the planning
commission shall announce its findings by formal resolution. Said resolution shall recite
the findings of the planning commission and set forth the conditions deemed necessary
to serve the intent and purpose of this title.
17.64.050 Findings.
A. The planning commission, before granting a variance, shall find as
1. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or
conditions applicable to the property involved, or to the intended use of the property,
which do not apply generally to other property in the same zoning district;
2. That such variance is necessary for the preservation and
enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant, which right is possessed by
other property owners under like conditions in the same zoning district;
3. That granting the variance will not be materially detrimental
to the public welfare or injurious to property and improvements in the area in which the
property is located; and
4. That granting the variance will not be contrary to the
objectives of the general plan or the policies and requirements of the coastal specific
B. A variance may also be granted if the applicant demonstrates
significant error in any order, requirement, permit, decision, or determination made in the
administration or enforcement of this title or any ordinance adopted pursuant to it and the
applicant has commenced construction in reliance upon the error. If a variance is
granted under this paragraph (B), required fling fees may be waived pursuant to the fee
waiver provisions described in section 17.78.010 (Enforcement) of this title.
17.64.060 Ameal. Any interested person may appeal the planning
commission's decision to the city council pursuant to the appeal procedures described in
chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of this title.
17.64.070 Conditions. The planning commission, in granting a variance, may
impose conditions reasonably required to serve the intent and purpose of this title.
17.Q4,QsQ.._la i l u re to comply.
A. Noncompliance with any condition of an approved variance
application shall constitute a violation of this title.
B. Each variance granted under the provisions of this chapter shall
become null and void unless the applicant commences the use, as that phrase is defined
in section 17.86.070 (Enforcement) of this title, within one hundred eighty (180) days
after the variance is granted, or within such other period as the planning commission or
city council may have established.
Page 176 of 312
Chuter Z.66
17.66.010 Purpose.
17.66.020 Scope.
17.66.030 Application.
17.66.040 Notification.
17.66.050 Action by the director.
17.66.060 Appeals.
17.66.010 PurQ_grae. This chapter provides for minor exceptions to the
development standards of this title in those cases where such minor exceptions are
warranted by practical difficulties, unnecessary hardships, or results that may be
inconsistent with the general intent of this title. Any minor exception permit in the coastal
specific plan district shall be in conformity with the policies and requirements of the
coastal specific plan.
17.66.020 Scoge. The director may grant minor exception permits authorizing
the following:
A. Construction of fences, walls or hedges which require a minor
exception permit pursuant to section 17.76.030 (fences, walls and hedges).
B. A reduction of any setback and open space requirement contained
in this title by twenty percent (20%) or less. However, a minor exception permit shall not
be granted to reduce the setback and open space requirements for the following:
1. New direct access garages or the conversion of existing
indirect access garages to direct access garages which encroach into the required front
or street-side setback;
2. A structural addition or modification to an existing structure
that has been approved through a discretionary permit by the planning commission or
city council within two (2) years of the proposed addition and/or modification; and
3. 'An existing structure, the construction of which, has been
initiated or carried out prior to obtaining a minor exception permit.
C. An increase of no more than twenty percent(20%) of the fifty
percent (50%) land coverage restriction which is applicable to driveways, parking areas
and paved walkways within the required front or streetside setback areas in single-family
residential (RS) districts, set forth in section 17.48.030(D) (Lots, Setbacks, Open Space
Area and Building sleight) of this title.
17.66.030 Agplication. Application for a minor exception permit shall be made
on forms provided by the city and shall include such plans as may reasonably be
required by the director for a complete understanding of the request, and a filing fee as
Page 177 of 312
established by resolution of the city council.
17L5Q.04QNotification. Upon receipt of a complete application for a minor
exception permit, the director shall notify the owners of all parcels located adjacent to the
proposed use or development by letter, using the last known county assessor tax roll.
Notification shall also include all parcels which are located directly across any public or
private right-of-way from the subject property. if the application is for a modification of a
structure or portion of any structure previously approved by the planning commission or
city council, as described in section 17.66.020(C)(2) of this chapter, then the notification
shall be pursuant to section 17.80.090 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of this
17.66,050 Action by the director.
A. The director may grant a minor exception permit only upon finding
1. The requested minor exception is warranted by practical
difficulties; or,
2. The requested minor exception is warranted by an
unnecessary hardship; or,
3. The requested minor exception is necessary to avoid
inconsistencies with the general intent of this title.
B. The director may impose conditions upon the approval of a minor
exception permit to assure that the minor exception permit is within the intent of this
chapter. Noncompliance with any conditions of a minor exception permit shah constitute
a violation of this title.
C. Upon approval of a minor exception permit by the director, notice of
the decision shall be given pursuant to section 17.80.040 (Hearing Notice and Appeal
Procedures) of this title.
17.66.060 Aaaeals. Any interested person may appeal a decision of the
director to the planning commission and a decision of the planning commission to the city
council pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of this title.
No minor exception permit shall be effective and no development permitted by a minor
exception permit shall be initiated or construction started, until the appeal period has
been exhausted.
Page 178 of 312
Chanter 17 68
Secti n '
17.68.010 Purpose.
17.68.020 Adoption procedure.
17.68.030 Initiation of zone change and/or code amendment.
17.68.040 Zone change and/or code amendment review procedure.
17.68.050 Modification.
17.68.060 Application.
17.68.070 Filing fee.
17.68.080 Notification.
17.68.090 Planning commission action.
17.68.100 Adverse planning commission recommendation.
17.68.110 Time limit for development.
17.68.120 Extension of decision deadlines.
17.68.010 Pu[posp. This chapter provides for changes of the zoning
designation of properties where such change is in conformity with the general:,plan and
where such zone change is warranted by considerations of access, surrounding develop-
ment, and timing of development. It is also the intent of this chapter to provide for
amendments to this title, as the city may deem necessary or desirable.
17.68.020_ Ado tp i_an prggedure. An amendment to any part of this title
pertaining to the development or a change of zone of any property within the city shall be
adopted pursuant to this chapter. All other amendments to this title may be adopted
pursuant to the procedures that other ordinances are adopted.
1_Z&8.Q3Q _-Initiation f z . A change of the
zoning designation of properties and/or an amendment to this title may only be initiated
as follows:
A. City council. An amendment to any part of this title and/or a change
of zone of any property within the city may be initiated by the city council at any time it is
deemed necessary or desirable.
B. Director and/or planning commission. An amendment to any part of
this title and/or a change of zone of any property within the city may be initiated by the
director and/or planning commission, upon petition to the city council. The city council
shall review the petition to determine if the requested amendment and/or change is
necessary or desirable.
C. Interested person. Any person having an interest in land may file an
application with the city council for a change of zone and/or an amendment to this title
upon submission to the director of an initiation application and payment of a filing fee, as
established by the city council. A person may not file, and the director shall not accept a
Page 179 of 312
petition which is the same as, or substantially the same as, a petition upon which final
action has been taken by either the planning commission or the city council within twelve
(12) months prior to the date of the initiation application, unless the initiation application
is accepted by motion of the city council, or the previous initiation application is denied
without prejudice by the city council. The city council shall review an accepted initiation
application to determine if the requested amendment and/or change is necessary or
desirable. If the initiation application is approved by the city council by a majority of
affirmative votes, the proposed zone change and/or code amendment shall be reviewed
in accordance with section 17.68.040 of this chapter.
U,68.040- . A zone
change and/or code amendment initiated pursuant to section 17.68.030 of this chapter
shall be considered as follows:
A. The director shall set a time and place for a public hearing by the
planning commission and shall order the public notice thereof. If the proposed zone
change and/or code amendment is initiated as a result of an interested person's
application, said hearing shall be held not later than forty (40) days after the director
receives the completed zone change and/or code amendment application.
B. The planning commission shall hold a public hearing to consider the
proposed zone change and/or code amendment. The planning commission's
recommendation and reasons thereof shall be fled with the city council within forty (40)
days after the planning commission's decision. If the recommendation of the planning
commission is negative, no further action need be taken.
C. If a negative recommendation is made by the planning commission,
the applicant or other interested person may appeal that decision pursuant to the appeal
procedures described in section 17.80.070 (Nearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of
this title. Submission of the written recommendations of the planning commission to the
city clerk shall constitute filing with the city council.
D. If the recommendation is positive or an appeal is filed, the city
council shall hold a public hearing after notice of the same. The decision of the city
council shall be made public within sixty days (60) after the termination of the public
17,68.050. „Mgdi ica#ion. The city council may approve, modify or disapprove
the recommendation of the planning commission, provided that any modification of the
proposed ordinance or amendment by the city council shall first be referred to the
planning commission for report and recommendation, but the planning commission shall
not be required to hold a public hearing thereon. Failure of the planning commission to
report within forty (40) days after the reference, or such longer period as may be
designated by the city council, shall be deemed to be approval of the proposed
17 6$.Q.60. - aalic t� ion_. Application for a zone change and/or code amendment
filed by an interested person shall be made on forms provided by the city.
A. Zone change application. The application shall be full and complete
and shall be signed by at least one person owning property within the area proposed for
a zone change. Such petition shall include plans for the proposed development of all
Page 180 of 312
property within the zone change area, said plans to include, as a minimum, a general site
plan showing approximate location and use of all buildings (including number of units for
multiple-family developments), location of points of access, parking and loading areas
(including number of parking and loading spaces proposed), walkways and planting
areas. If the zone change application proposes to eliminate in whole, or in part, an open
space hazard zoning district, or a coastal specific plan setback zone within the coastal
specific plan district, or if the property which is the subject of the zone change application
is located within one thousand (1,000) feet of a known landslide, geotechnical and/or
soils reports which analyze the stability of the subject area, shall accompany the
B. Code amendment application. The application shall be full and
complete and shall be signed by the applicant. The application shall include a detailed
explanation of the reasons why the code amendment is necessary or desirable by the
1,._7.68_:,Q70 Filina_-fee. A filing fee for a zone change and/or code amendment
application shall be as established by resolution of the city council.
17;_C8.080 Notification. A proposed code amendment and zone change
application shall be noticed pursuant to Section 17.80.090 (Hearing Notice and Appeal
Procedure) of this title, except that a proposed code amendment application notice need
not be given to the owners of property located within five hundred (500) feet of the
17.68.090 Planning_commissionaction. A recommendation on a code
amendment and/or zone change shall be made by resolution of the planning
1 Z.58.1 QQ Adve e glan[iina commissign mcommendation. In the event the
report back of the planning commission on any proposed change, initiated in accordance
with this chapter, is adverse to or opposed to the proposed change so referred, or in the
event the council desires to effect any change in this title contrary to a recommendation
of the planning commission submitted to the council, then any ordinance effecting such
change shall not be adopted except by at least three affirmative votes of the council.
17.68,11 Time liMit for develo Ment. If the applicant does not commence
development, as that phrase is defined in section 17.86.070 (Enforcement) of this title, in
accordance with the approved plan within one (1) year of the effective date of the zone
change ordinance, the planning commission or city council may initiate proceedings to
return the property to its original zoning classification. One extension of up to one (1)
year may be granted by the planning commission under the standards of section
17.86.070(B) (Enforcement) of this title.
1LOB,120 Exteens_ign of decision deadlines. where a zone change requires
review under the California environmental quality act (CEQA), California public resources
code section 21000, et seq., which in the view of the director will require more time for a
decision than is otherwise permitted by this chapter, the time periods for decision set
forth in this chapter shall not commence until the city approves a negative declaration,
certifies an environmental impact report, or otherwise renders a final determination
pursuant to CEQA for the zone change at issue.
Page 181 of 312
17.70.010 Purpose.
17.70.020 Application.
17.70.030 Approval.
17-70,010 Euipose. The site plan review procedure enables the director and/or
planning commission to check development proposals for conformity with the provisions
of this title and for the manner in which they are applied, when no other application is re-
quired under this title.
lZ.ZO.Q2QIp ication.
A. Unless otherwise specified in this title, a site plan review application
shall be required for all new development, as defined in chapter 17.96 (Definitions) of this
title which does not otherwise qualify for review under a review process or application
procedure listed in this title. The applicant shall submit the site plan review application to
the director and shall pay a fee as established by resolution of the city council. The
number of site plan copies required shall be determined by the director.
B. Unless otherwise specified in this title, the site plan shall be
reviewed by the director for conformity with provisions of this title.
C. No building permit shall be issued until all applicable site plans have
been approved in accordance with this section and no building permit shall be finaled or
certificate of occupancy issued unless the development complies with the approved site
plan as conditioned.
D. The site plan shall indicate the following information clearly and with
full dimensions, unless the director waives the requirement of particular information:
1. Lot dimensions;
2. The location, size, height, proposed use, and location of
doors on all buildings and structures;
3. Yards and space between buildings;
4. The location, height, and materials of walls, fences and
5. The location, dimensions of parking area, number of spaces,
arrangement of spaces, and internal circulation pattern of off-street parking;
6. Pedestrian, vehicular and service access, and definitions of
all points of ingress and egress;
7. The location, size, height, and method of illumination of signs;
8. The location, dimensions, number of spaces, internal
circulation and access from public streets of loading facilities;
9. The general nature, location and hooding devices of lighting;
Page 182 of 312
10. Proposed street dedications and improvements;
11. Landscaping, if required by the provisions of this title;
12. The type, location and height of screening devices of outdoor
storage and activities, if permitted in the zoning district;
13. Drainage and grading;
14. Waste disposal facilities;
15. Location of utility poles;
16. Location of any easements; and
17. Such other data as may be required by the director to assist
in review of the plan.
17.7Q,Q30 .A,.1212.19yal. If the development proposal, with any changes noted by '
the city, is fully consistent with the provisions of this title, the director or a staff member,
authorized by the director, shall sign the site plan to indicate site plan review approval
and shall notify the applicant of such. Unless a site plan review application is issued for
a discretionary decision, as otherwise specified in this title, the director's approval of the
site plan review application is final when rendered and no appeal may be made to the
planning commission or city council.
Page 183 of 312
Qbapter,17._ 72
,9egft •
17.72.010 Purpose.
17.72.020 Scope.
17.72.030 Determinations.
17.72.040 Uses and developments permitted.
17.72.050 Uses and developments excluded from the coastal permit
17.72.060 Filing fee.
17.72.070 Notice.
17.72.080 Public hearing.
17.72.090 Findings.
17.72.100 Appeals.
17.72.110 Final action.
17.72.120 Concurrent permits.
17.72,.010 Purpose. The coastal permit procedure provides for review of
proposed development within specific plan district 1, to determine conformity with the
city's coastal specific plan and state regulations.
17.72.020. Scope_ Specific plan district I is the coastal specific plan district.
This district comprises all land seaward of Palos verdes drive south and palos verdes
drive west and is separated into three areas (in addition to the base districts) as indicated
on the city official zoning map: the coastal zone, the coastal structure setback zone, and
the coastal setback zone. Within these zones are designated areas which development
therein is non-appealable or appealable, from a city decision, to the coastal commission.
As noted on the official map on file with the director, appealable areas are those areas
which are located between the mean high tide line and the first public road; and non-
appealable areas are those areas which are located landward of the first public road to
palos verdes drive south and palos verdes drive west.
17,72.030 Determinations. The determination of whether a development is
excluded from this chapter, appealable or non-appealable shall be made by the director
at the time the application for development within the coastal specific pian district is
submitted. The director's decision may be appealed to the planning commission and the
planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to the
appeal procedures described in chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures)
of this title. This determination shall be made with reference to the coastal specific plan,
including any maps, exclusions, land use designations and zoning ordinances which are
adopted as part of the coastal specific plan. Where an applicant, an interested person,
or the city has a question as to the appropriate designation for a development, the
Page 184 of 312
following procedures shall establish whether a development is excluded, appealable or
A. The city shall make its determination as to what type of development
is being proposed (i.e., excluded, appealable, non-appealable) and shall inform the
applicant of the notice and hearing requirements for that particular development.
B. If the determination of the director is challenged by the applicant or
an interested person, or if the city wishes to have a coastal commission determination as
to the appropriate designation, the city shall request a written opinion from the executive
director of the coastal commission.
C. Where, after the executive director's investigation, the executive
director's determination is not in accordance with the city determination, the coastal com-
mission shall hold a hearing for purposes of determining the appropriate designation for
the development.
212,040. .. Ljsera and dryelogmgnig gerMifled. The following uses and
developments may be allowed with the approval of a coastal permit:
A. Uses and developments permitted in the coastal zone. Uses and
developments allowed shall be as specified in the base zoning districts.
B. Uses and developments permitted in the coastal structure setback
zone. Any new permanent structures in this zone are prohibited, including, but not
limited to, pools, spas, vertical support members and chimneys. Minor structures and
equipment, such as trash enclosures, storage sheds of less than one hundred twenty
('120) square feet, doghouses, enclosed water heaters, barbecues, garden walls, air
conditioners, pool filters, vents and other minor structures and/or equipment may be
allowed. In addition, decks, walkways or similar ground surfacing less than six (6) inches
in height, as measured from adjacent existing grade, shall be allowed.
C. Uses and developments permitted in the coastal setback zone. One
minor addition may be allowed to each residence that is partially or totally, within this
zone and was existing as of December 26, 1975, provided:
1. The addition is less than two hundred fifty (250) square feet;
2. There is no reasonable, alternative location outside the
coastal setback zone for the addition;
3. Grading involving more than twenty (20) cubic yards or more
than three (3) feet of cut or fill is not required;
4. No plumbing is involved, unless a sewer system connection is
available or a holding tank is constructed to meet the capacity requirements determined
by the city's building official; and
5. A geology report is submitted by the applicant with the coastal
permit application and is approved by the city geologist. Residential density credit will be
granted only for areas proven to the city's satisfaction to be stable.
Golf courses, and accessory structures associated with golf courses, public passive
recreational improvements, including but not limited to, trails, signage, or protective
Page 185 of 312
fencing may be permitted in the coastal setback zone, provided that a conditional use
permit is approved pursuant to chapter 17.60 (conditional use permits) of this title, and a
geology report is approved by the city's geologist. All other new uses and developments
in.this zone are prohibited including, but not limited to, slabs, walkways, decks six (6)
inches or more in height, walls or structures over forty-two (42) inches in height,
fountains, irrigation systems, pools, spas, architectural features such as cornices, eaves,
belt courses, vertical supports or members, and chimneys, and grading involving more
than twenty (20) cubic yards of earth movement, or more than three (3) feet of cut or fill.
permitI T72,050 Uses and develomentra-excluded,from-the coastal,
The following uses and developments are not subject to the coastal permit requirements,
provided that such uses and developments are not located in the coastal setback zone
and do not create a coastal risk of adverse environmental effect, as defined in chapter
17.96 (Definitions) of this title; a significant alteration of land forms; expansion or
construction of water wells or septic systems; additional square footage where a previous
coastal permit required a permit for future additions; adverse effect on public access; or a
change in use contrary to the coastal specific plan:
A. Trails
B. Fences and walls;
C. Drainage structures;
D. Landscaping and landscape furniture;
E. Repairs or maintenance to existing structures; and
F. The installation, testing, and placement in service or the-replacement
of any necessary utility connection between an approved development and an existing
service facility, that conforms to city ordinances.
G. Minor public works projects such as the erection of public signs; the
painting or removing of street lines; parking space designations, or the painting or
removing of paint from curbs; the maintenance and repair of public streets; the
installation and maintenance of landscaping; the maintenance of city utilities, the repair
and improvement of structures maintained, used or owned by the City, and the repair,
replacement, maintenance or development of public facilities under emergency
H. Replacement of any structure destroyed by a natural disaster, other
than a major public works facility.
1. Any category of development determined by the coastal commission
to have no potential for any significant local impact on coastal resource or public access.
J. Within the appealable development areas, additions of ten percent
(10%) or less of the existing square footage, which do not add a story or loft and do not
require a variance application.
K. Wthin the non-appealable development areas, any changes
requiring only a site plan review application.
17.72.060 ,,,.Eilioa fee. The filing fee for a coastal permit shall be as established
by resolution of the city council.
17.72.070 Notice, Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 17.80 (Hearing
Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title, the provisions of this section shall constitute
Page 186 of 312
the minimum notice for the review of coastal development. Notices may be consolidated
with other required notices.
A. Coastal excluded developments. A permit issued by the city for a
development which is excluded from the coastal permit requirements, as defined in
chapter 17.96 (Definitions) of this title, shall be exempt from the notice and hearing
requirements of this chapter.
B. Coastal Appealable developments.
1. At least ten (10) calendar days prior to the first public hearing
on an appealable development proposal, as defined in chapter 17.96 (Definitions) of this
title, the city shall provide notice by first-class mail of the pending application. This notice
shall be provided to:
a. Each applicant;
b. All persons who have supplied self-addressed, stamped
envelopes for that development project or for coastal decisions within the city;
c. All owners and residents of property located within one
hundred (100) feet of the perimeter of the parcel on which the development is proposed,
or, if the number of such properties is less than ten (10), to all owners and residents of
the ten (10) properties nearest to such parcel; and
d. The coastal commission.
2. The notice shall contain the following information:
a. A statement that the development is within the coastal
specific plan district;
b. The date of filing of the application and the name of the
c. The number assigned to the application;
d. The location and description of the proposed
e. The date, time and place at which and by whom the
application will be heard;
f. A brief description of the general procedure concerning
the conduct of hearing and local actions; and
g. The system for city and coastal commission appeals.
3. If a decision on an appealable coastal permit is continued by
the city to a time which is neither (a) previously stated in the notice, nor (b) announced at
the hearing as being continued to a time certain, the city shall provide notice of any
further hearings and of any action taken on the proposed development, as provided in
section 17.72.080(B) of this chapter.
C. Coastal non-appealable developments with hearing. Notice of non-
appealable developments, as defined in chapter 17.96 (Definitions) of this title, within the
coastal specific plan district that require a public hearing under city ordinance shall be
provided in accordance with existing city notice requirements, incorporating the following
1. At least ten (10) calendar days before a hearing, the city shall
provide notice by first-class mail of the pending application. This notice shall be provided
Page 187 of 312
a. All persons who have supplied self-addressed, stamped
envelopes for notice of that development project or for coastal decisions in the city;
b. All owners and residents of property within one hundred
(100) feet of the perimeter of the proposed development, or, if the number of such
properties is less than ten (10), to all owners and residents of the ten (10) properties
nearest to such parcel; and
c. The coastal commission.
2. Notice of the proposed development shall be published in a
newspaper of general circulation in the city.
3. The notice shall contain a statement that the proposed
development is within the coastal specific plan district.
D. Coastal non-appealable developments without hearing. Notice of
non-appealable developments, as defined in chapter 17.96 (Definitions) of this title,
within the coastal specific plan district which do not require a public hearing under city
ordinance, shall be provided as follows:
1. At least seven (7) calendar days prior to the decision on the
application, the city shall provide notice by first-class mail of the proposed development.
This notice shall be provided to:
a. All persons who have supplied self-addressed, stamped
envelopes for that development project or for coastal decisions within the city;
b. All owners and residents of property within one.hundred
(100) feet of the perimeter of the parcel on which the development is proposed; and
c. The coastal commission.
2. The notice shall contain the following information:
a. A statement that the development is within the coastal
specific plan district;
b. The date of ding of the application and the name of the
c. The number assigned to the application;
d. The location and description of the proposed
e. The date the application will be acted upon and by whom;
f. The general procedure of the city concerning the
submission of written and oral public comments prior to the decision; and
g. A statement that a public comment period of sufficient time
to allow for the submission of comments by mail, will be observed before the decision is
E. Final city decision. This section does not apply to excluded
developments. Within seven (7) calendar days of a final decision on an application for
any coastal development, after all city appeal periods have been exhausted, the city shall
provide notice of its final action by first-class mail to the coastal commission and to any
persons who specifically requested notice of such final action by submitting a
self-addressed, stamped envelope to the city. Such notice shall include written findings
Page 188 of 312
and the procedures for appeal of the local decision to the coastal commission.
F. Failure to act. When the city determines that the time limits
established pursuant to government code sections 65950-65957.1 have expired, the city
shall, within seven (7) calendar days of such determination, notify any person entitled to
receive notice that it has taken final action by operation of law pursuant to government
code sections 65950-65957.1. The appeal period for projects approved by operation of
law shall begin only upon the receipt of the city notice by the coastal commission. This
section shall apply equally to the city determination that the project has been approved
by operation of law and to a judicial determination that the project has been approved by
operation of law.
17,72.080., Public,hearina.
A. At least one public hearing shall be held on each of the following
1. For an appealable development; or
2. For a non-appealable development which requires a public
hearing pursuant to section 17.72.070(C), thereby affording any persons the opportunity
to appear at the hearing and inform the city of the nature of their concerns regarding the
project. The public hearing shall be conducted by the hearings officer, the planning
commission, or by the city council when the application satisfies the criteria of section
17.72.080(C) of this chapter.
B. Applications for coastal permits for non-appealable developments
which do not require a public hearing under the provisions of this chapter, but.,which do
require a public hearing pursuant to another city ordinance, may be heard concurrently
with the other development application.
C. To expedite review of an application, the city council may conduct
the public hearing thereon, without having the application heard first by the hearings
officer or the planning commission, when the purpose of the application for a coastal
permit is:
1. To conduct geotechnical or geological investigations
including, but not limited to, associated site preparation or similar work, and construction
of access or other improvements necessary to the investigations;
2. To perform landslide remediation work including, but not
limited to, grading and installation of drainage improvements; or
3. To maintain access or essential public services.
1 Z.72.Q_9Q_.,,,Eindinas. In granting a coastal permit, the following findings must be
A. That the proposed development is consistent with the coastal
specific plan; and
B. That the proposed development, when located between the sea and
the first public road, is consistent with applicable public access and recreation policies of
the coastal act.
Page 189 of 312,Q 8ppeala,
A. Appeals to the planning commission. The petitioner or any other
interested person may appeal any decision of the hearings officer by filing a written
request with the secretary of the planning commission within fifteen (15) days after the
decision is made. If such an appeal is made, a copy of the hearings officer's findings
shall be transmitted to the planning commission and coastal commission together with
the request for appeal, and the planning commission shall confirm or deny the appeal.
The planning commission shall conduct public hearings subject to the procedures and
The planning commission may do one of the following:
1. Approve the application upon finding that all applicable
findings have been correctly made and all of the provisions of title 16 and title 17 of this
municipal code, and the california coastal act of 1976, have been complied with;
2. Approve the application but impose additional or different
conditions or guarantees as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of title 16 and title
17 of this muncipal code and the california coastal.act of 1976;
3. Deny the application without prejudice, upon a finding that all
applicable findings have not been correctly made or all provisions of title 16 and title 17
of this code and the california coastal act of 1976 have not been complied with but that,
in either case, the application has merit and may possibly be modified to conform with
the provisions of titles 16 and 17 of this municipal code and the california coastal act of
4. Disapprove the application upon finding that all applicable
findings cannot be made or all provisions of title 16 and title 17 of this muncipal code and
the california coastal act of 1976 have not been complied with; or
5. Refer the matter to the hearings officer with instructions.
Notice of final action shall be given pursuant to section 17.72.080(E) of this chapter, after
all city appeal periods have been exhausted.
B. Appeals to the city council. The petitioner or any other interested
person may appeal any decision of the planning commission by filing a written request
with the city clerk within fifteen (15) calendar days after the planning commission
decision is made. If such an appeal is made, a copy of the planning commission findings
shall be transmitted to the city council and coastal commission together with the request
for appeal, and the city council shall confirm or deny the appeal. The city council shall
conduct public hearings subject to the procedures and notification required of the
planning commission.
The city council may do one of the following:
1. Approve the application upon finding that all applicable
findings have been correctly made and all provisions of title 16 and title 17 of this
municipal code and the california coastal act of 1976 are complied with;
2. Approve the application but impose additional or different
conditions or guarantees as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of title 16 and title
17 of this municipal code and the california coastal act of 1976;
3. Deny the application without prejudice, upon a finding that all
Page 190 of 312
applicable findings have not been correctly made or all provisions of title 16 and title 17
of this municipal code and the california coastal act of 1976 have not been complied with
but that, in either case, the application has merit and may possibly be modified to
conform with the provisions of title 16 and title 17 of this municipal code and the california
coastal act of 1976;
4. Disapprove the application upon finding that all applicable
findings cannot be made or all provisions of title 16 and title 17 of this municipal code
and the california coastal act of 1976 have not been complied with; or
5. Refer the matter to the planning commission, with
Notice of final action shall be given pursuant to section 17.72.080(E) of this
chapter, after all city appeal periods have been exhausted
C. Exhaustion of appeals. Exhaustion of all city appeals shall be
required before an appeal is filed with the coastal commission, unless any of the
following occur:
1. The city requires an appellant to appeal to more appellate
bodies than have been certified as such, for permits in the coastal specific plan district;
2. An appellant was denied the right of the initial appeal by a city
ordinance which restricts the class of persons who.may appeal a city decision;
3. An appellant was denied the right of city appeal because
notices and hearing procedures for the development did not comply with required
procedures; or
4. An appeal fee for the filing or processing of an appeal is not
waived by the city.
D. Appeals to the coastal commission. An appeal of the city's final
decision may be filed by an applicant, any aggrieved person, or any two members of the
coastal commission.
Where at any decision stage a project is appealed by any two members of
the coastal commission: notice shall be transmitted to the city council. The appeal to the
coastal commission shall be suspended pending a decision on the merits by the city
council. if the decision of the city council body modifies or reverses the previous
decision, the coastal commission may appeal the city council's decision.
E. Appeal fee waiver. All appeal fees related to the city's coastal permit
appellate procedure pursuant to this section, shall be waived.
1712,110 Final action.
A. City action. The city decision on an application for a coastal
development shall be deemed final when (1) the decision on the application has been
made and all required findings have been adopted, and (2)when all city rights of appeal
have been exhausted.
B. Effective date of city action. A final decision on an application for an
appealable development shall become effective after ten (10)working days following the
final action if no appeal has been filed to the coastal commission, or after twenty- one
Page 191 of 312
(21) calendar days following the final action unless any of the following occur:
1. An appeal is filed in accordance with section 17.72.110 of this
2. The notice of final city action does not meet the requirements
of section 17.72.080(E) of this chapter; and
3. The notice of final city action is not received in the coastal
commission office in time to allow for the ten (10)working day appeal period or the
twenty-one (21) calendar day appeal period after the city's decision.
Where any of the above circumstances occur, the coastal commission `
shall, within five (5) calendar days of receiving notice of that circumstance, notify the city
and the applicant that the effective date of the city action has been suspended.
17.72, 120 Concurrent permits..
A. if other development permits are granted for a project along with a
coastal permit which is appealed to the coastal commission, the date of approval by the
city of the other permit(s), for purposes of determining the life of said permit(s), shall be
coincidental with the life of the coastal commission's permit, unless the approval of the
other permit(s) specifically provides to the contrary. This section shall apply retroactively
to any applicable project which has been approved by the city but has not yet been
B. In order to eliminate any ambiguity concerning the application of this
section to conditional use permit no. 136, which was approved by the city council in
1991, the city council expressly declares that this section is to apply to that conditional
use permit.
Page 192 of 312
17.74.010 Concept plan review.
17.74.020 Residential planned development permit application.
17.74.030 Revisions to plan.
17.74.040 Bond for all common area and off-site
17.74.050 Occupancy permit.
17.74.060 Time Limit.
17.74.070 Findings and conditions.
1„7 74._01 Q Qoncept lan.[Qyiew. Prior to the submission of an application for a
residential planned development permit for a residential planned development, the
applicant shall submit a concept plan for preliminary review by the director. No decision
will be made by the director; however, the comments and suggestions of the director
may assist the applicant in developing more precise plans. The concept plan should
include, but is not limited to:
A. A schematic plan showing, in general terms, the uses, proposed
densities, types of housing units, open space, streets, extent of grading, and
landscaping; and
B. Calculations of the site area, number of dwelling units, and open
space area.
