ORD 294 ORDINANCE NO. 294 I/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES CREATING AN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE OVERLAY CONTROL DISTRICT; THEREBY AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Title 17 of the Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding Sections 17 . 36 . 070 through 17 . 36 . 075 . Chapter 17 . 36 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE OVERLAY CONTROL DISTRICT 17 . 36 . 070 Automotive service station overlay control district (OC-4) and regulations. The automotive service station overlay control district is established to encourage service stations to remain in the City in order to address the following concerns. The recent trend toward conversion of service stations and automotive repair businesses on the Palos Verdes Peninsula to non-automotive service uses has resulted in an increasing unavailability of essential automotive services to residents of the City, including automobile refueling and emergency services. Furthermore, closure of service stations and conversion to other uses creates an increase of automobile traffic in the City going to those converted uses, which correspondingly increases the need for automotive service uses and service stations. Thus, at the same time that automotive service uses are disappearing, the need for additional automotive services is increasing. The tension created by the dwindling supply of locations to obtain automotive services and the increased need for those services is detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. Accordingly, the Automotive Service Overlay Control District (OC-4) is hereby created to facilitate the establishment and continuation of businesses which provide automotive services in the City. 17 . 36 . 071 Applicability. The Automotive Service Overlay Control District permits those uses which provide automotive services to the residents of Rancho Palos Verdes and visitors driving within the City. The Automotive Service Overlay Control District shall be limited to the following eight (8) sites: LOCATION/ADDRESS EXISTING GEL EXISTING UNDERLYING :.:.:.......... PLAN LAND USE O ING DESIGNATI.: DESIGNATION 1. 31186 Hawthorne Boulevard Commercial Retail Commercial Neighborhood (CN w/CUP) 2. 29501 Miraleste Plaza Commercial Retail Commercial Limited (CL w/CUP) 3. 29701 Western Avenue Commercial Retail Commercial General (CG w/CUP) 4. 29421 Western Avenue Commercial Retail Commercial General (CG w/CUP) 5. 27774 Hawthorne Boulevard Residential RM-8 (6-12 DU/acre) 6. 28105 Hawthorne Boulevard Residential RS-4 (2-4 DU/acre) 7. 28732 Highridge Road Institutional 1 8. 5656 Crest Road Residential RS-2 (1 DU/acre) 17 . 36 . 072 Uses permitted with a conditional use permit. In addition to the existing uses permitted under the underlying current zoning designations, the following uses and development guidelines shall be allowed in the OC-4 district. Full-service gasoline stations which provide automotive repair services in addition to the sale of gasoline or other alternative fuels, automotive repair businesses, self-service gasoline stations (without full service facilities) , car washes, smog testing businesses, oil/fluid change businesses, sales of automotive products (e.g. , tire sales) . Sales of items such as prepared foods, beverages, and other sundry items, as deemed appropriate by the planning commission to be clearly auxiliary uses to a service station. 17 . 36 . 073 Development guidelines. The following development guidelines shall be used to review automotive service uses within the OC-4 zone. However, these guidelines may be deviated from as determined by the planning commission to be appropriate in individual cases for the uses permitted in Section 17 . 37 . 072 . Ordinance No. 294 Page 2 of 7 A. Lot Area. The minimum area of a site for an automotive service use shall be twenty thousand square feet, with a minimum frontage of one hundred linear feet on each street side. For those properties with more than two pump islands and three service bays, there shall be two thousand additional square feet of lot area for each additional pump island; and two thousand additional square feet of lot area for each additional service bay. B. Setbacks. Minimum setback shall be ten feet from any property line. This shall apply to any part of the structure, canopies as well as building. Pump islands shall be set back twenty feet from any property line. C. Building Size. Buildings which include service bays shall not be less than one thousand two hundred square feet (exclusive of canopies) . D. Building Height. The maximum allowable building height shall be consistent with the underlying zoning, and shall be compatible with the surrounding uses, as determined by the Planning Commission E. Curb Cuts and Driveways. There shall be no more than two driveways on any one street. No curb cut shall be closer than five feet from the beginning of the curb return at the corner of the intersection. No driveway shall exceed a width of thirty-five feet. Curb cuts shall be a minimum of twenty-five feet apart. Entrances to an abutting commercial development or combined driveways will be encouraged to facilitate good circulation. F. Parking. Parking of vehicles on-site is prohibited except for such vehicles as are in the process of being serviced, those belonging to employees, and service and tow trucks owned by the establishment. Parking is prohibited where it will impede the view of traffic in the public streets. G. Perimeter Walls. Walls may be required on the property lines and along the street planted areas, if the planning commission determines that the site should be buffered from abutting properties due to incompatibility with adjacent uses. H. Refuse Area. An enclosed refuse area, to be integrated with the design of the structure, shall be provided to meet the specifications of the city sanitation division. Ordinance No. 294 Page 3 of 7 I . Restrooms. All restroom entrances shall be screened from view of adjacent properties or public rights-of-way by solid decorative screening, which is subject to the review and approval of the planning commission. J. Utilities. No building permit for a new structure or an addition to an existing structure which adds twenty-five percent or more to the floor area shall be issued, unless plans to bring underground all utilities are reviewed and approved by the planning I/ commission. K. Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be so arranged and shielded as to prevent direct illumination from striking abutting property and from striking the occupants of vehicles passing on the public right-of-way. Luminaries shall be of a low-level indirect and diffused type. All fluorescent bulbs or other lighting under canopies or on the building shall be covered with diffusing lenses and shielded. L. Landscaping. Landscaping plans shall be subject to the review and approval by the planning commission. There shall be the following minimum landscaping: 1. The ten-foot setback along the street frontages shall be landscaped, except where there are driveways. Planting shall not exceed three feet in height, except for trees; 2 . Eight percent of the total site shall be landscaped in addition to that required under paragraph No. 1 above. All landscaped areas shall have permanent automatic irrigation systems and shall be kept well maintained. All planting areas shall be surrounded by six-inch P.C. C. curbs, unless they have higher planter walls. M. Off-site Improvements. Off-site improvements, including curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement, street lights, and street trees are required to be installed by the developer. These improvements must meet city specifications. Where future installation is approved by the city, performance bonds are required. N. Drainage. All drainage to the street shall be by underground drainage structures to avoid drainage across the surface of city walks or drive aprons. 0. Paving. All areas not planted or used for building must be paved to meet city specifications (minimum three-inch asphalt concrete) . Ordinance No. 294 Page 4 of 7 P. Signage. A. For those sites developed consistent with the underlying zoning, (e.g. , Commercial Neighborhood, Commercial Limited, Commercial General, Residential, and Institutional) , the sign criteria for the underlying zone shall apply. B. For those sites developed with automotive service uses consistent with OC-4 zoning, signage shall conform to the requirements of Section 17 . 52 . 060. 17 . 3 6 . 074 Operations. The following guidelines apply to those uses permitted under Section 17 . 36. 090. A. Hours of operation shall be as follows: ... .................... :::::::>:::::::: TYPE OF.:.�iJSIh� OF HOURS OF DATE-:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...;..:..... S OPERATION OPERATION Automotive Repair Monday - Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Ancillary Retail Businesses Monday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sale of Gasoline, and Retail Sales of Monday - Thursday 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sundry Items, at Full or Self-Service Friday - Sunday 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Stations All hours of operation may be subject to further review and approval by the planning commission. B. Operations permitted outside shall be limited to: 1. The retail sale of petroleum products; 2 . The supply of air and water; 3 . Auto washing by hand, where an area of not more than five hundred square feet is used; 4 . Waxing and polishing automobiles; 5 . Tire changing; 6 . Battery servicing charging and changing; 7 . Installation of minor accessories, e.g. , windshield blades and arms, gas caps, lamps, lamp globes, and performance of minor repair jobs. Ordinance Igo. 294 Page 5 of 7 C. There shall be no body and fender work, painting, repair and rebuilding of electrochemical batteries, or other work of a similar nature. D. The rental of cars or trailers is specifically prohibited. E. If approved by the City, any mechanical car wash shall be enclosed within a structure and shall not cause noise exceeding fifty (50) decibels to be audible at the property line of any I/ adjacent residential property. The property owner is responsible to demonstrate annually that the car wash is in compliance with this requirement. 17 . 36 . 075 Abandonment. If the operation of any use allowed in the OC-4 zone is suspended for more than 180 days, and such suspension is not a result of work ordered to be performed by the City or any other governmental entity, the use shall be deemed abandoned. It shall then become the responsibility of the property owner to destroy and dispose of any and all structures and equipment on the lot and return the condition of the lot to a buildable site. Section 2 : The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of the Ordinance and shall cause this Ordinance to be published or posted as required by law. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of November 1993 . CAIN& 0 4111P--- %AYOR ATTEST: ti,thita CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) ss CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES) Ordinance No. 294 Page 6 of 7 I , Jo Purcell, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is four; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 294 , passed first reading on October 21, 1993 , was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting held on November 3 , 1993 ; and that the same was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: KUYKENDALL, McTAGGART, BACHARACH AND MAYOR BROOKS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE CITY CLERK DJ22:ORDINANCE.GAS Ordinance No. 294 Page 7 of 7 ORD. NO. 294 11:41 !!!1 RANCHO PALOS VERDES STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ) The undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times herein mentioned, she was and now is the appointed City Clerk of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes; That on 11/8/93 she caused to be posted the following document entitled: CREATING AN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE OVERLAY CONTROL DISTRICT; THEREBY AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE. a copy of which is attached hereto, in the following locations: City Hall Los Angeles County Fire Station 30940 Hawthorne Blvd. Miraleste Station Rancho Palos Verdes 4000 Miraleste Plaza Rancho Palos Verdes U. S. Post Office 28649 S. Western Ave. Ladera Linda Community Center Rancho Palos Verdes 32201 Forrestal Drive Rancho Palos Verdes Hesse Park 29301 Hawthorne Blvd. Rancho Palos Verdes Park Rancho Palos Verdes 30359 Hawthorne Blvd. , Rancho Palos Verdes I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is a true and correct affidavit of posting . itt5(,,Le,,,C CITY CLERK (3° 30940 HAVYTHORNE BOULEVARD / RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA 90274-5391 / (213)377-0360