CC MINS 19920303M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MARCH 31 1992 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor McTaggart at the Hesse Park Community Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: BROOKS, RYAN, KUYKENDALL, BACHARACH, AND MAYOR McTAGGART Also present were City Manager Paul Bussey, Deputy City Manager Mark Rohloff, Acting Environmental Services Director Carolynn Petru, City Attorney Carol Lynch, Public Works Director Catherine Reed, Assistant Director of Public Works Kevin Smith, and City Clerk Jo Purcell. CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Lynch stated that she would be providing the Council with a report on the two issues discussed in the closed session -- Stuart vs RPV and potential litigation involving the Forrestal development. NOTICE OF CORRECTION Mayor McTaggart read a notice of correction stating that the public hearing regarding the item on Via Colinita had been delayed as the final EIR was not yet ready. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The agenda was modif ied to move the following items: PV Transit Replacement Vans and Service Continuation Agreement and Long Range Finance Committee were moved from the Consent Calendar to be heard after the public hearings; Dissolution of Maintenance Districts #1 and #2 were moved from Public Hearings to immediately following the Consent Calendar, and a report on SCAG was added to Regular Business, Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilwoman Brooks to approve the amended agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR The amended consent calendar was approved as follows on motion of Councilwoman Brooks, seconded by Mayor McTaggart. Adopted a motion to waive full reading of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at the meeting with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all councilmembers after the reading of the title. MINUTES OF JANUARY 7 AND FEBRUARY 41 1992 Approved the minutes of the above meetings. RESOLUTION NO. 92 -18 ESTABLISHING VOTING PRECINCTS (501) Adopted RESOLUTION NO, 92 -18 ESTABLISHING VOTING PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES, APPOINTING PRECINCT BOARD MEMBERS AND FIXING COMPENSATION FOR THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 AS CALLED FOR BY RESOLUTION NO, 92 -70 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES (306) Agreed to take the following positions on legislative issues as recommended by the League of California Cities and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office: To support AB181 (municipal relief from state superfund) and AB2 418 (six-year averaging for Proposition III), and to oppose AB2067 (police officers procedural Bill of Rights); ACA37, SB177, SB267, and SB2396 (special tax exemptions.) CAMELIA TRAIL VACATION (701) Directed staff to initiate vacation proceedings for a portion of the Camelia Trail, a dedicated pedestrian trail, in accordance with the City's vacation policy. MIRALESTE PARKS & RECREATION DISTRICT (1201) Approved the appointment of Surgit Kanwal to the Miraleste Recreation and Park District to serve until December 1993. 18TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS (601) Allocated the 18th Year CDBG Funds to the following: Portuguese Canyon drainage and grading project for $116,910; Vertical Well Project No. 2 for $55,000; and fiscal year 1992 -93 administrative project for $10,000. RESOLUTION NO. 92 -19 - SCHOOL TRAFFIC STUDY (1401) AND CITY ELECTION APPROPRIATIONS (501) (1) Increased the appropriation in the Traffic Safety Fund by $4,500 for the City's share of the school traffic study. ( 2 ) 2 MARCH 3, 1992 Authorized a transfer of $4,500 from the General Fund to the Traffic Safety Fund to fund the traffic study. (3) Increased the appropriation in the General Fund -- City Clerk Department by $10,000 to fund expenditures related to the City's elections. (4) Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92 -19 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 91 -33, THE BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991 -92. RESOLUTION NO. 92 -20 REGISTER OF DEMANDS Adopted RESOLUTION N09 92 -20 ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. RESOLUTION NO. 92 -21 - SEA RAVEN DRIVE VACATION (1408) Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92 -21 DECLARING THE INTENTION TO REVIEW THE CONDITION OF THE VACATION OF SEA RAVEN DRIVE FROM HEROIC DRIVE TO THE CUL -DE -SAC. RESOLUTION NO. 92 -22 - VARIANCE NO. 311; COASTAL PERMIT NO. 108- - APPEAL (18 0 4 ) Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92 -22 UPHOLDING THE APPEAL OF VARIANCE NO. 311 AND COASTAL PERMIT NO. 108 TO ALLOW A REDUCTION IN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK AND TO EXCEED THE 250 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION LIMITATION TO ACCOMMODATE ADDITIONS TO AN EXISTING RESIDENCE AT 96 YACHT HARBOR DRIVE, WHICH IS LOCATED WITHIN THE LANDSLIDE MORATORIUM BOUNDARY AND SEAWARD OF THE COASTAL SETBACK LINE. The motion to approve the consent calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, KUYKENDALL, BROOKS BACHARACH and MAYOR McTAGGART NOES: BACHARACH (ON SEA RAVEN VACATION ONLY) ABSENT: NONE RECYCLE LOTTERY DRAWING The winners of a year's free trash pickup in the recycle lottery drawing were announced for the months of February and March. PUBLIC HEARINGS DISSOLUTION OF MAINTENANCE DISTRICT #1 (901) The staff report of March 3 was presented by Public Works Director Reed who recommended that Council conduct the public hearing and direct staff as to how to proceed on this item. 3 MARCH 3, 1992 Brian Leamky, 6751 Alta Vista Drive, explained that he had originally testified in support of dissolution, but now had changed his mind, and wanted the City to continue the district. Director Reed pointed out that a decision would have to be made by May in order to add the assessment to the books. After some discussion, Council decided to proceed with this year on the books and to bring the Resolution