17,74.02Q Beraidential plaoned demelopment-permit apl . An application
for a residential planned development permit to allow a residential planned development
shall be fled by the applicant and acted upon by the planning commission. A residential
planned development permit is a permit for the development of a residential planned
development pursuant to chapter 17.42 (Residential Planned Development) of this title,
and shall be controlled by the provisions of chapters 17.42 (Residential Planned
Development) and 17.74. (Residential Planned Development Permit) of this title. The
application shall be accompanied by the following materials:
A. Fifteen (15) copies of a general development proposal including the
1. An architectural and topographical survey map of the site and
the area within one hundred (100) feet of the site, including all existing structures,
improvements, trees, natural features, waterways, elevations, and contour lines. The
contour interval shall not be more than five (5) feet, except where authorized by the
director. An aerial,,photograph may, with approval of the director, be submitted in lieu of
the map;
Page 193 of 312
2. A general development plan showing the general location of
all proposed structures and uses, types of housing, location and widths of streets,
parking areas, pedestrian and bicycle circulation, recreation facilities, dedicated and
commonly owned open space areas, extent of landscaping and grading, (including two
section drawings of the site, one generally north-south and one east-west, showing the
existing contour and proposed graded contour of the site) geological and soil survey
reports method of drainage an indication of the phasing of the development with each
phase to be developed, and a time schedule for the completion of each phase;
3. Computations of gross site area, number and sizes of units of
various housing types, common open space area and number of covered and uncovered
parking spaces. Where the development is to be completed in phases, and these
computations shall also be shown for each phase of the development.
4. Any of the above requirements may be modified or waived by
the director, upon the finding that such requirement is unreasonable or unnecessary for a
particular proposal.
B. Three (3) copies of rough drafts of proposed legal agreements and
documents, including homeowners' association agreements, deed restrictions,
covenants, dedication of development rights, easements, and any proposed method of
maintenance and perpetuation of open space areas;
C. Full disclosure of governmental programs, if any, under which the
housing will be developed; and
D. Such other data or plans as may reasonably be required by the
planning commission for a proper and complete consideration of the proposed
E. Where subdivision of land is intended, tentative maps may be
processed concurrently with the residential planned development permit application.
Such tentative maps shall be drawn and submitted as per title 10.
17.74.030 Revisions to plan. If, at the request of the applicant, revisions to the
general development pians are desired, the following guidelines will be used by the
A. For minor revisions not involving a change in use, increase in
density or extent or general location of buildings, or reduction in area of open space, the
plans need not be returned to the planning commission; however, approval of the
director is required.
B. For revisions involving an increase in density or reduction of open
space of no more than ten percent (10%); and which do not entail a major change in the
locations of buildings and open space, the revised plans must be reviewed by the
planning commission and the residential planned development permit must be amended
as necessary.
C. For major revisions involving a change in use or a decrease in the
area of open space exceeding ten percent (10%); or any other change which is not
addressed by subsections 17.74.030 (A) and (B) of this chapter, a new residential
planned development permit application must be filed, a new filing fee paid, and public
hearing scheduled.
Page 194 of 312
1Z.74.04Q Bond fg[all commgji areaand off-sit Prior to
issuance of a building or grading permit,'and prior to approval of a final map where a
subdivision is involved, a bond, or other acceptable security, shall be posted to ensure
the completion of all common area and off-site improvements within any phase of the
development, including landscaping, recreational facilities, and other site features as per
approved plans.
1.7=7.4.Q50 ,,.,. ccuana,,sy,.,pe.[mit.
A. No occupancy permit shall be granted for any structure, and no
parcel, lot or portion of a residential planned development shall be separately sold or
encumbered, without the approval of the director. The director may grant such approval
upon finding that the common area and off-site improvements for the portion of the
development in which such structure, parcel or lot is located are sufficiently complete, so
that any dwelling units sold, or units to be constructed on lots sold, will be accessible and
livable and that all dwelling units indicated upon approved plans are substantially
completed to such an extent that all exterior walls are covered. A bond or other
guarantee may be accepted by the director in lieu of substantial completion of common
area improvements, off-site improvements, and dwelling units indicated upon approved
B. The planning commission may waive the requirement of substantial
completion of all dwelling units upon a finding that substantial completion is not
necessary to protect the interests of the city and the residents of the development.
C. The planning commission may authorize the issuance of an
occupancy permit for a portion of a residential planned development which is a functional
whole, and which meets the density and open space requirements of this title.
D. The planning commission may waive the requirements of substantial
completion pursuant to section 17.74.050(6) of this chapter or authorize division of a
residential planned development, pursuant to section 17.74.054(C) of this chapter, at any
hearing on the development, noticed pursuant to the conditional use permit notice
requirements described in chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits) of this title. An
appeal to the city council from any such decision of the planning commission may be
made pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
,1 7.74.060 Time limit. Notwithstanding the permit expiration regulations
described in section 17.86.070 (Enforcement) of this title, if construction has not been
completed to the point of foundation inspection.for a unit within one (1) year, or if a phase
has not been completed within two (2) years from the date of approval of the final develo-
pment proposal for the phase, the residential planned development permit shall expire
and be of no further effect. A one (1) year extension may be granted by the planning
commission for good cause, where conditions of the surrounding area have not changed
to the extent that the general development proposal for the development or the final
development proposal for any phase, no longer meets the residential planned
development permit or plan review criteria.
.17.74.07Q Eindina and Conditions.
Page 195 of 312
A. The design of the project shall include common recreation facilities
not normally provided in a standard residential development, which would occur under
the applicable base zoning district development standards of this title. The planning
commission may grant a residential planned development permit only if it finds:
1. The proposed residential planned development conforms to
the intent of the general plan and any specific plan adopted by the city;
2. The proposed residential planned development conforms to
the uses and development standards contained in chapter 17.42 (Residential Planned
Development) of this title.
3. The proposed residential planned development conforms to
the intent of the provisions and requirements of title 17, including but not limited to the
residential development standards of chapter 17.02 (Single Family Residential Districts)
of this title. In particular, the plans indicate that adequate consideration has been given
to the scale, architectural styles and materials of both the proposed and surrounding
4. The site and grading plans indicate adequate consideration
for the preservation of existing trees and native plant growth, watercourses and other
natural features, and natural topography. Creation of individual "pads" for each home
site, in hillside areas, shall be discouraged. Building design shall accommodate the site;
5. The plans for the proposed development show that adequate
consideration has been given to privacy at the individual, family and neighborhood levels,
including visual and acoustical privacy, in terms of the separation or orientation of
dwelling units and private outdoor living areas;
6. The plans indicate that adequate consideration has been
given to auto and pedestrian circulation, discouraging through-traffic on local streets,
speed control, access, convenience, safety, and the recreational aspects of pedestrian
and bicycle circulation; and an indication on the plans that the design of any proposed
streets that vary from city standards will perform the function required and that the
off-site improvements will not create maintenance costs to the city which greatly exceed
the costs for standard off-site improvements;
7. The plans indicate that common open space areas will be
suitable for recreational use, and valuable for views, conservation or separation of
dwelling units;
8. The plans indicate that adequate consideration has been
given to the provision of common recreation areas and facilities, in relation to the size of
the private lots and reduced recreation opportunities in private yards; and
9. The plans indicate adequate consideration for adjacent
existing and future developments, and the extension of the circulation, open space,
drainage and utility systems from one development to another.
10. That, in approving the subject use at the specific location,
there will be no sigpificant adverse effect on adjacent property or the permitted use
11. That if the site of the proposed use is within any of the overlay
Page 196 of 312
control districts established by chapter 17.40 (Overlay Control Districts) of this title, the
proposed use complies with all applicable requirements of that chapter; and
12. That the conditions regarding any of the requirements listed in
the following paragraphs, which the planning commission finds to be necessary to
protect the health, safety and general welfare, have been imposed:
a. Special setbacks and buffers,
b. Fences or walls,
c. Lighting,
d. Vehicular ingress and egress,
e. Noise, vibration, odors, and similar emissions,
f. Landscaping,
g. Maintenance of structures, grounds, or signs,
h. Service roads or alleys, and
i. Such other conditions as will make possible development
of the city in an orderly and efficient manner and in conformity with the intent and
purposes set forth in this title.
Page 197 of 312
17.76.010 Parking lot permit
17.76.020 Antennas, satellite dishes, ham radio antennas and ham radio
antenna permit
17.76.030 Fences, walls and hedges
17.76.040 Grading permit
17.76.050 Sign permit
17.76.060 Extreme slope permit
17.76.070 Large family day care home permit
17.76.080 Convenience stores
17.76.090 Automobile service stations
17.76.100 City tree review permit
17.76.110 Exotic animal permit
17.76.115 Large domestic animal permits
17.76.120 Arcades
17.76.130 Geologic investigation permit
17.76.140 Bed and breakfast inns
17.76.010 Parkina lot p-grMit.
A. To insure compliance with the standards set out in chapter 17.50
(Non-Residential Parking and Loading Standards) and established traffic engineering
practices, anyone constructing a parking lot containing six (6) stalls or more in any
zoning district, whether separate or in conjunction with a structure, shall, obtain a parking
lot permit from the director prior to any development. Parking lots approved by the
planning commission or staff in conjunction with other permits are exempted from this
parking lot permit requirement. The development standards for parking areas set forth in
section 17.50.040 (Non-Residential Parking and Loading Standards) shall apply. A plot
plan must be submitted with an application for a parking lot permit indicating the
1. Owner's name, current address and telephone number;
2. The scale of the plot plan, not smaller than one (1) inch
equals twenty (20) feet;
3. North point at top of page;
4. All adjacent streets and alleys;
5. All adjacent sidewalks, curbs, gutters, driveways and street
6. Dimensions and height of any buildings in number of stories
or feet and total floor area;
Page 198 of 312
7. Completely dimensioned parking layouts, which indicate all
handicap parking, compact parking and whether parking spaces are single or double
8. All parking spaces, wheel bumpers and directional arrows
clearly marked;
9. The type and thickness of the paving;
10. A grading and drainage plan;
11. Proposed lighting system, if applicable;
12. The botanical and common names of the plants and trees to
be used, and the size, quantity and spacing of each tree, plant, or shrub to be planted;
13. A satisfactory method of irrigation for all planted areas. This
may be a manual or automatic sprinkler system, with consideration in laying out the
watering system given to water pressure, pipe sizes, types of irrigation sprinkler heads,
hose bibs, and volume of water required for the area to be irrigated. Automatic sprinkler
systems shall contain flow sensing devices to detect leaks in the irrigation lines. The flow
sensing devices shall be inspected regularly and maintained in good working condition
by the person(s) having control of such devices; and
14. For commercial and industrial uses, all loading spaces,
loading docks, and loading doors on buildings.
B. A fee is required, as established by resolution of the city council. A
parking lot permit requires the written approval of the director after review by the director
of public works. The director's decision may be appealed to the planning commission
and the planning commission's decision may be appealed to the city council pursuant to
chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures).
C. Temporary Lots. Parking lot permits for temporary parking lots
which do not meet the standards for permanent lots may be issued by the director and
renewed on an annual basis for a period not to exceed three (3) years, provided that a
plot plan, as required above, is submitted by the applicant. A temporary parking lot
permit shall be approved only if the parking facility is surfaced and continuously
maintained dirt, dust and weed free; existing plant materials are maintained; and a bond
or other trust deposit in an amount to be determined by the director, is posted to ensure
the development of the facility to the standards of this section or its removal at the end of
the temporary permit period.
7.15.Q20 An n satellite diahes. ham Eadigantenam andham radig antenna
A. Commercial Antennas. The installation and/or operation of a
commercial antenna shall require the submittal and approval of a conditional use permit
by the planning commission pursuant to chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits). This
subsection shall apply to all commercial antennas, as defined in chapter 17.96
(Definitions) of this title.
Page 199 of 312
1. Purpose. The purposes of this subsection are as follows:
a. To minimize visual impacts of antenna towers through
careful design, siting and vegetation screening;
b. To avoid damage to adjacent properties from tower failure
through careful design and siting of tower structures; and
c. To maximize use of an existing transmission or relay tower
to minimize the need to construct new towers.
2. Site size and tower setbacks.
a. The site shall be of a size and shape sufficient to provide
an adequate setback from the base of the tower to any property line. Such setback shall
be sufficient to:
L Provide a visual buffer; and
ii. Preserve the privacy of adjoining residential property.
b. For unguyed towers-of up to one hundred (100) feet in
height, a minimum setback of twenty-five (25) feet is required between the base of the
tower and any property line.
c. For unguyed towers above one hundred (100) feet in
overall. height, a setback equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the height of the tower
above grade is required between the base of the tower and any property line.
d. For a guyed tower, the tower setback must be sufficient to
provide for the guy anchor setback as stated in subsection (A)(3) of this section.
e. Placement of more than one tower on a lot shall be
permitted, provided all setback, design and landscape requirements are met for each
tower. Structures may be located as close to each other as is technically feasible.
f. Structures used in association with the towers shall meet
the setbacks required in the applicable zoning district.
3. Guy setback.
a. For a guyed structure, the site shall be of a size and shape
sufficient to provide a setback of at least twenty-five (25) feet between a guy anchor and
any property line, in addition to the sufficient site size required to comply with subsection
(A)(2) of this section. Such setback shall be adequate to provide a vegetative,
topographic or other buffer sufficient to obscure view of the anchor from any adjacent
4. Required sharing of new towers. If multiple antennas are
proposed for a new antenna structure, the new tower shall be designed to structurally
accommodate the maximum number of additional users and shall be consistent with the
requirements of subsection (A)(5) of this section.
a. Such design requirements may be reduced if the required
size of the tower significantly exceeds the size of existing towers in the area and would
therefore create a visual impact that would dominate and alter the visual character of the
area when compared to the impact of other existing towers.
b. Once a new tower is approved, additional antennas and
Page 200 of 312
accessory uses may be added in accordance with an approved sharing plan, if the
director finds that the standards of paragraphs A(5), A(6), A(7), A(9), A(10) and
subparagraph A(11)(c) of this section are met.
c. If a new tower is approved, the applicant shall be required,
as conditions of approval, to:
i. Respond in a timely and comprehensive manner to a
request for information from a potential shared-use applicant; and
ii. Negotiate in good faith for shared use by third parties.
5. Visual impact. The applicant shall demonstrate that the tower
can be expected to have the least visual impact on the environment, taking into
consideration technical, engineering, economic and other pertinent factors. Towers
clustered on the same site shall be of similar height and design whenever possible.
a. Towers will be painted and lighted in accordance with
federal aviation administration regulations (part 77), if applicable.
b. Towers shall be the minimum height necessary to provide
parity with similar, existing tower-supported antennas, and shall be freestanding where
the negative visual effect is less than would be created by use of a guyed tower.
6. Maintenance impacts. Equipment at a transmission or relay
facility shall be automated to the greatest extent possible to reduce traffic to the site.
The applicant shall describe anticipated maintenance needs, including frequency of
service; personnel needs; equipment needs; and traffic, noise or safety impacts of such
7. Parking. A minimum of two (2) parking spaces shall be
provided on each site; an additional parking space for each two (2) employees shall be
provided at facilities which require on-site personnel. Storage of vehicles or equipment
requires approval of the director or planning commission. Vehicle and equipment
storage must conform to landscape and screening requirements.
8. Landscaping. The applicant shall provide a landscape plan to
be approved by the director or planning commission. The plan shall note specifications
for landscape and screening, including plantings, fences, walls and other features
designed to screen and buffer towers, accessory uses and stored equipment. Native
vegetation shall be preserved to the greatest extent practicable and incorporated into the
landscape plan.
9. Accessory uses.
a. Accessory uses shall include only such buildings and
facilities necessary for transmission and reception and associated satellite ground
stations, but shall not include broadcast studios, offices, or other uses which are
unnecessary for reception and transmission.
b. Accessory uses may include emergency generators,
facilities for emergency broadcast purposes or for other limited purposes that would not
create significant additional impacts as determined by the director. Emergency
generators require sufficient soundproofing. It is unlawful to operate generators for
maintenance runs except between the hours of seven a.m. and seven p.m. Monday
through Saturday. No such activity shall be permitted on Sunday.
Page 201 of 312
10. Agency coordination. The applicant*"shall provide the
following information in writing from the appropriate responsible official:
a. A statement from the federal aviation administration that
the application has not been found to be a hazard to air navigation under part 77, federal
aviation regulations, or a statement that no compliance with part 77 is required.
b. A statement from the federal communications commission
that the application complies with their regulations or a statement that no such
compliance is necessary.
c. The statements in subsections 10(a) and 10(b) may be
waived when the applicant demonstrates that a good faith, timely effort was made to
obtain such responses as determined by the director. The applicant must convey any
subsequent response to the director as soon as possible.
11. Requirements for an application. The installation and/or
operation of a commercial antenna shall require the submittal of a conditional use permit
application. The application package shall contain the following information:
a. A completed conditional use permit application with:
L Site plan(s)to scale, specifying the location of tower(s),
guy anchors, equipment building and other accessory uses, access, parking, fences,
landscaped areas, and adjacent land uses. Such plan(s) shall also demonstrate com-
pliance with subsections (A)(2) and A(3) of this section.
ii. Scaled elevation plans of proposed tower(s), antenna
arrays, equipment building and other accessory uses and related landscaping and
iii. A completed environmental assessment application.
b. Scaled landscape plans indicating size, spacing and type
of plantings as required in subsection (A)(8) of this section.
c. A report from a professional engineer registered in the
state documenting the following:
L Tower height and design, including technical
engineering, economic, and other pertinent factors governing selection of the proposed
design. A cross-section of the tower structure shall be included.
ii. Power output and operating frequency for the
proposed antenna.
iii. Total anticipated capacity of the structure, indicating
the number and types of antennas and power and frequency ranges which can be
iv. Sufficient evidence of the structural integrity of the
tower as required by the city building official.
v. Demonstration that site and setbacks are of adequate
size to contain debris in the event of tower failure.
vi. Specific design reconstruction plans indicating the
means by which the shared use provisions of this section will be met.
d. Evidence of compliance with the agency coordination
requirements of subsection (A)(10) of this section.
Page 202 of 312
e. A letter of intent to lease excess""space on the tower
structure and to lease excess land on the tower site when the shared use potential of the
tower is absorbed to the extent structurally and technically possible.
f. The applicant shall quantify the anticipated tower capacity,
including the approximate number of types of antennas. The applicant shall also
describe any limitations on the ability of the tower to accommodate other uses, e.g., radio
frequency interference, mass, height, or other characteristics. The applicant shall de-
scribe the technical options available to overcome those limitations, and reasons why the
technical options considered were not incorporated. The director shall approve those
limitations if they cannot be overcome by reasonable means.
g. Evidence of the need for the antenna structure due to
insufficient space on all suitable existing towers and insufficient space on existing tower
sites for the proposed structure.
h. The anticipated maintenance needs, as described in
subsection (A)(6) of this section.
12. Review Procedure.
a. New towers, related structures and tower sites require
approval of a conditional use permit by the planning commission upon finding:
i. That no existing or planned tower approved after the
effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter can accommodate the applicant's
proposed antenna or proposed service area; or
ii. That the proposed tower cannot be located..on the site
of an existing or planned tower approved after the effective date of the ordinance
codified in this chapter.
b. New antennas mounted on existing towers or structures
that would not require substantial modifications may be approved by the director with the
following required information:
L An approved engineering study addressing structural,
power, and frequency compatibility with the existing tower and antennas; and
ii. A list of all proposed support equipment and
anticipated maintenance needs.
13. Notice. Notice shall be published in a newspaper of general
circulation and given to owners of property within five hundred (500) feet of the project, to
all persons requesting notice, to any affected homeowner associations, and the applicant
pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
14. Appeal. The decision of the planning commission may be
appealed to the city council pursuant to section 17.80.070 (Hearing Notice and Appeal
Procedure) of this title.
R. Satellite Dish Antennas.
1. Purpose. The purposes of this subsection are as follows:
a. To recognize that satellite dish antennas create different
and more extensive visual impacts than other antennas because of their bulk, diameter
surface area, opaqueness, mobility, and eye level installation.
b. To provide standards that address the different and more
Page 203 of 312
extensive visual impacts created by satellite dish antennas in order to:
L Conserve and preserve the unique views created by
hillside topography and coastal development patterns, and develop regulations that
encourage view preservation;
ii. Preserve and protect the unique semi-rural and open
character of the community and overall aesthetic and visual qualities of the city;
iii. Conserve, protect and enhance the natural resources,
beauty and open space of the community for the benefit and enjoyment of its residents
and the residents of the entire region; and
iv. Preserve and protect identified significant views from
disruption or degradation as expressed*by the goals, objectives and general policies of
the general plan.
c. To ensure that satellite dish antennas are installed
securely and in locations that do not impair the health, safety and welfare of the
d. To ensure that the city regulations are consistent with
federal regulations and allow reasonable reception of satellite-delivered signals by
receive-only antennas in a manner that is consistent with the general plan.
2. - Antennas exempt. A satellite dish antenna which is thirty-nine
(39) inches (1 meter) or less in diameter shall not require approval by the director or a
building permit. This exemption shall not apply to:
a. Dish antennas located on a mast which is greater than
twelve (12) feet in height, as measured from adjacent existing grade; or
b. Dish antennas located on the roof of a structure that
exceeds twelve (12) feet in height, as measured from adjacent existing grade.
Satellite dish antennas which are thirty-nine (39) inches (1 meter) or less in diameter and
not exempt under this subsection shall require the review and approval by the director
through a site plan review application and a building permit. The purpose of the site plan
review and building permit is to ensure that the dish will be properly affixed to the
structure and has been designed so as to address wind velocity and other factors
affecting the safety and location of the dish.
3. Permit required. Except for antennas determined to be
exempt pursuant to subsection (B)(2) of this section, approval from the director is
required prior to the placement or installation of any satellite dish-antenna. Application
for approval shall be made upon site plan review application forms provided by the city
and shall be accompanied by the following:
a. Two (2) copies of a scaled site plan showing the location
of the satellite dish antenna and its relation to property lines, topography, and all
structures on the property, and two (2) copies of an elevation drawing showing the
proposed height, size, color and material of the satellite dish antenna. If a building
permit is required Rursuant to section 301 of the uniform building code, three (3) copies
of the above plans are necessary.
b. A fee, as established by resolution of the city council. If,
pursuant to this section, a report from a qualified technician is submitted to the city for
Page 204 of 312
review, the applicant shall submit a trust deposit, in an amount'"established by resolution
of the city council, to pay for the cost of an independent review of the technical report.
4. Multiple-family developments. One (1) master satellite dish
antenna shall be allowed in a multiple-family developments with two or more dwelling
units, upon approval of a conditional use permit, pursuant to chapter 17.60 (Conditional
Use Permits) of this title.
5. Staff review. The director shall approve or conditionally
approve any application for the installation of a satellite dish antenna, if the director finds
as follows:
a. The placement of the satellite dish antenna is consistent
with the intent and purpose of this chapter.
b. The satellite dish antenna is not greater than twelve (12)
feet in diameter.
c. The satellite dish antenna is not greater than sixteen (16)
feet in height, as measured from the point at which the antenna foundation meets grade
to the highest point of the antenna, and is not located on the roof of a single family
residence and/or accessory structure, unless:
L the applicant submits a report from a qualified
technician, describing signal reception capabilities of the proposed satellite dish antenna
from alternative locations on the subject property, which demonstrates to the satisfaction
of the Director that no reasonable alternative location is available that would provide
reasonable signal reception on the subject property at a height of sixteen (16)feet or less
or not on a roof;
ii. the satellite dish antenna does not significantly impair a
view from any adjacent property and is substantially screened from view from any adja-
cent property, including any adjacent public or private street or sidewalk, provided that
such screening does not preclude reasonable reception;
iii. the overall height of the satellite dish antenna does not
exceed the maximum ridge line of the roof of the primary structure on the property; and
iv. the satellite dish antenna is painted to match the color
of the roof it is located on.
d. The satellite dish antenna is substantially screened from
view from any adjacent properties and/or any adjacent public or private street or
sidewalk. The method of screening may include landscaping, fences, or walls as
permitted by section 17.76.030 (fences, walls and hedges) of this title.
e. The satellite dish antenna is constructed using standard
colors and in a manner that blends with its surroundings.
f. The satellite dish antenna is not installed on an extreme
slope (35% or more), unless:
L the applicant submits a report from a qualified
technician, describing signal reception capabilities of the proposed satellite dish antenna
from alternative locations on the subject property, which demonstrates to the satisfaction
of the director that no reasonable alternative location is available that would provide
reasonable signal reception on the subject property on a slope of less than 35%; and
Page 205 of 312
ii. the satellite dish antenna satisfies the requirements of
section 17.76.060(E) (extreme slope permit) of this title, and is substantially screened
from view from any adjacent property, including any adjacent public or private street or
sidewalk, provided that such screening does not preclude reasonable reception.
g. No portion of the satellite dish antenna is located within
any required setback. However, the satellite dish antenna may be located in a rear or
side yard setback if the applicant submits a report from a qualified technician, describing
signal reception capabilities of the proposed satellite dish antenna from alternative
locations on the subject property, which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the director
that no reasonable alternative location is available that would provide reasonable signal
reception on the subject property. if placement in the rear or side yard is approved, a
minimum setback of three (3) feet from the adjacent property line is required. In addition,
the satellite dish antenna must be substantially screened from view from any adjacent
properties and any adjacent public or private street or sidewalk.
h. Unless otherwise determined by the director, only one
satellite dish antenna is permitted per lot.
L The satellite dish antenna is not used as a sign for any
commercial establishment.
j. Where practical, all wires from satellite dish antennas shall
be underground.
6. Planning commission review. In the event that the director
denies an application pursuant to subsection (13)(5) of this section or the applicant
disagrees with conditions of approval established by the director, the applicant may
appeal the director's decision to the planning commission pursuant to section 17.80.050
(Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
a. The appeal must be accompanied by a typed mailing list
of all property owners adjacent to the subject property, using the last equalized tax roll of
the county assessor, and a vicinity map identifying all properties included on the mailing
list. Notice of the appeal shall be given to the property owner, all owners of adjacent
properties, any affected homeowners associations and any person specifically
requesting such notice.
b. Other materials, including, but not limited to, a report from
a qualified technician describing signal reception capabilities of the proposed satellite
dish antenna from alternative locations on the subject property, and additional copies of
plans as may be required by the director.
c. Notice of the planning commission decision shall be
mailed to any interested party that has submitted a written request for such notice to the
7. City council review. The decision of the planning commission
may be appealed to the city council pursuant to section 17.80.070 (Hearing Notice and
Appeal Procedures of this title. However, notice of the city council hearing need only be
given to. any interested party that has submitted a written request for such a notice to the
8. Planning commission/city council review criteria.
Page 206 of 312
a. The planning commission or city council may approve or
conditionally approve an application notwithstanding the requirements of subsection
(13)(5) of this section if the applicant, through the submittal of a report from a qualified
technician, demonstrates to the satisfaction of the planning commission or the city
council that practical difficulties exist which prevent placement or installation of the
satellite dish antenna in a manner that is consistent with the requirements of section
17.76.020(6)(5) (staff review) and which provides for reasonable signal reception.
Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, the cost of compliance with the
requirements of this chapter if such cost is excessive in relation to the purchase and
installation cost of the antenna.
b. The planning commission or the city council may approve `
an antenna subject to reasonable conditions necessary to serve the intent of this
chapter. Conditions shall not be applied so as to preclude reasonable signal reception or
to impose costs that are excessive in light of the purchase and installation cost of the
satellite dish antenna.
9. Amortization.
a. All satellite dish antennas shall conform to the
requirements of this section.
b. Satellite dish antennas for which prior approval was
granted by the city or another agency with jurisdiction over permit issuance shall be
made to conform to the provisions of this chapter within five (5) years from the date
written notice is mailed to the property owner.
c. Satellite dish antennas that have been installed without
prior approval of the director shall be brought into conformance with the requirements of
this chapter within ninety (90) days of the date written notice is mailed to the property
owner. Penalty fees are waived for all applications submitted within this period.
C. Ham Radio Antennas.
1. General regulations. The erection and/or replacement of ham
radio antennas for non-commercial purposes shall be reviewed by the director through
either a site plan review application or a ham radio antenna permit application and shall
be subject to the following general regulations.
a. Two (2) ham radio antenna support structures shall be
allowed per lot.
b. Antenna height shall be measured as follows:
L The height of the antenna shall include the antenna
support structure and shall be the maximum to which it is capable of being extended;
ii. For an independent antenna support structure or one
mounted on an accessory structure, the height shall be measured from the highest point
of the existing grade covered by the foundation of the structure to the maximum height to
which the antenna is capable of being extended; and
iii. For an antenna support structure mounted on a main
building, height shall be measured from existing grade to the maximum height to which
the antenna is capable of being extended, pursuant to the residential building height
measurement methods described in section 17.02.040 (Single Family Residential
Page 207 of 312
Districts) of this title.
c. Existing antennas and antenna support structures two (2)
inches thick (outer diameter) or smaller may be replaced with a similar structure without
application to the city.
2. Site Plan Review Approval. The following ham radio
antennas and antenna support structures are permitted upon determination by the
director through a site plan review application that adequate provision is rude for safety
and that all building code and development code requirements, such as setbacks, are
met, and that the placement of the antenna minimizes the impact on the primary view of
any affected property, as defined in section 17.02.040 (Single Family Residential
Districts) of this title.
a. Antennas, including the antenna support structure, which
are thirty (30) feet or less in height;
b. Antennas, including the antenna support structure, which
nest at thirty (30) feet or less in height and extend to no more than forty (40) feet in
height; and
c. Antennas, including the antenna support structure, which
do not exceed two (2) inches in outer diameter and which are forty (40) feet or less in
d. Notice. Notice of the director's decision shall be provided
to the applicant and any interested parties. The director's decision may be appealed to
the planning commission and the planning commission's decision may be appealed to
the city council pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of
this title.
D. Ham radio antenna permit. Ham radio antennas or antenna support
structures over thirty (30) feet, in height, except as set forth in subsection C(2) of this
section, shall require the approval of a ham radio antenna permit by the planning
1. Application. Application for a ham radio antenna permit shall
be made on forms provided by the city and shall include such plans and documents as
may reasonably be required by the director for a complete understanding of the proposal
and a filing fee in-an amount established by resolution of the city council.
2. Notice. Upon receipt of a complete application for a ham
radio antenna permit, the director shall provide written notice of the application to all
owners of a property shown on the last known county assessor tax roll and homeowner
associations located within a radius of five hundred (500)feet of the external boundaries
of the property where the ham radio antenna is proposed.
3. Action by planning commission. In granting a ham radio
antenna permit, the planning commission shall consider:
a. The extent to which the proposed antenna and antenna
support structure interferes with a primary view as defined in the development code of a
lot or lots within five hundred (500) feet of the subject lot; and
b. The degree to which refusing the permit would interfere
with the applicant's right of free speech. In evaluating this criterion the director may
Page 208 of 312
establish a maximum height for the antenna structure which appropriately balances the
applicant's right of free speech with the goals of the city's general plan and development
c. Appropriate conditions to minimize significant view
impairment and to promote the goals of the general plan and development code, such
i. Location restrictions,
ii. Nesting restrictions,
iii. Array size restrictions,
iv. Mass of tower restrictions,
v. Height restrictions, and
vi. Elimination of guy wires.
4. If the application is granted or conditionally granted, notice of
the planning commission's decision shall be given to the applicant and to all interested
persons. Notice of denial shall be given only to the applicant. The applicant or any
interested person may appeal the planning commission's decision to the city council
pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
5. The ham radio antenna permit shall be valid only so long as
all conditions imposed are fully complied with, the antenna structure is maintained in
good repair, and the applicant resides on the property described in the application.
E. Television Antennas. Roof-mounted television non-dish-rantennas
may be installed and/or replaced without the approval of the director provided the
following standards are met:
1. A maximum of one (1) television non-dish antenna shall be
allowed per lot;
2. The maximum height of the antenna, as measured from the
point of attachment to the structure to the highest point of the antenna shall not exceed
ten (10) feet;
3. In multiple family developments of three (3) or more units,
only one master television antenna shall be allowed.
Television antennas which do not conform to the above standards may be permitted
through a site plan review application upon determination by the director that adequate
provision is made for safety and that all building code and development code
requirements, such as setbacks, are met, and that the placement of the antenna
minimizes the impact on the primary view of any affected property, as defined in section
17.02.040 (Single Family Residential Districts) of this title. Notice of the director's
decision shall be given to the applicant and to all owners of property adjacent to the
subject property. Notice of denial shall be given only to the applicant. Any interested
person may appeal the director's decision to the planning commission and the planning
commission's decision to the city council pursuant to section 17.80.050 (Hearing Notice
and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
Page 209 of 312
17.76,03Q-.,Feages, wafts and hedaes,.
A. Purpose. These standards provide for the construction of fences
walls, and hedges as required for privacy and for protection against hazardous
conditions, dangerous visual obstruction at street intersections, and unnecessary
impairment of views.
B. Fence, Wall & Hedge Permit Required.
1. Permit Required. A fence, wall and hedge permit shall be
required for any fence, wall or hedge placed within the rear yard setback adjacent to a
rear property line or for any wall or hedge placed within the side yard setback adjacent to
an interior side property line of any contiguous or abutting parcel (as determined by the
director), except as specified below:
a. Fences, walls, or hedges located where the grade
differential between the building pads of adjacent lots, measured .perpendicular to the
boundary between the two properties contiguous to or abutting the fence, wall, or hedge,
exceeds two (2) feet in elevation; or
b. Fences, walls, or hedges where the subject lot is located
upslope of any property contiguous to or abutting the location of the fence, wall or hedge;
c. Fences, walls, or hedges when the top of the fence, wail,
or hedge is at a lower elevation than that of the pad of the upslope lot; or
2. Findings. A fence, wall & hedge permit may be approved only
if the director finds as follows:
a. That the fence, wall or hedge would not significantly impair
a view from the viewing area, as defined in chapter 17.02 (Single Family Residential
Districts), of another property or a view from public property which has been identified in
the city's general plan or coastal specific plan, as a city-designated viewing area. Views
shall be taken from a standing position, unless the primary viewing area is more suitable
to viewing in a seated position.
b. That all foliage on the applicant's lot which exceeds
sixteen (16) feet or the ridgeline of the primary structure, whichever is lower, and impairs
a view from the viewing area of another parcel, as defined in chapter 17.02 (Single
Family Residential Districts) or a view from public property which has been identified in
the city's general pian or coastal specific plan, as a city-designated viewing area, shall be
removed prior to permit approval. This requirement shall not apply where removal of the
foliage would constitute an unreasonable invasion of the privacy of the occupants of the
property on which the foliage exists and there is no method by which the property owner
Page 210 of 312
can create such privacy through some other means permitted by this title that does not
impair a view from viewing area of another property.
c. That placement or construction of the fence, wall or hedge
shall comply with all applicable standards and requirements of the rancho palos verdes
municipal code and general plan.
d. Notwithstanding finding 2(a) above, the applicant's request
shall be approved if the director determines that findings 2(b) and 2(c) listed above can
be made and either:
i. Denial would constitute an unreasonable invasion of
the privacy of the occupants of the applicant's property and there is no method by which
the property owner can create such privacy through some other means permitted by this
title that would not significantly impair a view from a viewing area of another property; or,
ii. Denial would prevent compliance with the swimming
pool fencing requirements contained in subsection E of this section and there is no
reasonable method to comply with subsection E that would not significantly impair a view
from a viewing area of another property.
3. Notice of Decision. The notice of decision of a fence, wall, `
and hedge permit shall be given to the applicant and to all owners of property adjacent to
the subject property. Notice of denial shall be given only to the applicant. Any interested
person may appeal the director's decision to the planning commission pursuant to
section 17.80.050 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
4. The decision of the planning commission may be appealed to
the city council pursuant to Section 17.80.070 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of
this title.
5. The director, the planning commission and city council may
impose such conditions on the approval of a permit as are necessary to protect the
public health, safety, and welfare and to carry out the purpose and intent of this section.
6. In the case of conflict between the provisions of this section
and other provisions of the development code or the building code, the most restrictive
provisions apply.
C. Fences, walls and hedges allowed without a permit. Unless
restricted by conditions imposed through a fence, wall and hedge permit pursuant to
subsection B of this section, fences, walls and hedges which meet the following
requirements shall be allowed without a permit:
1 Residential zoning districts.
a. Fences, walls, and hedges located between the front
property line and the exterior facade of the existing single family residence closest to the
front property line or between the street side property line and the existing single family
residence closest to the street side property line shall meet the following standards:
i. Up to forty-two (42) inches in height shall be permitted,
except as restricted by the intersection visibility requirements of section 17.48.070 (Lots,
Setbacks, Open Space Area and Building Height) of this title.
ii. When combined with a retaining wall, the total height
Page 211 of 312
may not exceed forty-two(42) inches, except as restricted by the' intersection visibility
requirements of section 17.48.070 (Lots, Setbacks, Open Space Area and Building
Height) of this title; and
iii. When located within the front yard of a flag lot and the
front property line of the flag lot abuts the rear or interior side property line of an adjacent
lot, up to six (6) feet in height shall be permitted.
b. Fences, walls and hedges not subject to subsection C(1)
of this section shall meet the following standards:
i. Fences and walls up to six (6) feet in height shall be
permitted on any part of a lot behind the front or street-side setback areas, except as
restricted by section 17.48.070 (Lots, Setbacks, Open Space Area and Building Height)
of this title; and
ii. Hedges up to sixteen (16) feet in height shall be
permitted on any part of a lot behind the front or street-side setback areas, except as
restricted by the view preservation and restoration provisions which apply to foliage, as
described in chapter 17.02 (Single-family Residential Districts).
iii. When combined with a fence, freestanding wall, or
retaining wall, the total height may not exceed eight (8) feet, as measured from grade on
the lower side, and may not exceed six (6) feet, as measured from grade on the higher
iv. When combined with a fence, freestanding wall,
retaining wall or hedge, the total height may not exceed sixteen (16) feet, as measured
from grade on the lower side, and may not exceed eighteen (18) feet, as measured from
grade on the higher side, provided the height of each individual fence, freestanding wall
and/or retaining wall does not exceed the height limitations prescribed by this title.
c. Temporary construction fences, as defined in chapter
17.96 (Definitions), up to six (6) feet in height may be located within front or street side
setback areas, pursuant to the temporary construction fencing provisions of section
17.66.020(C) (Environmental Protection) of this title.
2. Non-residential zoning districts.
a. Fences, walls, and hedges located between the front
property line and-the exterior facade of the existing single within front and street-side
setbacks shall meet the following standards:
i. Up to forty-two (42) inches in height shall be permitted
within the front or street-side setback areas, except as restricted by the intersection
visibility requirements of section 17.48.070 (Lots, Setbacks, Open Space Area and
Building Height) of this title.
ii. When combined with a retaining wall, the total height
may not exceed forty-two (42) inches in the front or street-side setback areas, except as
restricted except as restricted by the intersection visibility requirements of section
17.48.070 (Lots, Setbacks, Open Space Area and Building Height) of this title.
b. Fences, walls and hedges located behind front and
street-side setbacks shall meet the following standards:
i. Up to six (6) feet in height shall be permitted on any
Page 212 of 312
part of a lot behind the front or street-side setback areas, except as restricted by the
intersection visibility requirements of section 17.48.070 (Lots, Setbacks, Open Space
Area and Building Height) of this title.
ii. When combined with a retaining wall, the total height
may not exceed eight (8) feet as measured from grade on the lower side and may not
exceed six (6) feet as measured from grade on the higher side.
c. Temporary construction fences, as defined in chapter
17.96 (Definitions), up to six (6) feet in height may be located within front or street side
setback areas, pursuant to the temporary construction fencing provisions of section
17.56.020(C) (Environmental Protection) of this title.
D. Fences, walls, hedges and windscreens --Permitted with a minor
exception permit.
1. The following fences, walls, hedges, and windscreens shall
be permitted subject to the approval of a minor exception permit pursuant to chapter
17.66 (Minor Exception Permits):
a. Fences higher than.forty-two (42) inches and up to six (6)
feet in height located in the front and street-side setback areas, provided the area
between the street and any such fence is landscaped, per a plan approved by the
director of planning.
b. A fence, wall or hedge, or any combination thereof,
located outside of a front or street-side setback area which does not exceed eleven and
one-half(11 1/2) feet in height as measured from grade on the lower side and six (6)feet
in height as measured from grade on the higher side.
c. Fences higher than six (6)feet and up to ten (10) feet in
height and not within the required setback areas or a combination of a three and one-half
(3 1/2) foot retaining wall and recreational fencing of ten (10) feet in height for downslope
and side yard fencing for tennis courts or similar recreational facilities. The fence above
the six--foot height shall be constructed of wire mesh, or similar material, capable of
admitting at least eighty percent (80%) light as measured on a reputable light meter.
2. In addition to the review criteria listed in chapter 17.66 (Minor
Exception Permits), the director of planning shall use but not be limited to the following
criteria in assessing such an application:
a. The height of the fence, wail, hedge, or windscreen will not
be detrimental to the public safety and welfare;
b. The line of sight over or through the fence or windscreen
is adequate for safety and preserves a significant portion of the primary view as defined
in section 17.02.040 (Single Family Residential Districts) of this title;
c. On corner lots, intersection visibility as identified in section
17.48.070 (Lots, Setbacks, Open Space Area and Building Height) of this title is not
obstructed; and
d. The height of the retaining wail portion does not exceed
the grading limits set forth in section 17.76.040 (Grading Permit) of this title.
E. General Regulations
Page 213 of 312
1. Fences, walls, hedges, and windscreens shall be measured
as a single unit if built or planted within three (3) feet of each other, as measured from
their closest points, unless at least one of the fences, walls, hedges or windscreens is
located on an adjoining lot held under separate ownership. Perpendicular returns
connecting two or more parallel walls or fences shall not be considered portions of the
wall or fence for purposes of determining whether or not the fences or walls are a single
2. Retaining walls may exceed the height limits of this section
provided a grading permit is approved pursuant to section 17.76.040 (Grading Permit) of
this title.
3. Fences or walls -- Required. All pools, spas, and standing
bodies of water twenty-four(24) inches or more in depth shall be enclosed by a structure
and/or a fence or wall not less than five (5) feet in height measured from the outside
ground level at a point twelve (12) inches horizontal from the base of the fence or wall.
Any gate or door to the outside shall be equipped with a self-closing device and a
self-latching device located not less than four(4) feet above the ground. Such fences,
walls and gates shall meet city specifications and shall be constructed to the satisfaction
of the city's building official.
4. The use of barbed wire is prohibited unless required by any
law or regulation of the state or federal government or any agency thereof. Electrified
fencing may only be allowed for the keeping of animals pursuant to chapter 17.46 (Large
Domestic Animal Overlay District) of this title. All electrified fences shall contain a
warning sign, posted in a visible location, warning that an electrified fence is in use.
5. Chain link, chicken wire and fiberglass fences are prohibited
in front yards between the front property line and the exterior facade of the existing single
family residence closest to the front property line; in side yards between the street side
property line and the exterior facade of the existing single family residence closest to the
street side property line; and within a rear yard setback which abuts the following arterial
streets identified in the city's general plan:
a. Crenshaw Boulevard;
b. Crest Road;
c. Hawthorne Boulevard;
d. Highridge Road;
e. Miraleste Drive; .
f. Palos Verdes Drive East;
g. Palos Verdes Drive North;
h. Palos Verdes Drive South; and
i. Silver Spur Road.
17_.76.040 Grad i naper-m-.it.
A. Purpose. The city finds and declares that it is necessary to adopt
this section to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare. Where this section
is in conflict with other city ordinances, the stricter shall apply. Specifically, this section
Page 214 of 312
provides for:
1. Permitting reasonable development of land and minimizing
fire hazards, ensuring the maximum retention of groundcover to aid in protection against
flooding, erosion, earth movement, siltation, and other similar hazards;
2. Ensuring the maximum preservation of the natural scenic
character of the area consistent with reasonable economic use of such property;
3. Ensuring that the development of each parcel of land, as well
as watercourses, streets, and other public lands and places, occurs in a manner
harmonious with adjacent lands so as to minimize problems of flooding, drainage,
erosion, earth movement and similar hazards, and to maintain the visual continuity of hill
and valley without unsightly continuous benching of buildable sites; and
4. Ensuring that each project complies with all goals and policies
of the general plan, any specific plan, and any amendments.
B. Grading allowed. The following grading may be allowed with a minor
grading permit, a major grading permit, or a remedial grading permit. Each parcel of land
involved requires separate approval:
1. A minor grading permit shall be used for those projects which
meet all of the following criteria:
a. An excavation, fill, or combination thereof, in excess of
twenty (20) cubic yards, but less than fifty (50) cubic yards, in any two-year period, on a
slope of less than thirty-five percent (35%); and
b. An excavation three (3) feet or more, but less than five (5)
feet, below natural grade or a fill three (3) feet or more, but less than five (5) feet, above
natural grade on a slope of less than thirty-five percent (35%);
2. A major grading permit shall be used for those projects which
result in any of the following:
a. An excavation, fill, or combination thereof, in excess of My
(50) cubic yards or more in any two (2) year period;
b. An excavation five (5) feet or more below natural grade or
a fill five (5) feet or more above natural grade;
c. Notwithstanding exemptions C(1) and C(2) of this section,
any excavation or fill which encroaches on or alters a natural drainage channel or
watercourse; and
d. Unless otherwise exempted by subsection C of this
section, an excavation or fill on an extreme slope (35% or more).
3. A remedial grading permit shall be used for excavations, fill,
or any redistribution of earth materials for the purpose of enhancing soil stability and
reducing geotechnical hazards due to natural land movement or the presence of natural
C. Grading exempt. The following grading shall be exempt from this
1. An excavation, fill, or combination thereof, less than twenty
(20) cubic yards in any two (2) year period;
2. An excavation less than three (3) feet below natural grade, or
Page 215 of 312
a fill less than three (3) feet above natural grade;
3. Grading pursuant to a permit for excavation in public streets;
4. Grading in connection with a public improvement or other
public works project for which inspection is provided by the city or another public agency,
as approved by the city engineer;
5. Grading in private easements by a public utility, cable
franchisee, or a mutual water company;
6. An excavation or fill on private property made by an individual
to repair or replace a sewer line, water line or other underground utility line;
7. An excavation less than ten (10) feet below existing grade for
the foundation or footings of a structure or a swimming pool located on a slope less than
thirty-five percent (35%) and not involving a caisson foundation. Caisson foundations or
any excavation for a footing or foundation ten (10) feet or more below existing grade
shall require the approval of a minor grading permit. This exemption shall not affect the
applicability of this section to, nor the requirement of a grading approval for, any fill made
with the material from such excavation; and
8. Tilling of the soil for agricultural and horticultural purposes;
and discing the soil for fire hazard abatement purposes.
For purposes of this section, grading shall be calculated in cubic yards and shall
represent the total earth movement on a lot or parcel. The total earth movement shall be
the total amount of excavation plus the total amount of fill, regardless of whether there is
a net balance of cut and fill quantities on a site.
D. Application.
1. To obtain the approval required by this section, an applicant
shall file a completed minor grading, major grading, or remedial grading application on a
form furnished by the city. The application shall be signed by the owner of the property
where the work is to be performed, or by his duly authorized agent. An agent's authority
must be shown in writing. The director may require additional information as necessary
to carry out the purposes of this section.
2. Unless waived by the director, the application shall be
accompanied by scaled plans or drawings, prepared and signed, as appropriate, by a
registered civil engineer, architect, or landscape architect which show the following:
a. A plot plan identifying property lines, easements, existing
and proposed structures, accurate contours of existing topographic conditions, and
finished contours of all proposed grading. One-foot contour intervals are required. Five-
foot contour intervals may be accepted if deemed appropriate by the director;
b. The location of any existing structure within fifteen (15)
feet of the proposed grading, whether or not that structure is located on the lot to be
c. Typical and highest/greatest point cross-sections of
retaining walls, cut slopes and fill slopes;
d. Any additional plans, drawings, or calculations deemed
necessary by the director to demonstrate that the proposed grading complies with the
Page 216 of 312
provisions of the development code;
e. The plot plan shall establish the elevation of some
permanent benchmark or other reference point on or adjacent to the subject property.
The reference point shall not be altered in elevation or location. Any grading depths and
heights of future structures on this property shall be referenced to this point;
f. The plans shall label the areas of cut and fill with different
markings for each, and each area labeled shall designate the amount of cut or fill in cubic
g. Applications involving vacant property shall indicate the
average percent slope of each parcel and shall demonstrate the method used in
calculating the average percent slope. Applications involving developed property, shall
indicate slope averaging calculations, using the formulas and methods described in the
diagrams contained in Exhibit 76-A" of this section titled: "Slope Calculation" and
"Average Cross Slope Calculation," at various locations on the subject building site, as
determined by the director.
3. Applications for a remedial grading permit shall be
accompanied by geological and/or soils reports which justify the need for the remedial
grading and indicate that the grading will not aggravate the existing soils and/or geologic
conditions. Unless waived by the director, applications for a minor grading or grading
permit shall be accompanied by geological and/or soils reports which indicate that the
grading will not aggravate the existing soils and/or geologic condition.
4. Applications referred to planning commission. When a major
grading application proposes earth movement involving one thousand (1,000) or more
cubic yards of earth or when a remedial grading application proposes earth movement
involving five thousand (5,000) or more cubic yards of earth, the application shall be
referred to the planning commission for consideration under the criteria set forth in this
section. However, grading for construction of a basement, cellar or other structure
located below grade and not visible from any surrounding public right-of-way, shall not be
referred to the planning commission regardless of the total cubic yards of earth
movement, provided that no exportation of fill off of the grading site results from the
grading. An application referred to the planning commission shall be noticed to a
newspaper of general circulation and given to owners of property within five hundred
(500) feet of the project, all persons requesting notice, to any affected homeowner
associations and the applicant pursuant to section 17.80.090 (Hearing Notice and Appeal
Procedure) of this title.
5. Fees.
a. Each application shall be accompanied by a fee, as
established by resolution of the city council.
b. Any revision to an approved application must be approved
by the review body of the city which gave final approval to the original application and a
fee shall be paid, qs established by resolution of the city council.
c. in addition to the application fees, the applicant shall pay
building permit and plan check fees as specified by Chapter 3 of the uniform building
Page 217 of 312
6. Deposits. If excavated material in excess of twenty (20) cubic
yards is to be deposited off the grading site, the applicant shall deposit with the city a
deposit fee established by resolution of the city council in the form of cash, check or
money order as security for the proper removal of the excavated material before being
granted a minor grading, grading, or remedial grading permit allowing such excavation,
by the city's building official. Such excavated material shall be disposed of in the manner
set forth and at the location indicated on the city's "Notice to Contractors and Property
Owners--Requirements for Removal of Excavated Materials." Upon submission to the
building official of dump receipts which substantiate the proper removal of all excavated
material from the building site as shown on the notice, the deposit shall be returned.
Failure to present valid receipts to the city within one hundred eighty (180) days of final
approval, cancellation, or expiration of the minor grading, grading, or remedial grading
permit shall result in forfeiture of the security deposit. Forfeited deposits shall be placed
in the general fund of the city and used to cover the cost of removing illegally dumped
7. Final approval. Upon approval of the application by the
director or planning commission, the applicant must still conform to all conditions
imposed by Chapter 70 of the uniform building code, including all required fees, and
approval by the director is not final until approval has been granted by the city engineer.
E. Criteria for evaluation of minor grading and major grading
applications. A minor grading or major grading application shall be assessed in light of
the following criteria:
1. The grading does not exceed that which is necessary for the
permitted primary use of the lot, as defined in chapter 17.96 (Definitions) of this title.
2. The grading and/or related construction does do not signifi-
cantly adversely affect the visual relationships with, nor the views from, neighboring
3. The nature of the grading minimizes disturbance to the
natural contours and finished contours are reasonably natural.
4. The grading takes into account the preservation of natural
topographic features and appearances by means of land sculpturing so as to blend any
man-made or manufactured slope into the natural topography.
5. In new residential tracts, the grading includes provisions for
the preservation and introduction of plant materials so as to protect slopes from soil
erosion and slippage and minimize the visual effects of grading and construction on
hillside areas.
6. The grading utilizes street designs and improvements which
serve to minimize grading alternatives and harmonize with the natural contours and
character of the hillside.
7. The grading would not cause excessive and unnecessary
disturbance of the natural landscape or wildlife habitat through removal of vegetation.
8. The grading conforms to the following standards:
a. Grading on slopes equal to or exceeding thirty-five percent
Page 218 of 312
(35%) shall be allowed on recorded and legally subdivided lots existing as of November
25, 1975 or if within eastview, existing as of January 5, 1983, which are not currently
zoned open space/hazard, if the director or planning commission finds that such grading,
as conditioned, will not threaten the public health, safety and welfare.
b. No finished slopes greater than thirty-five percent (35%)
shall be created, except at the point of vehicular access adjacent to driveways, as per
subparagraph E (8) (f) of this section.
c. Except for the excavation of a basement or cellar, a fill or
cut shall not exceed a depth of five (5) feet at any point except where the director or the
planning commission determines that unusual topography, soil conditions, previous
grading, or other circumstances make such grading reasonable and necessary.
d. No fill or cut shall be permitted on a slope exceeding fifty
percent (50%) gradient, unless the grading is on a 67% slope, allowed pursuant to
subparagraph E (8) (f) of this section.
e. Retaining Wails.
L Unless located within the required front or street side
setback, one (1) upslope retaining wall not to exceed eight (8) feet in height may be
used. Retaining walls located in the required front or streetside setback shall not exceed
three and one-half(3 112) feet in height.
ii. One (1) downslope retaining wall not to exceed three
and one-half(3 1/2) feet in height may be used.
iii. On lots sloping with the street, and other configurations
not discussed above, one (1) retaining wall not to exceed three and one-half(3 112) feet
may be used on each side of the lot.
iv. Retaining walls may be allowed up to five (5) feet in
height, adjacent to driveways, only if required for access or slope stabilization. There
shall be no more than one upslope or one downslope retaining wall adjacent to
v. Retaining walls which are an integral part of a structure
may exceed eight (8) feet, within the building footprint.
f. Driveways.
L Driveways which exceed twenty percent (20%) slope
shall not be permitted except that one length, not at the point of access, of not more than
ten (10) linear feet may have a slope of up to twenty-two percent (22%).
ii. Slopes not greater than sixty-seven percent (67%) may
be permitted adjacent to driveways.
9. The director may grant a grading permit for development in
excess of that permissible under subsection E (8) of this section upon finding that:
a. The criteria of subsections E (1) through E (7) of this
section are satisfied;
b. The approval is consistent with the purposes set forth in
subsection A of this section;
c. Departure from the standards in subsection E (8) of this
section will not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations
Page 219 of 312
upon other properties in the vicinity; and
d. Depai ture from the standards of subsection E (8) of this
section will not be detrimental to the public safety nor to other property.
e. Notice of such decision shall be given to the applicant and
to all owners of property adjacent to the subject property. Notice of denial shall be given
only the applicant. Any interested person may appeal the director's decision to the
planning commission and the planning commission decision to the city council pursuant
to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
F. Criteria for evaluation of remedial grading applications. A remedial
grading application shall be assessed in light of the following criteria:
1. The maximum vertical height of cut or fill should not exceed
that which is necessary to enhance soil stability and reduce geotechnical hazards due to
natural land movement or the presence of natural hazards, except that fissures of any
depth may be filled to the level of the adjacent ground surface. Such grading should be
designed to reduce the local topographic relief and in no case should fill be placed on a
slope steeper than thirty five percent (35%) such that it might cause a soil slip or mud-
2. Where remedial grading on a residential lot involves
importation of fill material from a source outside of the lot, no more than that which is
necessary to enhance soil stability and reduce geotechnical hazards due to natural land
movement or the presence of natural hazards should be permitted.
3. Remedial grading along private roads should be restricted to
maintaining the roads in a safe and usable condition and to improving surface drainage
so that runoff water does not flow into closed depressions or fissures. In areas adjacent
to scarps, the crests of the scarps should be periodically lowered so as to reduce the
volume of imported fill needed to maintain the proper road grade on the down-thrown
sides of the scarps. in no event shall remedial grading bring the road surface higher
than the original grade. Such remedial grading should be the responsibility of the
appropriate homeowners association or the adjacent property owners.
4. Stockpiling will be allowed for road repair and remedial
grading providing the stockpiles in any given area do not exceed two hundred (200)
cubic yards, are not in yard areas visible from any right-of-way, and are not stockpiled for
more than six (6) months.
5. Remedial grading shall be designed to improve surface
drainage and in no case cause ponding or surface runoff so as to increase the likelihood
of surface water infiltration.
6. The nature of the grading shall minimize disturbance to the
natural contours and finished contours should remain reasonably natural.
7. The grading shall take into account the preservation of natural
topographic features and appearances by means of land sculpturing so as to blend any
man-made or manpfactured slope into the natural topography.
8. The grading shall avoid or minimize disturbance to coastal
sage scrub habitat. If disturbances or impacts to coastal sage scrub are unavoidable, all
impacts shall be mitigated to the satisfaction of the city.
Page 220 of 312
9. Where appropriate, the grading shall include provisions for
the preservation and introduction of plant materials so as to protect slopes from soil
erosion and slippage and minimize the visual effects of grading and construction on
hillside areas.
10. Where appropriate, the grading should utilize street designs
and improvements which serve to minimize grading alternatives and harmonize with the
natural contours and character of the hillside.
11. The grading should not cause excessive and unnecessary
scarring of the natural landscape through removal of vegetation.
G. Conditions Upon Issuance. In granting any approval under this
chapter, the director or the planning commission may impose such conditions as may be
reasonably necessary to prevent danger to public or private property, to prevent conduct
likely to create a nuisance, or to preserve the intent of any goal or policy of the general
plan. No person shall violate any conditions imposed by the director or planning
commission. Such conditions may include, but shall not be limited to:
1. Limitations on the days and hours of operation in which work
may be performed;
2. Designation of routes and means of access to the site;
3. Designation of the place and manner of disposal of excavated
materials and of the acquisition of fill;
4. Requirements as to the mitigation of dust and dirt, the
prevention of noise and other results offensive or injurious to the neighborhood, the
general public or any portion thereof, including due consideration, care, and respect for
the property rights, convenience and reasonable desires and needs of neighbors;
5. Designation of maximum or minimum slopes;
6. Regulations as to the use of public streets and places;
7. Landscaping, in addition to the minimum required by chapter
70 of the uniform building code; and
8. The submittal of a performance bond or trust deposit to
ensure that grading, landscaping or other conditions imposed under this section are
H. Appeal. Any interested person may appeal any decision of the
director to the planning commission and any decision of the planning commission to the
city council pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
1. Prohibited deposits of earth, rock or excavated material. No person
shall dump, move or place any earth, sand, gravel, rock, stone or other excavated
material or debris so as to cause the same to be deposited upon or to roll, blow, flow, or
wash upon or over any public place or right-of-way or upon or over the premises of
another, without the express written consent of the owner of such premises so affected.
No person shall, when hauling any earth, sand, gravel, rock, stone or other excavated
material or debris aver any public street, alley or other public place, allow such material
to blow or spill over and upon such street, alley, or place, or adjacent private property. If
there is a violation of this subsection whereby any earth, sand, gravel rock, stone or
other excavated material is caused to be deposited upon or to roll, flow or wash upon
Page 221 of 312
any public place or private property, the person responsible shall cause the same to be
removed from such public place or private property within thirty six (36) hours, or
immediately after notification by the city, if a hazardous condition is caused. In the event
it is not so removed, the director of public works shall cause such removal and the cost
of such removal shall be paid to the city by the person who failed to so remove the
17.76.Q50 Sian Permit.
A. Purpose.
1. Signs should serve primarily to identify the general nature of
an establishment or to direct attention to a product, activity, place, person, organization,
or enterprise. As identification devices, signs must not subject the citizens of the city to
excessive competition for their visual attention. As appropriate identification devices,
signs must be harmonious with the building, the neighborhood, and other signs in the
2. The city encourages signs that improve the appearance of
buildings and neighborhoods. The city invites artistry and innovation. It intends to
enhance the economic effectiveness of any one identification device by preventing
needless distraction and clutter from other signs in the area.
3. This section contains criteria which the director will employ to
prohibit devices that fail to conform to the above intentions of suitability and safety. In all
cases, each sign shall be considered on its own merit, considering its function as well as
its environment.
B. Sign Permits.
1. Permit Required. Unless exempted by subsection D of this
section, a person shall obtain a permit from the director prior to placing or erecting any
sign. In many cases, a building permit or electrical permit will also be required.
2. Application for Sign Permits. Applications for sign permits
shall be made upon forms provided by the city and shall include:
a. Two (2) copies of a plan showing:
i. The position of each sign and its relation to adjacent
buildings or structures;
ii. The proposed design, size, colors and location of signs
or sign structures;
b. The sizes and dimensions of all signs existing on the
premises at the time of application;
c. A fee, as established by resolution of the city council; and
d. Such other information as the director may require to show
compliance with this section and all other ordinances of the city.
3. Review of Sign Applications. The director may approve,
conditionally approve or deny any application for a sign permit pursuant to the standards
set forth in this section. In reviewing a sign application, the director shall apply the
following criteria:
a. The sign is necessary for the applicant's enjoyment of
Page 222 of 312
substantial trade and property rights, and the sign does not constitute needless
repetition, redundancy, or proliferation of signage;
b. The sign is consistent with the intent and purposes of this
section, as set forth in paragraph A;
c. The sign does not constitute a detriment to public health,
safety and welfare;
d. The size, shape, color and placement of a sign shall be
considered in order to determine if the sign is compatible with, and bears a harmonious
relationship to, the building and site which it identifies;
e. The location of the proposed sign and the design of its
visual elements, including its lettering, colors, decorative motifs, spacing, and
proportions, shall be considered in order to determine whether the sign is legible under
normal viewing conditions prevailing where the sign is to be installed;
f. The location and design of the proposed sign shall be
considered in order to determine that the sign will not obscure from view or unduly
detract from existing adjacent signs;
g. The location and design of the proposed sign, its size,
shape and color shall be considered in light of the visual characteristics of the
surrounding area to determine that the sign will not detract from or cause depreciation of
the value of adjacent developed properties; and
h. The location and design of a proposed sign in commercial
districts in close proximity to any residential district shall be considered in order to
determine that the sign will have no adverse effect on the value and character of the
adjacent residential district.
4. Appeal. Any interested person may appeal a decision of the
director to the planning commission and a decision of the planning commission to the city
council pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of this title.
C. General regulations.
1. Signs Affecting Traffic Safety. Signs or devices which, by
color, wording, design or location resemble or conflict with any traffic control sign or
device are prohibited.
2. Sign Illumination. The approval of any illuminated sign shall
not be final until thirty (30) days after installation, during which period the director may
order the dimming of any illumination found to be excessively brilliant, and no sign permit
shall be valid until such order has been carried out to an extent satisfactory to the
director. Illumination shall be considered excessive when it prevents normal perception
of objects or buildings beyond or in the vicinity of the sign.
3. Flashing and Moving Signs. Unless otherwise specified in
this section, searchlights, blinkers, lasers, flashing, unusual lighting, or other means of
animation or moving signs are prohibited.
4. Suspended or Airborne Signs. Unless otherwise specified in
this section suspended or airborne signs, such as tethered advertising balloons,
p g 9
inflatable signs and/or kites are prohibited.
5. Location. All signs shall be erected upon the premises
Page 223 of 312
occupied by the person or business identified by such signs.