back at a later date for further examination. The public hearing was closed on the motion of Councilwoman Bacharach with a second from Councilman Kuykendall. Councilman Ryan moved to receive and file the item, Councilwoman Brooks seconded, and the motion passed without objection. DISSOLUTION OF MAINTENANCE DISTRICT #2 (901) The staff report of March 3 was presented by Public Works Director Reed who recommended that Council conduct the public hearing and then direct staff as to how to proceed on this item. City Clerk Purcell noted that resident Carole Black had submitted a speaker slip noting her opposition to the elimination of the district. Council decided to proceed with this district also for the remainder of the year, and to bring the issue back for further examination at a later date. The public hearing was closed on the motion of Councilman Kuykendall, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach, Councilman Ryan moved to receive and file the item, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach and carried. VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 46628, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 158, COASTAL PERMIT NO. 94, GRADING NO. 1439 APPEAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 35. (Location: NW Corner PVDS /Hawthorne Blvd.) (1411) The staff report of March 3 was presented by Acting Environmental Services Director Petru who recommended that Council certify the EIR and uphold the appeal of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 46628 and related applications, thereby approving an RPD with 79 residential lots and 56 open space lots. City Manager Bussey suggested that Council direct staff to make a report of the advantages and disadvantages of a possible developers agreement when they were ready to approve the project. Councilwoman Brooks stated she had expressed her concerns regarding the bluff road with the developer, who had indicated that he was willing to go either way, but preferred a cul -de -sac 4 MARCH 31 1992 or bluff trail. Councilman Ryan suggested that the projected $1 million the developer would be required to donate to the public art program be disbursed more usefully given the current economic climate in the City. City Manager Bussey directed staff to put the subject on the agenda for future discussion, and Councilwoman Bacharach suggested meeting with the Art Committee to see how such a contribution might be used. . The Council then made some minor suggestions including clarification of water treatment and right -of -way descriptions. Bill Gilmore, 340 E. 2nd Street, Los Angeles, representing developer H.M.D.I., discussed the changes made in the project in response to staff and Planning Commission suggestions, such as the "critter corridor," the PVDW and internal trails, view corridors, wildlife habitats and open spaces. Mr. Gilmore also agreed that the drainage pipe could be run under the critter corridor as suggested by Councilwoman Brooks., Gary Gantney, 11835 W. Olympic Blvd., West Los Angeles, civil engineer for the developer, addressed some concerns of the Council, including the underground lift station, the application of the Clean Water Act which would involve cleaning of storm water on site, the wetlands that would disappear in a heavy storm without the diversion systems proposed by the developer, and the fact that the drainage system could not be designed for any more than a 50 -year storm because the County systems to which they would be connected could not handle any more than that. Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine, stated she felt the bluff top road was required by the Coastal Specific Plan. Sunshine, 6 Limetree, commended the applicant for his sensitivity towards environmental issues, but made several suggestions regarding the trails and objected to the bluff top road, stating she felt it would be very dangerous. J. J. McLaren, 3923 PVDS, approved of the bluff road. The public hearing was closed on the motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman Kuykendall and carried. Councilwoman Bacharach stated she felt this was an interesting project, and also commended the developer for his responsiveness to community concerns. She also said she felt the bluff road was important to allow residents to enjoy bluff access. Councilman Kuykendall stated he supported a paved bluff top road, 5 MARCH 31 1992 especially for emergency access purposes. Councilman Ryan objected to the bluff road, citing potential destruction of the coastal experience by vehicular traffic, and opined that the Coastal Commission did not require a road, but only vertical access. Councilwoman Brooks expressed appreciation for the large sideyard setbacks proposed and the developer's attentiveness to residents' concerns and City recommendations. Mrs. Brooks stated her initial opposition to the concept of a bluff top road for safety, aesthetic and environmental reasons, but suggested that if there had to be a road, it be closed in the evening. City Attorney Lynch stated she felt that the Coastal Specific Plan would require some re- drafting if the bluff road was changed. Councilman Ryan asked if the Plan would support two separate cul -de -sacs, and Acting Director Petru said that the diagram in the Plan showed the road as a loop. Mayor McTaggart commended the staff, stating that the project was exactly what the Council had originally asked for, and said he was ready to vote in favor of it. Councilwoman Bacharach moved to adopt the staff recommendation with the suggested amendments as reflected in the revised resolution. Councilman Kuykendall seconded the motion, which carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: BACHARACH, KUYKENDALL, MAYOR McTAGGART, BROOKS (a qualified "yes" with the exception of the bluff road) NOES: RYAN RECESS AND RECONVENE At 8:50 P.M. the Mayor declared a recess. The meeting reconvened at 9:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) (VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 