6. Right-of-way signs. With the exception of city signs
advertising city activities or city sponsored events; real estate lead-in signs pursuant to
subsection D(3) of this section; and special event signs for non-commercial organizations
pursuant to subsection D(4) of this section; no signs shall be erected in the public
right-of-way unless authorized by the city council.
7. Sign Maintenance. All signs, supports, braces, guys, and
anchors, shall be kept in good repair, including replacement of defective parts,
repainting, cleaning, and otherwise maintained in a presentable condition. Any sign
which is not kept in good repair and presentable condition shall be abated pursuant to
subparagraph H(3) of this section.
8. No Sign Permit required. Signs that are allowed without
permits are described in subsection D of this section.
9. Sign Permit required. Signs that are allowed with permits are
described in subsections E through G of this section and are subject to the following
criteria, unless otherwise specified in those subsections:
a. Not more than one such sign shall be displayed per street
b. Each sign shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in
c. Each sign shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height.
d. Each sign shall be placed a minimum of five (5) feet inside
the property line.
e. Temporary signs shall be removed upon the completion or
culmination of the advertised activities.
D. Signs allowed without a permit.
1. The following non-illuminated signs are allowed in all zoning
districts without a permit:
a. Temporary religious, charitable, educational, cultural,
political or other types of non-commercial posters not exceeding four (4) square feet in
area, not exceeding four(4) feet in overall height, placed a minimum of five (5) feet
inside the property line; and displayed less than ninety (90) days;
b. Governmental or other legally required posters, notices or
signs, including any city required window signs for businesses;
c. Governmental flags or emblems;
d. Real estate signs on private property proclaiming "For
Rent", "For Lease", "Open House" or"For Sale," provided that the freestanding signs
shall not exceed four (4) feet in overall height, shall not exceed four(4) square feet in
area, and shall be placed a minimum of five (5) feet inside the property line.
e. Signs not exceeding one (1) square foot in total area and
displaying the name of the property owner or occupant, the address, or other
identification of uses clearly an ancillary part of the legal use in the district;
f. One contractor's sign not exceeding four (4) square feet or
one directory sign for all contractors including banks, realtors, subcontractors, etc. Such
Page 224 of 312
signs shall not be displayed prior to the issuance of a building permit or after final
inspection or for more than one year, whichever is less. Directory signs shall comply with
subsection D(2) of this section, unless legally required by governmental contract to be
2. The following non-illuminated signs are allowed in residential
zoning districts without a permit:
a. Temporary garage sale signs not exceeding four (4)
square feet in area, not exceeding four (4) feet in overall height, and placed a minimum
of five (5) feet inside the property line. Such temporary signs shall not be erected prior to
forty-eight (48) hours of the advertised sale and shall be removed within twenty-four(24)
hours after the conclusion of the sale.
3. Lead-in or directional signs, such as "Open House", "For
Sale", "For Rent" or"For Lease" signs and signs providing direction to special
commercial activities may be placed in the public right-of-way, pursuant to the following
a. Lead-in or directional signs may only be placed in the
right-of-way between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
b. Lead-in or directional signs placed at intersections shall be
located within the public right-of-way. Only one lead-in sign may be placed per traffic
direction at an intersection. The maximum number of lead-in signs at any intersection is
not to exceed a total of three (3).
c. One (1) lead-in or directional sign may be placed within
the public right-of-way adjacent to the property to which it refers between the hours of
1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
d. All lead-in or directional signs are to be no larger than
three (3) square feet and are to be the color combination of brown and gold.
e. No lead-in or directional signs shall be placed within any
traffic median.
4. Temporary special event or other signs for non-commercial
organizations may be placed in the public right-of-way, pursuant to the following
a. For purposes of this section, special event signs shall be
limited to signs which advertise a specific activity ocurring on a particular date;
b. For special event signs, written request on forms provided
by the City shall be made to the director no sooner than ninety (90) days prior to the
special event;
c. Signs shall only be placed at locations in the right-of-way
identified and designated by the director;
d. Signs shall be erected in a manner prescribed by the
director so as not to pose a traffic hazard and/or impede pedestrian or vehicular access
within the public right-of-way;
e. For special event signs, each non-commercial
organization shall be limited to the placement of two (2)temporary signs within the city's
Page 225 of 312
public right-of-way per special event;
f. For signs other than special event signs, each non-
commercial organization shall be limited to the placement of two (2) such signs within the
city's right-of-way per year.
g. Each sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in
h. Each sign shall be displayed for a maximum of thirty (30)
L Special event signs shall be removed within forty-eight
(48) hours of the event's conclusion; and
j. Applicants shall submit to the director a deposit fee
established by the city council in the form of cash, check or money order as security for
the placement of signs in accordance to these guidelines. Failure to erect and/or
maintain the signs in accordance with guidelines (b) through (h) of this subsection shall
result in the forfeiture of the security deposit.
5. Temporary signs allowed by this subsection shall be removed
upon the completion of the campaign, the culmination of any of the above activities, or
the expiration of any other time frame specified by this section.
E. Residential uses.
1. Subdivision and real estate signs advertising real property
which has been divided into five (5) or more lots, parcels or units which are to be offered
for rent, sale or lease may include the following signs provided that such signs are
located on the property which is being advertised and such signs are removed upon the
sale or rental of all lots or units, if this occurs prior to the expiration of the permit. Permits
for such signs shall be issued by the director for no longer than a one-year period, on a
renewable basis:
a. One, non-illuminated, on-premise sign provided that it
shall be placed a minimum of fifty (50) feet from any residence to which the sign does not
b. Subdivision identification signs at the entrance to
developments provided that no more than one (1) such sign shall be displayed per major
street access and each sign shall not exceed six (6) feet in height and thirty two (32)
square feet in area.
c. Non-illuminated, model home signs provided that there
shall be no more than one (1) such sign per model home and such sign shall be
displayed on the same lot as the model home and each sign shall not exceed six (6)
square feet.
d. "For Sale" signs on undeveloped property of five (5) acres
or more.
2. The following signs may be allowed for multiple-family
residential uses prAvided the signs are located on the property identified by such signs:
a. Signs designating "Manager" or"Office," provided that
each sign does not exceed one (1) square foot in area.
b. -initial promotional signing provided that it shall not be
Page 226 of 312
displayed for more than six (6) months after final building inspection and a sign shall not
exceed thirty two (32) square feet in area.
c. Temporary signs, banners, flags, or pennants to promote
or advertise special rentals, may be allowed subject to the permit and display
requirements of subparagraphs F (8) (a), (b), and (d) of this section.
d. Permanent apartment identification signing provided that,
if freestanding, a sign shall not exceed six (6) feet in height and thirty two (32) square
feet in area.
F. Commercial Uses. Permanent identification signing may be allowed
subject to the following:
1. One major identification sign shall be permitted on each
building frontage in which a public entry is located, except that a sign may be permitted
upon any street side of the building. Such signs shall not exceed an area of one square
foot for each lineal foot of building frontage, up to a maximum of seventy-five (75) square
feet, or up to a maximum of one hundred (100) square feet in the commercial general
(CG) district.
2. All faces of said signs shall be parallel to the face of the
building upon which said sign is located, except that:
a. The director may approve other placement if special
conditions exist due to poor visibility.
b. One additional under-canopy or other pedestrian-oriented
sign, not to exceed an area of three (3) square feet, may be permitted. Under-canopy
signs shall be located at least eight (8) feet above adjacent grade.
3. Signs shall not extend or be placed above the eave line or
parapet of the building.
4. A permanent freestanding sign may be approved by the
director if it is the major identification sign and if it does not exceed six (6) feet in height.
Such freestanding signs may be double-faced. In no event, shall a sign face exceed
thirty-two (32) square feet in area. The director may approve such a sign up to sixteen
(16) feet in height if it is the only feasible method of identification for the following
a. A shopping center containing four (4) or more individual
establishments having a frontage of two hundred (200)feet or more and a front setback
of fifty (50) feet or more in which case the following standards apply:
L The sign may identify the center or complex,
ii. A listing and description of the signs for all the
individual establishments that will utilize the freestanding sign must be presented for
review and approval by the director.
b. An individual development having a frontage of two
hundred (200) feet or more and a front setback of fifty (50) feet or more.
� 5. Minor, pedestrian-oriented, permanent window signs,
including illuminated signs, provided that the total area of all such signs does not exceed
five percent (5%) of the total area of the windows in the face of the building upon which
such signs are mounted. Governmental or other legally required permanent posters,
Page 227 of 312
notices or signs, including any city required business identification signs or logos shall
not count toward the maximum window coverage. Illuminated signs are subject to the
regulations of subsections C(2) and F(10) of this section.
6. Sign Programs. A shopping center containing four(4) or
more individual establishments may submit an application to the city for approval of a
sign program for the entire center. The sign program application shall be reviewed by
the planning commission using the criteria of subparagraphs B (3) (a) through (B) (h) of
this section. Notice of the planning commission hearing on the sign program shall be
issued in accordance with section 17.80.090 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of
this title. Any interested person may appeal the planning commission's decision to the
city council pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of this
title. Upon approval of a sign program by the planning commission, the director may
thereafter issue permits for individual signs which conform to the approved sign program.
Unless otherwise stated in an approved sign program, the standards and conditions of
an approved sign program shall take precedence over the standards and conditions of
this section.
7. "For Sale" signs on undeveloped property of one acre or more.
Such signs in the commercial general (CG) district shall not exceed twelve (12)feet in
8. Temporary signs, such as banners, flags, balloons, searchlights
or pennants, to promote special sales may be allowed with permit, provided that:
a. All signs, banners, flags, balloons, and pennants shall be
mounted only on a building, on a substantial extension of a building, or inside a window
and shall not extend higher than the ridgeline or parapet of the building on which they
are mounted.
b. Each temporary sign or banner shall not exceed thirty-two
(32) square feet in size and no more than two (2) such signs or banners shall be
displayed at any one time.
c. If searchlights are used, the light shall not result in the
direct illumination of a parcel or parcels other than that upon which the light source is
physically located.
d. Permits shall not be issued for longer than a thirty (30)
day, renewable period nor for more than a total of one hundred twenty (120) days in any
one calendar year.
e. Upon application for a sign permit to display temporary
banners, balloons, flags, searchlights or pennants, the applicant shall submit to the
director a deposit fee established by the city council in the form of cash, check or money
order as security for the placement of signs in accordance to these regulations. Failure
to erect and/or maintain the signs in accordance with the regulations of subsection F (8)
of this section shall result in the forfeiture of the security deposit.
f. The director may approve, on an annual basis, location
supports, letter style and other significant elements of sign programs similar to those
commonly utilized by supermarkets, the copy of which are replaced at intervals of
fourteen (14) days or less.
Page 228 of 312
g. The director shall approve the location and design of
semipermanent price signs for service stations.
h. Temporary window signs shall be allowed without permit
provided that the total area of such signs does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total
area of the windows in the face of the building upon which such signs are mounted and
the signs are not displayed for more than thirty (30) days. Such signs exceeding ten
percent (10%) of the window area or displayed longer than thirty (30) days are subject to
the provisions of subsection F (5) of this section.
L One temporary identification sign may be displayed for sixty
(60) days pending approval of a permanent sign application.
I Z.76..060 Extreme slle,permit.
A. Purpose. This chapter provides standards and procedures for
permitting within residential districts the minor encroachments of accessory structures
onto extreme slopes (35% or more), which are not zoned open space hazard and, where
such slopes constitute the only reasonable area for development.
B. Scope. The director may grant extreme slope permits for the following
uses only:
1. Decks, which extend or cantilever a maximum of six (6)feet into
the extreme slope area, as measured on a horizontal plane from the top or toe of the
2. Solar panels or tanks which extend a maximum of twelve (12)
feet into the extreme slope area, as measured on a horizontal plane from the top or toe
of the slope; and
3. Flag poles up to sixteen (16) feet in height, as measured from the
grade adjacent to the flag pole base to the top of the flag pole, upon a finding by the
director that no significant impact on views from surrounding properties would result.
C. Application.
1. The application for an extreme slope permit shall be filed on
forms provided by the city. A person may not file, and the director shall not accept, an
application which is the same as, or substantially the same as, an application upon which
final action has been taken by the director or the planning commission within twelve (12)'
months prior to the date of said application, unless the planning commission or city
council approves the acceptance of such an application, or the previous application is
denied without prejudice by the planning commission or city council.
2. The application shall provide full and complete information
pertaining to the request.
D. Filing fee. The filing fee for an extreme slope permit shall be
established by resolution of the city council.
E. Notice. Upon receipt of a complete application for an extreme slope
permit, the directorishall notify the owners of all parcels located adjacent to the proposed
use or development by letter, using the last known county assessor tax roil. Notification
shall also include all parcels which are located directly across any public or private right-
of--way from the subject property.
Page 229 of 312
F. Findings and conditions.
1. The director may grant an extreme slope permit only upon
a. That the site cannot reasonably accommodate the structure
except on an extreme slope;
b. That the permit will result in no significant adverse effect
on neighboring properties. Factors to be considered in making this finding shall include:
view impairment, visual impact, slope instability, increased runoff, and other adverse
impacts found to be significant;
c. That the structure will not result in an unreasonable
infringement of the privacy of the occupants of abutting residences;
d. That any disturbance of the slope will be insignificant; and
e. That the permit is consistent with the general plan, coastal
specific plan, or any other applicable plan.
2. If necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare, the
director shall condition the approval of the permit with regard to one or more of the
a. Landscaping and maintenance thereof;
b. The color of the structure;
c. Complete geology and hydrology reports which address
the proposed structure; and
d. Such other conditions as will promote orderly and efficient
development in conformity with the intent and purposes of this title.
G. Notice of Decision. The director shall provide written notice of the
approval of an extreme slope permit to the applicant and to all interested persons.
Notice of denial shall be given only to the applicant.
H. Appeal. Any interested person may appeal any decision by the director
to the planning commission and any decision by the planning commission to the city
council pursuant to chapter 17.80. (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
I. Failure to comply.
1. Noncompliance with any condition on an extreme slope permit
shall constitute a violation of this title.
2. A permit becomes null and void upon its expiration.
17.76.070 Larae family-day care home p.Q[Mit.
A. Purpose. This section provides procedures and standards for the
granting of large family day care home permits in zoning districts other than single-family
residential districts.,for homes which meet the standards of paragraph B of this section.
B. Scope. The director may grant large family day care home permits
authorizing the care within a single-family residence of nine (9) to fourteen (14) children,
including children under the age of ten (10) years, who reside at the home; providing
1. All necessary permits from the state department of social
services have been obtained;
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2. Proof that a city business license has been
applied for;
3. Proof of compliance with state fire marshal standards is provided;
4. The home is not located within one thousand (1,000) feet of any
other large family day care home;
5. One on-site parking space is provided for each permanent
employee; and
6. An on-site loading and drop-off area is provided.
C. Application. Application for a large family day care home permit shall
be made on forms provided by the city and shall include such plans and documents as
may reasonably be required by the director for a complete understanding of the proposal'
and a filing fee in an amount established by resolution of the city council.
D. Notice. Upon receipt of a complete application for a large family day
care home permit, the director shall provide written notice of the application to all owners
of property shown on the last known county assessor tax roll and homeowner
associations located within a radius of five hundred (500) feet of the external boundaries
of the property where the large family day care home is proposed.
E. Action by director--Authority. Not sooner than fifteen (15) days after the
notices are mailed, the director shall either grant, conditionally grant or deny the ap-
plication in accordance with the standards listed in paragraph B of this section. If the
application is granted or conditionally granted, notice of the director's decision shall be
given to the applicant and to all interested persons. Notice of denial shall be given only
to the applicant. The applicant or any interested person may appeal the director's
decision to the planning commission and the planning commission's decision to the city
council pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
F. Permit nontransferable. No large family day care home permit may be
transferred from one person to another or from one location to another. Such transfer
shall make the permit null and void.
17.75.080 Convenience. stores.
A. Purpose. This section provides criteria for the development, operation,
and regulation of convenience stores. These criteria ensure that convenience stores are
developed and operated on adequate sites, at proper and desirable locations with re-
spect to traffic patterns, adjacent land uses, and the goals and objectives of the general
plan and any applicable specific plans. These criteria further ensure that safety, privacy,
design, proliferation, and the joint sale of alcoholic beverages and motor fuels are
considered in reviewing applications for convenience stores.
B. Applicability.
1. Conditional Use Permit Required. Any new convenience store,
and any existing convenience store that has been closed for business for more than one
hundred eighty (1 W) consecutive calendar days shall not be developed or opened for
business unless a Conditional use permit is issued by the planning commission pursuant
to the requirements of this chapter and chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits) of this
Page 231 of 312
2. Nonconforming Uses. Notwithstanding chapter 17.84
(Nonconformities), any existing convenience store shall comply with
subparagraphs C(1)(d) and D(1) and D(2) of this section within one (1) year of the
adoption of the ordinance codified in-this chapter unless deviation from these standards
is authorized by a conditional use permit. Any intensification of use at any existing
convenience store, including but not limited to, the addition of automated teller machines,
video rentals, drive-up windows, or sit-down dining, requires approval of a conditional
use permit pursuant to this chapter.
3. Findings. In order to approve a conditional use permit for a
convenience store, the planning commission must make the findings listed below and the
findings listed in Chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits) of this title.
a. That the proposed convenience store will not contribute to
the undesirable proliferation of such uses.
b. That the design of the proposed convenience store
respects the visual character of the site and enhances the surrounding area.
c. That the operation of this use, and in particular, any sale of
alcoholic beverages will not adversely affect adjacent or nearby places of worship,
schools, parks, recreation centers, playgrounds or residences.
d. That a proposed convenience store located within three
hundred (300) feet of a residential or institutional use or zoning district boundary will be
limited in hours of operation, or otherwise designed and operated to avoid disturbing
neighbors, between eleven p.m. and six a.m.
C. Development standards.
1. Residential and Institutional Interface. The following standards
are imposed to reduce the impact of a convenience store use on adjacent residential
and institutional zones or uses:
a. Setbacks. A minimum twenty (20) foot landscaped set-
back is required between the convenience store building and any accessory structures
and the property lines of any adjoining residential or institutional use or zone. The
setback shall be continuously maintained in an attractive manner and shall not be used
as a storage area or for parking.
b. Spacing. The convenience store building must be at least
one hundred (100) feet away from any residential or institutional building other than
residential or institutional accessory buildings such as storage sheds or detached
c. Public Entrances and Loading Areas. Public entrances
and loading areas shall be designed to avoid facing an adjoining residential or
institutional use or zone.
d. Deliveries. Deliveries are not permitted between nine p.m.
and six a.m.
e. Mechanical Equipment. Mechanical equipment must be
screened or covered so that it is not visible from adjacent residential or institutional use
or zone. Mechanical equipment shall be located as far as possible from adjacent
residential or institutional uses. Noise levels from such mechanical equipment shall not
Page 232 of 312
exceed 65 decibels, as measured from the closest property line.
f. Sensory. Noise and odors emanating from the building
shall be minimized by the use of appropriate sound insulation techniques and filters.
g. Trash Enclosures. Trash enclosures, of a design
approved by the director, shall be integrated into the site landscaping and design and
shall not be located in any setback adjacent to a street, residential use or zone, or
institutional use or zone. A fifty-five (55) gallon outdoor trash container, enclosed in a
decorative stone receptacle and placed adjacent to each pedestrian entrance, is also
h. Screening. Six (6) foot high solid, decorative, masonry
walls or dense landscaping may be required along property lines if the planning
commission determines that the site should be screened from adjacent properties and
land uses.
i. Height. Unless otherwise prohibited by this code,
roof-mounted structures, equipment, and antennas shall be limited to the lowest practical
height as determined by the planning commission to minimize view obstruction.
j. Utilities. All utilities shall be placed underground from the
building to the point of connection to public utility poles or transmission lines.
k. Lighting. The lighting provisions of section 17.56.040
(Environmental Protection) shall apply and all exterior lighting shall be arranged and
shielded to prevent off-site illumination. Only ground-oriented, shielded or diffused
lighting shall be allowed in any area directly facing a residential or institutional,use or
I. Roofing. Roofing material shall be consistent with the
design of the building and shall be of a color, material, and style that enhances the
appearance of the building as viewed from adjacent residential and institutional uses or
m. Intensification of Use. Any accessory activities or services
that change or intensify the use of a store previously granted a conditional use permit by
the planning commission, including, but not limited to the addition of automated teller ma-
chines, video rentals, drive-up windows and sit-down dining shall require prior review and
approval by the director. The director has the discretion to refer the requested activity to
the planning commission for review, except that:
i. Video and arcade games shall not be allowed; and
ii. The sale of prepared food items for immediate
consumption shall only be allowed if seventy-five (75) square feet of fixed, interior
seating area, designated solely for patron use while consuming food products
on-premises, is provided.
n. Signage. Signage shall conform to the requirements of
section 17.76.050 (sign permit).
o. Maintenance. The site and store shall be maintained in a
neat and orderly manner and operated as specified by the conditional use permit.
2. Design.
a. Standardized architectural styles, forms, and roof types,
Page 233 of 312
established through contractual agreements with franchisers and used repetitively
throughout southern california, state-wide, and nationally, shall be denied if they are not
compatible with the architectural styles, forms and roof types of other structures in the
immediate vicinity.
b. Designs based on the unique character of the site,
including topography, climate, aspect, location, history, and prevailing architectural style
are encouraged.
c. Visually interesting designs incorporating variations in
horizontal and vertical planes, setbacks, bulk, materials, and colors are encouraged.
d. Landscaping and irrigation plans must be approved by the
director before a certificate of occupancy is issued. Landscaping shall be coordinated
with the building design and site layout to provide open space, accents, relief, screening,
and buffering.
3. Parking.
a. One parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of
net leasable retail area is required except that parking for food service areas shall equal
one parking space per fifty (50) square feet of food service area or five (5) parking
spaces whichever is greater.
b. Parking areas adjacent to a street must be screened with a
thirty-six (36) inch high freestanding wall or landscaped berm except within an
intersection visibility triangle as defined in section 17.48.070 (Lots, Setbacks, Open
Space Area and Building Height) of this title.
D. Operation guidelines. The guidelines that follow shall be considered by
the planning commission and may be incorporated into conditions of approval for any
conditional use permit for a convenience store. The planning commission may determine
that some or all of these guidelines should not be applicable to a particular project pro-
vided that the planning commission makes written findings to support its determination.
1. Security Program. Store management may be required to
prepare and agree to ar security program that requires:
a. Attendance by all management personnel at a sheriffs
crime prevention class to acquaint them with personal safety, security, and crime
prevention techniques, and other law enforcement concerns. Proof of attendance must
be provided annually prior to business license renewal.
b. Staffing of the premises with at least two (2) employees
during all hours that the store is open to the public.
c. Adequate interior and exterior security lighting.
d. The counter area to be readily visible from the street at all
e. A policy concerning the amount of cash available at the
f. A limited access money depository on the premises.
2. Hours of Operation. Hours of operation shall be limited to six
a.m. to eleven p.m. for any convenience store located within three hundred (300) feet of
a residential or institutional use or zone boundary.
Page 234 of 312
E. Alcoholic beverage sales.
1. A conditional use permit is required pursuant to Chapter 17.60
(Conditional Use Permits). In addition, the planning commission shall grant a conditional
use permit for alcoholic beverage sales in conjunction with the sale of motor fuel at
convenience stores or service stations only if it finds:
a. That the proposed concurrent sale of alcohol and motor
fuel at the subject property will not be significantly detrimental to the health, safety and
welfare of the community.
b. That a public hearing notice has been published in a
newspaper of general circulation and given to owners of property-within five hundred
(500) feet of the project, to all persons requesting notice, to any affected homeowner
associations, and the applicant pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal
c. That the proposed concurrent sale of alcohol and motor
fuels conforms to the regulations of this section, section 17.76.090 (Automobile Services
Stations), and Article II (Commercial Districts, chapters 17.12 through 17.22) of this title.
2. Standards. The following standards shall be imposed:
a. No beer or wine shall be displayed within five (5) feet of
the cash register or the front door.
b. No advertisement of alcoholic beverages shall be
displayed at motor fuel islands.
c. No alcoholic beverages shall be sold from a drive-through
d. Beer or wine shall not be sold from, or displayed in, an ice
e. No self-illuminated advertising for beer and wine shall be
located on buildings or windows.
f. Employees on duty between the hours of ten p.m. and two
a.m. who sell beer and wine shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
3. Appeals. The decision of the planning commission may be
appealed to the city council pursuant to section 17.80.070 (Hearing Notice and Appeal
Procedure) of this title.
F. Enforcement. In the event that written complaints are received
regarding the operation of a convenience store, the director shall investigate and may
refer the complaints to the planning commission. The planning commission will hold a
public hearing to review the complaints, the conditional use permit or other approvals,
pursuant to chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits) of this title.
1. Public Hearing. If a public hearing is held to review the
conditional use permit, the planning commission may add, delete, or modify conditions of
approval, or revoke the conditional use permit pursuant to section 17.86.060
(Enforcement) of this title.
2. Appeal. Any decision by the planning commission to add, modify,
or delete conditions of approval, or to revoke the conditional use permit may be appealed
Page 235 of 312
to the city council pursuant to section 17.80.070 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure)
of this title.
17.76.090 Automobile..rorvice stations.
A. Purpose. The standards of this section permit service stations only on
adequate sites at proper and desirable locations with respect to traffic patterns and
adjacent land uses.
B. Applicability.
1. No new service station shall be constructed, and no existing
station which has ceased operations for more than one hundred eighty (180) days shall
be reopened unless a conditional use permit is issued by the planning commission
pursuant to chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits) of this title; and .
2. Unless otherwise regulated by the development standards of the
automotive service station overlay control district pursuant to chapter 17.40 (Overlay
Control Districts), the minimum development standards set forth in this chapter shall be
required of all automobile service stations hereafter approved by the planning
commission with a conditional use permit. Subsection D of this section shall apply to
existing service stations as well as new stations.
C. Development standards.
1. Lot Area. The minimum area of a site for an automobile service
station with no more than two (2) islands and two (2) service bays shall be twenty-two
thousand five hundred (22,500) square feet, with a Minimum frontage of one hundred
twenty (120) linear feet on each street. There shall be two thousand (2,000) additional
square feet of lot area for each additional pump island or service bay.
2. Setbacks. Any part of the structure, canopies or building shall be
setback at least ten (10) feet from any property line. Pump islands shall be set back
twenty-five (25) feet from any property line.
3. Building Size. Buildings which include service bays shall not be
less than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet in area, exclusive of canopies.
4. Curb Cuts and Driveways. There shall be no more than two (2)
driveways on any one street. No curb cut shall be closer than five (5) feet from the
beginning of the curb return at the corner of the intersection. No driveway shall exceed a
width of thirty-five (35) feet. Curb cuts shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet apart.
Entrances to an abutting commercial development or combined driveways will be
encouraged to facilitate good circulation.
5. Parking. Parking of vehicles on-site is prohibited except for such
vehicles as are in the process of being serviced, those belonging to employees, service
and tow trucks owned by the establishment, and rental vehicles. Parking is prohibited
where it will impede the view of traffic in the public streets.
6. Perimeter Walls. Walls may be required on the property lines
and along the street planted areas, if the planning commission determines that the site
should be buffered;from abutting properties.
7. Refuse Area. An enclosed refuse area shall be provided to meet
the specifications of the city's public works department and shall be integrated with the
design of the station.
Page 236 of 312
8. Restrooms. All restroom entrances shall be screened from view
from adjacent properties or public rights-of-way by solid decorative screening.
9. Utilities. All utilities shall be underground.
10. Lighting. The outdoor lighting provisions of section 17.56.040
(Environmental Protection) of this title shall apply and all exterior lighting shall be so
arranged and shielded as to prevent direct illumination of abutting property and to
prevent distraction of drivers of vehicles on public rights-of-way. Luminaries shall be of a
low-level, indirect, and diffused type. All lighting under canopies or on the building shall
be covered with diffusing lenses and shielded. Planning commission approval of all
outdoor lighting is required.
11. Landscaping. Landscaping plans shall be approved by the
planning commission unless the planning commission refers this task to the director or
the director's designee. There shall be the following minimum landscaping:
a. The ten (10) foot setback along the street frontages,
except where there are driveways, shall be landscaped and planting shall not exceed
three (3) feet in height, except trees; and
b. Eight percent (8%) of the total site shall be landscaped in
addition to landscaped street frontage setbacks.
All landscaped areas shall have permanent automatic irrigation systems and shall be well
maintained. All planting areas shall be surrounded by six (6)-inch high cement curbs,
unless they have higher planter walls.
12. Off-site Improvements. Off-site improvements, including curb,
gutter, sidewalk, pavement, street lights, and street trees are required to be installed by
the developer. These improvements must meet city specifications and shall conform to
chapter 17.52 (Dedications, Right-of-Way Improvements, and Off-Site Improvements) of
this title. Where future installation is approved by the city, performance bonds are
13. Drainage. All drainage to the street shall be by underground
drainage structures to avoid drainage across the surface of city walks or drive aprons.
All drainage shall comply with this title, any other title of the municipal code and any
other applicable laws.
14. Paving. All areas not planted or used for building must be paved
with a minimum of three (3) inch thick concrete and paving shall meet city specifications.
D. Operations.
1. Operation of an automobile service station shall be limited to the
sale of such automotive items and services generally required in the operation and
maintenance of motor vehicles, and to the sale of such non-automotive items as are
required by the motorist. The display of automotive merchandise shall be permitted only
within the building, or in enclosed cases on the pump islands, or adjacent to the building
outside. Non-automotive items, such as cigarettes and soft drinks, may only be dis-
played in vending machines in specially designed areas approved by the planning
commission. Sale'or display of non-automotive items, other than items in vending
machines and temporary promotional gifts, is prohibited unless a conditional use permit
or a revision to an existing conditional use permit, to allow a convenience store, is
Page 237 of 312
obtained pursuant to section 17.76.080 (convenience stores) of this title.
2. Outdoor operations shall be limited to:
a. The retail sale of petroleum products;
b. The supply of air and water;
c. Auto washing by hand, where an area of not more than
five hundred (500) square feet is used;
d. Waxing and polishing automobiles;
e. Tire changing;
f. Battery servicing, charging and changing; and
g. Installation of minor accessories, e.g., windshield blades
and arms, gas caps, lamps, lamp globes, and performance of minor repairs.
3. Other operations related to the servicing of motor vehicles may
be conducted within the building. A mechanical car wash may be permitted by
conditional use permit or a revision to an existing conditional use permit provided that it
is clearly auxiliary to the service station use, and in a roofed structure enclosed on at
least two (2) sides. There shall be no body and fender work, painting, repair and
rebuilding of electro-chemical batteries, or other work of a similar nature.
4. The rental of cars or trailers may be permitted as an adjunct
to the service station business, provided that:
a. A conditional use permit, or a revision to an existing
conditional use permit, pursuant to chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits) of this title, is
b. Site area sufficient for the parking of rental vehicles must
be provided in addition to the minimum area required for the station, and no more than
ten percent (10%) of the total lot area may be occupied by rental vehicles.
c. Rental vehicles may not be parked in required parking
spaces, nor in the area between the building setback lines and street right-of-way lines.
d. The rental of trucks, tractors, trailers, or similar large
vehicles or implements is prohibited.
E. Abandonment.
1. A conditional use permit for a new service station at any location
within the corporate limits of the city shall not be approved and granted to any company
or to an affiliate of a company that owns, leases, rents, or in any manner controls
property within the city that is occupied by an abandoned or vacant service station.
Abandoned or vacant, as used in this section, shall mean that the service station has not
been in operation for a period of sixty (60) days or more prior to the date the planning
commission adopts its resolution of decision on the application for a new service station.
This provision shall not apply to a service station that is not in operation because it is in
the process of being reconstructed or remodeled; having its underground storage tanks
replaced; or as a result of an involuntary or voluntary act taken against the buildings
and/or land, which its not the fault of the property owner or lessee.
2. It shall become the responsibility of the property owner to remove
any and all structures and equipment both above and below the ground from the lot if the
service station has been abandoned, as here defined, for one hundred eighty (180) days.
Page 238 of 312
Once this time has elapsed, the property owner will have ninety (90) days to complete
the removal of all structures and equipment and the restoration of the site.
17,75.1 00 City tree remiew 12e[ it;
A. Purpose. This chapter provides a procedure for the pruning and/or
removal of trees and/or foliage which are located on city property, a city easement, or
within the public right-of-way in order to protect the public health, safety, and welfare by
preventing the needless impairment of views from vista points and view lots.
B. Approval required. A city tree review permit is required prior to the
pruning and/or removal of any tree and/or foliage, located on city property, a city
easement, or within the public right-of-way, for the purposes of view restoration.
C. Exemption. Trees and/or foliage located within the boundaries of the
miraleste recreation & park district shall not be subject to the provisions of this section.
D. City tree review permit application. Any person owning or having an
interest in land in the city may file an application for a city tree review permit. An
application for a city tree review permit shall be made to the director on forms provided
by the city, and shall include the following items:
1. A completed application form signed by the property owner of the
property where the view is impaired; and
2. A plan or map, drawn to the satisfaction of the director, which
clearly shows the location of each tree and/or foliage located on city property, a city
easement, or within the public right-of-way that is impairing the view of the applicant.
E. Review criteria. Within thirty (30) days of the applicant's submittal of the
complete city tree review permit application, the director or the director's designee shall
either grant, deny, or conditionally grant the city tree review permit, based on the
following review criteria:
1. After conducting an investigation of the applicant's property, it is
determined that trees and/or foliage located on city property, a city easement, or in the
public right-of-way are significantly impairing a view from a viewing area of the applicant's
lot, as defined in chapter 17.02 (Single Family Residential Districts) of this title;
2. The trees and/or foliage, which are significantly impairing a view
from a viewing area of the applicant's lot, are located less than one thousand (1,000) feet
from any part of the applicant's lot; and
3. The trees and/or foliage, which are significantly impairing a view
from a viewing area of the applicant's lot, did not exist as view impairing vegetation when
the applicant's lot was created.
F. Conditions of permit issuance. In granting any approval under this
section, the director may impose such conditions thereto as may be reasonably
necessary to prevent danger to public or private property; to prevent the tree removal or
pruning from being conducted in a manner likely to create a nuisance; or to preserve the
intent of any goal or policy of the general plan. No person shall violate any conditions so
imposed by the dir(actor. Such conditions may include, but shall not be limited to, the
1. For a parkway tree and/or foliage that is part of a city-identified
uniform street tree program or landscaping plan:
Page 239 of 312
a. The city shall determine whether the tree and/or foliage
shall be pruned or removed in order to restore the applicant's view. If the city determines
that the tree and/or foliage is to be removed and the owner of the property directly
abutting or underlying the public right-of-way where the tree and/or foliage is located
requests that a replacement tree and/or foliage be planted, the city shall make the final
determination as to the type and number of replacement trees and/or foliage.
b. The city shall pay for all costs of tree and/or foliage
pruning, removal, and/or replacement. Whenever work is to be performed, it may be
performed by the city or by a licensed contractor hired by the applicant and approved by
the city.
c. If the city determines that the tree and/or foliage may be
pruned to restore the applicant's view, the city and applicant shall enter into an
agreement, drafted by the city attorney, binding the city to maintain the trees and/or
foliage which have been pruned so as to prevent future view impairment by such trees
and/or foliage. The agreement shall require the city to undertake such-maintenance on
at least an annual basis.
2. For parkway trees and/or foliage that are not part of a city-
identified uniform street tree program or landscaping plan:
a. The trees and/or foliage shall be removed, and not
replaced. The applicant shall pay for all costs of tree and/or foliage removal. Whenever
work is to be performed, it may be performed by the city or by a licensed contractor hired
by the applicant and approved by the city. If the work is performed by the city; the
applicant shall establish a trust deposit account with the city in an amount determined by
the director of public works prior to the commencement of any work. If a person who has
received notification of the director's decision files a written request, the trees and/or
foliage may be pruned instead of removed, subject to the following requirements:
L The director determines that the pruning of the subject
trees and/or foliage will adequately restore the applicant's view.
ii. The director of public works determines that the trees
and/or foliage have not, and will not, cause damage to the improvements in the public
right-of-way (street, curb, sidewalk, etc.).
iii. The city and the owner of the property directly abutting
or underlying the public right-of-way parkway where the trees and/or foliage are located
enter into an agreement, drafted by the city attorney, binding the property owner to
maintain the trees and/or foliage that have been pruned so as to prevent future view
impairment by such trees and/or foliage. The agreement between the city and the
property owner shall specify the maximum time interval, as determined to be appropriate
by the director, within which the property owner shall undertake such maintenance.
iv. if pruning, rather than removal, would increase the cost
of restoring the view, the owner of the property directly abutting or underlying the public
right-of-way parkway where the trees and/or foliage are located shall pay the difference
in cost. The property owner shall establish a trust deposit account with the city in an
amount determined by the director of public works prior to the commencement of any
Page 240 of 312
3. For trees and/or foliage located within a roadway median, a city
park, or within any other city property or city easement, not including parkways:
a. If the city determines that the tree and/or foliage needs to
be removed in order to restore the applicant's view, the city shall determine whether the
tree and/or foliage shall be replaced, and shall make the final determination as to the
type and number of replacement trees and/or foliage.
b. If the city determines that the tree and/or foliage can be
pruned to restore the applicant's view, the city and applicant shall enter into an
agreement, drafted by the city attorney, binding the city to maintain the trees and/or
foliage which have been pruned so as to prevent future view impairment by such trees
and/or foliage. The agreement shall require the city to undertake such maintenance on
at least an annual basis.
c. The city shall pay for all costs of tree and/or foliage
pruning, removal, and/or replacement. Whenever work is to be performed, it may be
performed by the city or by a licensed contractor hired by the applicant and approved by
the city.
G. Notification. Upon the granting of a city tree review permit by the director,
written notice of the decision shall be given. The notice shall be sent to the applicant, the
owners of directly abutting or underlying the public right-of-way where the tree and/or
foliage are located which are subject to pruning or removal and the adjacent property
owners. Adjacent property shall include all lots which directly abut, or which are located
across the street from the property directly abutting or underlying the public right-of-way
where the tree and/or foliage are located. Notice of denial shall be given only to the
H. Appeals. Any interested person receiving notice of the director's decision
may appeal the decision of the director to the view restoration commission, in writing ,
within fifteen calendar days of the director's decision. Pursuant to section
17.02.040(C)(2)(g) of the municipal code, the decision of the view restoration
commission on such an appeal may be appealed to the city council. No city tree review
permit shall be effective until all applicable appeal periods have been exhausted.
177,.6.110 Exotic animal permit.
A. Purpose. The exotic animal permit is established to permit the keeping
of wild animals, as defined in section 6.04.230 (Animals) of this municipal code, or other
domestic animals not specifically authorized elsewhere.
B. Procedure.
1. Written applications shall be filed with the director, except that no
application shall be accepted if final action has been taken on an application requesting
the same or substantially the same permit within the previous twelve (12) months, unless
the previous application is denied without prejudice by the director, or on appeal by the
Page 241 of 312
planning commission or city council. An application for an exotic animal permit shall
contain the following information:
a. The name and address of the applicant and of all persons
owning any or all of the property proposed to be used. If applicant does not own the
subject property, written permission from the owner or owners to make such application
must be included with the application;
b. The address and legal description of the subject property;
c. The reason for the request;
d. A sketch or plan indicating the area and dimensions of the
building or enclosure in which the animal or animals are to be kept and the location and
the dimensions of all other structures on the subject and adjacent properties; however,
no sketch or plan shall be required if the subject of the application involves only the
height of fences;
e. The names and addresses of all persons who are shown
on the latest available assessment roll of the county as owning property within five
hundred (500) feet from the exterior boundaries of the subject lot or parcel;
f. A fee, as established by resolution of the city council; and
g. Other appropriate information as the director may require.
2. The director shall mail a notice to all property owners shown on
the application. The notice shall state the location of the subject property, the intent of
the application, and the recipient's right to oppose the permit. All opposition to the permit
must be submitted in writing to the director within ten (10) working days after the mailing
of such notice.
3. The director shall approve an application for an exotic animal
permit where the information presented by the applicant substantiates the following
a. That the permit, if issued, will not be detrimental to the
public health, safety, or general welfare; and
b. That the proposed site is adequate in size and shape to
accommodate the proposed use without material detriment to the use, enjoyment, or
valuation of properties in the vicinity of the site, and that the requested use is an
appropriate use of the site.
4. The director may impose such conditions on permits as are
deemed necessary to insure that animals will be maintained in accordance with the
provisions of this chapter.
5. The director shall deny the application where the information
presented by the applicant fails to substantiate the required findings to the satisfaction of
the director.
6. The notice of decision of an exotic animal permit shall be given
by the director to the applicant and any interested person, pursuant to section 17.80.040
(Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title. Any interested party may appeal the
director's decision io the planning commission pursuant to section 17.80.050 (Hearing
Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title. The decision of the planning commission may
be appealed to the city council pursuant to section 17.80.070 (Hearing Notice and
Page 242 of 312
Appeal Procedure) of this title.
7. Each permit shall be permitted to continue until the lot(s) or
parcel(s) is/are sold or transferred, unless a different time period is specified by the city.
For purposes of this paragraph, change of ownership shall not include inter-spousal
transfers in cases of divorce, or inheritance by a spouse or child.
8. The permit may be terminated upon the occurrence of the
a. The subject lot or parcel is subdivided, reduced in size, or
is combined with one or more other lots or parcels; or
b. A violation of any of the conditions upon which the permit
was granted.
3. The director shall cause each exotic animal permit that is issued
to be recorded with the county recorder in order to provide notice of the terms of the
7.76.1_1.5 Larae domeratig--animal permits.
A. Large domestic animal permit.
1. Purpose. A large domestic animal permit may be issued by the
director to allow the following large domestic animal keeping in an equestrian overlay (Q)
district, provided the review criteria described in section 17.76.115(A)(3) can be made:
a. The keeping of five (5) to six (6) large domestic animals on
a developed lot or parcel;
b. The keeping of one (1)to six (6) large domestic animals
on a vacant lot or parcel which is contiguous to a developed lot that is under the same
ownership or control as the vacant lot, not to exceed a total of six (6) large domestic
animals per lot.
2. Application.
a. Written application shall be filed with the director. The
applicant shall be the owner of the land on which the animals will be kept. No application
shall be accepted if final action has been taken on an application requesting the same or
substantially the same permit within the previous twelve (12) months, unless the previous
application is denied without prejudice by the director, or on appeal by the equestrian
committee or city council. An application,to the director for a large domestic animal
permit shall be executed under penalty of perjury and shall contain the following
i. The name and address of the applicant and of all
persons owning or leasing any or all of the property proposed to be used;
ii. The address, legal description, and ownership of the
subject property;
iii. The total number of animals presently being kept, and
proposed to be kept on the subject property;
iv. A statement identifying the owner of each animal kept
and/or proposed to be kept on the subject property;
v. The reason for the request;
Page 243 of 312
vi. A sketch or plan indicating the area and dimensions of
the building(s) or enclosure(s) in which the animal or animals are to be kept and the
location and the dimensions of all other structures on the subject and adjacent
properties; however, no sketch or plan shall be required if the subject of the application
involves only the height of fences;
vii. The names and addresses of all persons who are
shown on the latest available assessment roll of the county as owning property adjacent
to the proposed animal keeping use, including parcels which are located directly across
any public or private right-of-way from the subject property;
viii. A fee, as established by resolution of the city council;
ix. Other appropriate information as the director may
b. The director shall mail a notice to all property owners and
lessees shown on the application. The notice shall state the location of the subject
property; the intent of the application; and the recipient's right to oppose the permit
before the director. All opposition to the permit must be submitted in writing to the
director within ten (10) working days after the mailing of such notice.
3. Review criteria. The director shall approve an application for a
large domestic animal permit, where the information presented by the applicant
substantiates the following findings:
a. The lot or parcel on which the animals will be kept meets
the minimum lot area animal keeping requirements described in section 17.46.020
(Equestrian Overlay District) of this title; and
b. No more than four (4) large domestic animals will be
boarded on any developed lot, or on any combination of contiguous developed or vacant
parcels which are under the same ownership or control as the developed lot. For
purposes of this finding, boarding shall mean the keeping or maintaining of large
domestic animals that are not owned by the owners or lessees of the lot or parcel upon
which the animals are being kept or maintained.
4. Director action.
a. The director may impose such conditions on permits as
are deemed necessary to insure that animals will be maintained in accordance with the
provisions of chapter 17.46 (Equestrian Overlay District) of this title.
b. The director shall deny the application where the
information presented by the applicant fails to substantiate the required findings to the
satisfaction of the director.
5. Notice of Decision. The notice of decision of a large domestic
animal permit shall be given by the director to the applicant and any interested person,
pursuant to section 17.80.040 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title. Any
interested person may appeal the director's decision to the equestrian committee, and
the equestrian committee's decision to the city council pursuant to section 17.80.070
(Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
6. Permit life.
Page. 244 of 312
a. Each large domestic animal permit shall continue in
perpetuity unless a different time period is specified by the director, or on appeal by the
equestrian committee or city council. The permit may be terminated upon the occurrence
of the following:
L The subject lot or parcel is subdivided, reduced in size,
or is combined with one or more other lots or parcels; or
ii. A violation of any of the conditions upon which the
permit was granted.
b. The director shall cause each large domestic animal permit
issued to be recorded with the county recorder in order to provide notice of the terms of
the permit.
B. Conditional large domestic animal permit.
1. Purpose. A conditional large domestic animal permit may be
issued by the equestrian committee described in section 17.46.070 (Equestrian Overlay
District) of this title to allow:
a. The following animal keeping in an equestrian overlay (Q)
district, provided the equestrian committee determines that the findings described in
section 17.76.115(B)(3) can be made:
L The keeping of one (1) to six (6) large domestic
animals on a vacant lot or parcel that is not contiguous to a developed lot or parcel that is
under the same ownership or control as the vacant lot or parcel;
ii. The keeping or maintaining of more than six (6) large
domestic animals on any developed or vacant lot or parcel;
iii. The keeping of one (1) or more cows on a vacant or
developed lot or parcel;
iv. Variations from the terms and requirements of chapter
17.46 (Equestrian Overlay District) of this title by the keeper of the animals, including, but
not limited to:
(a). The minimum lot or parcel size required to
maintain large domestic animals;
(b). The dimensions or locations of fences,
enclosures, corrals, barns, and other structures, except that the thirty-five (35) foot
minimum setback to habitable structures set forth in section 17.46.060(A)(1) of this
chapter, cannot be reduced;
(c). The screening requirements; and
(d). The animal waste control requirements.
b. The keeping of one or more large domestic animals on
lots or parcels not located within a large domestic animal overlay district.
2. Application.
a. Written applications shall be filed with the director. The
applicant shall be the owner of the land on which the animals will be kept. No application
shall be accepted if final action has been taken on an application requesting the same or
substantially the same permit within the previous twelve (12) months, unless the previous
application is denied without prejudice by the equestrian committee, or on appeal by the
Page 245 of 312
city council. An application to the equestrian committee for a large domestic animal
permit shall be executed under penalty of perjury and shall contain the following
L The name and address of the applicant and of all
persons owning or leasing any or all of the property proposed to be used;
ii. The address, legal description and ownership of the
subject property;
iii. The total number of animals presently being kept, and
proposed to be kept on the subject property;
iv. A statement identifying the owner of each animal kept
and/or proposed to be kept on the subject property;
v. The reason for the request;
vi. A sketch or plan indicating the area and dimensions of
the building(s) or enclosure(s) in which the animal or animals are to be kept and the
location and the dimensions of all other structures on the subject and adjacent
properties; however, no sketch or plan shall be required if the subject of the application
involves only the height of fences;
vii. The names and addresses of all persons who are
shown on the latest available assessment roll of the county as owning property within
five hundred (500) feet of the proposed animal keeping use;
viii. A fee, as established by resolution of the city council;
ix. Other appropriate information as the director may
b. The director shall mail a notice to all property owners
shown on the application. The notice shall state the location of the subject property; the
intent of the application; the date, time and place of the hearing before the equestrian
committee; and the recipient's right to oppose the permit before the equestrian
committee. All opposition to the permit must be submitted in writing to the director within
ten (10) working days after the mailing of such notice.
3. Findings. The equestrian committee shall approve an application
for a large domestic animal permit, where the information presented by the applicant
substantiates the following findings:
a. That no more than four(4) large domestic animals will be
boarded on any vacant or developed lot, or on any combination of contiguous parcels
which are owned or under the control of the same individual(s). For purposes of this
finding, boarding shall mean the keeping or maintaining of large domestic animals that
are not owned by the owners or lessees of the lot or parcel on which the animals are
being kept or maintained;
b. That the permit, if issued, will not be detrimental to the
public health, safely, or general welfare;
c. That the proposed site is adequate in size and shape to
accommodate the proposed use without material detriment to the use, enjoyment, or
valuation of properties in the vicinity of the site; and
Page 246 of 312
d. That the requested use is an appropriate use of the site.
4. Equestrian committee action.
a. The equestrian committee may impose such conditions on
permits as are deemed necessary to ensure that animals will be maintained in
accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Such conditions shall include, but are not
limited to, an increase in the setbacks between animal keeping areas and adjacent
residential structures, additional parking requirements, additional screening
requirements, and additional waste control requirements.
b. The equestrian committee shall deny the application where
the information presented by the applicant fails to substantiate the required findings set
forth in paragraph 3 of this section to the satisfaction of the committee.
5. Notice of decision. The notice of decision of a conditional large
domestic animal permit shall be given by the director to the applicant and any interested
person, pursuant to section 17.80.040 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this
title. Any interested person may appeal the equestrian committee's decision to the city
council pursuant to section 17.80.070 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
6. Permit life.
a. Each conditional large domestic animal permit shall
continue in perpetuity, unless a different time period is specified by the equestrian
committee, or on appeal by the city council, or unless the permit allows the keeping or
maintaining of large domestic animals, in which case the permit shall terminate when the
lot(s) or parcel(s) is/are sold or transferred. For purposes of this paragraph 6, change of
ownership shall not include inter-spousal transfers in cases of divorce, or inheritance by
a spouse or child.
b. The permit may be terminated upon the occurrence of the
L The subject lot or parcel is subdivided, reduced in size,
or is combined with one or more other lots or parcels; or
ii. A violation of any of the conditions upon which the
permit was granted.
c. The director shall cause each special animal permit issued
to be recorded with the county recorder in order to provide notice of the terms of the
1,7,76.,120.Ar_ ales.
A. Purpose. This section provides procedures and standards for operating
video game arcades, as defined in chapter 17.96 (Definitions) of this title.
B. Applicability. Any new video game arcade, and any existing video game
arcade that has been closed for business for more than one hundred eighty (180)
consecutive calendar days, shall not be developed or opened for business unless a
conditional use permit is issued by the planning commission pursuant to the
requirements of this section and chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits) of this title.
C. Nonconforming uses. Any existing video game arcade shall comply
with the standards of this section within one (1) year of the adoption of this section
Page 247 of 312
unless deviation from these standards is authorized by a conditional use permit. Any
intensification of a use at any existing video game arcade, such as an increase in the
number of arcade games or the addition of other arcade uses, requires approval of a
conditional use permit pursuant to this section and chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use
Permits) of this title.
D. Development standards. The standards of the commercial zoning
district in which the video game arcade is located shall apply. The planning commission
may require additional standards that the planning commission deems necessary to
protect the public health, safety, and welfare, as well as to ensure that the video game
arcade will be compatible with the surrounding uses. Such additional standards may
include, but shall not be limited to:
1. Security Program. The establishment of a security program
similar to that described in section 17.76.080(D)(1) (convenience stores) of this title, that
a. Attendance by all management personnel at a sheriffs
crime prevention class to acquaint them with personal safety, security, and crime
prevention techniques, and other law enforcement concerns. Proof of attendance must
be provided annually prior to business license renewal;
b. Staffing of the premises with at least two (2) employees
during all hours that the store is open to the public;
c. Adequate interior and exterior security lighting;
d. The counter area to be readily visible from the street at all
e. A policy concerning the amount of cash available at the
register; and
f. A limited access money depository on the premises.
2. Operation. Restrictions on the days and hours of operation, and
on the location of the video game machines on the property;
3. Location. If a video game arcade constitutes the primary use on
a lot or panel, said video game arcade shall be located a minimum of one hundred (100)
feet from any residential or institutional building, other than residential or institutional
accessory buildings such as storage sheds or detached garages.
4. Use. If a video game arcade constitutes an ancillary use on a lot
or parcel, only actual patrons of the primary use shall play the arcade games.
5. Parking. If a video game arcade constitutes the primary use on a
lot or parcel, one (1) parking space for each video game machine plus one (1) parking
space for each full-time employee shall be required.
6. Hours of Operation. Hours of operation shall be limited to six
a.m. to eleven p.m. for any video game arcade located within three hundred (300) feet of
a residential or institutional use or zone.
17,76.1,30..1Q. eoloaig joyestiaation 12ermit.
A. Purpose. The City finds and declares that it is necessary to adopt this
section to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare by providing for field
Page 248 of 312
research for geologic reports. Where this section is in conflict'with other city ordinances,
the stricter shall apply.
B. Approval required. A geologic investigation permit is required for all
investigative trenching, boring or grading, performed mechanically or by hand. Such
trenching, boring or grading shall pertain only to the accumulation of necessary data. if
the geologic investigation requires a permanent alternation of the property, resulting in
grading which exceeds twenty (20) cubic yards or more of earth movement, approval of a
grading permit shall also be obtained pursuant to section 17.76.040 (grading permits).
C. Application. Prior to issuance of a geologic investigation permit, the
following shall be submitted to the director:
1. A completed geologic investigation permit application on a form
furnished by the city. The application shall be signed by the owner of the property where
the work is to be performed, or by his or her duly authorized agent. An agent's authority
must be shown in writing. The director may require additional information as necessary
to carry out the purposes of this section;
2. Unless waived by the director, the application shall be
accompanied by scaled plans or drawings which show the following:
a. A plot plan of the subject property, at a reasonable scale,
identifying all property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, accurate
contours of existing topographic conditions, ingress and egress routes to be used, all
grading for access routes and trenching, and the location of all trenching and boring
b. The location of any existing structure on an adjacent
property if within fifteen (15)feet of the proposed investigation, whether or not that struc-
ture is located on the lot where the investigation is to occur;
3. A list of all equipment to be used;
4. Any additional plans, drawings, or calculations deemed
necessary by the director, to demonstrate that the proposed investigation complies with
the provisions of this title;
5. An application fee, as established by resolution of the city council;
6. A deposit fee for any off-site placement of material. if excavated
material, in excess of twenty (20) cubic yards, is to be deposited off the site, the
applicant shall deposit with the city a deposit fee, established by resolution of the city
council, in the form of cash, check or money order as security for the proper removal of
the excavated material, before being granted a geologic investigation permit allowing
such excavation. Such excavated material shall be disposed of in the manner set forth
and at the location indicated on the city's "Notice to Contractors and Property
Owners--Requirements for Removal of Excavated Materials." Upon submission to the
city of dump receipts which substantiate the proper removal of all excavated material
from the investigation site, as shown on the notice, the deposit shall be returned. Failure
top resent valid receipts to the city within one hundred eighty (180) days of final approval,
cancellation, or expiration of the geologic investigation permit shall result in forfeiture of
the security deposit. Forfeited deposits shall be placed in the general fund of the city and
Page 249 of 312
used to cover the cost of removing illegally dumped material; aid
7. A deposit fee for any restoration of the site required by the city.
Such deposit shall be refunded upon completion of the site restoration to city standards.
If the site is not restored within thirty (30) days of the completion of the investigation, the
city may restore the site and utilize the deposit for that purpose. If the restoration by the
city exceeds the amount of the deposit, the city shall assess the property owner(s) for the
outstanding cost of the restoration as per city procedures.
D. Criteria for evaluation of a geological investigation permit. The director
shall assess an application for a geologic investigation in light of the following criteria:
1. The trenching, boring or grading for temporary access does not
exceed that necessary for the gathering of necessary data.
2. The trenching, boring or grading does not significantly adversely
affect the visual relationships with, or the views from, neighboring sites.
3. The trenching, boring or grading minimizes disturbance to the
natural contours.
4. The trenching, boring or grading takes into account the
preservation of natural topographic features and appearances.
5. The trenching, boring or grading would not cause excessive and
unnecessary disturbance of the natural landscape or wildlife habitat through removal of
6. The trenching, boring, or grading avoids, where possible, or
minimizes disturbance to archaeological or paleontological resources.
E. Conditions upon issuance. In granting any approval under this chapter,
the director may impose such conditions thereto as may be reasonably necessary to
prevent danger to public or private property, to prevent the operation from being
conducted in a manner likely to create a nuisance, or to preserve the intent of any goal or
policy of the general plan. No person shall violate any conditions so imposed by the
director. Such conditions may include, but shall not be limited to:
1. Limitations on the hours of operation in which work may be
2. Designation of routes upon which materials may be transported
and means of access to the site;
3. Designation of the place and manner of disposal of excavated
materials and of the acquisition of fill materials-,
4. Requirements as to the mitigation of dust and dirt, the prevention
of noise and other results offensive or injurious to the neighborhood, the general public
or any portion thereof, including due consideration, care, and respect for the property
rights, convenience and reasonable desires and needs of said neighbors;
5. Designation of maximum or minimum slopes to be used;
6. Regulations as to the use of public streets and places in the
course of the work and
7. Requirements that the site be reasonably restored to its previous
condition, including but not limited to, replacement of any earth that was disturbed and
re-seeding and/or re-planting of any vegetation that was removed.
Page 250 of 312
F. Appeal. Any interested person may appeal any decision or any
condition of the director to the planning commission and of the planning commission to
the city council pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this
17.76.140 Bed and Breakfast Inns.
A. Purpose. This section provides criteria for the development,
operation, and regulation of bed and breakfast inns in the city. These criteria ensure that
bed and breakfast inns are developed and operated on adequate sites, at proper and
desirable locations with respect to surrounding land uses, and the goals and objectives
of the general plan and any applicable specific plans. These criteria further ensure that if
located in residential districts, bed and breakfast inns are compatible with a residential
B. Applicability.
1. Conditional Use Permit Required. In zoning districts where
such conditional uses are allowed by this title, the development of a bed and breakfast
inn or the conversion of any portion of an existing use or structure into a bed and
breakfast inn shall require the approval of a conditional use permit by the planning
commission pursuant to the requirements of this chapter and chapter 17.60 (Conditional
Use Permit) of this title.
2. Findings. In order to approve a conditional use permit for a
bed and breakfast inn, the planning commission must make the findings listed below and
the findings listed in Chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits) of this title:
a. That the proposed bed and breakfast inn will not contribute
to the undesirable proliferation of such uses;
b. That the operation of the proposed bed and breakfast inn -
will not adversely affect adjacent or nearby residences;
c. If located in a residential zoning district, that the operation
of the proposed bed and breakfast inn will not alter the residential character of the
neighborhood or create vehicular or pedestrian traffic which changes the residential
character of the neighborhood and dwelling unit where the bed and breakfast inn is being
C. Development standards.
1. Residential Interface. If the proposed bed and breakfast use
is located within or adjacent to a residential zoning district, the following standards shall
be imposed to reduce the impact of the bed and breakfast inn on adjacent residential
a. Public Entrances. Public entrances and loading areas
shall be designed or screened so as to avoid facing an adjoining residence.
b. Guest Arrivals. Guests are not permitted to check in or
check out between,the hours of ten p.m. and seven a.m.
c. Use. The establishment and conduct of a bed and
breakfast inn in a residential zoning district shall not change the principal residential
character of the use of the dwelling unit, nor shall there be any exterior evidence of the
Page 251 of 312
bed and breakfast use being conducted. The bed and breakfast inn use shall be clearly
incidental to the residential use.
.2. Lighting. The lighting provisions of section 17.56.040
(Environmental Protection) shall apply and all exterior lighting shall be arranged and
shielded to prevent of-site illumination. In residential zoning districts, only
ground-oriented, shielded or diffused lighting shall be allowed.
3. Signage. Signage related to the bed and breakfast inn use
shall only be allowed in non-residential zoning districts and shall conform to the
requirements of section 17.76.050 (Sign Permit).
4. Parking. One paved (1) off-street parking space for every
bedroom available for lodging shall be provided on the property on which the bed and
breakfast use is located.
5. Employees. With the exception of one outside employee,
there shall be no employment of help in connection with the operation of the bed and
breakfast inn other than the individuals residing at the residence.
6. Appearance. All structures must comply with general
appearance, setbacks, and landscaping standards and regulations applicable to the
principal zoning district in which the bed and breakfast inn is located.
7. Noise. There shall be no noise or other disturbance created
by the bed and breakfast inn use.
8. Location. A bed and breakfast inn shall not be located within
one thousand (1,000) feet of any other bed and breakfast inn.
9. Operation. The operators of a bed and breakfast inn must
reside on the property on which it is located and the site shall be maintained in a neat
and orderly manner and operated as specified by the conditional use permit.
10. Intensification of Use. Any accessory activities or
improvements that change or intensify the use of a bed and breakfast inn previously
approved through a conditional use permit by the planning commission, including, but not
limited to the addition of bedrooms or exterior improvements, shall require prior review
and approval by the director. The director has the discretion to refer the requested
activity to the planning commission for review.
D. Enforcement. In the event that written complaints are received
regarding the operation of a bed and breakfast inn, the director shall investigate and may
refer the complaints to the planning commission. The planning commission will hold a
public hearing to review the complaints, the conditional use permit or other approvals,
pursuant to chapter 17.60 (Conditional Use Permits).
1. Public Hearing. If a public hearing is held to review the
conditional use permit, the planning commission may add, delete, or modify conditions of
approval, or revoke the conditional use permit pursuant to section 17.86.060
(Enforcement) of this title.
2. Appeal. Any decision by the planning commission to add,
modify, or delete conditions of approval, or to revoke the conditional use permit may be
appealed to the city council pursuant to section 17.80.070 (Hearing Notice and Appeal
Procedure) of this title.
Page 252 of 312
Qbimter 1 Z.7.$.
17.78.010 Fee waivers.
17.78.020 Acceptance of conditions.
17.78.030 Consideration of multiple applications.
17.78.040 Amendments to approved applications.
17.78.050 Interpretation procedure for approved applications.
117.78.010 Fee Waiye.m.
A. Except for the application fee exemption described in section
17.78.010(D) of this chapter, no appeal, application for a permit, or approval under
title 16 or title 17 of this municipal code may be accepted unless the applicant pays all
necessary application, appeal and/or penalty fees as established by the city council. The
director may accept requests for waiver of application, appeal and/or penalty fees for
presentation to the city council. If a fee waiver request is submitted concurrently with an
application or appeal, the application, appeal and/or penalty fee shall be paid..by the
applicant and the paid fee shall be held by the city until a determination is made on the
accompanying fee waiver request.
B. The city council may, in its discretion, grant such a waiver if it finds:
1. The applicant or the beneficiary of the use or activity proposed by
the applicant is a non-profit corporation registered with the state of california; or
2. The use or activity proposed or the activities of the beneficiary of
the use or activity proposed are charitable, educational, or otherwise provide a
substantial benefit to the public.
3. The applicant has demonstrated a financial hardship, as
determined by the city council, on a case by case basis.
C. The city council may, in its discretion, grant a fee waiver without making
the findings specified in section 17.78.010(B) of this chapter, if the applicant has been
granted a variance due to administrative error pursuant to subsection 17.64.020(0)
(Variances) of this;title.