46628, ETC., H.M.D.I., PVDS /Hawthorne Blvd. -- continued) Councilman Ryan again asked about the feasibility of back -to -back cul -de -sacs. City Attorney Lynch said that there was a diagram indicating a loop road, but no specific language in the Coastal Specific Plan precluding two separate roads. Councilman Kuykendall moved to reconsider, seconded by 6 MARCH 31 1992 Councilwoman Brooks. Councilwoman Bacharach asked if the public hearing would have to be renoticed for a reconsideration, but City Attorney Lynch stated it was appropriate to make a motion to reconsider the same evening, and that it would not be necessary to reopen the public hearing. The motion to reconsider passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: BROOKS, RYAN, KUYKENDALL NOES: BACHARACH AND MAYOR McTAGGART Mayor McTaggart expressed his opposition to the double road, stating he felt there would be more safety problems than with a single road. Councilman Ryan moved to direct staff to work in conjunction with the developer to find an appropriate place to place both cul -de- sacs on the bluff road with a special accommodation for emergency vehicles. Councilman Kuykendall seconded the motion. In response to a query from Mayor McTaggart, Assistant Public Works Director Kevin Smith stated that the City replaces many barriers torn out by four -wheel vehicles. The motion then passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: BROOKS, RYAN, KUYKENDALL NOES: BACHARACH AND MAYOR McTAGGART HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE ELEMENT (1402) The staff report of March 3 was presented by Public Works Director Reed who recommended adoption of a household hazardous waste element resolution, and of the negative declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 632 for a household hazardous waste element of the General Plan. Councilwoman Bacharach moved to continue the public hearing to the March 17 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Brooks and carried without objection. PV TRANSIT PURCHASE OF TWO REPLACEMENT VANS (1505) Council then addressed this item removed from the Consent Calendar, containing a staff recommendation to authorize the purchase of two Type II paratransit vehicles from Sunset Bus and Commercial, Inc. for the amount of $42,068.73 each as specified in the RFP including lift equipment, taxes and staff - recommended options, specifically questioning the feasibility of discontinuing the service. Public Works Director Reed pointed out that if RTD serviced a city, the County required provision of paratransit service by that city and also that air quality 7 MARCH 31 1992 ordinances were used to get ceratin monies from the government. Councilman Kuykendall pointed out the larger expense of the current rental vans, and suggested completing the purchase, since they could be sold later. Mayor McTaggart suggested examining the possibility of rebuilding and retrofitting existing equipment. Councilman Kuykendall moved to accept the bid from Wide One instead of the staff recommendation of Sunset, based on consistent operating history and references, better mileage per gallon data, a longer warranty and a consistent looking fleet. Councilwoman Bacharach seconded the motion, which carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: BROOKS, RYAN, BACHARACH, KUYKENDALL AND MAYOR McTAGGART NOES: NONE CONTINUATION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RPV AND THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FOR TRANSIT SERVICES (1505) Councilman Ryan moved approval of the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement with the County of Los Angeles for the continuation of PV Transit Services through June 30, 1992. Councilwoman Bacharach seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. LONG RANGE FINANCE COMMITTEE - RESOL. NO. 92 -23 (602) Regarding the staff's recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 92- 22 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES CREATING A LONG RANGE FINANCE COMMITTEE, it was moved, seconded and carried without objection, to adopt the recommendation, with an amendment to remove the secretary from the committee. REGULAR BUSINESS: HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD AND VALLON STREET LIGHT INVESTIGATION (1503) The staff report of March 3 was given by Assistant Public Works Director Kevin Smith requesting the Council to review the information gathered by staff and to give staff direction on this matter. William Kelly, 6611 Vallon, representing the Monaco Homeowners Association, testified that they were in support of a flashing yellow light to help slow downhill speeders. 8 MARCH 31 1992 James Lantz, 30501 Via La Cresta, suggested that there be a flashing yellow light near RPV park and a regular street light at Vallon, and recommended that the timer on the southbound Dupre light be adjusted to slow the downhill traffic. Councilman Kuykendall moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach and carried without objection, to approve the flashing yellow light in the median near Vallon with no expenditure of funds. STATUS OF DIRECTIVES Per written material of record. SCAG REPORT Councilwoman Brooks reported that at the SCAG General Assembly Meeting of February 27 and 28 in Oxnard, the delegates voted to create a new SCAG Executive Board consisting of 68 members. The So. Bay would now have one representative for a contiguous area comprised of a population of 200,000 as opposed to the existing one representative for all of the L.A Cities within the City. Discussion then centered on ways to regulate growth without having a regulatory government. AUDIENCE QUESTIONS J. J. McLaren, 3923 PVDS, expressed concern regarding Narcissa Road maintenance. ADJOURNMENT At 10:30 P.M. Councilwoman Brooks moved, seconded by Councilman Kuykendall to adjourn the meeting to 8:00 A.M. on Saturday, March 14, 1992 for a community leader breakfast meeting at Ladera Linda Community Center. )(OR ATTEST: C Y CLERK 9 MARCH 3, 1992