D. Non-profit corporations that are registered with the secretary of state
and which are located or conduct business in the city of rancho palos verdes, or provide
Page 253 of 312
services available to city residents, shall, upon submittal of reasonable proof as to non-
profit status, be exempt from the requirement for payment of application fees associated
with processing certain planning applications. This exemption shall apply only to the
following types of applications:
1. Temporary sign permits;
2. Special use permits;
3. Sign permits; and
4. Site plan review applications (only where no new expansion of
building space or lot coverage is proposed).
This fee exemption shall not be construed as waiving the requirements for submittal and
review of the required applications and associated information. This fee exemption shall
not apply to appeal fees, penalty fees or fees for building permits or plan check services.
Fee waivers for appeal fees, penalty fees and/or building permtis or plan check services
shall be processed in accordance with the procedures described in section 17.78.010 of
this chapter.
1.7.78.Q2QAccei2#ance Qf conditions. Any discretionary permit or approval which
has been approved by the director, planning commission or city council pursuant to
stated conditions shall be null and void on the ninety-first (91st) day after it is granted or
upon issuance of a building permit, whichever occurs first, if the applicant has not prior to
that date informed the director in writing of his or her acceptance of the conditions of
approval. While this written acceptance may form the basis of an estoppel against the
applicant, it shall not create any contractual relationship between the city and the
17 mIjIliple. .
A. When more than one permit, variance, or other approval under titles 16
and 17 of this code is necessary for a single development project or use, the applicant
shall submit all the applications simultaneously and the applications shall be processed
concurrently. Further, all the applications may be considered by a single officer or
agency of the city pursuant to this section.
B. If any of the applications would be presented to the planning
commission for initial consideration if filed singly, all the applications shall be presented
to the planning commission as a package. The planning commission shall then have the
authority to act on each application as if the planning commission were the officer, or
agency of the city, authorized to act on such an application by title 16 or title 17 of this
C. If none of the applications would be presented to the planning
commission for initial consideration if filed singly, then all the applications shall be acted
upon by the director as a package. The director shall then have the authority to act on
Page 254 of 312
each application.
D. A decision of the director on a group of applications pursuant to this
section may be appealed to the planning commission pursuant to section 17.80.050
(Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of this title. A decision of the planning
commission on a group of applications, pursuant to section 17.78.030 of this chapter,
may be appealed to the city council pursuant to section 17.80.070 (Hearing Notice and
Appeal Procedures) of this title. An appeal of an application that is part of a package
shall serve as an appeal of the entire application package.
E. Unless an appeal is referred to the director pursuant to section
17.80.060(E) (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of this title, or to the planning
commission pursuant to section 17.80.080(A)(5) (Hearing Notice and Appeal
Procedures) of this title, the appellate body may, in its discretion, consider any issue, any
permit or approval approved in the appealed package, whether or not raised or identified
in the notice of appeal. Unless an appeal is authorized by this paragraph, all decisions
rendered pursuant to this section shall be final when rendered.
F. If any of the applications presented to the planning commission require
final approval by the city council, if filed singly, then all the applications shall be
forwarded to the city council for final action.
JLZ�.040 Am.endmenta-Ig agl2rgved apl2liQati
A. An amendment, which proposes a substantive revision to the plans or
project approved by an application that has been granted in accordance with this title,
may be initiated by the property owner, at any time it is deemed necessary or desirable,
upon petition to the director and submittal of a fee, as established by resolution by the
city council. The determination of what constitutes a substantive revision shall be made
by the director. Amendments to the project shall include, but are not limited to, the
deletion or modification of existing conditions of approval, or the inclusion of new
conditions of approval.
B. The amendment to the project shall be considered by the same body
which took the final action in granting the original application, utilizing the same hearing
and noticing procedures, review criteria, and appeal procedures as required by this title,
for consideration of the original application.
1 L78.050 I nle[pretplign progedure for-a. 12roved apglications.
A. Incases of uncertainty or ambiguity as to the meaning or intent of any
decision granted in:accordance with this title, or to further define or enumerate the
conditions of approval of an approved application, an interpretation procedure shall be
followed whereby the body which took the final action in granting the original application
Page 255 of 312
shall conduct an interpretation review of the decision in question. Said interpretation
review may be initiated by the director, planning commission, city council, or upon the
written request of the property owner or any interested person. Said interpretation
review shall utilize the same notice, hearing process and review criteria required by this
title for consideration of the original application. The interpretation review procedure
shall be applied, but not be limited to the following situations:
1. Discrepancies between approved plans and subsequently revised
2. Interpretations of conditions of approval;
3. New issues stemming from construction of the approved project
which were not addressed or considered as part of the original project approval;
4. New minor project modifications that are similar in scope to the
project considered under the original application; and
5. Minor modifications to the approved project as a result of and in
conjunction with city decisions on subsequent discretionary applications.
B. In cases involving the interpretation of a decision of the planning
commission and/or city council, the director shall prepare a written interpretation and
transmit it to the appropriate review body. The director's written interpretation shall
include a determination on whether said interpretation decision constitutes a minor, non-
substantial revision to the approved application. Upon review of the director's
interpretation, the appropriate body shall either:
1. Concur with the director's interpretation; and if the interpretation
results in a minor revision to the approved application, approve the revision by minute
order; or
2. Make a determination that the subject interpretation may result in
a substantive revision to the originally approved application and thus require a formal
review hearing; utilizing the same hearing, noticing requirements, review criteria, and
appeal procedures, required by this Title, for consideration of the original application.
C. In cases where the interpretation review is initiated by the director,
planning commission or city council no fee shall be required. In cases where the
interpretation review is initiated by an applicant/property owner or interested party, a fee,
as established by resolution of the city council, shall be required. Cases in which an
interpretation review shall be considered as initiated by an applicant/property owner or
interested party include but are not limited to:
Page 256 of 312
1. Situations in which there is a differehce of opinion between
the director and an applicant or interested person as to whether a subsequently revised
plan is consistent of the originally approved plan; and the applicant or interested person
seeks the opinion of the review body which took the final action on the approved
application; and
2. Situations in which there is a difference of opinion between
the director and an applicant or interested person on the interpretation of a condition of
approval, and the applicant or interested person seeks the opinion of the review body
which took the final action on the approved application.
Page 257 of 312
Chapter 17.80
Secti �.
17.80.010 Title and purpose.
17.80.020 Effect of filing.
17.80.030 Appellate authority.
17.80.040 Notice of decision by director.
17.80.050 Appeal to planning commission.
17.80.060 Action by planning commission.
17.80.070 Appeal to city council.
17.80.080 Action by city council.
17.80.090 Notice of hearing.
17.80.100 Hearing transcript.
17.80.110 Denial without prejudice.
17.80.120 Appeal fee refund.
17.80.130 Appeals by city council.
2,8100 _Idle_and-12url2ose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish a
procedure for appeals of decisions made pursuant to titles 16 and 17 of this code.
17,80.020 Effect of Filing. The filing of a notice of appeal pursuant to this chapter
stays all activity on the project until a final decision on the appeal.
17.80.034 Appellate authority.
A. Unless otherwise expressly provided in title 16 or title 17 of this code,
any decision made by the director pursuant to title 16 or title 17 of this code may be
appealed to the planning commission and any decision made by the planning
commission or view restoration commission pursuant to title 16 or title 17 of this code
may be appealed to the city council.
B. The director is hereby designated as a zoning administrator pursuant to
section 65900 of the California Government Code with respect to these decisions which
may be rendered by that officer or his or her designees pursuant to this title 17. when
acting as a zoning administrator pursuant to this paragraph C, the director shall exercise
the authority conferred by this title and authorized by section 65901 of the California
Government Code,
17.80.040 Notice of,decisior-i by director. When notice of a decision of the
director is required to be given in accordance with the provisions of this section, the
Page 258 of 312
written notice shall:
A. Provide a general explanation of the director's decision;
B. Provide a general description of the property involved;
C. Inform recipients of the notice of the right of any interested person to
appeal the director's decision to the planning commission and explain how that right may
be exercised; and
D. Be given by first class mail to:
1. The project applicant and property owner;
2. Any person who submitted written comments concerning the
applicant's request;
3. Any person who has filed a written request with the City to
receive such notice;
4. Any homeowner association on file with the City that has
jurisdiction over the subject property.
1,7.80.050 An al to plannina_commission.
A. Power to hear and decide. The planning commission shall have the
power to hear and decide appeals of decisions of the director.
B. Filing of appeal. Unless otherwise specified in this code, any interested
person may file an appeal of a director's decision with the planning commission, provided
the appeal is filed in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days after the notice of the
director's decision is issued and the appropriate fee, as established by resolution of the
city council, is paid. The appeal shall set forth the grounds for appeal and any specific
action being requested by the appellant. The director's decision is final-if not appealed to
the planning commission within fifteen (15) calendar days.
C. Hearing and notice. The director shall set a hearing on the appeal,
which shall be conducted as provided in section 17.80.060 of this chapter. Notice of the
hearing shall be given as specified in section 17.80.090 of this chapter.
17.80.060 actin by piannina co misrgjon. In conducting an appeal hearing, the
planning commission may:
Page 259 of 312
A. Approve an application upon finding that all applicable findings have
been correctly made and all of provisions of title 16 and title 17 of this code have been
complied with; or
B. Approve an application but impose additional or different conditions or
guarantees as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of title 16 and title 17 of this
code; or
C. Deny the application without prejudice upon a finding that all applicable
findings have not been correctly made or all provisions of title 16 and title 17 of this code
have not been complied with but that, in either case, the application has merit and may
possibly be modified to conform with the provisions of titles 16 and 17 of this code; or
D. Disapprove the application upon finding that all applicable findings
cannot be made or all provisions of title 16 and title 17 of this code have not been
complied with; or
E. Refer the matter to the director with instructions.
1-7.80,0Z0 Apell to city council.
A. Appeal of a planning commission decision. Any interested person may
file an appeal of a planning commission's decision to the city council provided the appeal
is filed in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days after final action by the planning
commission and the appropriate fee, as established by resolution of the city council, is
paid. The appeal shall set forth the grounds for appeal and any specific action being
requested by the appellant. The planning commission's decision is final if no appeal is
filed within fifteen (15) calendar days.
B. Notice of appeal. A notice of appeal shall be filed in writing with the city
clerk or the director and shall set forth the grounds for the appeal and any specific action,
being requested by the appellant.
C. Hearing date. The city manager or city clerk shall fix the time for
hearing the appeal.
D. Notice. The city clerk or director shall notice the hearing as required by
section 17.80.090 of this chapter.
E. Record on appeal. All materials on file with the director shall be part of
the city council appeal hearing record. In addition, any person may offer supplemental
evidence during the appeal hearing.
Page 260 of 312
F. De novo review. The city council appeal hearing is not limited to con-
sideration of the materials presented to the planning commission. Any matter or
evidence relating to the action on the application, regardless of the specific issue
appealed, may be reviewed by the city council at the appeal hearing.
12.80.,080.Action by ty GgUnQil.
A. In conducting an appeal hearing, the city council may:
1. Approve the application upon finding that all applicable findings
have been correctly made and all provisions of title 16 and title 17 of this code are
complied with; or
2. Approve the application but impose additional or different
conditions or guarantees as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of title 16 and title
17 of this code; or
3. Deny the application without prejudice, upon a finding that all
applicable findings have not been correctly made or all provisions of title 16 and title 17
of this code have not been complied with but that, in either case, the application has
merit and may possibly be modified to conform with the provisions of title 16 and title 17
of this code; or
4. Disapprove the application upon finding that all applicable
findings cannot be made or all provisions of title 16 and title 17 of this code have not
been complied with; or
5. Refer the matter to the planning commission with instructions.
B. Vote required. A simple majority of the city council members voting
shall be required to overrule or modify a decision by the director and/or planning
commission which is appealed, or to grant an appealed application where the director
and/or commission has failed to act within the time permitted by law.
C. Effective date. A decision of the council sustaining, overruling or
modifying any decision, determination or requirement of the planning commission shall
be final and conclusive when rendered unless otherwise provided by the council in rules
of procedure or elsewhere. In cases where the city council adopts a resolution
memorializing the council's decision, final action shall be the adoption of the resolution.
17,.0:09_ Notice of hearina. Unless another provision of this code defines the
notice required for a public hearing on an application or appeal, notice shall be provided
as set forth in this section.
Page 261 of 312
A. Time. Notice of public hearing shall be given pit least fifteen (15)
calendar days before the hearing date.
B. Content. A notice of hearing shall include:
1. The date, time and place of hearing;
2. The identity of the hearing body or officer;
3. A general explanation of the matter to be considered; and
4. The address or general location of the project site.
C. Publication. Notice shall be published in a newspaper of general
circulation in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. If no such newspaper exists when notice
is required to be given, such notice shall be posted in at least three (3) public places in
the city designated by the city council.
D. Notice to owners of property within five hundred (500) feet.
1. Written notice shall be given to all owners of property within five
hundred (500) feet of the external boundaries of the subject property. Such written
notice shall be made by first class mail or personal delivery to all persons, including
businesses, corporations or other public or private entities, shown on the last equalized
assessment roll as owning real property within five hundred (500) feet of the external
boundaries of the subject property.
2. In the event that the number of owners to whom notice would be
sent pursuant to section 17.80.090(D)(1) of this chapter is greater than 1,000, as an
alternative to such notice, notice may be given by placing a display advertisement of at
least 118 page in a newspaper of general circulation within the city.
E. Notice to persons requesting notice. In all cases, in addition to other
notices, notice shall be given by first class mail to any person who has filed a written
request with the city to receive notices of public hearings. Such a request may be
submitted at any time and shall apply for the balance of the calendar year. A reasonable
fee may be imposed on persons requesting such notice to recover the cost of such
F. Notice to affected homeowner associations. In all cases, in addition to
all other notices, nQtice shall be given by first class mail to any homeowner association(s)
on file with the city that have jurisdiction over the subject property and any property
located within five hundred (500) feet of the subject property.
Page 262 of 312
G. Property owner. In all cases, in addition to other notices, notice shall be
given by first class mail to the owner of the subject property and the applicant, if different
from the owner.
.1731100 Hearing transc Nothing in this title 17 shall require the keeping of a
verbatim hearing transcript where such a transcript is not otherwise required by law. Denial without g iudise. Notwithstanding the application fling
restrictions for a conditional use permit application [section 17.60.020(A)]; variance
application [section 17.64.020(A)]; extreme slope permit application [section
17.76.060(C)(1); special animal permit application [section 17.76.110(B)(1); and a zone
change/code amendment petition [section 17.68.030(C)], a land use application that has
been denied without prejudice on appeal may be refiled at any time. The refiled
application must be accompanied by the standard filing fee, unless the fee is waived by
the city council, pursuant to section 17.78.010 (Miscellaneous) of this title.
17,EQ.120_8pppal f-Qg LQfund. All appeal fees shall be refunded to a successful
appellant. An appellant is considered successful if a final decision is rendered granting
his/her appeal. if an appeal results in a modification to the project, other than changes
specifically requested in the appeal, than one half of the appeal fee shall be refunded to
the successful appellant.
17,80.130 8gUegi,5 by city ,cil. The city council may determine by a majority
vote, that an application which has been reviewed by the planning commission, but has
not been appealed to the city council, should be reviewed by the city council. The city
council's decision to review an application shall be made within the appeal period of the
subject application.
Page 263 of 312
Qbaoter 17.84
17.84.010 Purpose.
17.84.020 Applicability.
17.84.030 Continuance of nonconformities.
17.84.040 Nonconforming lots.
17.84.050 Nonconforming uses.
17.84.060 Nonconforming buildings and other structures.
17.84.Q1_0 Purgose. This chapter provides for lots, uses and structures which are
or become nonconforming with the standards of this title; specifies the conditions under
which nonconformities may continue, and prohibits the expansion of nonconformities. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all lots, uses
and structures which do not meet the standards of this title as a result of noncompliance
upon adoption of this title, or amendments thereto, or upon annexation of territory to the
city. This chapter does not apply to illegal lots, uses or structures.
17.84.030 Continuance of noncofQrmities. Nonconforming lots, uses, and
structures may be continued subject to the provisions of this chapter.
17,84.04Q Nonconforming,lots. All lots which do not meet the minimum lot area,
dimension standards and minimum building pad area requirement of the district in which
they are located are deemed nonconforming lots, and the following provisions shall
A. Undeveloped, nonconforming lots may be used and have a structure
erected upon them provided that geologic and/or soils reports are submitted and
approved by the city and all applicable building code requirements can be satisfied.
However, if such a lot is contiguous to another lot of the same ownership on the effective
date of this title, such lots shall be considered to be an undivided parcel for the purposes
of this title, and the separate lots shall be combined and recorded as one lot prior to the
use of, and prior to the issuance of a building permit for any construction on the lot, or
contiguous commonly..owned lot where this condition exists.
B. No nonconforming lot shall be reduced in area or dimensions if such
reduction would result in a greater degree of nonconformity.
Page 264 of 312
,17.84.0 Q Nonconformirna uses. All uses which are not''listed as permitted uses
in the district in which such use is being conducted, and all uses which, if presently
initiated, would require a conditional use permit by this title and which do not have an
approved conditional use permit, are deemed nonconforming uses, and the following
provisions shall apply:
A. No nonconforming use shall be expanded or moved in whole or in part
to any portion of the lot or parcel or other structure other than that occupied by such use
at the effective date of the provisions of this chapter, except as provided in sections
17.12.040 (Commercial Districts) and 17.26.050 (institutional District) of this title.
B. No nonconforming use may be changed to a different nonconforming
C. If a nonconforming use is discontinued for a period of one hundred
eighty (180) calendar days or more, it shall not be reestablished. The destruction of
buildings and/or land occupied by a nonconforming use, as a result of an involuntary act
or a voluntary act taken against the buildings and/or land, which is not the fault of the
property owner or lessee, shall not constitute a discontinued use.
1-7,84.QQQNgoconforMina buil i . All structures, including
main buildings, accessory buildings, walls, fences, and any other structures, which do
not meet the height or setback standards, or which result in open space less than
required, or for which the number of parking spaces provided is less than required, are
deemed to be nonconforming structures. No physical change, enlargement, extension,
or reduction which increases the degree or extent of a nonconforming structure or
building shall be made. The following provisions shall apply:
A. Residential buildings.
1. Residential buildings located in any zoning district which are
damaged or destroyed by a geologic hazard may be replaced, repaired or restored to
original condition provided that such construction shall be limited to the same square
footage, maximum height, and general location on the property; and said construction
shall not aggravate any hazardous geologic condition, if a hazardous geologic condition
remains. Prior to approval for such construction, the applicant shall submit to the city
geologist any geological and/or geotechnical studies reasonably required by the city
geotechnical staff and the applicant shall comply with any abatement measures as a
condition of permit issuance. Upon application to the director, buildings may be
expanded to conform to the setbacks listed below:
Page 265 of 312
Minimum Setback Standards
Front Interior side Street side Rear
20 5 10 15
2. Residential buildings located in any zoning district which are
damaged or destroyed due to an involuntary act, or due to a voluntary act against the
structure(s)which is not the fault of the property owner or lessee may be replaced,
repaired or restored to original condition provided that such construction is limited to the
same maximum height, square footage and general location on the property. Upon
application to the director, structures may be expanded to conform to the setbacks listed
in section 17.84.060(A)(1) of this chapter.
3. Residential buildings that are proposed to be remodeled or
renovated such that fifty percent (50%) or greater of any existing interior and exterior
walls or existing square footage is demolished or removed within a two (2) year period,
shall then conform to all current development standards for that district and the most
recently adopted version of the uniform building code.
B. Commercial buildings. Through December 31, 2009, any
nonconforming commercial building in any commercial district may be restored to its
original condition consistent with the uniform building code, in the event of destruction
due to an involuntary act, or due to a voluntary act against the property which is not the
fault of the property owner or lessee. Such construction shall not extend the amortization
period for any structure.
C. Other structures.
1. Any nonconforming structure which requires a building permit and
which has deteriorated or is damaged, may be restored to original condition, in
accordance with the most recently adopted version of the uniform building code,
provided that the cost of such restoration does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the
replacement value of the structure, as determined by the director. If the restoration is
necessary due to damage, the restoration shall commence, as that phrase is defined in
section 17.86.070 (Enforcement) of this title, one (1) year from the date when the
damage occurred. Otherwise, the restoration of said structure shall conform to all current
development standards for that district.
2. Any nonconforming structure which does not require a building
permit and which has deteriorated or is damaged, may be restored to original condition,
provided that such restoration does not pose a significant safety hazard, as determined
by the director. If the restoration is necessary due to damage, the applicant shall
commence upon the restoration, as that phrase is defined in section 17.86.070
(Enforcement) of this title, within one (1) year from the date the restoration is approved
Page 266 of 312
by the director.
D. The director shall be notified in writing prior to the restoration or
replacement of any nonconforming structure. With the exception of nonconforming walls,
fences, and the minor structures and mechanical equipment listed in section
17.48.030(E)(3) (Lots, Setbacks, Open Space and Building Height) of this title, the
replacement and/or restoration of nonconforming structures shall be approved by the
director through a site plan review application, provided the proposed replacement
and/or restoration conforms to the provisions of this chapter.
E. Where a structural alteration is proposed to be made to any legal
nonconforming building or structure, including accessory structures and garages, no
building permit for a new structure or an addition to an existing structure which adds fifty
percent (50%) or more to the existing floor area shall be issued, unless plans to bring
any nonconforming building or structure into compliance with the standards of this title, or
as near to compliance as is practically feasible, are approved by the director. No
certificate of occupancy or final building permit shall be issued until such improvements
are completed per the approved plans. This requirement shall not apply to
nonconforming buildings or structures which are deemed legal nonconforming because
they do not meet the setback standards of this title.
Page 267 of 312
Cha tomer„ 17._86
17.86.010 Purpose.
17.86.020 Evidence or procedure.
17.86.030 Prohibited uses.
17.86.040 Enforcement.
17.86.050 Disqualification for violation.
17.86.060 Suspension or revocation of permits.
17.86.070 Expiration of permit upon non-use.
17.86.080 Penalty fees.
17.86.090 Penalty for violation.
17.86.100 Statute of limitations.
17.86.01,0 E!Urpos!e. This chapter assures compliance with the provisions of title
16 and title 17 of this code.
17,86,020 ,Emidence or i2rogedure. Formal rules of evidence or procedure which
are followed in court shall not be applied to hearings before the city council or planning
commission. No action, inaction or recommendation regarding any planning or zoning
matter by either the city council or planning commission or any staff member shall be
held void or invalid or be set aside by any court on the ground of the improper
consideration or rejection of evidence or by reason of any error or otherwise in any of the
administrative or legislative procedures, so long as such error was not prejudicial and the
omission of such error would not have afforded a different decision by the city council,
planning commission or staff.
17.86.030 P rgh ibited uses. Within each district, any use not specifically listed as
permitted shall be prohibited unless the planning commission finds such use to be similar
to and no more intensive than permitted uses in that district.
17.86.040 Enfo,rca_ . It shall be the duty of the director or an authorized agent
of the director to enforce the provisions of this title. This duty shall include taking such
legal action as may be necessary to assure compliance.
1L.8.6,050, flip2 ualification for violation.
A. The city shall not accept an application for review, or if an application
has already been submitted, shall not grant an application, to allow any improvement or
development on a lot or parcel on which the director has verified that a violation of this
municipal code exists. An application may be accepted or granted by the city if the
Page 268 of 312
subject lot or parcel is brought into compliance with this municipal code, either by
removing the violation or by submitting an application to legalize the violation, or a permit
or approval is granted pursuant to section 17.86.050(B) of this chapter.
B. Notwithstanding an existing violation of this code, the planning
commission may authorize a permit or approval under this code if it finds:
1. The permit or approval must be granted by virtue of
applicable law or in order to permit the applicant a reasonable economic use of the
property, in which case the permit or approval shall be conditioned upon elimination of
the existing code violations; or
2. The use or activity for which the permit or approval is sought
will substantially contribute to the reduction or elimination of the existing code violations
and immediate, total elimination of those violations is infeasible, or would constitute an
unreasonable burden upon the applicant.
C. A permit or approval granted pursuant to section 17.86.050(B) of this
chapter may be appealed by any interested person pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing
Notice and Appeal Procedure) of this title.
17.5Q,060 !9,,uspension or.rev_gc tion ofpermits. The officer or body tacking final
action granting any permit pursuant to the provision of this title may, after following the
same procedures utilized for approving such a permit, revoke or suspend the permit if:
A. The permit was issued erroneously; or
B. The permit was issued on the basis of incorrect or fraudulent
information supplied by the applicant; or
C. The permit was issued contrary to the provisions of the municipal
code; or
D. The permit is being, or recently has been, exercised contrary to the
terms or conditions of such permit. No permit shall be revoked prior to providing a ten
(10) calendar day written notice to the holder of the permit and an opportunity to be
heard before the officer or body considering revocation or suspension of the permit. Any
decision to revoke or not to revoke a permit, other than a decision by the city council,
may be appealed by any interested party pursuant to chapter 17.80 (Hearing Notice and
Appeal Procedures) of this title.
,I Z.B6.OZO Ex ii tiQnof_permit u_pgn non--use.
A. Any permit or approval granted under this title 17, shall become null
Page 269 of 312
and void unless the applicant commences upon the permitted.use within the time
permitted by section 17.86.070(B) of this chapter, unless another provision of this title or
a provision of the approval or permit itself, provides a different period for the permit or
approval in issue. For purposes of this section, an applicant has commenced upon a use
1. The applicant has submitted an application for a building
permit, if such a permit is required for the permitted use; or
2. The applicant has begun development and no building permit
is required for the permitted use; or
3. The applicant has occupied a property and commenced the
permitted use, if no development is required for the permitted use; or
4. The applicant has complied with all conditions applicable to
the permit or approval, if subparagraphs (1), (2), and (3) of this section 17.86.070(A) do
not apply to the permit or approval at issue.
B. Any development permit application initially approved by the director
or his or her designee pursuant to title 17 of this code, or any permit or approval granted
by the planning commission or city council on appeal, shall be valid for one hundred
eighty (180) calendar days from the date of final action on the permit or approval. All
such permits and approvals shall be null and void after that time, unless the applicant
has commenced upon the use, as the phrase is defined in section 17.86.070(A) of this
chapter. In addition, such permits and approvals shall be null and void if after submitting
an application for a building permit, as described in section 17.86.070(A)(1) of this
chapter, said permit is allowed to expire or is withdrawn by the applicant. Upon a
showing of substantial hardship, delays beyond the control of the applicant, or other
good cause, the final approving body of the original permit or approval may extend this
period one time for up to an additional one hundred eighty ('180) calendar days.
C. With the exception of permits or approvals approved in conjunction
with a parcel map or tract map, any development permit application initially approved by
the planning commission or city council pursuant to title 17 of this code, including
approvals granted by the city council on appeal, shall be valid for one (1) year from the
date of final action on the permit or approval. All such permits shall be null and void after
that time unless the applicant has commenced upon the use, as that phrase is defined in
section 17.86.0700►) of this chapter. Upon a showing of substantial hardship, delays
beyond the control'of the applicant, or other good cause, the planning commission or city
council may extend this period one (1) time for up to (1) one additional year. The
expiration of permits approved in conjunction with a parcel map or tract map pursuant to
Page 270 of 312
title 16 of this code shall be coincidental with the expiration of the parcel map or tract
D. Any development permit application deemed null and void by this
section may be re-issued by the director provided the following occurs.
1. No changes have been made or will be made to the originally
approved plans;
2. The development permit application has not been null and
void for more than one (1) year, and
3. A fee of one half the original application fee is paid by the
_17.86.080 Penalty fees. The fees and charges made pursuant to title 16 and title
17 of this code and other policies of the city shall be doubled, when work requiring a
permit has been started or carried on prior to obtaining said permit or if said permit is
allowed to expire or is withdrawn by the applicant. A nonrefundable penalty fee, as
established pursuant to city council resolution, shall be charged for applications for which
the fees are based on deposits against charges.
17,.,86.09.0 Penalty for violation. Any person, firm or corporation, whether as
principal, agent, employee or otherwise, who violates or causes the violation of any of
the provisions of this title or title 16 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand (1,000) dollars, or by
imprisonment for a term not to exceed six (6) months, or by both such fine and
imprisonment. Each person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate
offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of this title or
title 16 is committed or continued by such a person, firm or corporation.
17.86.100;,„Statute of,limitations.
A. Any court action or proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void or
annul any decision regarding the general pian or any matter mentioned in this title (other
than a matter governed by Government Code Section 65907) or concerning any of the
proceedings, acts or determinations taken, done or made prior to such decision, shall not
be maintained by any person unless such action or proceeding is commenced within
thirty (30) days after the date on which such decision becomes final. Thereafter all
persons are barred from any such action or proceeding or any defense of invalidity or
unreason ablenesspf_such decision or of such proceedings, acts or determinations.
B. Any court action brought pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure
Section 1094.5 to attack, review, set aside, void or annul any decision denying an
Page 271 of 312
application for a permit or revoking a previously granted permit, shall not be maintained
by any person unless such action is commenced within ninety (90) days after the date on
which such decision becomes final. This subsection has been adopted pursuant to Code
of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6.
Page 272 of 312
17.88.010 Purpose.
17.88.020 Zoning map.
17.88.030 District boundaries.
17,88.01 Q Purpose. This chapter establishes an official zoning map and
procedures for its administration.
17.88.020. Zoni ,a ,�.
A. The zoning districts created by this title and the boundaries of such
districts are shown upon a map which is hereby incorporated and made a part of this title
by reference, being designated as the official zoning map of the city, and said map and
all the notations, references and other information shown thereon shall be as much a
part of this title as if the matters and information set forth by said map were all duly
described in this title.
B. The official zoning map shall be identified by the signature of the city
clerk and bear the seal of the city under the following words: "This is to certify that this is
the Official Zoning Map of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, California,"together with the
date of the adoption of the ordinance codified in this title.
C. The original zoning map shall be kept on file with the director and shall
constitute the original record. A copy of said map shall also be filed with the city clerk.
D. If, in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and the laws of the
state, changes are made in district boundaries or other matter portrayed on the official
zoning map, such changes shall be entered on the official zoning map promptly after an
ordinance making the amendment has been adopted by the city council, with an entry on
the official zoning map as follows: "On (date) by Ordinance No. _____of the city council
the following (change/changes) (was/were) made on the Official Zoning Map: (brief
description of nature of change)," and shall be signed by the city clerk.
E. Anew amended official zoning map shall be prepared by the director at
the end of each fiscal year upon which is shown all changes and amendments enacted
during the previous period of time. Said zoning map shall thereafter be filed with the city
clerk, building official, and director.
Page 273 of 312
F. No change of any nature shall be made in the official zoning map or
matter shown thereon except in conformity with the procedures set forth in this chapter.
Any unauthorized change of any kind, by any person or persons shall be considered a
violation of this chapter and punishable as provided by law.
.17.88.030 District boundaries.
A. Where indicated district boundaries are approximately street, alley or lot
lines, said lines are determined to be the boundaries of the district. Otherwise, the
boundaries shall be determined by the dimensions shown on the official zoning map. In
the absence of a dimension, the boundary shall be determined by use of the scale shown
on said map.
B. A street, alley, railroad or railway right-of-way, watercourse, drainage
channel or body of water included on the zoning map shall, unless otherwise indicated,
be included within the zone of adjoining property on either side thereof; and where such
street, alley, right-of-way, watercourse, drainage channel or body of water serves as
boundary between two or more different zoning districts, the centerline of such
right-of-way, watercourse, channel or body of water shall be considered the boundary
between zoning districts.
C. In the event that a vacated street, alley, right-of-way, or easement was
the boundary between two districts, the new zoning district boundaries shall be at the
new property line or at a line established at, or within, fifty (50) feet of the centerline of
the street or alley that has been vacated.
D. Where uncertainties exist, the location of the district boundary may be
determined pursuant to the interpretation procedures described in chapter 17.90
(Interpretation Procedure) of this title.
Page 274 of 312
Chanter 17.90
17.90.010 Purpose and scope.
17.90.020 Initiation.
17.90.030 Basis of interpretation.
17.90.040 Preparation, notice and transmittal.
17.90.050 Planning commission hearing and.action.
17.90.060 Book of interpretations.
1 2.90.010 Purp e and r2cop-e. In case of uncertainty or ambiguity as to the
meaning or intent of any provision of title 16 or title 17 of this code, or to further define or
enumerate the uses permitted in the various zones, and upon proper initiation as
provided in section 17.90.020 of this chapter, the following procedure shall be followed if
a code amendment is not initiated. Adjustment of a zoning or special district boundary,
except for a coastal specific plan setback zone boundary, of up to thirty (30) feet from the
scaled location on the zoning map also may be accomplished under this procedure if a
code amendment is not initiated, and if such adjustment is necessary to resolve
uncertainty as to the precise location of such zoning or special district boundary.
Coastal specific plan setback zone boundary lines may only be adjusted up to five (5)
feet under the interpretation procedure described in this chapter. Except in the case of a
zoning or special district boundary adjustment, interpretations shall be generally
applicable to all future situations of the same type and shall not be limited or directed to
specific parcels or circumstances thereon.
17.90.020. I ifiglion.. The preparation of an interpretation may be initiated by the
city council, planning commission, view restoration commission or director, or upon the
written request and payment of fee, as established pursuant to city council resolution, by
any person.
1.Z.9�030 Basis of interpretation.
A. An interpretation shall be based on an examination of the intent of
this Code, considering all the relevant provisions thereof, and shall be consistent with
such intent. Consideration shall be given to the relationship among the regulations of the
various zoning classifications and the uses and development standards therein.
B. In the case of an interpretation involving further definition or
enumeration of uses permitted in a particular zone, consideration shall be given to the
Page 275 of 312
similarities and differences between the characteristics of each use subject to
interpretation and the characteristics of those uses expressly permitted in the zone.
C. In the case of an interpretation involving the location of an open
space hazard zoning district or coastal specific plan setback zone boundary line,
consideration shall be based on geotechnical and/or soils reports.
j1.90-.04Q ngtice and transmittal.
A. Within thirty (30) days after the initiation of an interpretation, the director
shall prepare a written interpretation and transmit it to the planning commission and the
city council and shall give public notice that such interpretation has been prepared. Such
notice shall be published and given to the property owner, any interested parties, and
any affected homeowner associations, as required for a code amendment, pursuant to
chapter 17.68 (Zone Changes and Code Amendments) of this title.
B. Within fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of the notice, the
planning commission, city council or any interested person may make a written request
to the director for a hearing. If no such request for a hearing is received, the
interpretation shall become effective and final fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of
the notice.
17.90.05Q Planning gom,mission he_ arias a�#ion.
A. If a request for an interpretation hearing is received, a hearing shall
be held by the planning commission within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of such
B. After the hearing, the planning commission may, by resolution, adopt
the proposed interpretation, adopt a modified or different interpretation, or refer the
matter to the director for further study. f=ailure of the planning commission to act within
sixty (60) calendar days after the close of the hearing shall be deemed an approval of the
director's interpretation.
C. If the planning commission refers the matter to the director for further
study, the director shall prepare and submit another interpretation in accordance with the
provisions of section 17.90.040 of this chapter.
D. Unless the planning commission refers the interpretation to the director
for further study, the director shall give written notice of the decision of the planning
commission to the applicant, any interested person, and any affected homeowner
association pursuant to section 17.80.040(D) (Hearing Notice and Appeal Procedures) of
this title. The decision of the planning commission shall become effective and final
fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of notice of its action, unless an appeal to the
city council is filed in accordance with section 17.80.070 (Hearing Notice and Appeal
Procedures) of this title.
17.90.060 Book of latergretation When an interpretation is given final approval
by the director, planning commission, or city council, the director shall enter the
Page 276 of 312
interpretation in a book of interpretations which shall be preserved and made accessible
to any interested person.
Page 277 of 312
Qhapter 17.92
17.92.010 Severability.
17.92.010_Seyerabi,lity. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this title or
title 16 is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such
decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this title. The city council
declares that it would have adopted this title and Title 16 and each section, sentence,
clause and phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections,
sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
Page 278 of 312
Qhapter 17.96
17.96.010 Purpose and applicability.
17.96.020 Access.
17.96.030 Advisory agency.
17.96.040 Alley.
17.96.050 Amusement park.
17.96.060 Amusement ride.
17.96.070 Animal clinic.
17.96.080 Animals, large domestic.
17.96.090 Antenna, commercial.
17.96.100 Antenna, ham radio.
17.96.110 Antenna, satellite dish.
17.96.120 Antenna support structure.
17.96.130 Antenna, television.
17.96.140 Apartment.
17.96.150 Apartments, community.
17.96.160 Arcade, video game.
17.96.170 Area, buildable.
17.96.180 Area, gross floor.
17.96.190 Area, gross lot.
17.96.200 Area, net lot.
17.96.210 Automobile service and repair.
17.96.220 Automobile service station.
17.96.230 Basement.
17.96.240 Bed and Breakfast Inn.
17.96.250 Bedroom.
17.96.260 Bee hive.
17.96.270 Building.
17.96.280 Building frontage.
17.96.290 Building height.
17.96.300 Building, maintenance.
17.96.310 Building, official
17.96.320 Building pad.
17.96.330 Caisson foundation.
17.96.340 Canopy.
17.96.350 Carport.
17.96.360 Cellar.
Page 279 of 312
17.96.370 City.
17.96.380 City Council.
17.96.390 City Engineer.
17.96.400 Cleared areas.
17.96.410 Coastal appealable development.
17.96.420 Coastal excluded development.
17.96.430 Coastal non-appealable development.
17.96.440 Coastal risk of adverse environmental effect.
17.96.450 Commercial vehicle.
17.96.460 Condominium.
17.96.470 Convenience store.
17.96.480 Conversion.
17.96.490 Cut.
17.96.500 Day care, large family.
17.96.510 Day care, small family.
17.96.520 Day nursery or day care center.
17.96.530 Dedicated land.
17.96.540 Density.
17.96.550 Density bonus.
17.96.560 Development.
17.96.570 Development, cluster.
17.96.580 Development site.
17.96.590 Director.
17.96.600 Driveway.
17.96.610 Dwelling unit.
17.96.620 Educational institution.
17.96.630 Emergency work.
17.96.640 Employee, home occupation.
17.96.650 Excavation.
17.96.660 Export.
17.96.670 Extreme slope.
17.96.680 Family.
17.96.690 Feasible.
17.96.700 Fence.
17.96.710 Fence, temporary construction.
17.96.720 Fill.
17.96.730 Flags and pennants.
17.96.740 Foliage.
17.96.750 Frontage.
17.96.760 Garage, private or public.
17.96.770 General plan.
17.96.780 Geologist, engineering.
17.96.790 Grade, finished.
17.96.800 Grade, natural.
Page 280 of 312
17.96.810 Grade,"preconstruction.
17.96.820 Grading.
17.96.830 Grading, balanced.
17.96.840 Grading contractor.
17.96.850 Grading plan.
17.96.860 Grading, remedial.
17.96.870 Grading, supervised.
17.96.880 Guest house.
17.96.890 Hearings officer.
17.96.900 Hedge.
17.96.910 Helistop.
17.96.920 Holiday, legal.
17.96.930 Hotel.
17.96.940 Household.
17.96.950 Income, household.
17.96.960 Income, low.
17.96.970 Income, moderate.
17.96.980 Income, very low.
17.96.990 Interested person.
17.96.1000 Kitchen.
17.96.1010 Land coverage.
17.96.1020 Landscaping.
17.96.1030 Loading space.
17.96.1040 Lot.
17.96.1050 Lot area or size.
17.96.1060 Lot, corner.
17.96.1070 Lot coverage.
17.96.1080 Lot depth.
17.96.1090 Lot, downslope.
17.96.1100 Lot, flag.
17.96.1110 Lot, interior.
17.96.1120 Lot, pad.
17.96.1130 Lot, through.
17.96.1140 Lot, upslope.
17.96.1150 Lot width.
17.96.1160 Main building.
17.96.1170 Map, final.
17.96.1180 Map, parcel.
17.96.1190 Map, tentative.
17.96.1200 Market rate.
17.96.1210 ,Mechanical equipment.
17.96.1220 'Microwave.
17.96.1230 Mobile home.
17.96.1240 Mobile home park.
Page 281 of 312
17.96.1250 Motel.
17.96.1260 Neighborhood character.
17.96.1270 Neighborhood compatibility.
17.96.1280 Nonconforming.
17.96.1290 Nursery school.
17.96.1300 Off-sale.
17.96.1310 Off-site improvements.
17.96.1320 Open space.
17.96.1330 Owner.
17.96.1340 Parcel.
17.96.1350 Parcel, existing.
17.96.1360 Parcel of record.
17.96.1370 Parcels, abutting.
17.96.1380 Parcels, adjacent.
17.96.1390 Parcels, contiguous.
17.96.1400 Parking area, private or public.
17.96.1410 Parking space.
17.96.1420 Person.
17.96.1430 Pervious surface.
17.96.1440 Placed or displayed.
17.96.1450 Planning Commission.
17.96.1460 Pool, swimming or ornamental.
17.96.1470 Privacy.
17.96.1480 Promontory.
17.96.1490 Public right-of-way.
17.96.1500 Public works projects.
17.96.1510 Recreation, active.
17.96.1520 Recreation, passive.
17.96.1530 Recycling center.
17.96.1540 Recycling dropoff or collection facility.
17.96.1550 Recycling program, community service.
17.96.1560 Recycling single-feed reverse vending machine.
17.96.1570 Recycling unit, mobile.
17.96.1580 Relay tower.
17.96.1590 Residence.
17.96.1600 Retail store.
17.96.1610 Ridge.
17.96.1620 Ridgeline, structure.
17.96.1630 Room.
17.96.1640 Row house.
17.96.1650 ,,Scale.
17.96.1660 'Senior resident, qualifying.
17.96.1670 Service station.
17.96.1680 Setback.
Page 282 of 312
17.96.1690 Shopping center.
17.96.1700 Shopping district.
17.96.1710 Sign.
17.96.1720 Sign, announcement.
17.96.1730 Sign area.
17.96.1740 Sign, billboard and outdoor advertising.
17.96.1750 Sign, contractor.
17.96.1760 Sign, directional.
17.96.1770 Sign, flashing.
17.96.1780 Sign, freestanding.
17.96.1790 Sign height.
17.96.1800 Sign, illuminated.
17.96.1810 Sign, moving or rotating.
17.96.1820 Sign, off-premises.
17.96.1830 Sign, on-premises.
17.96.1840 Sign, permanent identification.
17.96.1850 Sign, product advertising.
17.96.1860 Sign structure.
17.96.1870 Sign, temporary.
17.96.1880 Sign, temporary banner.
17.96.1890 Sign, temporary promotional.
17.96.1900 Sign, under-canopy.
17.96.1910 Sign, window.
17.96.1920 Site.
17.96.1930 Site plan.
17.96.1940 Slope drain.
17.96.1950 Slope, man-made.
17.96.1960 Soils engineer.
17.96.1970 Stock cooperative.
17.96.1980 Stockpile.
17.96.1990 Story.
17.96.2000 Street.
17.96.2010 Street side.
17.96.2020 Street, private.
17.96.2030 Structural alteration.
17.96.2040 Structure.
17.96.2050 Structure, accessory.
17.96.2060 Structure, advertising.
17.96.2070 Style.
17.96.2080 Subdivision.
17.96.2090 ;Subdivision design.
17.96.2100 Temporary.
17.96.2110 Trailer.
17.96.2120 Unit, affordable.
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17.96.2130 Unit, dwelling.
17.96.2140 Unit, low income.
17.96.2150 Unit, primary dwelling.
17.96.2160 Unit, second.
17.96.2170 Unit, very low income.
17.96.2180 Use.
17.96.2190 Use, Ancillary.
17.96.2200 Use development or alteration.
17.96.2210 Use, primary.
17-96.2220 Vegetation.
17.96.2230 Veterinary clinic.
17.96.2240 Video Game.
17.96.2250 View.
17.96.2260 Viewing area.
17.96.2270 View restoration commission.
17.96.2280 Visitor-serving use.
17.96.2290 Wall.
17.96.2300 Wall, common.
17.96.2310 Wall, downslope retaining.
17.96.2320 Wail, garden.
17.96.2330 Wall, retaining.
17.96.2340 Wall, side yard retaining.
17.96.2350 Wall, upslope retaining.
17.96.2360 Window, bay.
17.96.2370 Window, garden.
17.96.2380 Windscreen.
17.96.2390 Yard.
17.96.2400 Yard, front.
17.96.2410 Yard, rear.
17.96.2420 Yard, side.
17.96.2430 Zoning district, base.
17.96,010applicability. This chapter provides precise meaning
or significance to a word, phrase or expression. This chapter applies to title 15, title 16
and title 17 of the Rancho Palos Verdes municipal code.
17.96.020 Acceia. "Access" means the place or way by which pedestrians
and vehicles have safe, adequate, and suitable ingress and egress to a property or use
as req u i red by this title.
17.96,030 A,dyisg[y aaaency. "Advisory agency" means both the planning
commission and the director having, authority to approve, conditionally approve, or
disapprove tentative and parcel maps, and tentative tract maps, as delegated by this title.
Page 284 of 312 "Alley" means a public or private''way, at the rear or side of
property, permanently reserved as a means of secondary access to abutting property.
17.9Q3 50 8musement iaark. "Amusement park" means a commercial
entertainment land use consisting of one or more amusement rides, with or without other
commercial entertainment land uses, primarily in an outdoor setting.
17.96.060 Amusement ride. "Amusement ride" means a mechanical device
which is not coin-operated, which provides or promotes motion, and which is not a
primary means of transportation within a site, or from one site to another. "Amusement
ride" includes, but is not limited to, carousals, ferris wheels, roller coasters, water slides
and similar devices.
17.96.Q7Q Animal clinic. "Animal clinic" means the same as "veterinary
17. $Q 8nimals,-larae-domestic. "Large domestic animals" means the
following (any female with her offspring of under one (1) year of age, shall be considered
as one animal until weaned):
A. Horses, which term includes all equines;
B. Goats, which term includes all caprines, except uncastrated reales,
which are specifically prohibited after weaned; and
C. Sheep, which term includes all ovines.
.17:95, 90, Antenna, commercial. "Commercial antenna" means all
antennas, parabolic dishes, relay towers, and antenna support structures used for the
transmission or reception of radio, television and communication signals for commercial
purposes. "Commercial antennas" shall not include antennas owned or operated by
governmental agencies; and macrocell cellular antennas, owned and operated by state
licensed cellular telephone utility companies, located on existing utility poles within the
public right-of-way.
17.96.100 Antenna ham radio. "Ham radio antenna" means an antenna
and antenna support structure used for non-commercial "ham radio" operations by the
occupant of the property where the antenna and/or antenna support structure is located.
17.96.110 Antenna, satellite dish. "Satellite dish antenna" means a
parabolic reflector or similar antenna with a parabolic surface, regardless of mounting
method, designed solely to receive satellite-delivered signals.
17.96.120 A, a[].a5ug grt,structure. "Antenna support structure" means a
pole, tower or other structure used to support one or more antennas. An antenna
Page 285 of 312
support structure may be a guyed or an unguyed independent structure, or a structure
mounted to an accessory or main building.
17.96.1 In Antenna. television. "Television antenna" means an antenna
designed solely to receive television signals by the occupant of the property where the
antenna is located.
17-96, 40 Agartment. "Apartment" means a room or suite of two or more
rooms in a multiple unit dwelling, occupied or suitable for occupancy, as a residence for
one family.
17.96`1,50 Apartments. community. "Community apartments" mean a
residential complex in which an undivided interest in the land either in fee simple or a
term of years, is coupled with the right of exclusive occupancy in an apartment located
17.96.160 Arcade, video aame. "Video game arcade" means any premises
which maintains four or more games of skill or amusement whereby machines, contests,
devices, games, tables, boards or amusements, the operation of which is permitted,
controlled, obtained, conducted, allowed, authorized or made possible by the depositing
of any coin, plate, disc, slug, or key into any slot, crevice or other opening or receptacle,
or by the payment of any fee or fees, and where said machine, contest, device, game,
table, board or amusement tests, or provides a means for testing, the skill of the operator
thereof with reference to its operation or the result thereof.
17.963170 Area,..buildable. "Buildable area" means that portion of a lot that
is suitable for the development of structures excluding all required setback areas,
easements, areas of extreme slope (35% or more), and all other areas where structures
are otherwise prohibited.
17.96.1 BO Area, aross..floor. "Gross floor area" means the sum of the gross
area of each floor of a building.
1.7.96,190 Brea,,grgss lot. "Gross lot area" means the total area of a parcel
or lot, including any proposed public highways, streets, or alleys, other public sites; and
existing private streets, alleys or easements, and other areas where development is
1? 96,200 Area, net lot. "Net lot area" means the area of a parcel or lot,
excluding any proposed public highways, streets or alleys, or other public sites; and any
private streets, alleys, easements, and other areas where development is restricted.
17.96.211 Q Automobile service and r�o�a�r. "Automobile service and repair"
Page 286 of 312
means the repairing, the"replacing of, or the adding of parts to'motor vehicles.
17.96,22Q Automobile service station. "Automobile service station" means
an area which provides for the servicing of motor vehicles, including tube and tire repairs,
battery charging, storage of merchandise and supplies related to the servicing of motor
vehicles, sale of gasoline and lubricants, automobile washing (not including mechanical
car wash), and grease racks, but excluding body and fender work, painting, repair and
rebuilding of electrochemical batteries, or other work of a similar nature.
17.9630 Basement. "Basement" means a space partly underground with
windows to the outside, with no doors or other access, except for crawl doors, which
open to the outside adjacent grade, and having more than one-half of its height,
measured from its floor to its ceiling, below the average adjoining finished grade; if the
finished floor level, directly above a basement, is more than six (6) feet above the
finished grade at any point, such basements shall be considered a story. A "basement"
shall not mean a "cellar".
IZ-96.240 Bed and Breakfast Innii. Bed and Breakfast Innit means any
building or portion thereof containing one or more guest rooms, which is designed,
intended, or used primarily for the accommodation of transient travelers for overnight
stays, which do not occupy the premises for more than twenty one (21) days out of any
twelve (12) month period, and which meals are provided to the transient travelers as part
of the overnight stay.
17.96.250 . "Bedroom" means any room which contains a closet or
which could be used for sleeping purposes.
12.96-2 0 Bee hive. "Bee hive" means an enclosure used for the keeping of
one active bee hive containing one queen bee.
17.96.22,0 BuiLdina. "Building" means any fixed structure consisting of walls
and a roof built and maintained for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals,
chattels or property of any kind. "Building" shall not mean a "mobile home" or"trailer."
.17.96.280 Buildina kgntaae. "Building frontage" means those building
elevations which face upon a public street or parking area between the building and the
17.96,290 Buildina heiaht. "Building height" means the maximum vertical
dimension of a structure determined under the standards of section 17.02.040 of this
title, unless a different definition is provided by this code for application in a particular
17.96.304 BUildina, Mainte[Iance. "Maintenance building" means a non-
Page 287 of 312
habitable structure used exclusively to store equipment or materials, or to perform work,
associated with the maintenance of the property on which the building is located.
17..96.s3.10 Buildina official. "Building official" means the officer or other
designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of the uniform
building code, or the building official's duly authorized representative.
17,90,3,20 Ejuildina pa_d. "Building pad" means any portion of a lot with a
slope of five percent (5%) or less that exists naturally or has been graded to form a
contiguous level area to accommodate a main building.
11-20-330 Caisson founda#ign. "Caisson foundation" means a foundation
system for a building or structure in which holes are excavated into the earth then filled
with reinforced concrete for the purpose of achieving a stable attachment between the
building and the earth. A"caisson foundation" shall include pier and piling foundations.
17.96.340 Canopy. "Canopy" means a structural, ornamental, roof-like
appendage, freestanding or attached to a building, which extends over public or private
walkways, driveways, etc.
.1,7.96.350 Qa1mr-t- "Carport" means a permanent roofed structure with not
more than three (3) enclosed sides used or intended to be used for automobile shelter
and storage.
17.9„5„=300 Cellar. "Cellar" means that portion of a building which between
floor and ceiling, is wholly below the finished grade with no windows or access to the
outside. A"cellar" shall not mean a "basement".
17,95..370 . See chapter 17.02 for definition.
171$6.380 City Council. See chapter 17.02 for definition.
1.7,96.390 City Engineer. "City Engineer" means a person who is duly
registered as a professional engineer with the state of California and who is designated
by the city's director of public works to review and approve development plans, tentative
tract and parcel maps, street improvement plans, and any other application or plan so
designated for his/her review by this title.
17.96.400 Cleamd.areas. "Cleared areas" means land areas where
vegetation has been removed to the extent that the surface of the soil is disturbed.
17s�5=4�.0 Coastal amealable development. "Coastal appealable
development" means an action taken by the city on a coastal permit application for any of
the following that may be appealed to the coastal commission:
Page 288 of 312
A. Developments approved by the city betweenbe sea and the first public
road paralleling the sea, or within three hundred (300) feet of the inland extent of any
beach or of the mean high-tide line of the sea where there is no beach within the coastal
specific plan district, whichever is the greatest distance. The grounds for appeal are
limited to the following:
1. The.development fails to provide adequate physical access for
public or private commercial use or interferes with such uses,
2. The development fails to protect public views from any public
road or from a recreational area to, and along, the coast,
3. The development is not compatible with the established
physical scale of the area,
4. The development may significantly alter existing natural
5. The development does not comply with shoreline erosion and
geologic setback requirements;
B. Developments approved by the city located on tidelands, submerged
lands, public trust lands, within one hundred (100) feet of any wetland, estuary, stream or
within three hundred (300) feet of the top of the seaward face of any coastal bluff;
C. Any development which constitutes a major public works project or a
major energy facility, with an estimated cost of more than fifty thousand dollars
17.96.420 Coastal excluded devel pment. "Coastal excluded development"
A. Improvements, including replacement of any structure destroyed by a
natural disaster(other than a major public works facility), repairs, or maintenance of
existing structures in the coastal specific plan district unless any of the following could
1. A risk of adverse environmental effect,
2. An adverse effect to public access,
3. A change in use contrary to the coastal specific plan;
B. Any category of development determined by the coastal commission to
Page 289 of 312
have no potential for any significant local impact on coastal resources or public access;
C. The installation, testing, and placement in service or the replacement of
any necessary utility connection between approved development and an existing service
facility that conforms to city ordinances;
D. Public works projects which include the erection of public signs, the
painting or removing paint from curbs, the maintenance and repair of public streets, the
installation and maintenance of landscaping, the maintenance of city utilities, repair and
improvement to structures maintained, used or owned by the city,. and the repair,
replacement, maintenance or development of public facilities under emergency
17,96.430 Qgastal-.[]gn-appealable-devploi2mpat. "Coastal non-appealable
development" means any proposed development within the coastal specific plan district
that is not appealable and is not excluded.
17.96.440 Coastal-risk of.adverse gnviron _ental effect. „Coastal risk of
adverse environmental impact" includes, but is not limited to the following:
A. Any significant alteration of landforms, including removal or placement
of vegetation on a beach or within fifty (50) feet of the edge of a coastal bluff,--or in areas
of natural vegetation designated as significant natural habitat;
B. The expansion or construction of water wells or septic systems;
C. Any addition to a single-family residence where any coastal permit
issued for the original structure indicated that any future additions would require a
coastal permit.
17.96.450 Commercial,-vehicle. "Commercial vehicle" means a vehicle of a
type required to be registered under the california vehicle code as a commercial vehicle;
or which is used and maintained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation,
or profit; or which is designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of
commercial goods or property.
I Z.90,46Q Qond "Condominium" means an estate in real property
consisting of an undivided interest in common in a portion of a parcel of real property
together with a separate interest in space called a unit, in a complex devoted to
residential purposes located on such real property.
17,96.470 Qonvi '
encs, tore. "Convenience store" means a retail grocery,
generally open to the public before eight (8) a.m. or after nine (9) p.m. that is intended to
conveniently provide a wide variety of products and services such as packaged food
Page 290 of 312
items, sundry household products, heated, cooked, or otherwise prepared snacks, self-
serve beverage and dairy product vending machines, soup or salad bars, alcoholic
beverages, and/or various personal and entertainment services such as ATMs, and
videotape rentals, and not characterized by the predominant sale of a single type of
product such as alcoholic beverages or fast food. The director shall determine whether a
single type of product or service is predominant. A convenience store may be
considered either a primary use on a lot or an ancillary use on a lot.
17...96,480 eve r i n. "Conversion" means the alteration of the use of a
dwelling unit to a non-residential use and/or alteration of the use of a residential rental
unit to condominium, stock cooperative, or similar form of use.
1 2..96..490 "Cut" means an excavation of the earth.
17,95=500 Day care lard family. "Large family day care" means the care at
a single-family residence of nine (9) to fourteen (14) children inclusive, including children
under the age of ten (10) years who reside at the home, as defined by the California
department of social services regulations.
U-20,51D [day ca[e, small family. "Small family day care" means the care at
a single-family residence of eight (8) or fewer children, including children who reside at
the home, as defined by the california department of social services regulations.
1.7-96.520 Day nurs_e_[y oi,_day_cle center. "Day nursery or day care center"
means any group of buildings, building, or portion thereof used primarily for the daytime
care of children.
17.96.530 Dedicated land. "Dedicated land" means land deeded to the city
and legally accepted as such for public use. Del3sity. "Density" means the number of dwelling units that may
be constructed per acre or per square foot of lot area.
17.96.550 Density 6o us. "Density bonus" means a density increase of at
least twenty-five percent (25%) over the maximum residential density which would
otherwise be allowed under the applicable zoning and general plan designations.
17:95.55Q D,eyglgpment. "Development" means, on land in or under water,
the placement or erecting of any solid material or structure; the discharge or disposal of
any dredged material or of any gaseous, liquid, solid or thermal waste; the grading,
removing, dredging, mining, or extraction of any materials; the change in the density or
intensity of use of land, including, but not limited to, a subdivision pursuant to the
Subdivision Map Act (commencing with Section 66410 of the Government Code), and
any other division of land, including lot splits, except where the land division is brought
Page 291 of 312
about in connection with the purchase of such land by a public"agency for public
recreational use; change in the intensity of use of water, or of access thereto;
construction, reconstruction, demolition, or alteration of the size of any structure,
including any facility of any private, public, or municipal utility, and the removal or
harvesting of major vegetation other than for agricultural purposes. As used in this
definition, "structure" includes, but is not limited to, any building, road, pipe, flume,
conduit, siphon, aqueduct, telephone line and electrical power transmission and
distribution line.
1. 96.570 Development, cluster. "Cluster development" means the planning
and development of land so that dwelling units are grouped or clustered together, leaving
the remaining land undivided for common ownership or dedication to the City or other
17.9 .589 Development site. "Development site" means the total area
where a project exists or is proposed. A development site may encompass more than
one lot.
17.96.590 Director. See chapter 17.02 for definition.
17.96s.6.Q0 Driveway. "Driveway" means a paved access to an off-street
parking facility on a lot or parcel and any paved circular or semi-circular return to a public
or private street servicing the property. Any pervious or semi-pervious surface which is
part of or within the paved access area shall be considered "driveway."
17.96,6,10 Dwelling unit. See "Unit, dwelling".
17.96.620 ,Edu,galboal institution. "Educational institution" means a public or
private preschool, elementary, or secondary school or institution, or a public or private
institution of vocational, professional, or post secondary education.
17.96.630 Emergency work. "Emergency work" means work made
necessary to restore property to a safe condition following a public calamity, or work
required to protect persons or property from an imminent exposure to danger, or work by
private or public utilities when restoring utility service.
17.96 64Q Emolgyge, home occupation, "Home occupation employee"
means an individual or contractor who is employed to work for a business that is being
operated under an approved Home Occupation Permit and who does not live at the
subject residence.
17.96. Excavation. "Excavation" means any act which earth, sand,
gravel, rock, or other similar material is cut into, dug, quarried, uncovered, removed,
displaced, relocated, or bulldozed, and shall include the conditions resulting therefrom.
Page 292 of 312
17.96.660 Export. "Export" means excess earth material that is removed
from a grading project and deposited off-site or the process of removing earth material
and depositing it off-site.
,17.96.67fl Extreme sl "Extreme slope" means a manufactured or
natural grade of thirty-five percent (35%) or greater.
17.96.6$Q Family.. "Family" means an individual or two or more persons,
living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit.
17,96,090 "Feasible" means capable of being accomplished in a
successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic,
environmental, social, and technical factors.
17 9,6.ZO_Q Feng& "Fence" means any structural device forming a physical
barrier which is so constructed that not less than eighty percent (80%) of the vertical
surface is open to permit the transmission of light, air or vision through said surface in a
horizontal plane. This includes wire mesh, steel mesh, chain link, louvered glass,
transparent glass, stake, and other similar materials. For solid barriers, see "Wall".
17,95-Z1 0 Fenge. Jemggra[y . "Temporary construction fence"
means a fence not exceeding six (6)feet in height, as measured from the adjacent
existing grade, which is erected around a portion of a lot or parcel, or around the
perimeter of a lot or parcel, to secure said lot or parcel during construction activity.
17.96.7, 0 B11. "Fill" means any act by which earth, sand, gravel, rock or any
other similar material is deposited, placed, pulled or transported by man, and shall
include the conditions resulting therefrom.
17.96.730 Flaas andpennants., , "Flags and pennants" mean devices which
are temporary in nature, generally made of flexible materials, usually cloth, paper, or
plastic, and displayed on strings. They may or may not contain any copy and are
primarily intended to draw attention.
17,96,740 Fgliag2. See chapter 17.02 for definition.
17.96.750 Frontaae. "Frontage" means that portion of a parcel of property
which abuts a public or private street or highway.
17.96=76Q Garage, private or public.
A. "Private garage" means a completely enclosed, detached accessory
building, or portion of a main building on the same lot as a dwelling for the housing of
Page 293 of 312
vehicles of the occupants of the dwelling.
B. "Public garage" means any garage other than a private garage.
17496,77Q Genera.„ Ilan. "General plan" means the adopted general plan of
the city, including elements, amendments and additions.
M96.78Q Geol4aist. eriaineer_ ina. "Engineering geologist" means a person
who is trained in-the application of geological data and principals of engineering
problems dealing with naturally occurring rock and soil, for the purposes of assuring that
geologic factors are adequately considered in engineering practice.
1-7-496,790 Gra, e. finir2hed. "Finished grade" means the ground surface after
alteration by artificial means.
17. 6 Grade., nates. "Natural grade" means the ground surface
unaltered by artificial means.
17� 1 Gude, r�constr coon. "Preconstruction grade" means the
ground surface as it exists prior to any proposed alteration.
IL*96,820 Qradiaa. "Grading" means excavation or fill, or any combination
thereof, and includes the conditions resulting from any excavation or fill.
IL96.830 Grading, balanced. "Balanced grading" means cutting and filling
of a site which does not require the export or import of earth material.
17.96.840 Grad ina..,ontracta. "Grading contractor" means a person
licensed and regulated by the State of California who specializes in grading work or is
otherwise licensed to do grading work.
17.96.8 50, • r i "Grading plan" means a plot plan of a subject
property, at a reasonable scale, identifying all property lines, easements, accurate
contours (at a minimum of five foot intervals) of existing topographic conditions, and
finished contours (at a minimum of five foot intervals) of all proposed grading. The plan
shall also identify the location of all existing and proposed structures located within
fifteen (15) feet of the proposed grading, whether or not the structure is located on the lot
to be graded; typical and highest/greatest point cross-sections of any proposed retaining
walls, cut slopes and fill slopes; and clearly labeled areas of proposed cut and fill.
1Z.96,86Q Gradi .g, rem dial. "Remedial grading" means excavation, fill, or
any combination thereof, which involves the redistribution of earth materials for the
purpose of reestablishing the stability and continuity of said area.
Page 294 of 312
17.96.870 Grading,_sugervised_. "Supervised grading" means grading done
under the supervision of a soils engineer.
17.96.8$0 Guest hose.. "Guest house" means living quarters located within
an accessory building, which does not have a kitchen, located on the same premises as
the main building. A "guest house" is not a "second unit".
17,95,M90 Heminas officer. "Hearings officer" means the director or
authorized staff member, who is to conduct certain public hearings.
17 Q.Q Hodge. "Hedge" means shrubbery or trees planted and
maintained in such a manner as to create a physical barrier.
17.96. 10 Heliatop. "Helistop" means a minimally developed helicopter pad
used exclusively for the boarding and discharging of passengers and cargo, on an as-
needed basis with no regular service, and involving no appurtenant buildings.
17,96.220 Hglidav 1_ea9i. "Legal Holiday" means any one of the following
federally observed holidays: New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents's Day,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day,
Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
17.96.939 . "Hotel" means any building or portion thereof containing
six (6) or more guest rooms or suites of rooms or a combination of six (6) or more guest
rooms or suites of rooms, and not more than two (2) dwelling units, but not including any
institutions in which human beings are housed or detained under legal restraint.
17.96.940 Household. See "Family".
17.969.50 Inco e, household. "Household income" means the total income
accruing to any and all members of a household from any and all sources.
177.95 9. ,Q Income, I w. "Low income" means income greater than fifty
percent (50%), but not more than eighty percent (80%) of an area's median income,
adjusted for household size.
17.96.970 corne, moderate. "Moderate income" means income greater
than eighty percent (80%), but not more than one hundred twenty percent (120%) of an
area's median income, adjusted for household size.
17 90=9$0 Income, very low. "Very low income" means income equal to fifty
percent (50%) of an area's median income or less, adjusted for household size.
Page 295 of 312
17.96,.$90 Interested aerson. "Interested person" means any person who
testified personally or through a representative at any hearing in connection with the
decision or action, who submitted a written letter of concern,in connection with a pending
application, or who informed the director, in writing, of an interest in the subject of a
hearing or application.
17.96.1000 Kitchgn. „Kitchen" means an area used for cooking or the
preparation of foods.
17 96.1.Q10 Lan cmv_er,�ae. "Land coverage" means a man-made structure,
improvement or covering that prevents seventy-five percent (75%) of the normal
precipitation from directly reaching the surface of the land underlying the structure,
improvements or covering. Such structures, improvements or coverings include roofs
and surfaces paved with asphalt, stone or the like, such as roads, streets, basketball
courts, and patios.
17.96.1020 Lands-oplr,, g. "Landscaping" means the planting and continued
maintenance of ornamental plant material; the installation, use, and continued
maintenance of a permanent irrigation system; and/or the continued maintenance of
ornamental rock gardens or rockscape, not including natural soil or earth.
17.96.1 030 Loadina. gace. "Loading space" means an off-street space, berth
on the same lot with a main building, or space contiguous to a group of buildings, for the
temporary parking of commercial vehicles while loading or unloading, and which has
access from a street, alley, or other permanent means of ingress and egress.
17.96,1040 . "Lot" means:
A. A parcel of real property with a separate and distinct number, or other
designation, shown on a plat recorded in the office of the county recorder; and/or
B. A parcel of real property delineated on an approved record of survey, lot
split, or subparceling map as filed in the officer of the county recorder or the director, and
abutting at least one public street; and/or
C. A parcel of real property containing not less area than required by the
district in which it is located, abutting at least one public street and held under separate
ownership from adjacent property prior to the effective date of this title or Title 16.
17.96,I Q50 Lot area x size. "Lot area or size" means the total area of a lot,
measured as a horizontal plane, within the lot lines of a lot.
1.7196.1 QOQ Lat, orner. "Corner lot" means a lot located at the intersection or
interception of two or more streets at an angle of not more than one hundred twenty
Page 296 of 312
degrees (120°). If the angle is greater than one hundred twenty degrees (120°), the lot
shall be considered an interior lot.
1 Z.961070 Lot coverage. See chapter 17.02 for definition.
17.96.1 080 Lot d "Lot depth" means the horizontal distance between the
front and rear lot lines.
17.96.1 Q20, LQL_dgmin_glope. "Downslope lot" means a lot that slopes
downward from the main street of access with a slope in excess of five percent (5%) and
which does not have a "building pad".
17.g6.1 IQQhag, "Flag lot" means a lot in the approximate configuration
of a flag pole or sign post, with the post or pole functioning primarily as an access way to
the main body of the lot.
17.96.1110 Lot, interior. "Interior lot" means a lot other than a corner lot.
17.96.112Q L2, ggd. "Pad lot" means a lot which contains a building pad.
17.96.1130 ,h.. "Through lot" means a lot having a frontage on two
(2) dedicated streets, not including a corner lot. The director shall determine which
frontage or frontages shall be considered for the lot, for purposes of compliance with
yard-and setback provisions of this title or title 16.
1 Z.96r114Q Lot, upsiopee. "Upslope lot" means a lot that slopes upward from
the main street of access with a slope in excess of five percent (5%) and which does not
have a "building pad". Lot,yvidth. "Lot width" means the distance between the side lot
lines, when measured between the front and rear lot lines parallel to the front property
line, or to a tangent at the midpoint of a curved front property line.
17,96.11 QQ Main building. "Main building" means a building within which is
conducted the principal use permitted on the lot, as provided by this title.
.17.96.117 . "Final map" means a map prepared in accordance
with the provisions of title 16 and designed to be placed on record in the office of the
county recorder.
17.96.1180 Mag,parcel. "Parcel map" means a map prepared and submitted
for any subdivision'creating four (4) parcels or less and for those subdivisions containing
five (5) or more parcels under those conditions contained in title 16.
Page 297 of 312
17:96,1 90 Mag, tentatiYe. "Tentative map" means a map made for the
purpose of showing the design of a proposed subdivision and need not be based on an
accurate or detailed final survey of the property.
17.96.1,20Q, Market.,rate. "Market rate" means the rent or sales price which
would be obtained on the open market with no limits or controls on rent or sale price,
except market forces.
17.9 Mechanical eguigment. "Mechanical equipment" means any
heating, cooling, venting, or similar equipment or appurtenance serving a structure.
17196.1220 Miggwaye- "Microwave" means any electromagnetic signals of
any frequency three hundred (300) megahertz or higher.
7.96.1,23Q Mgbile home. "Mobile home" means a prefabricated structure
designed for longterm human habitation relocated on a site and placed on a permanent
foundation. A "mobile home" shall not mean a trailer or recreational vehicle that has
been altered or modified so that it can no longer be drawn by a motor vehicle. Mgbile bome park. "Mobile home park" means any area or tract
of land where space is rented or sold to owners or users of mobile homes, auto trailers or
trailer coaches.
1,7,,90,125.4, "Motel" means a group of dwellings used for commercial
purposes, such as a building or group of two (2) or more detached, semi-detached or
attached buildings containing guest rooms or dwelling units with automobile storage
space, provided in connection therewith, which building or group is designed, intended,
or used primarily for the accommodation of transient automobile travelers; including
groups designated as auto cabins, motor courts, motels, and similar designations. NeighbQrbQQd character. See chapter 17.02 for definition.
17.96.1270 Neighborhood compatibility, See "neighborhood character".
17 96 128Q, Nononf rming. "Nonconforming" means lots, uses, or structures
which were legal under previously adopted codes, but do not currently meet the
standards of this title or title 16.
17,,9,9„1 90 Nursery,school. "Nursery school".means public or private
educational facilities for more than twelve (12) preschool and/or kindergarten age
children in any zoning district.
17,90t13QQ Qff&ale. "Off-sale" means the purchase of a retail product for use
or consumption off the premises.
Page 298 of 312
1? 96.1310 _Off site,mprovements. "Off-site improvements" mean the
installation or construction of facilities outside the boundaries of a private parcel or lot,
such as street paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street trees, street lights, street
signs, sewers, utilities, and drainage structures.
1_L26,1„320 Quen, s aca. "Open space" means any space or area that is
open and unobstructed from the ground upward, except for permitted encroachments
such as building eaves and other architectural features, and is not used for private
streets, driveways, parking, or loading.
x,7.96.1 330 Own . "Owner" means the individual, firm, association,
syndicate, partnership, or corporation having sufficient proprietary interest in a portion of
land, and while used in this title or title 17 in the masculine gender and singular number,
it shall be deemed to mean the feminine and neuter gender and plural number whenever
17.96.1340 Pa 1. "Parcel" means an area of contiguous land owned by a
17.96.1350 Parcel. e.xistina. "Existing parcel" means any parcel as it existed
and was defined by boundaries at the effective date of this title and title 17.
17,96,1360 Parcel of record. "Parcel of record" means an area of land shown
on a separately bounded area on a recorded subdivision plat or deed, or a number of
contiguous areas of land owned by a person, all of which are shown as separately
bounded areas on a recorded subdivision plat or deed.
I Z,2 96.1 70 Parcels. abuttina. "Abutting parcels" means two or more lots or
parcels of land sharing a common boundary line.
1,.7,96,1.280 P rcels.dacent. "Adjacent parcels" means parcels that are
abutting or separated by a street or alley.
17,26.1390, Parcels, contiauous. See "Parcels, abutting".
17,.96.1400 Parking are,,arivate or oublic.
A. "Private parking area" means a paved or unpaved open area, other than
a street, used for the parking of automotive vehicles capable of moving under their own
power, and restricted from general public use.
B. "Public parking area" means an area, other than a private parking area
or street, used for the parking of vehicles and available for public or quasi-public use,
either free or for remuneration.
Page 299 of 312
17.96.1410 Parking ing mace. "Parking space" means a space exclusive of
driveways, ramps, columns, loading areas, or work areas, within a structure or open
parking area for the parking of one automobile.
17.96,14 20 Pgrs.M. "Person" means a person, firm, association,
copartnership, joint venture, corporation, or any entity, public or private in nature, other
than the city.
17.96.1430 Pervious surface. "Pervious surface" means any structure,
improvement, or surface which allows at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the normal
precipitation to reach the ground surface underlying it.
17.96,1440 Placed or displayed. "Placed" or"displayed" means erected,
constructed, posted, painted, printed, tacked, glued, carved, or otherwise fastened, fixed,
or made visible in any manner whatsoever. This includes changing the copy or color on
existing signs, but shall not include maintenance and repainting of existing copy in the
same color.
17. 6.,1_450_ Planning Commission. See chapter 17.02 for definition.
17.20L14f2Q P_o_ol,_ swim nioa or orna mental. "Swimming or ornamental pool"
means any body of water measuring more than twenty-four (24) inches deep at its
deepest point, whether above or below the surface of the ground.
1.7. 96.1470 Privacy. See chapter 17.02 for definition.
1,7.20.1480 emmontgly. "Promontory" means a prominent mass of land,
large enough to support development, which overlooks, or projects onto a lowland or
body of water on at least two sides.
17.96.1490 Eublic right-of-way. "Public right-of-way" means any public
highway, public street or alley, public place in the city of rancho palos verdes, either
owned by the city or dedicated to the public for the purposes of travel. The term includes
all or any part of the entire width of right-of-way, and above and below the same, whether
or not such entire area is actually used for travel purposes.
17.96.1500 Public works a�roiects. "Public works projects" mean any action
undertaken by the city or under contract to the city or by any other governmental entity to
construct or alter any public structure, utility or right-of-way, including improvement of
public streets and development of public utilities.
17.96.151 Q ' Recrea,tign,,active. "Active recreation" means
outdoor recreation activities that are structured in nature and/or organized such as team
sports, golf, tennis, etc.
Page 300 of 312
17 96,x.10 Recreation. 12assime. "Passive recreation" means outdoor
recreation activities that are non-structured in nature such as picnicking, sightseeing,
nature study areas, etc.
17.96.1530 ReQyclina center . "Recycling center" means a center, occupying
an area not exceeding five hundred (500) square feet, for the acceptance, donation,
redemption or purchase of recyclable materials from the public. Such facilities include
bulk feed reverse vending machines, one or more single feed reverse vending machines
occupying an area greater than fifty (50) square feet, attended or unattended drop-off
collection areas and structures, kiosk or igloo type collection units, mobile recycling units
and any structural enclosures for these facilities. Power-driven processing equipment is
not permitted except as contained within reverse vending machines.
17 951 40 Regyclina�drogoff or collection facil.fty. "Recycling dropoff or
collection facility" means a recycling or processing facility that is built, installed, or
established to serve as a collection or acceptance-point for empty beverage containers in
order to separate recyclables from mixed municipal waste. The operation of the facility
does not include paying refund value for recyclable material or accepting recyclable
materials which have already been separated from mixed municipal waste.
17.963155 0 Regycli.n,g„proaram. community gervigg. "community service
recycling program” means a recycling program which is certified by the california
department of conservation's division of recycling, which does not pay refund value for
recyclable material and accepts or collects empty beverage containers at a specific
location or locations. The program may be operated by a charitable group or
organization; or by a city, county, or other public agency.
17.96.1560 jjpMling sinale-feadreyerse . "Recycling
single-feed reverse vending machine" means an automated, mechanized device which
accepts one or more types of empty beverage containers, including, but not limited to,
aluminum cans, glass, and plastic bottles, one at an time, for sorting and mechanical
processing entirely within the machine.
17.96.1570 Recycli,na_ui,., obile. ."1Vlobile recycling unit" means an
automobile, truck, trailer, or van licensed by the california department of motor vehicles
which is used for the collection of recyclable material such as aluminum, glass, plastic
and paper. The term also means the bins, boxes, or containers used for the collection of
the recyclable material, which is transported by the licensed vehicles.
17.96.1580 Rgllay tower. "Relay tower" means any parabolic reflector or
similar antenna arrpy regardless of mounting methods and all appurtenant equipment
necessary for the receiving and/or transmitting of microwave signals from and/or to any
earth-based transmitting and/or receiving facility of any type.
Page 301 of 312
17.96.1590 Residence. "Residence" means a building or portion thereof
designed or used for human habitation.
17,96.1QQQ Retail store. "Retail store" means a business of selling goods,
wares, or merchandise directly to the ultimate consumer.
17.96.1610 Ri�da„e_. "Ridge" means the elongated crest or a linear series of
crests of hills, bluffs, or highlands.
7.96,1 R dgeline, structure. "Structure ridgeline" means the top edge or
crest of a structure's sloped roof or the top of a parapet, whichever constitutes the apex
of the structure.
17.96.1630 RogUl. "Room" means an unsubdivided portion of the interior of a
dwelling unit, including bathrooms, closets, hallways, and service porches.
17.96.1640 Row house. "Row house" means a residence which shares a
common side wall or walls with another residence.
1 7:_96.1650 Scale. See chapter 17.02 for definition.
17,,x .1660 Senior resident, ul,i.f ying. "Qualifying senior resident" means a
resident meeting the definition of section 51.2 of the california state civil code,
specifically, an individual at least sixty-two (62) years of age, or an individual at least fifty-
five (55) years of age residing in a senior citizen housing development of at least one
hundred fifty (150) dwelling units.
17.96.x.670 Serlge_rata#ion. "Service station" means the same as "automobile
service station."
1.7,96,E Setback,. See chapter 17.02 for definition.
17.96.1690 Shoppina center. "Shopping center' means a group of
commercial establishments, planned, developed, owned, and managed as a unit, with
parking provided on the property.
17.96.1700 Shopa.� ina.... istrict. "Shopping district" means a collection of
individual stores standing on separate lotiparcels along street frontage or clustered in a
contiguous area, with or without off-street parking.
1 Z.,.Q„6t1Z1Q "Sign" means any physical form of visual communication
which is intended to be viewed from public areas. Any structures or building
appurtenances which are or were at one time used for visual communication and which
do not have any other legitimate function are also defined as signs. In addition, the
Page 302 of 312
definition of a sign includes all parts, portions, units, and materials composing same,
together with illumination, frame, background, structure and support and anchorage
therefor. This definition shall not apply to the interior display of merchandise, but does
apply to interior window signs large enough to be read by those in vehicles passing at
the permissive speed in the nearest travel lane of public street or highway right-of-way.
17.96.1720 5ian, announcement. "Announcement sign" means a sign
intended to direct attention to the nature of pending or on-going construction on the
17.96.173Q Sian area. "Sign area" means the surface space within a single
contiguous perimeter containing words, letters, figures, or symbols, together with any
frame, material or color forming an integral part of the display but excluding support
structures, face of building, and incidental parts not drawing attention to the subject
17.96.1740 Sian; billboa[d._and o_.utd_Q.gr advertisina. "Billboard" and "outdoor
advertising sign" means a sign usually designed for use with changing advertising copy
and which normally is used for the advertisement of goods produced or services
rendered at locations other than the premises on which the signs are located.
17.96.175Q Sian. contractor. "Contractor sign" means a sign stating the
names of those individuals or firms directly connected with the construction project on a
particular parcel. Said sign may include the name of the city in which the individuals or
firms are located and emergency telephone numbers.
1:x: 0 5ion,-dire_ 1. "Directional sign" means a sign erected for the
purpose of informing the viewer of the approximate route and direction of a given location
or event, and not including advertising.
17 96.1770 5ign.,_flasbing. "Flashing sign" means a sign which contains or is
illuminated by lights which are intermittently on and off, change in intensity, or which
create the illusion of flashing in any manner.
1 L96.:178q aian, fLeQstandJnq. "Freestanding sign" means a sign standing on
the ground, not attached to a building. Signs mounted flat on walls, or maintained on
architectural extensions such as wing walls, pergolas, etc., shall not be considered
1,7.96.1790 Sian heiaht. "Sign height" means the distance of the average
surface grade immediately surrounding the base of the sign to the top of its highest
element, including any structural element.
Page 303 of 312
17_9,6.1. 800 Sian, illuminated. "Illuminated sign" means a sign in which a
source of light is used in order to make the message readable. This definition includes
internally and externally lighted signs and reflectorized, glowing, or radiating signs.
17.9,611 a 1 Q Sign. movina or rotating_,. "Moving or rotating sign" means a sign
or device designed to attract attention by visual means through the movement or
semblance of movement of the whole or any part of the sign, including rotation, special
lighting, or wind-actuated devices.
17.96.,1$20 Sion,. gff-prre..m.�'�� . "Off-premises sign" means a sign identifying a
business or product at some location other than the property where the sign is displayed.
1,7.QQ.183Q flan_, on-premises. "On-premises sign" means a sign located on
the same parcel with the business or product being identified or advertised.
17.96.1840 s9lan,_12ermanent idel3tification. "Permanent identification sign"
means a sign which directs attention to a principal business, profession, industry, or
building located on the premises upon which the sign is displayed.
17.96.1850 Siad., pr durt advertising. "Product advertising sign" means a
sign or portion of a sign which directs attention to accessory or secondary products or
services sold on the premises by specific name, brand name, trademark or logo.
17.96.1860 ai-an--r2toture. "Sign structure" means a structure which supports
or is capable of supporting any sign. A sign structure may be a single pole and may or
may not be an integral part of a building.
17.96.1870 Sian, teM,porary.. "Temporary sign" means a sign constructed of
paper, cloth, canvas, or other similar lightweight material, with or without frames, and
including painted windows, intended to be displayed for a period not to exceed sixty (60)
17.96,1880 Sig.n.,_e=Qrary banner. "Temporary banner sign" means a sign
generally made of flexible material, usually cloth, paper, or plastic intended to be
displayed for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days.
17.96,,E„890 9ian. temporary promotional. "Temporary Promotional sign”
means a sign intended to direct attention to a special event or product; and which is
intended to be displayed for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days.
17.9Q.1900: ;. Sign, under-=,opy. "Under--canopy sign" means a lighted or
unlighted sign attached to the underside of a canopy projecting over a public or private
sidewalk or right-of-way.
Page 304 of 312
I 2196,1910 Sign, window. "Window sign" means a sign painted, attached,
glued, or otherwise affixed to or near a window and designed to be viewed from adjoining
streets or public areas.
17.96.1920 "Site" means a lot or parcel of land or a series of lots or
parcels of land which comprise a single development or use.
17.963.0 aite Wan. "Site plan" means a plan, prepared to scale, showing
accurately and with complete dimensioning, all of the structures, improvements, and
uses proposed for a specific site.
17:96.1940 Slogg drain. "Slope drain" means an impermeable drainage
device used for erosion control on a slope or hillside.
I7=96=1950 Slope, man-made. "Man-made slope" means a slope altered or
created by grading activities.
17.96.1960 5.Qils.enaineer. "Soils engineer" means a civil engineer licensed
by the state and experienced in soil mechanics and slope stabilities, whose qualifications
shall be acceptable to the city engineer.
,1 z 96,.1_970 Stock cowerative. "Stock cooperative" means a corporation
formed or availed of primarily for the purpose of holding title to, either in fee simple or for
a term of years, improved real property, if all or substantially all of the shareholders of
such corporation receive a right of exclusive occupancy to a portion of the real property,
title to which is held by the corporation, and the transfer of which is made by shares of
stock in the corporation.
17,96.j 950 StockDile. "Stockpile" means imported earth temporarily placed
and stored for future fill on or off-site. So�rv. "Story" means a space in a building between the surface of
any floor and the surface of the floor next above, or if there is no floor above, then the
space between such floor and the ceiling or roof above.
17.96.2000 S . "Street" means a public thoroughfare or right-of-way
dedicated, deeded, or condemned for the use as such, other than an alley or driveway,
which affords the principal means of access to abutting property, including avenue,
place, way, drive, lane, boulevard, highway, road, and any other thoroughfare, except as
excluded in this code.
,17L26.2019 Street a lie. "Street side" means the property line of a lot or
parcel, other than the front or rear property line, which abuts a public or private right-of-
Page 305 of 312
17..962D20 Street,private. "Private street" means any lot not dedicated as a
public street over which a private easement for road purposes has been recorded and
used or intended to be used for ingress to or egress from a lot or lots which may or may
not have frontage on a public street. A private street does\not mean a "driveway".
17.96.2030 atruglural alteration. "Structural alteration" means any change in
or alteration to the structure of a building involving a bearing wall, column, beam or
girder, floor or ceiling joists, roof rafters, roof diaphragms, foundations, piles, retaining
walls, or similar components.
1. 7.96.2Q40 Stru "Structure" means anything constructed or built, any
edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of
parts joined together in some definite manner, which is located on or on top of the
ground. For"structures" mentioned in section 17.02.040 of this title, please see chapter
17.02 for definition.
17=96,2050 51ruclum, acre,s-sort . "Accessory structure" means a structure or
part of a structure not exceeding twelve (12) feet in height, which is physically detached
from the main building on the lot and the use of which is incidental to that of the main
building or use on the same lot. Where an accessory structure is a part of, or joined to,
the main building by means other than a trellis, breezeway, or overhang, the accessory
structure shall be considered as part of the main building.
17.96.2060 5jcu� ure, adverti$ina. "Advertising structure" means the same as
17.96.2070 See chapter 17.02 for definition.
17.96.2080 Subdivision. "Subdivision" means the division of any unit or units
of improved or unimproved land or any portion thereof, shown on the latest equalized
county assessment roll as a unit or as contiguous units, for the purpose of sale, lease, or
financing, whether immediate or future, except for leases of agricultural land for
agricultural purposes. Property shall be considered as continuous units, even if it is
separated by roads, streets utility easement, or railroad rights-of-way. "Subdivision"
includes a condominium project, as defined in subdivision (f) of Section 1351 of the civil
code, a community apartment project, as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 1351 of the
civil code, or the conversion of five (5) or more existing dwelling units to a stock
cooperative, as defined in subdivision (m) of section 1351 of the civil code. As used in
this section, "agricultural purposes" means the cultivation of food or fiber or the grazing
or pasturing of livestock. The conveyance of land to a governmental agency, public
entity, or public utility could not be considered a division of land for purposes of
computing the number of parcels.
17.96.2090 Subdivision desion. "Subdivision design" means:
Page 306 of 312
A. Street alignment, grades and widths;
B. Drainage and sanitary facilities, including alignments and grades
C. Location and size of all required easements and rights-of-way;
D. Fire roads and breakways;
E. Lot size and configuration;
F. Traffic access;
G. Grading;
H. Land to be dedicated for park or recreational purposes; and
I. Such other specific requirements in the plan and configuration of the
entire subdivision as may be necessary or convenient to ensure conformity to or specific
plan implementation of the general plan.
17.96.2.' 00 Iemgomy- "Temporary" means a use of land or structures not
intended to be of permanent duration and having a specific time period.
17.96.2110 Trailer. "Trailer" means a vehicle without motive power, designed
to be drawn by a motor vehicle and to be used for recreational purposes or for carrying
persons and property for non-habitable purposes, including trailer coach, travel trailer,
and recreational vehicle. A "Trailer" shall not mean a "mobile home".
17:96.21201�ni , affordable. "Affordable unit" means a rental unit which does
not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the renter's household income or a sale unit in which
the sales price of the unit does not exceed four(4) times the purchaser's annual
household income.
12,._0.$.2130 U ,.dwelling. "Dwelling unit" means one or more habitable
rooms which are intended or designed to be occupied by a family with facilities for living
and the cooking and/or preparation of food.
,17.96.214Q .Unit. low income. "Low income unit" means a dwelling unit which
rents for no more than thirty percent (30%) of sixty percent (60%) of the median income
for Los Angeles county.
17.96.2150 UniL..grlmary dw11ilina. "Primary dwelling unit" means the principal
Page 307 of 312
dwelling on a residential lot, which existed prior to the establishment of a secondary or
"second unit".
17.96.2164 Unit, second. "Second unit" means a second dwelling unit either
within, or added on to, an existing single-family dwelling unit, or in a separate accessory
structure on the same lot as the primary dwelling unit, for use as a complete,
independent living facility for one or more persons, with provision within the accessory
unit for living, cooking, eating, sanitation, and sleeping. Such a unit is an accessory use
to the primary dwelling unit.
17.96,2170 Unit. very.low income. "Very low income unit" means a dwelling
unit which rents for no more than thirty percent (30%) of fifty percent (50%) of the median
income for Los Angeles county.
17,90.2180 . "Use" means the purpose for which land or buildings are or
may be arranged, designed, intended, occupied, or maintained.
17,96.21 QQ Use, ancillary. "Ancillary use" means a use that is appropriate,
incidental and customarily or necessarily related to the primary use of the land, building
or structure, and is located on the same lot as the primary use and is dependent upon
the primary use for the majority of its utilization or activity.
17:9,12200 lyse deveJgpmeoJ..or a..11eration. "Use development or alteration"
means any human activity involving the changing of topography of the land, erection of
buildings or structures, the creation of land coverage, subdivision of land, the
construction of drainageways or conduits, removal or destruction of rare or endangered
species of vegetation or wildlife, the transmission of storm or waste water and any other
similar activity; or the maintenance of any activity upon land.
1,7.96.22,10 Urae, primary. "Primary use" means the most important purpose
for which a particular zoning district was established. Thus, for example, in a residential
district it would be dwellings; in a commercial district it would be the retail sale of goods,
the provision of services to the public, and office functions; in institutional districts it
would be major, public/quasi public institutional and auxiliary uses; in
cemetery districts it would be permanent interment.
17.96,2220Yggetation. "Vegetation" means any living plant organism, such
as grasses, chaparral, brush, shrubs, trees.
17.96.2230 Veterinary clinic. "Veterinary clinic" means a facility in which
animals no larger than the largest breed of dog receive medical or surgical treatment,
clipping, bathing, or similar services. No overnight boarding of animals is permitted,
other than those requiring emergency treatment or those recovering from surgery or
Page 308 of 312
17-96x2240 Video Game., See "Arcade, video game".
17196-250 . See chapter 17.02 for definition.
1,Z.96,2260 Viewing area. See chapter 17.02 for definition.
17,96j2270 View restorationcomMiNion. See chapter 17.02 for definition.
I Z.9-6,228Q Visitor-servina use. "Visitor-serving use" means a commercial or
non-commercial use intended primarily to serve visitors to an area, such as hotels,
motels, conference centers, restaurants, retail shops, etc.
17.96.2,29Q . "Wall" means any structure or device, which is not part of a
building, forming a physical barrier, which is so constructed that twenty percent (20%) or
more of the vertical surface is closed and prevents the passage of light, air, or vision
through said surface in a horizontal plane. This includes concrete, concrete block, wood,
or other materials that are solid and are so assembled as to form a solid barrier.
17,95,2300 Wall, co mon.. "Common wall" means any structure or device
forming a physical barrier between two or more dwelling units or between a dwelling unit
and a public or quasi-public space (laundry rooms, recreation rooms, garages, etc.).
Construction of a common wall shall be one of the following types:
A. Cavity Wall. Two (2) standard construction, parallel walls separated by
a two (2) inch air space, as per the current uniform building code;
B. Staggered Stud. A wall in which studs are staggered, so that each stud
makes contact with only one wall surface, as per the current uniform building code.
17.90,2310 Miall, downslope retaining. "Downslope retaining wall" means a
retaining waif which is located downslope from the primary structure.
.1 Z. WAIL garden. "Garden wall" means a wall which retains less than
three (3) feet of earth.
17.96.2330 Walls retaining. "Retaining wall" means a wall which retains three
(3) feet or more of earth and which must be constructed to the city's uniform building
code standards.
1 Z.96,2340 Wall, side yard retaining. "Side yard retaining wall" means a
retaining wall which is located in or along those lot lines which are at right angles to the
front property line.
17.96.2350 V1All, uaslo_pe„retainina. "Upslope retaining wall" means a
Page 309 of 312
retaining wall which is located upslope from the primary structure.
17.96.2360 window. bay. "Bay window" means a window with a foundation
that projects beyond the exterior wall of a building, thereby constituting a structural
extension of the building.
12.96.2370 WindQ_mt, garden. "Garden window" means a window that projects
a minimum of six (6) inches beyond the exterior wall of a building and has no foundation. indscmen. "Windscreen" means any fence, wall, structure,
device or landscaping material used to shield an area from the wind.
17.96.2320 "Yard" means any open space on the same lot with a
building or group of buildings, and which is unoccupied and unobstructed from the
ground upward to the sky, except for the projections and/or accessory buildings or
structures permitted by this title or title 16.
1,7.20,2400 Yard, f "Front yard" means a yard between the front yard
setback line and the front lot line, street easement, or highway setback line, and
extending the full width of the lot.
17.96.2410 Yard, rear. "Rear yard" means a yard between the rear yard
setback line and the rear lot line, extending the full width of the lot.
17.96.2420 Yard. side. "Side yard" means a yard extending between a side
lot line and the side yard setback line. The side yard shall not include any required front
yard or rear yard. "Interior side yard" means a side yard not abutting a street. "Street
side yard" means a side yard abutting a street.
17.96.2430 Zonina..district, b_. "Base zoning district" means the primary
zoning designation established by this title, including any combined districts established
by this title.
Page 310 of 312
BgIction : The rights given by any approval granted under the terms of Title 16
and 17 of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code prior to the effective date of this
ordinance shall not be affected by the amendments to Titles 16 and 17 by this
ordinance and shall continue in effect until they are modified, revoked, expire or are
otherwise terminated according to the terms of the approval or the terms of Title 16 and
17 as they existed on the day before the effective date of this ordinance.
e i : The rights granted under the terms of Title 16 and 17 of the Rancho
Palos Verdes Municipal Code prior to the effective date of this ordinance shall apply to
all development applications submitted prior to the effective date of this ordinance.
Bpgfign.l0: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and
shall cause the same to be published in the manner prescribed by law.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of April, 1997.
t Y•
Ordinance No. 320
Page 311 0f 312
I, JO PURCELL, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes do hereby certify
that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the
foregoing Ordinance No.320, was reintroduced on April 1, 1997, was duly and regularly
adopted by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting thereof held on April 15,
1997, and that the same was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Bryd, Hollingsworth, Lyon, and Mayor McTaggart
NOES: Ferraro
Ordinance No. 320
Page 312 of 312
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Page 147-B
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